File libcgic.spec of Package libcgic

# spec file for package libcgic

%define v_a 2
%define v_b 0
%define v_c 5
%define mfr_ver %{v_a}%{v_b}%{v_c}
%define mfr_name cgic

Name:           lib%{mfr_name}
Version:        %{v_a}.%{v_b}.%{v_c}
Release:        1
License:        CGIC
Summary:        Cgic is an ANSI-C library for creating HTTP/CGI-based applications
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Source:         %{mfr_name}%{mfr_ver}.tar.bz2
# Additional sources and documentation 
Source1:        cgic-lp.tar.gz
# PATCH-FEATURE-UPSTREAM match-lang.diff -- a cumulative patch for 3 features
# Features: relocatable build, constant buffers, l10n
Patch0:         match-lang.diff
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build

Cgic is a nearly ANSI-C library for the creation of CGI-based World Wide Web applications

%package        devel
License:        CGIC
Summary:        Development files for libgcic
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++

%description    devel
The libcgic-devel package contains libraries and header files for
developing applications that use libcgic

%setup -q -n %{mfr_name}%{mfr_ver} -a1
# false
%patch0 -p1
chmod -x cgic.h readme.txt license.txt support.txt cgic.html

make 'CFLAGS=%{optflags}' 'LDFLAGS=-fuse-linker-plugin' cgictest.cgi testvars.cgi
# UPSTREAM BUG: -ansi results in undefined mkstemp

make 'DESTDIR=%{buildroot}' 'libdir=%{_libdir}' 'includedir=%{_includedir}' install
install -d '%{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}'
install '-t%{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}' cgictest.cgi testvars.cgi

rm -rf %{buildroot}

%files devel
%doc readme.txt license.txt support.txt index.html cgictest.c

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