A slimmed down distro

Gradually trim out stuff we don't want / need:
- Well, I tried REEEEAAALLLLY hard to stick with KDE, but they've made it impossible to build kwin without wayland, so I'm moving on. All KDE & Plasma packages are hereby - GONE!
- LXQT is the current front runner for a KDE replacement. Fingers crossed.
- pulseaudio - GONE!
- wayland - GONE!
- packagekit - GONE!
- polkit - gone (reintroduced - there's just too many things that have been modified to only work with it)
- apparmor - GONE!
- ibus and suchlike - GONE!
- /usr/etc? WTF?? - to be removed
- mysql/mariadb - why force me to install it unless I want to USE it, which I don't - GONE!
- udisks2 - what is it and why is it on my system? - GONE!
- NetworkManager - should be an optional install - GONE!
- other random things that add complexity while violating KISS (looking at you, *Kit and *Manager) - GONE!

Reduce unnecessary dependencies on various things
- systemd and friends. Only include the bare minimum needed for systemd to act as an init system
- replace all "unit file" nonsense with GOF init scripts
- drop systemd journal b.s. in favor of rsyslog or similar
- elogind to replace systemd-logind?
- eventually replace systemd with alternate init (s6? svsv init? other?)

** Note that `GONE` above is with regards to my currently installed system at home and only reflects those packages currently in use

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