New snapper integration for systemd-boot

This is a fork of systemd on openSUSE Tumbleweed for x86_64 with experimental submenu support.

This repo contains everything needed to utilize systemd-boot and snapshot support using snapper.
When new snapshots are created, they get automatically added to the boot menu.
When using secure boot: All snapshots and kernels are automatically signed upon creation, as well as systemd-boot.
Below are installation instructions for these packages & make this setup compatible with TPM2.
--Click "Show more" on the right side to show installation instructions--

Assumption: You have already installed your system on GPT-partitioned drive using UEFI mode.
To install it, do the following:
By default a fresh installation with yast will suggest creating an EFI partition with 500MB and install grub. You'll need a bigger EFI partition (at least 2GB).

# zypper ar

I recommend installing my systemd version, as it includes submenu support to organize the entries in menus:
# zypper dup --allow-vendor-change --from home_Tobi_Peter_tumbleweed_systemd-boot-snapper
# zypper in systemd-boot

Installing kernel-install-openSUSE-snapper or kernel-install-openSUSE-snapper-sb will automatically setup systemd-boot for you.
If you're not using secure-boot:
# zypper in kernel-install-openSUSE-snapper

If you're using secure-boot, you HAVE to put your system into SETUP MODE for secure boot. To verify this:
# zypper in sbctl
# sbctl status

Only when setup mode is enabled:
# zypper in kernel-install-openSUSE-snapper-sb

Reboot & enjoy


If you rollback to a snapshot that has been created BEFORE following these steps, it won't create new boot images or snaphot boot images. You can install my packages again after reboot (note though, If you're using secure-boot, you HAVE to put your system into SETUP MODE for secure boot again).
Should any issues arise or you decide to not want my packages anymore, you should go back to another snapshot or boot into the same snapshot again and do one of the following:

1. Go back to GRUB and try to create a new dracut image (This WON'T work if you have a LUKS2 encrypted system):
List all installed kernels in this snapshot:
# ls /lib/modules/
Now, replace kernel-version with a kernel version (or all) you saw in the output:
# dracut -f --kver kernel-version
Should it show an error message like:
dracut: Can't write to /boot/efi/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/kernel-version: Directory /boot/efi/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/kernel-version does not exist or is not accessible.
create this directory (replace the path with the path shown in your error message):
# mkdir /boot/efi/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/kernel-version
Then, try again:
# dracut -f --kver kernel-version
You might have to install grub again (replace "/dev/sda" with the hard drive your EFI partition is located on, not system partition):
# grub-install /dev/sda


2. Tell dracut to build UKIs and continue to use systemd-boot (this won't work with secure boot enabled, as you can't boot the image):
# touch /etc/dracut.conf.d/uefi.conf
# echo "uefi =yes" >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/uefi.conf
Then, create a new image:
List all installed kernels in this snapshot:
# ls /lib/modules/
Now, replace kernel-version with a kernel version (or all) you saw in the output:
# dracut -f --kver kernel-version


Assumption: Your PC has a TPM2 device
This setup allows you to have your complete system encrypted with LUKS2 and automatic unlock (so without entering the password at boot. However, it requires some manual steps:
Install OpenSUSE with encryption enabled. (This should include the /boot partition). This will encrypt your system with luks1 for now, as grub only supports luks1.
IMPORTANT: Remember the physical partiton your system is installed on (e.g. /dev/sda2). Better write it down.

Boot your system, follow the steps above to install sytemd-boot and kernel-install-openSUSE-snapper or kernel-install-openSUSE-snapper-sb.

Reboot into the ISO you used for installation.
Select "More..."
Select "Rescue System"
Then wait, select your language.
You will be thrown into a cli, a message is shown: "openSUSE Tumbleweed Rescue System".

Enter "root" when asked for rescue login.

