Google's opens source browser project

Edit Package chromium.openSUSE_Leap_42.3_Update

Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome. We invite you to join us in our effort to help build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web, and to create a powerful platform for developing a new generation of web applications.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed 0000000384 384 Bytes
_constraints 0000000415 415 Bytes
chromium-70.0.3538.67.tar.xz 0623057648 594 MB
chromium-browser.appdata.xml 0000001189 1.16 KB
chromium-browser.desktop 0000000344 344 Bytes 0000002754 2.69 KB
chromium-browser.xml 0000000515 515 Bytes
chromium-buildname.patch 0000000497 497 Bytes
chromium-dma-buf.patch 0000000692 692 Bytes
chromium-drm.patch 0000000590 590 Bytes
chromium-gcc8-alignof.patch 0000000788 788 Bytes
chromium-gcc8-constexpr.patch 0000006032 5.89 KB
chromium-icons.tar.bz2 0000066564 65 KB
chromium-libusb_interrupt_event_handler.patch 0000000690 690 Bytes
chromium-libva1.patch 0000000894 894 Bytes
chromium-master-prefs-path.patch 0000000717 717 Bytes
chromium-non-void-return.patch 0000037511 36.6 KB
chromium-old-glibc.patch 0000005138 5.02 KB
chromium-pdfium-include.patch 0000000361 361 Bytes
chromium-prop-codecs.patch 0000000635 635 Bytes
chromium-sandbox-pie.patch 0000000448 448 Bytes
chromium-skia-aarch64-buildfix.patch 0000001054 1.03 KB
chromium-skia-system-fontconfig.patch 0000002863 2.8 KB
chromium-system-icu.patch 0000000451 451 Bytes
chromium-system-libusb.patch 0000001370 1.34 KB
chromium-vaapi.patch 0000010507 10.3 KB
chromium-warnings.patch 0000000511 511 Bytes
chromium.changes 0000178600 174 KB
chromium.default 0000000171 171 Bytes
chromium.spec 0000024664 24.1 KB
exclude_ymp.patch 0000000364 364 Bytes
fix_building_widevinecdm_with_chromium.patch 0000001418 1.38 KB
master_preferences 0000000781 781 Bytes
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