Preconfigured OpenSUSE Build Service for "localhost" (latest)

OpenSUSE Build Service preconfigured for a private local host.

Select the obs-config-mysql-apache package for a preconfigured install.


* database setup.
* SSL key generation.
* Apache2 setup

The service will use the `hostname -f` as system name, so this command has to work correctly BEFORE installing the packages. Please make sure your DNS is working.
Add the and obs. to your DNS records and/or to your /etc/hosts file.

OBS can be reached at: http://obs.

User: Admin
Password: opensuse

Use the 'obsctl' command to control the services:

obsctl enable
obsctl disable
obsctl status
obsctl start
obsctl stop

Other users/passwords used:

User: root
Password: opensuse
User: obs
Password: obspassword

Workers setup (x86_64, aarch64)

You can now use the qemu option for OBS_VM_TYPE in /etc/sysconfig/obs-server.
It will allow you to start an x86_64 and an aarch64 emulator together on one system.
Kvm will be used if the host uses the same architecture as the emulator.
Please be aware that the speed of the non-kvm emulator is not very fast.

OBS_VM_KERNEL and OBS_VM_INITRD need to be "none" for now.

Only the x86_64 host has been tested...


This is not a safe setup.
Do NOT use this setup for a public OBS.


KNOWN bugs / problems:

* obs-config-mysql-apache hangs during install. Gpg key generation is hanging.
There is not enough entropy for it to generate a key. You can try running:
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/zero
for a few minutes.
(Did not help on one of my systems, still searching for another solution)

Try using obs-config-mysql-apache-nokeys. You can try to generate the keys
using the commandline tool obs-keygen

* passenger / webui does not start:
sudo /usr/sbin/obs restart

or reboot the system.

* Workers / architecture not starting:
Check your qemu-xxx setup
or change the OBS_VM_TYPE into "none" in /etc/sysconfig/obs-server

* Editing the repository to add a repo / path does not work
Workaround: Use the meta tab to edit the project config directly.

* Signing problems

export GNUPGHOME=/srv/obs/gnupg
echo "test" | gpg -sa

gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Add /srv/obs/gnupg/options file with: pinentry-mode loopback

Hints and tips:

* If you want to relink the apache2 directories,
edit the file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and
add in the section the statement "Options FollowSymLinks"

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