GStreamer Debian 10 (Buster), Debian 11 (Bullseye) and Debian 12 (bookworm) backports

This repository provides the packages for the latest GStreamer stable release, backported to Debian 10 (no new releases)/Debian 11

As of September 2023, bullseye (Debian 11) and bookworm (Debian 12) will be in different sub projects. Add the following

for bookworm:

$ echo "deb ./" \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opensuse-den-erpel_bookworm.list
$ wget "" -qO - \
| gpg --dearmor \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/opensuse-den-erpel-archive-bookworm-keyring.gpg &> /dev/null

for bulllseye:

$ echo "deb ./" \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opensuse-den-erpel_bullseye.list
$ wget "" -qO - \
| gpg --dearmor \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/opensuse-den-erpel-archive-bullseye-keyring.gpg &> /dev/null

Finally, you can increase the pinning value to prefer packages from this repository over the ones from the official GNU/Debian repositories.

$ cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/99buster-erpel
Package: *
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 800

The previous repository can still be used:
deb ./

$ wget -qO - \
| gpg --dearmor \
| sudo tee "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/opensuse-den-erpel-archive-keyring.gpg" &> /dev/null

Name Changed
Comments 8

Robert Mapes's avatar

Since apt-key is now deprecated, coul you please suggest the correct replacement for the command sudo apt-key add _pubkey because I am getting the error gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found Thanks!

Marc Leeman's avatar

I think you should click open the rest of the post: it contains the key that you need to copy into that file before running apt-key. These days, the proper approach is to package the key, but in this particular case, it's nothing but a chicken-egg solution: in order to apt-get the key package you'll need to have the key first (unless it's downloaded manually).

Although the apt-key approach is marked as deprecated, it still works as reliably as it did before; I'm using it on a daily basis on throw-away environments.

Robert Mapes's avatar

Yes, I'm following exactly your post, and am using command sudo apt-key add _pubkey, and I am still getting the error gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found

Marc Leeman's avatar

Hmmm, I tried it before posting, ...

Marc Leeman's avatar

I'll package the keyring; you'll have to download and install that one with dpkg then.

Marc Leeman's avatar

Does the package opensuse-den-erpel-archive-keyring work for you:

download from

install with dpkg

Marc Leeman's avatar

I suppose this will not be helpful either since it still uses apt-key to get there. Did you include all the headers of the key? Are you using a standard buster system, I could create a chroot to test again.

marc@moya:~$ vim opensuse-den_erpel.key

marc@moya:~$ sudo apt-key --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/opensuse-den_erpel.gpg add opensuse-den_erpel.key

Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)).


marc@moya:~$ ls -al /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/opensuse-den_erpel.gpg

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 773 Mar 18 12:03 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/opensuse-den_erpel.gpg

Robert Mapes's avatar

Hi, below are the exact steps I followed initially. Could you kindly take a quick look at these simple steps and modify them by simply inserting your new steps/commands that you are now recommending - it is greatly appreciated sir.

I have managed to install the latest gstreamer v1.18.3 using this repository 2… I followerd the below steps as described also in the repository

Create an SD card with the raspbian OS image provided by emlid Create a file named gstreamer.list within /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory. In the gstreamer.list file add the line deb ./ Create a file with name _pubkey within /home/pi/ directory. In the file add all the lines as -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux) mQENBF+3hvEBCACmnyUXVkF1pyZVPGOXCBmHOL8KDpU5RV5C9vArRIA/Hf7cDiCy HY4DNcT2tgz5QL3y9C0KMqDTkSaLLOYeSFEIl4ZtwXoVdfag36ji3+yKdGryHD8K ziZ7m9IvSUh/8BxsJuTQcJsJFOd+VesfrVX4GlDjmyu0X4EA0GWoDQsDQKDrddHn uDv6YD31sg61/TWDzP879wskUp5iB7vR7WtgcREmTwReEJxUm+nCMOftIm7ftrYC Sk97NY7VHysya1YJB7D6Gt7/yIhqMDJf9UpFVp661dr68eO0WAH8PIL7hHrbNh0s SHeQWsivjcCx2MPUuM7zd4lvzbK+HQVGgfFBABEBAAG0PmhvbWU6ZGVuX2VycGVs IE9CUyBQcm9qZWN0IDxob21lOmRlbl9lcnBlbEBidWlsZC5vcGVuc3VzZS5vcmc+ iQE+BBMBCAAoBQJft4bxAhsDBQkEHrAABgsJCAcDAgYVCAIJCgsEFgIDAQIeAQIX gAAKCRDAmcqN/RWohQrlB/0XRUMaNi2pB7xCAKEvBNfKmeb9YlhPJoyPML64K+iz mkFZMHK76NJTwen7qP0UiXkrOEAe5YE+OWwmgmcM7QUuc/rANR79I/6WgWx1sb0D m4uhXNDqrbreIlg7KJLtWKSbEDKHjZl4Y6UqnNMkIf4y/mSliqvqaqOlN91MabaY K2Vv3eTERomPeNpjKCXspD91dy8t9RtZbjMv8Pf6ud8O6+cFjhj+v1i0Zys5ZNOo 7Ex5ODUGDUimcI4rhnzxe1iMDnFJJyWSTZqRBqcEwK3CryCXtDJ7kAJR1O7+xjlS +VMM9gcNXjuyG6/QhU6hvi2PobclbPgYZmsCR4dIqCg3iEYEExECAAYFAl+3hvEA CgkQOzARt2udZSORWACeIkxGLmrwy4JWpI7rVL6VpxKobM0An2nmhi+3hWJ0z+ab Zfx4pJj1WTgm =j4BC -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- 4. Run command sudo apt-key add _pubkey 5. Create file with name 99buster-erpel within /etc/apt/preferences.d/ directory. In the 99buster-erpel file add the lines Package: * Pin: origin Pin-Priority: 800 6. Run command sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

Tha gstreamer should get updated

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