Experimental Playground by ALP Architect Team

Experimental Playground by ALP Architect Team [1] for concepts intended to solve the needs of openSUSE Leap users in an ALPy-world [2]

Experiment #1 - "Slowroll" - a derivative codestream of openSUSE:Factory/ALP:Source:Rolling that uses automated rules to limit the rate of change to the codebase

Experiment #2 - "Linarite" - a successor to the "GrassyKnoll" concept (https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:ALP/Workgroups/GrassyKnoll), building a community distribution atop SUSE ALP "Granite"

[1] https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:ALP/ArchitectureTeam
[2] https://youtu.be/hLWvC1c7Fms

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