Recommended update for timezone

This update provides the latest timezone information (2016d) for your system, including
the following changes:

- Venezuela (America/Caracas) switches from -0430 to -04 on 2016-05-01 at 02:30 [boo#975875]
- Asia/Magadan switches from +10 to +11 on 2016-04-24 at 02:00.
- New zone Asia/Tomsk, split off from Asia/Novosibirsk. It covers Tomsk Oblast, Russia, which switches from +06 to +07 on 2016-05-29 at 02:00
- Changes for past time zones (corrections and new Europe/Kirov)
- Corrections to historical time in Kazakhstan from 1991 through 2005.
- Azerbaijan no longer observes DST.
- Chile reverts from permanent to seasonal DST.
- Correct past timestamps for Europe/Kaliningrad, Europe/Vilnius, Europe/Volgograd 1989-1991
- New zones Europe/Astrakhan and Europe/Ulyanovsk for Astrakhan and Ulyanovsk Oblasts, Russia, both of which will switch from +03 to +04 on 2016-03-27 at 02:00 local time.

Fixed bugs
2016c time zone data update
Venezuela (America/Caracas) time zone change 2016-05-01
Selected Binaries
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