Documentation update

This update fixes the following issues for daps, suse-xsl-stylesheets and opensuse-manuals_ru:

- Version 1.0.2 (Bugfix Release):
* Important:
- in order to avoid confusion with short options for daps itself (such as -d for --docconfig and --draft), the subcommands only support long options now. The following short options for subcommands are no longer supported:
-c (use --comments)
-d (use --draft)
-f (use --file)
-m (use --meta)
-n (use --name)
-p (use --pretty)
-r (use --remarks)
-s (use --show)
- the only short option that will remain is -h (help)

* Bugfixes:
- added proper help texts for subcommands
- target warn-images did not work
- target missinggraphics did not show all missing images
- daps failed with a useless error message when $MAIN was not well-formed. The fix produces a useful error message now
- --remarks option did not work with DocBook stylesheets
- paths specified on the command line or the config file had to be absolute. The fix now allows to also specify relative paths for all configurable directories and files
- COMMENTS_STR, DRAFT_STR and REMARK_STR were not correctly unset when one of these modes was not set on the command line but implied by another mode (e.g. --meta). The result was a wrong filename
- target webhelp-dir-name was missing
- draft.png was not shown in PDF/HTML draft builds when using the DocBook Stylesheets
- Due to a variable name mismatch, the --name option did not work properly
- target showvariable exited with an error if requested variable was empty
- config options FOP_CONFIG and XEP_CONFIG were not used. The fix renames them to FOP_CONFIG_FILE and XEP_CONFIG_FILE - these variables are used in the wrapper scripts
- FOP_WRAPPER and XEP_WRAPPER were not set correctly when DAPSROOT was set
- disabled Permalink generation for PDFs (this is an HTML-only feature)
- images were not cerrectly references for target jsp
- the DEF file was not correctly packaged in target locdrop
- fixed webhelp target. Wildcards do not work in classpath expression, resolved them with $(wildcard $(firstword())
- Warning message "DEF file is missing" was issued for targets that do not have a --def-file option
- targets package-html and package-pdf failed with an error on desktop files generation
- target remaininggraphics always returned an empty list
- SVG to SVG conversions generated useless error messages

* Stylesheets:
- removed obsolete stuff for @role=productname, productnumber, or productnameref

* Documentation:
- Quick Start Guide: Finished
- User Guide: Significant additions, but still work in progress
- Updated README.upgrade_from_susedoc_4.x

- Version 1.0:

* Bugfix:
- Use XEP/FOP wrapper scripts by default

- Version 1.0 RC5:

* Bugfix:
- Setting stack size for FOP to 512k in wrapper script, otherwise builds on i586 fail during hyphenation

- Version 1.0 RC4:

* Bugfix:
- Not all links were dereferenced with --static

- Version 1.0 RC3:

* Bugfixes:
- Issuing hint on missing formatter scripts only when verbosity is >= 1
- spec-file: Fixed typo on suse-xsl-stylesheet 'recommends python-xml' needs to be a general requirement
- fixed path to callouts and style images for FO

* Lots of minor documentation fixes/enhancements

- Version 1.0 RC2:

* Bugfixes:
- issue a hint rather than exiting when XEP/FOP_WRAPPER do not exist
- daps_xslt/yelp/*.xsl was not installed by make install

- Version 1.0 RC1:

* Bugfixes:
- fixed minor package building issues
- inkscape always returns 0, even in case of an error. Added a workaround, so daps now exits when an image conversion with inkscape fails
- --main option should work now
- Fixed errors on setting the fallback stylesheets
- comments and remarks did not show up in the docs when requested (again ;-(( ) - this is fixed now

* much better error handling - daps will now exit when wrong paths or a non existing ROOTID are entered in the user config file or the DC file

* significant enhancements to the Documentation (Reference and Quickstart)

- Target for index generation had wrong ending (.idx instead of .ind)
- Typo in Makefile caused wrong catalog entries
- showvariable now only shows the result to make it better suited for script usage

- Version 1.0beta2:
* Bugfix:
- Finally found the correct solution for adding/removing catalog entries in the spec file

