Visual Display Unit virtual control panel

Edit Package vdu_controls

vdu_controls is a virtual control panel for externally connected VDUs (visual display units). Controls are included for backlight brightness, and contrast. vdu_controls uses the ddcutil command line utility to interact with external displays via VESA Display Data Channel (DDC) Virtual Control Panel (VCP) standards.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
vdu_controls-2.1.2.tar.gz 0003250698 3.1 MB
vdu_controls.changes 0000019681 19.2 KB
vdu_controls.spec 0000004837 4.72 KB
Comments 5

roke beedell's avatar

Is this the officially maintained package? links to but it's not available in Factory according to (despite mentioning it).

Michael Hamilton's avatar

No, it's only an experimental package - which basically means it's been accepted as experimental, I had to apply for that. But builds is not curated/vetted by anyone official, they just have to pass through the automated build process.

I need to submit it to factory if it's going to be official, then there's some kind of lengthy approval/legal process that kicks in.

Michael Hamilton's avatar

There is now an official package in factory:

The factory package is available as a Tumbleweed official package:

Malcolm Lewis's avatar

@mchnz great news :)

Michael Hamilton's avatar

Thanks for all the help with this. I'm now wondering whether I should also submit ddcutil-service, my D-Bus front end to libddcutil -

When the new/pending vdu_controls 2.0 is configured to use ddcutil-service, DDC access is up to 10 times faster, the UI feels much snappier. (

It's possible Sanford Rockowitz, the author of ddcutil, will pick up and distribute the service, but it may take some time to sort out the details.

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