php5-pear-phpunit(-PHP_CodeCoverage): Update to current version to support PHPUnit_MockObject

This update fixes the following issues with php5-pear-phpunit and php5-pear-phpunit-PHP_CodeCoverage and adds php5-pear-symfony2-Yaml and php5-pear-channel-symfony2 as new packages.

- php5-pear-phpunit:
* bnc#868699: Update to version 3.7.28
* Stubbing/Mocking does not work in process isolation when using PHPUnit PHAR
* Backtrace on Windows (phar) not being filtered properly
* phpunit.phar is missing resources (such as templates)
* Upgraded bundled version of PHP_TokenStream in the PHP Archive (PHAR) distribution of PHPUnit.
* Upgraded bundled versions of PHP_CodeCoverage and PHPUnit_Selenium in the PHP Archive (PHAR) distribution of PHPUnit.
* Process Isolation does not work when using PHPUnit from a PHP Archive (PHAR)
* Dependencies updated to latest version in PHP Archive (PHAR) distribution.
* Do not die on binary output with JSON logging.
* Implemented a workaround for PHP bug #63055.
* It is now possible to use generators as data providers.
* Account for auto-globals-jit when setting $_ENV and $_SERVER variables in the xml config.
* PHPUnit depends on packages that broke backwards compatibility.
* Stand-alone functions logicalAnd(), logicalOr(), and logicalXor() did not work.
* Suppress open_basedir warnings while searching for the composer autoloader.
* Correctly parse single-line @expectedException annotations.
* Better messages when JSON-related assertions receive invalid JSON.
* Use the proper toString() method inside PHPUnit_Framework_TestFailure::toString().
* Allow symfony/yaml >=2.0,<3.0
* Don't rely on composer to set up the include_path for ErrorHandler.php.
* assertTag() fails to match content in CDATA sections.
* Version requirement for symfony/yaml is too restrictive.
* Number of tests to run calculated incorrectly when --repeat is used.
* Make sure the autoloader for PEAR-based installation is not used when PHPUnit is installed via Composer.
* Process isolation not working on windows if there are spaces in path to php.exe
* PHP notice in PHPUnit_Util_XML
* NaN is not equal to NaN now to match PHPs behavior
* Mocking a method with a reference to an object made argument matches fail.
* Ensure isolation tests display errors so they can be handled by the test runner.
* Fixed sebastianbergmann/phpunit-mock-objects#81.
* Fixed an issue where PHP complained about an undeclared $time variable when running tests in strict mode.
* Fixed version number.
* Fixed installation issue for Symfony/Yaml.
* assertJsonStringEqualsJsonFile didn't work with json arrays.
* phpunit.phar cannot be executed if it is renamed.
* Fixed error message when assertArrayHasKey() and assertArrayNotHasKey() are invoked with wrong arguments.
* JSON matcher source files missing from package.xml.
* Invoke autoloader when checking for Symfony\Component\Yaml\Dumper.
* Added missing file to PEAR package.
* phpunit script appears in stacktrace (when PHPUnit is installed through Composer).
* PHPUnit now uses $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] instead of $_SERVER['_'] to filter the phpunit script (as the latter is not set when PHPUnit is invoked from Apache Ant's task, for instance).
* phpunit script appears in stacktrace.
* Improvements to running PHPUnit from a PHAR.
* Always clean up mock objects (and free up memory)
* Do not rely on autoloader class map to populate blacklist.
* Added the addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist configuration setting back in.
* Reverted 'More than two positional arguments provided' check as it turned out to be a BC issue.
* Disable token caching (in PHP_TokenStream, used by PHP_CodeCoverage) by default (to reduce memory footprint).
* The version number is now displayed when using PHPUnit from a Composer install or Git checkout.
* PHPUnit 3.7 is only supported on PHP 5.3.3 (or later) and PHP 5.4.7 (or later) is highly recommended.
* When using process-isolation don't die silently when unserializing the test result fails.
* Added a callback constraint that is useful for making complex assertions.
* Restore current working directory if is changed by a test case.
* Added --test-suffix that allows specifying which filename suffixes are recognised by PHPUnit.
* assertArrayHasKey() and assertArrayNotHasKey() now work with objects that implement ArrayAccess.
* Improved reporting when there are unused CLI arguments to avoid misconceptions.
* Show messages and stracktraces in JSON output for skipped and incomplete tests.
* Added assertJson* functions that work like the existing assertXml* functions.
* PHPUnit now provides a configuration.xsd schema file at that can be used to validate your phpunit.xml and phpunit.xml.dist configuration files.
* Added --testsuite argument, allowing to filter files/directory by parent testsuite name attribute.
* Expanded the @requires annotation to allow for checking the existence of functions and extensions using multiple @requires function name statements.
* @expectedExceptionCode and @expectedExceptionMessage can now use constants like Classname::CONST as their parameters. They will get evaluated if the class constant exists and used for comparison so test authors can avoid duplication.
* Test listeners now trigger one autoload call instead of being silently ignored when the class was not loaded.
* Failed assertStringMatchesFormat() calls now produce a better readable diff by only marking lines as different that don't match the format specifiers.
* Added assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf() to help checking Collection objects and arrays with a descriptive assertion.
* When an @expectedException fails it now shows

