Recommended update for python-boto3, python-botocore, python-s3transfer

This update for python-boto3, python-botocore and python-s3transfer
provides several fixes and enhancements.

python-s3transfer (update to version 0.1.9):

- Support downloading to FIFOs.
- Fix memory leak when using same client to create multiple TransferManagers.
- Fix issue where S3 Object was not downloaded to disk when empty.
- Fix issue of hangs when Cntrl-C happens for many queued transfers.
- Expose messages for cancels.
- Automatically adjust the chunksize if it doesn't meet S3s requirements.
- Add support for downloading to special UNIX file by name.
- Add a .delete() method to the transfer manager.
- Fix issue where seeked position of seekable file for a non-multipart upload was
not being taken into account.
- Patch memory leak related to unnecessarily holding onto futures for downloads.
- Fix deadlock issue with using concurrent.futures.wait.
- Add support for managed copies.
- Add support for downloading to a filename, seekable file-like object, and non-seekable
file-like object.
- Add support for uploading a filename, seekable file-like object, and non-seekable
file-like object.
- Add TransferManager class.
- Add subscriber interface.

python-boto3 (update to version 1.4.1):

- Fix the version requirement for botocore to ensure proper functioning of the API.
- Add missing dependency on python-s3transfer.
- Expose available_profiles property for Session.
- Fix issue when transfers would not exit quickly from signals.
- Fix issue in DeadLetterSourceQueues collection.
- Add request auto de-duplication based on specified primary keys for batch_writer.
- Add managed file-like object uploads to S3 client, Bucket, and Object.
- Add managed copies to S3 client, Bucket, and Object.
- Add managed downloads to file-like objects in the S3 client, Bucket, and Object.
- Port s3.transfer module to use s3transfer package.
- Add io_chunksize parameter to TransferConfig.
- Add custom load to ObjectSummary.
- Add method to get session credentials.
- Ensure batch writer never sends more than flush_amount.
- Add get_available_subresources to Resources.

python-botocore (update to version 1.4.67):

- Add back missing fail states to cloudformation waiters.
- Add support for us-east-2.
- Add partition to client meta object.
- Add ability to specify expected params when using add_client_error.
- Add NetworkAclExists waiter.
- Add paginators for Application Auto Scaling service.
- Add max_pool_connections to client config.
- Add MaxAttemptsReached and RetryAttempts keys to the returned ResonseMetadata dictionary.
- Add last_response attribute to WaiterError.
- Add support for s3 dualstack configuration.
- Account for boolean in query string serialization.
- S3 region redirector will now honor the original url scheme.
- Raise error when partial hard coded creds are provided when creating a client.
- Add a waiter to wait on successful deployments.
- Add support for ECS metadata credential provider.
- Fixed a bug where the S3 region redirector was potentially causing a memory leak on Python 2.6.
- RequestSigner.generate_presigned_url now requires the operation name to be passed in.
- Allow botocore.UNSIGNED to be used with generate_presigned_url and generate_presigned_post.
- Fix regression where assume role responses error out when attempting to cache a response.
- Add http response headers to the response metadata.
- Automatically redirect S3 sigv4 requests sent to the wrong region.
- Use MD5 to sign S3 bodies by default.
- Replace chars in the EC2 console output we can't decode with replacement chars.

Fixed bugs
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