Milter based implementation of DKIM

Edit Package opendkim

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) lets an organization take responsibility for
a message that is in transit. The organization is a handler of the message,
either as its originator or as an intermediary. Their reputation is the basis
for evaluating whether to trust the message for further handling, such as
delivery. Technically DKIM provides a method for validating a domain name
identity that is associated with a message through cryptographic

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
2.11.0-Beta2.tar.gz 0000792991 774 KB
ares-missing-space.patch 0000000574 574 Bytes
cve-2020-12272.patch 0000000904 904 Bytes
fix-RSA_sign-call.patch 0000000745 745 Bytes
ftbfs-gcc-14-1075339.patch 0000000390 390 Bytes
harden_opendkim.service.patch 0000000888 888 Bytes
opendkim-2.10.3-incompatible-pointer-types.patch 0000001083 1.06 KB
opendkim-2.9.2_compiler_warnings.patch 0000000718 718 Bytes
opendkim-default_config.patch 0000002588 2.53 KB
opendkim.changes 0000010950 10.7 KB
opendkim.init 0000011219 11 KB
opendkim.keyring 0000001416 1.38 KB
opendkim.service 0000000873 873 Bytes
opendkim.spec 0000015940 15.6 KB
opendkim.tmpfiles.d 0000000119 119 Bytes
rev-ares-deletion.patch 0000000807 807 Bytes
unbound-fix.patch 0000000321 321 Bytes
Comments 4

Karol Babioch's avatar

There seem's to be an dependency issue in regards to OpenSSL due to the unbound dependency.

Dirk Stoecker's avatar

Please add in the "Project Config": "Ignore: libopenssl-1_0_0-devel" to get rid of the "have choice" problem. I wonder why nobody noticed that before. I'm checking if fixing requires for unbound-devel and ldns-devel can solve that issue also without that Ignore line.

Dirk Stoecker's avatar

Or "Prefer: libopenssl-devel" for the other way round :-)

Ferdinand Thiessen's avatar

Using the openssl1.1 patch from upstream should resolve this

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