A computer algebra system for solving problems in field theory

Edit Package cadabra2

Cadabra2 is a computer algebra system (CAS) designed specifically for
the solution of problems encountered in field theory. It has extensive
functionality for tensor computer algebra, tensor polynomial
simplification including multi-term symmetries, fermions and
anti-commuting variables, Clifford algebras and Fierz transformations,
implicit coordinate dependence, multiple index types and many more.
The input format is a subset of TeX. Both a command-line and a
graphical interface are available.

Key features of Cadabra2:
- Input and output using TeX notation.
- Designed for field-theory problems, with handling of anti-commuting
and non-commuting objects without special notations for their
products, gamma matrix algebra, Fierz identities, Dirac conjugation,
vielbeine, flat and curved, covariant and contravariant indices,
implicit dependence of tensors on coordinates, partial and covariant
- Powerful tensor simplification algorithms, not just for mono-term
symmetries but also for multi-terms symmetries like the Bianchi
identity, or dimensionally-dependent symmetries like the Schouten

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000124 124 Bytes
_service 0000000609 609 Bytes
cadabra2-2.5.8.obscpio 0087099918 83.1 MB
cadabra2-default-python-path.patch 0000001007 1007 Bytes
cadabra2-disable-components-test.patch 0000000330 330 Bytes
cadabra2.changes 0000023101 22.6 KB
cadabra2.obsinfo 0000000097 97 Bytes
cadabra2.spec 0000007784 7.6 KB
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