File insighttoolkit.changes of Package insighttoolkit

Mon Aug 29 05:28:58 UTC 2022 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Disable python bindings for openSUSE >= 1550 until swig related
  issues are sorted [gh#InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK#3452].
- Add insighttoolkit-fno-sized-deallocation.patch: Add
  -fno-sized-deallocation for GCC 12; patch taken from upstream

Wed Apr 27 09:24:42 UTC 2022 - Jan Engelhardt <>

- Resolve rpmlint report "libinsighttoolkit5.x86_64: E:
  shlib-policy-name-error SONAME:, expected
  package suffix: 5_2-1"

Thu Feb  3 09:32:31 UTC 2022 - Guillaume GARDET <>

- Do not use system eigen on aarch64 until fixed upstream:

Mon Aug 16 15:10:29 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 5.2.1:
  * Undocumented bug fixes (no release notes).
- Cleanup: Drop an unused macro from the spec file.

Sat May 15 10:14:12 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Disable builds for i586 for now

Wed May  5 01:18:35 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 5.2.0:
  * No release notes.
- Drop upstreamed patches:
  * reproducible.patch,
  * itklbfgs-linking.patch, and
  * nrrdio-linking.patch.

Thu Dec 10 00:02:33 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 5.1.2:
  * Platform Fixes: Updatie ITKSimpleITKFilters remote module.
  * Bug Fixes
    - Address divide by zero error in SignedMaurerDistance.
    - Support MRC2014 mode 0 as signed 8-bit integer.
    - itkhdf5 installed paths were incorrect with recent hdf5
    - MinPriorityQueueElementWrapper constructor needs default
    - Add TIFFImageIO support for unsigned int and int pixel
    - Fix MatrixOffsetTransformBase SetFixedParameters if too few
  * Style Changes: Improve function types used in

Mon Dec  7 10:21:33 UTC 2020 - Guillaume GARDET <>

- Update RAM requirements to avoid OOM seen with LTO

Tue Oct  6 06:54:33 UTC 2020 - Guillaume GARDET <>

- Re-enable build for aarch64 since eigen has been fixed

Thu Aug 20 17:49:29 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 5.1.1:
  * VtkGlue module-Provide support for VTK new cmake targets.
  * Add VXL support for GCC 9.
  * Use double-conversion's CMake targets.
  * Fix for non-system double-conversion build.
  * Patch missing const qualifier to GDCM dircos_comp comparison.
  * Back-port gh#InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK#1165 to support
    Visual Studio 2019.
  * Address bug with small size in output of SliceImageFilter.
  * Update GDCM to latest on the release-2.8 branch.
  * Don't use InsertElement which modifies MTime.
  * Address buffer overflow with deprecated GDCM1 interface.
  * update download location for pre-built ICU for Visual Studio.
  * Duplicate ImageToImageFilter wrapping of ULL.
  * Double scaling introduced in refactoring.
  * Add missing const qualifier.
  * Add StatisticsImageFilter::SetNumberOfStreamDivisions Python.
  * Make column limit more stringent in the examples.
  * CUFFTW paths were not being set and unnecessary FFTW files
  * Disable dynamic threading in noise filter.
  * Added vcl compiler detection for GCC 10.x.
  * Specify itk package in SWIG Python modules.
  * Fix warning in PointSetToPointSetMetricv4
  * Fix segfault with empty CompositeTransforms.
  * Fix additional segmentation faults with empty Composite.
  * Address missing brace initializer warning.
  * Address memory leak in CastSpatialOpbjectTest.
  * Simplify itk.BlockMatchingImageFilter feature points PointSet
  * Accept TemplateTypeError with fallback_only.
  * Import C module from Python submodule.
  * Fix Segfault in Delaunay Filter.
  * Avoid duplicate itk.PointSetD3 wrapping.
  * Wrap ExtractImageFilter for UL.
  * Use Numpy bridge with array of dimension 1.
  * Restore LICENSE accidentally overwritten by a merge commit.
  * Rename libPNG's license to match the original one.
  * Support casting unsigned long pixel types in Python.
  * Empty image support in image_from_xarray.
  * Remove netnlib triangle classes.
  * Remove License incompatible netlib files from vxl updates.
  * improve helpers of itk.Filters.
  * Do not reference FE_DIVBYZERO FE_INVALID with Emscripten.
  * Add missing enumerate with multi-ndarray-output itk filters.
  * Do not wrap unsigned char for connected component output.
  * Fix issue gh#InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK#1950,
    ImageMaskSpatialObject access outside image buffer.
  * Register Dask serialization functions for NDArrayITKBase.
  * Add testing data content links for ITK 5.1.1.
- Drop insighttoolkit-drop-netlib-triangle-files.patch:
  incorporated upstream.
- Disable builds for aarch64: Known Eigen+CastXML issue

Thu Aug 20 08:52:30 UTC 2020 - Martin Liška <>

- Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.