Now, please verify that your system is actually encrypted with luks1 (replace "/dev/sda2" with your system partition you remembered/wrote down earlier):
# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda2

It should show something like this:
LUKS header information for /dev/sda2 (<- your partition name here)

Version: 1
Cipher name: aes
Cipher mode: xts-plain64
Hash spec: sha256
Payload offset: 4096
MK bits: 512
MK digest: 87 51 d5 12 69 a7 4e 5d 6a 56 b3 f6 5e 6b 5d ef 21 81 d6 ce
MK salt: b9 9f 9e bf 34 da ba 5f 33 10 f5 e3 c2 7b 1f 33
9e f4 6d 1c e6 cd bc 8b 48 ad 34 56 98 79 cd ce
MK iterations: 126517
UUID: 3c4624a7-2e5b-4aa3-a7b8-76e4d8dc0aa8

Key Slot 0: ENABLED
Iterations: 2024276
Salt: 93 5c b6 24 c5 47 e2 71 23 dd 57 3a d3 4a 58 9a
94 28 f9 be 41 b7 63 28 b1 8b e2 bf 84 4a 39 a6
Key material offset: 8
AF stripes: 4000

If it shows "Device /dev/sda2 (<- your partition name here) is not a valid LUKS device.", it's not the correct partition.
To find the correct partition, execute:
# lsblk
This will list all hard drives connected. You might be able to find the partition here.

We now backup the encryption data you saw above in case something goes wrong (replace "/dev/sda2" with your system partition):
# cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/sda2 --header-backup-file header-backup.dat

Now, let's convert the LUKS1 encrypted partition to LUKS2 encryption (replace "/dev/sda2" with your system partition):
# cryptsetup convert /dev/sda2 --type luks2

# reboot

Boot your regular system. GRUB will NOT WORK anymore from this point on. You might also uninstall it and it's components:
# zypper rm grub2

Now, it's recommended to change the key type, as there's a more secure one in LUKS2. You will be prompted to enter the passphrase of the key you want to change, enter the passphrase you use to boot your system. Then, enter a new password, which might also be the previous one (replace "/dev/sda2" with your system partition):
# cryptsetup luksChangeKey /dev/sda2 --pbkdf argon2id

Now, install the necessary TPM tools:
# zypper in tpm2.0-tools

Enroll your keys to TPM. This will allow the system to be unlocked using your TPM chip.
If you want to know more:
This will also ask you for your password you used to boot your system (replace "/dev/sda2" with your system partition):
# systemd-cryptenroll --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrs=0+7+14 /dev/sda2

Find the entry for the LUKS2 volume in /etc/crypttab (it may appear referenced by its UUID) and add the tpm2-device= option, but let's first make a backup:
# cp /etc/crypttab /etc/crypttab-bu
# nano /etc/crypttab
It should show (or something similar) (replace "/dev/sda2" with your system partition):
cr-auto-1 /dev/sda2 none x-initrd.attach
Change it to:
cr-auto-1 /dev/sda2 none x-initrd.attach,tpm2-device=auto

If you did some changes you didn't want:
Hit CTRL+C and press N

if you did everything correctly:
Hit CTRL+S and CTRL+C.

Should you think you did something wrong anyway:
# cp /etc/crypttab-bu /etc/crypttab
This replaces your file with the backup we created earlier.

The last step: Regenerate the boot image. This will only generate the boot image for the currently running kernel, so if you want it to work for other kernels as well, boot into them and execute this command again:
# dracut -f

Reboot & enjoy


Now every time you have some changes to PCRs on which your check is based, the auto-unlock will fail and you will have to enter your passphrase. This could be caused by not only malicious agent (Smith), but also your own actions like disabling Secure Boot, enrolling some other MOK certificate or deleting the current one, updating/downgrading BIOS. If you know it is you who triggered that, then provided that it was MOK or BIOS change (not disabling of Secure Boot), on completion of boot procedure you should do the following (replace "/dev/sda2" with your system partition):
# systemd-cryptenroll /dev/sda2 --wipe-slot=tpm2
# systemd-cryptenroll --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrs=0+7+14 /dev/sda2
And on the next boot you should not see any password prompt (due to the auto-unlocking functionality working again).



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