RaBe Liquidsoap Distribution for CentOS (RaBe-LSD)
This project holds packages for installing the savonet liquidsoap project and its savonet ocaml dependencies. The build-chain used to build the packages on CentOS is based on Fedora and may be found in the ocaml subproject.
The specfiles for these packages are maintained at https://github.com/radiorabe/. See https://github.com/radiorabe/centos-rpm-liquidsoap for the main liquidsoap specfile.
A list of what is enabled in the liquidsoap build is in the liquidsoap's package description.
Quick Install:
curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/liquidsoap.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/radiorabe:/liquidsoap/CentOS_8/home:radiorabe:liquidsoap.repo
yum install liquidsoap
Thats it, see https://github.com/radiorabe/centos-rpm-liquidsoap for infos on the systemd integration.
If you are using Fedora you might find a repository matching your OS by navigating to https://build.opensuse.org/repositories/home:radiorabe:liquidsoap. Please be aware that the Fedora Packages usually go through much less stringent testing. There might also be some lag when it comes to supporting new versions of Fedora since the release frequency of Fedora is much higher than CentOS.
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