Recommended update for yast2-installation

This update for yast2-installation provides the following fixes:

- Writing security settings in first AY installation stage, So other modules
can rely on these settings now. (bsc#1112769)
- Updated document for add_on_products.xml: Added tag "confirm_license" to handle
Add-On-products licenses which will be added while installation. (bsc#1105758)
- Dialog complex_welcome: Translate the help button if the language
has been changed. (bsc#1098571)
- Remember the selected role. (fate#325834)

This update was imported from the SUSE:SLE-15:Update update project.

Fixed bugs
AutoYast Installation von SLES15 x86_64 (SUSE Manager License Agreement)
login.defs uid/gid values during autoyast install not respected
[Build668.1] Help button is not changed to translated version when switching the language
Selected Binaries
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