File python-pyubx2.changes of Package python-pyubx2
Mon May 30 15:54:26 UTC 2022 - D. Berge <>
- Update to version 1.2.11
* GNSSStreamer class at heart of gnssdump CLI utility enhanced to
allow a variety of writeable output medium to be used as an
external protocol handler for NMEA, UBX and/or RTCM protocols.
Acceptable output media types include Serial, File (text or
binary), socket or Queue. Essentially this means that gnssdump
can write its output data to any of these media rather than to
sys.stdout (terminal).
* New example added to /examples folder. This
utilises the enhanced GNSSStreamer class to implement a simple
but fully-functional command-line TCP Socket Server or NTRIP
* Add socket reading capability to gnssdump CLI utility.
* Enhance test coverage of socket reader functionality.
* Add capability to read from TCP/UDP socket as well as serial
stream. Implements a SocketStream utility class to allow sockets
to be read using standard stream-like read(bytes) and readline()
* Fix typo in NAV2-SAT message definition (reserved0 is now U2
rather than I1).
* Add support for NAV-PL message type (new to HPG 1.30). Thanks
to @ArrEssJay for contribution.
* pyubx2 now capable of fully parsing RTCM3 messages via the
pyrtcm library (pyrtcm>=0.2.5).
* Remove support for Python 3.6, now end of life (should still
work fine on 3.6 but no longer actively tested on this version)
* Parsing of NAV-HPPOSECEF and NAV-HPPOSLLH messages enhanced to
render standard and high precision elements as single high
precision attributes, in accordance with the interface
specification e.g. lat = (lat + latHp * 0.01) * 1e-7
* Applies to the following attributes: lat + latHp, lon + lonHp,
height + heightHp, hMSL + hMSLHp, ecefX + ecefXHp, ecefY +
ecefYHp, ecefZ + ecefZHp.
* NB: Dimensions in interface specification have been retained
i.e. NAV-HPPOSLLH returns height in mm, NAV-HPPOSECEF returns
height in cm.
* Rounding precision for scaled attributes increased to 12 dp
from 8 dp.
Sat Feb 12 16:28:10 UTC 2022 - D. Berge <>
- Update to version 1.2.5
* Fix issue where presence of RTCM3 data in input stream could
cause iterator to fail - thanks to @flytrex-vadim for
* UBXReader can now accommodate any RTCM3 data in the input
stream, alongside UBX and/or NMEA data. It can read the RTCM3
message, verify the CRC (if the validate flag is set to
VALCKSUM), and return a 'stub' RTCMMessage object containing
the raw (undecoded) payload e.g. <RTCM3(1005)>. NOTE THAT
pyubx2 does not decode the RTCM3 payload (other than the
message type) and there are no current plans to add such
* By popular request, UBXReader now optionally streams NMEA
data (via the companion pynmeagps library) in addition to
UBX. The method has been internally
refactored to allow for configurable protocol filtering and
error handling.
* New CLI utility gnssdump added. This leverages the new functionality to parse both NMEA and UBX data
from any data stream (including Serial and File) to the
terminal or to designated NMEA and/or UBX protocol handlers.
The utility implements a new GNSSStreamer class which may also
be invoked within application code (see examples). gnssdump
renders the older ubxdump and nmeadump CLI utilities obsolete
and these will be removed in future versions. gnssdump requires
the pyserial library in addition to pyubx2 and pynmeagps (these
will be installed automatically via pip).
* A new helper method hextable() has been added to
which formats raw (binary) data into tabular hexadecimal
similar to that used in most hex editors.
* Following UBX message payload definitions added: AID-DATA,
* Several missing configdb keys added - many thanks to cturvey
(clive1) for contributions.
Thu Jan 6 13:08:33 UTC 2022 - D. Berge <>
- Version 1.2.2
* Initial package