Automatic Commits for outdated perl modules

The updates here are generated via a daily Github Workflow from .
To generate the spec is used.

Then someone has to manually go over the updates and create submit reqests to devel:languages:perl (currently usually done by @tinita).
That last step is currently not automated because too many modules need manual handling (fixing license, dependencies, description etc.)

If you see a failing module, you can branch it from here and try to fix it.

Name Labels Changed
Comments 4

Tina Müller's avatar

Currently the autoupdate is broken because a newer version of osc and the source validator not being adapted to it yet:

Tina Müller's avatar

autoupdate is working again

Tina Müller's avatar

The CPAN subprojects like are currently not updated anymore, as the hosting where this was running shutdown and I haven't found the time yet to move it elsewhere

Tina Müller's avatar

I was able to work on it and moved the cronjob to a new host. Packages are now updated again.

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