* Enhancement: webhelp suppport

- Version 1.0beta1:

* Rebuild large parts to make DAPS distribution-independent.
- rewrote Makefile for automake/autoconf => configure; make; make install is now supported
- thorough cross-distribution testing is still needed, basic tests have been run on RedHat, Debian and Ubuntu

* removal of custom stylesheets
- DAPS no longer uses the SUSE stylesheets as a default. It even no longer contains the SUSE stylesheets - they are now available as a separate package (suse-xsl-stylesheets in Documentation:Tools).
- By default DAPS uses the generic DocBook stylesheets now
- Custom stylesheets such as the SUSE stylesheets can be used by specifying up to four parameters on the command line/the config files:
* Styleroot:
- Directory containing the custom stylesheets. Must have the same directory structure as the original DocBook stylesheet root directory. Does _not_ need to contain stylesheets for all output formats. If stylesheets are not found, DAPS will automatically fall back to the DocBook stylesheets.
- Variable: STYLEROOT
- Parameter: --styleroot
- Value: absolute path to directory
* Fallback styleroot
- Custom fallback styleroot. If DAPS cannot find styles for the given output format, it will automatically fall back to the DocBook stylesheets. This config option will add a custom fallback directory with higher priority. The DocBook stylesheets will remain as a last resort, however.
- Parameter: --fb_styleroot
- Value: absolute path to directory
* CSS files:
- Specify CSS files for HTML and/or CSS. By default no CSS file will be used.
- Variables: HTML_CSS, EPUB_CSS
- Parameter: --css for html and epub targets (daps -d DC html--css CSS )
- Value: absolute path to file

* rewrote FOP formatter handling - both supported formatters (FOP/XEP) are now controlled by the following variables:
- *_WRAPPER (wrapper script, libexec/daps-fop, libexec/daps-xep by default)
- *_CONFIG (xml config file, etc/daps/xep/xep-daps.xml and etc/daps/fop/fop-daps.xml by default. A specific fop-daps.xml is installed for RedHat and SUSE by default)
- *_OPTIONS (Command line options)

* renaming of parameters and variables
- In order to make parameters and variables "self-speaking" the following has been renamed:
- File ENV-file to DC-file (doc config file)
- Variable BASE_DIR to DOC_DIR (doc dir) => Terminology!
- Variable DTDROOT to DAPSROOT (daps installation directory)

- command line switch --fop to --formatter
- command line switch -e/--envfile has been renamed to -d/--docconfig (-e/--envfile will still be supported)

* global parameter --base_dir no longer supported

- Instead of specifying --base_dir with daps, you now need to specify a full path (either relative or absolute) to the DC-file. However, the "magic" that automatically tries to determine the path to a DC-file when you do not specify a path or not even a DC file, still applies. Therefore you only need to specify a valid path to the DC-file in cases where you would have used --base_dir with previous DAPS versions.

* --main parameter / MAIN

- Instead of calling daps with -d/--docconfig you can also directly specify a MAIN with --main=PATH. You need to specify a valid relative or absolute path. If you just specify a file name, ./xml/$MAIN is automatically assumed.

* packaging

The former DAPS version has been split into two packages:
- daps
- suse-xsl-stylesheets (SUSE stylesheets, NovDOC DTD, SUSE aspell wordlist)

* other DAPS changes since 0.9.2 in brief:
- stylesheet images have been moved to fit the directory structure used in the original stylesheets
- new variable STYLEDEVEL which can be used when developing stylesheets. STYLEDEVEL _always_ takes precedence over STYLEROOT and can be set in $USER_CONFIG
- Rewrote handling of profiling variables PROFARCH, PROFCONDITION, PROFVENDOR, PROFOS - all 4 are now fully supported (formerly only PROFOS and PROFARCH were fully supported)
- created catalog entry to resolve stylesheets in daps_xslt
- daps init has been moved to a separate script bin/daps-init
- each SUSE stylesheet file now contains a short overview of purpose and parameters
- lots of stylesheet bugfixes
- license: GPL 2.0 or 3.0 at your choice
- fixed target man for man-page generation; man pages are not gzip'ed by default (unless you specify --nogzip); manpage subdirectories (man1, man2,...) are no longer created by default, but can rather be enabled via the --subdirs switch
- new parameter --check for target epub checks build with epubcheck
- added very basic DocBook5 support (with xslt 1.0 stylesheets only) still a lot to do on this front
- Default HTML format is now XHTML 1.0 (instead of HTML 4.01). Use --html4 to generate HTML 4.01
- auto generate SUSE HTML4 stylesheets from XHTML stylesheets
- binaries that are only called from withion make have been moved to libexec/