- php5-pear-phpunit-PHP_CodeCoverage:
* Update to version 1.2.13
* Fixed the origin of the coordinate system for the dashboard charts
* JavaScript error in the HTML report.
* Fixing an issue where an anonymous function as the last "method" in a class would cause the coverage report to ignore the rest.
* Blacklisted PHPUnit Phar.
* Executable code on a line that has a comment is processed incorrectly.
* Eliminated the coupling to PHPUnit_Util_Printer in PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Text.
* Improved rendering of "lines covered" numbers for functions and methods with long names or argument lists.
* Fixed the title of the Y axis of the Code Coverage ./. Cyclomatic Complexity dashboard chart.
* Upgraded to Highcharts 2.3.5.
* Upgraded to jQuery 1.9.1.
* Reduced vertical whitespace in sourcecode view.
* Upgraded to Bootstrap 2.2.2.
* The html5shiv.js is now bundled.
* @coversNothing didn't work as documented.
* E_NOTICE thrown when generating coverage report.
* Fixed regression introduced in PHP_CodeCoverage 1.2.4.
* Incorrect code coverage for interfaces.
* Do not rely on autoloader class map to populate blacklist.
* Added support for parentheses after method names in the @covers annotation.
* When addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist=FALSE is set then files that are whitelisted but not covered by a single test are now excluded from the code coverage.
* Non-english locales broke the coverage bars in the HTML report.
* Percentage for tested classes and traits displayed incorrectly.
* One line @covers annotations did not work.
* Backwards compatibility wrapper for trait_exists() does not work.
* Fixed invalid markup in the HTML report.
* The version number is now displayed when using PHP_CodeCoverage from a Composer install or Git checkout.
* The HTML report has been redesigned.
* The new @coversDefaultClass annotation enables short @covers annotations when working with long class names or namespaces.
* The new @coversNothing annotation can be used so tests do not record any code coverage. Useful for integration testing.
* When processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist=FALSE is set then files that are whitelisted but not covered by a single test are now included in the code coverage but with all lines, including those that are not executable, counted as not executed.
* PHP_CodeCoverage 1.2 is only supported on PHP 5.3.3 (or later) and PHP 5.4.7 (or later) is highly recommended.

- php5-pear-symfony-Yaml:
* Initial pacakge at version 2.3.2

- php5-pear-channel-symfony2:
* Initial package at version 1.0

Fixed bugs
PHPUnit_MockObject package is newer than PHPUnit package => not functional combination
Selected Binaries
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