Visualization addon for Nagios

Edit Package nagvis

NagVis can be used to visualize Nagios Data, e.g. to display IT
processes like a mail system or a network infrastructure.

Key features are:
* Display of single Hosts and Services
* Visualize a complete Host- oder Servicegroup with one icon
* Display the state of a Host dependent on the state of
its services (“recognize services”)
* Display only the real problems (“only_hard_states”)
* Define Sub-Map icons wich represent a complete NagVis
Map of Hosts/Services/Groups in one icon (drill down)
* Visualization/Documentation of complete IT Processes
and Infrastructures using self drawn graphics

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
nagvis-1.9.35.tar.gz 0001757631 1.68 MB
nagvis-README.SuSE 0000002181 2.13 KB
nagvis-config.patch 0000002440 2.38 KB
nagvis-include.conf 0000002231 2.18 KB
nagvis-make-admin.1 0000000455 455 Bytes
nagvis-make-admin.patch 0000000500 500 Bytes
nagvis-rpmlintrc 0000000184 184 Bytes
nagvis-update-script.1 0000001019 1019 Bytes 0000005703 5.57 KB
nagvis.changes 0000035156 34.3 KB
nagvis.spec 0000008612 8.41 KB
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