- Initial update for this package
- Adjusted rnc/rng generation in order to allow a custom novdocx.rng that defines start tags allowed
- Version
- Added new SUSE logo from Scott Corfield
- Version 1.9.6:
- fo: Fixed xref to external target; use article title instead of book title
- fo: Make formal titles float, but don't indent screen (or other objects)
Removed test for xep.extensions and moved float=none and clear=both attributes to fo/mode-object.title.markup.xsl (only needed for XEP)
- Version 1.9.5:
- removes suse aspell wordlist
- package is norach again
- Version 1.9.4:
- Replace Obsolete PI Mechanism for product names and numbers Preliminary, need to test it
- Added setinfo in set for Novdoc DTD
- Version 1.9.3:
- Improve Space Between Formal Titles and Verbatim Text
- SUSE Branding: Quick Start Layout (I)
- SUSE Branding: Quick Start Layout (II)
- SUSE Branding: Stylesheets produce invalid HTML 4.01 Transitional
- bnc#703489: Problems with Tables (reported upstream)
- bnc#706459: Distance Between Page Number and Left/Right Footer
- bnc#706464: Space Between Figure/Procedure XYZ and Title
- bnc#706475: Some Issues with Callouts
- bnc#706479: Line Break in ulink Elements
- bnc#708637: susedoc/daps stylesheets produce invalid HTML 4.01 Transitional (Moved to Ticket#68)
- Version 1.9.2:
- fixed SGML catalog entry generation when updating the package
- fixed path to admon graphics in fo stylesheets
- added svg admonition graphics for fo builds
- Fixed empty fo:table-cell with fo:block to make FOP happy
- Added missing booktitlepage.color.logo parameter to fo stylesheets
- Renamed obsolete dtdroot to styleroot in fo stylesheets
- fixed broken callout generation for XEP and FOP
* Added more flexibilty to flyer layout: headline url can now be set per suse-quickstart pi with attribute url
- fixed %postun routine, so catalog entries only get removed on a real package installation

- Improved webhelp
- Fixed Toc in PDF
- Installing aspell wordlist to libdir makes this package architecture-specific
- Fixed installation procedure for aspell wordlist
- aspell wordlist is now installed in teh correct place
- fixed path to fo draft image in fo stylesheets
- aspell-en-huge only seems to be available on x86-64, making it a recommendation
- Moved suse-aspell wordlist from daps to this package
- Moved images/admon/* and images/navig/* to images/ in order to restore compatability to the original DocBook stylesheets
- Use absolute images paths in .fo files
- Added Catalog entries for the URI to /etc/xml/suse-catalog.xml
- Created general URI for SUSE XSLT Stylesheets
- More path fixes
- Fixed import paths for flyer and pocket
- Created fo subdirectories for flyer and pocket
- Includes must _not_ point to daps-xslt
- Added missing profiling stylesheet
- First stable version
- Stylesheet files were not packed
- Initial version of a seperate SUSE stylesheets package

- 758401: Manuals translate update for 12.1
- fix license to be in spdx format
- Update help_admin.xml

Fixed bugs
daps update wanted
Add documentation package (opensuse-manuals)
FOP: Problems with Tables
FOP: Distance Between Page Number and Left/Right Footer
FOP: Space Between Figure/Procedure XYZ and Title
FOP: Some Issues With Callouts
FOP: Line Break in ulink Elements
HTML: susedoc/daps stylesheets produce invalid HTML 4.01 Transitional
Selected Binaries
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