common component architecture tools all-in-one

complete bundling of the tool chain for the cca tutorial sans mpi and tau.

HPC (scientific computing) component-based programming tools from including
- multi-way language interoperability and object-oriented programming (sidl/babel from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) for f90, c, c++, sun java, python.
- a component specification (cca specification from the cca forum).
- a reference framework for using components (Ccaffeine from Sandia National Laboratories/California aka SNL).
- a RAD environment (bocca from the DOE TASCS scidac project) for sidl and cca components.
- a gui for running serial or parallel component applications locally or on remote clusters (ccafe-gui from SNL)
- a tutorial and example components for all the above from the DOE TASCS scidac project.

All the tools are open-source (berkeley or lgpl) and the support community is found at

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