Thu Jul 30 15:58:02 UTC 2020 - Bernhard Wiedemann <>

- Add reproducible.patch to make build results independent
  of build machine CPU (boo#1100677,

Tue Jul 14 22:09:20 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Add insighttoolkit-drop-netlib-triangle-files.patch: Drop netlib
  triangle files and any linking to them due to licensing issues;
  patch from upstream [gh#InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK#1913].

Wed Jun  3 00:58:31 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 5.1.0: See
- Drop dcmtk-cmake.patch: no longer needed when using system
- Update itklbfgs-linking.patch and nrrdio-linking.patch to
  upstream-blessed versions (minor changes only)
- New BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpcrecpp) and bison.
- Drop BuildRequires: tcpd-devel, no longer needed.
- Add necessary Requires: python3-numpy to python3-%{name}
- Update Requires for devel package and convert existing Requires
  to pkgconfig equivalents where possible.
- Pass -DITK_USE_SYSTEM_SWIG:BOOL=ON to cmake, otherwise it
  defaults to OFF and tries to download swig.
  cmake: no longer used.
- Drop -DITK_WRAPPING option passed to cmake: obsoleted by
- No longer need to `export CXXFLAGS+=" -I%{_includedir}/gdcm/"`
- Drop Group tags.
- Improve Summary and descriptions for packages.

Mon May 18 01:15:30 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 5.0.1: See
- Changes from version 5.0.0: See
- Drop add_gcc9_support.patch: no longer required with upstream
  support for up to GCC 10 baked in.
- Pass options to %cmake to set proper install paths when
  installing; prevents the need to manually move installed libs
  around. Drop sed BuildRequires that is no longer required as a
- Enable python3 wrapping (needed for tomviz, for instance); split
  out separate python3-itk package. Introduces BuildRequires:
- Add BuildRequires: memory-constraints and use %limit_build
  to require at least 2 GiB memory per thread; OOM failures
- Update _constraints file: at least 24 GB (!!!) disk space and 2
  GB memory now required.
- Use ninja for build (BuildRequires: ninja); compile using
  %cmake_build instead of make directly.
- Additional system library dependencies: CastXML-devel, gtest,
  double-conversion, and gdcm-devel.
- Convert BuildRequires to pkgconfig() or cmake() based ones
  wherever possible.
- Update URL and Source URL in keeping with upstream's move to
- Drop conditionals for old openSUSE versions.

Sat Jul  6 18:06:51 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt <>

- Remove filler wording from description.
- Limit %fdupes to /usr subvolume.

Tue Jul  2 13:21:01 UTC 2019 - Dirk Stoecker <>

- update to 4.13.2
- Replace add_gcc8_support.patch with add_gcc9_support.patch
- Update dcmtk-cmake.patch

Thu May 16 08:55:49 UTC 2019 - Guillaume GARDET <>

- Add missing libxml2-devel build dep (Fix Leap 15.1 and TW builds)

Mon Jul  2 13:32:09 UTC 2018 -

- Add patch to add support to GCC8:
  * add_gcc8_support.patch

Thu Nov 23 19:28:40 UTC 2017 -

- Add _constaints file with minimal disk space of 6GB
  Fix build on powerpc

Mon Nov 20 12:32:06 UTC 2017 -

- Change group from 'Development/Libraries' to 'Development/Libraries/C and C++'

Mon Nov 20 09:58:51 UTC 2017 -

- Update to 4.12.2 (Fix Tumbleweed build)
- Remove doubleconv.patch

Sun Oct  2 11:00:00 UTC 2016 -

- Update to 4.10.0
- Ported doubleconv.patch to new version
- Added dcmtk-cmake.patch to revert recent git changes that work with latest dcmtk .cmake files

Sat Oct  1 18:00:00 UTC 2016 -

- python-vtk not needed and removed from spec file

Fri Jan  1 08:07:48 UTC 2016 -

- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
- Use cmake macros
- Use spdx license and install license file
- Use url for source

* Sat Dec 26 15:34:00 UTC 2015 Angelos Tzotsos <> - 4.8.2

- Update to 4.8.2

* Fri Aug 14 00:40:00 UTC 2015 Angelos Tzotsos <> - 4.7.2

- Update to 4.7.2

* Fri Feb 27 21:24:00 UTC 2015 Angelos Tzotsos <>

- Renamed package to insighttoolkit

* Wed Jan 14 01:14:00 UTC 2015 Angelos Tzotsos <> - 4.6.0

- Update to 4.6.0

* Sat Mar 01 23:03:00 UTC 2014 Angelos Tzotsos <> - 4.5.1

- Initial build
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