File gammaray.changes of Package gammaray

Wed Oct 20 18:24:58 UTC 2021 - Antonio Larrosa <>

- Fix build by fixing the %files section for renamed/removed files

Wed Oct 20 17:49:05 UTC 2021 - Antonio Larrosa <>

- Update to version 2.11.3
  * Increase CMake requirement to version 3.4.0 (reflecting reality).
  * Update 3rdparty/StackWalker.
  * Update 3rdparty/backward-cpp.
  * Don't fail self-test for lldb version 10.x.
  * Support for CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR amd64.
  * Fix crash when editing the margins property of a QtCharts/ChartView.
  * Fix crash when attaching to an ASAN-enabled application.
  * Register stream operators for Qt::CaseSensitivity.
  * Clean some runtime, compile , CMake warnings, etc.

Thu Aug  5 05:53:36 UTC 2021 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Remove the duplicate category from the desktop file.

Tue Jun  8 08:36:40 UTC 2021 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Don't build gammaray with glslang on Tumbleweed.
  The glslang 11.4.0 update broke the build.

Mon Dec 28 02:50:33 UTC 2020 - Wang Jun <>

- Update to version 2.11.2 
  * Prefer picking QtQuick items in fully visible parent-child chains.
  * Fix deadlock with Qt 5.15 on high DPI screens.
  * Fix QtQuick detection on older macOS versions.
  * Support for Qt 5.15.
- Drop patches, now upstream:
  * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch
  * fix-build-with-qt-5.15-again.patch 

Tue Jun  2 09:58:03 UTC 2020 - Fabian Vogt <>

- Add another patch to fix build against Qt 5.15:
  * fix-build-with-qt-5.15-again.patch

Thu May  7 07:32:15 UTC 2020 - Fabian Vogt <>

- Update to 2.11.1:
  * Add OpenGL ES2 fallback for the Qt3D geometry inspector.
  * Fix assert on empty text document selections.
  * Fix side-effects of using the widget layout overlay on a QSplitter.
  * Fix merging of events in the event monitor.
  * Fix event order in the event monitor.
  * Add event propagation detection for QtQuick pointer events.
  * Fix compilation with QT_NO_OPENGL and QT_NO_SSL.
  * Adapt QtQuick software renderer inspector to changes in Qt 5.14.
  * Fix Android support with Qt 5.14.
  * Fix memory leak in event recording when Qt Quick remote view is active.
  * Fix possible crash during probe destruction.
  * Fix crash due to signal spy changes in Qt 5.14.
  * Fix possible crash in the outbound connections view.
- Drop patches, now upstream:
  * 0001-Fix-build-against-Qt-5.14.patch

Fri Apr  3 09:15:56 UTC 2020 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Add upstream patch:
  * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch

Sat Dec  7 09:53:39 UTC 2019 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Add 0001-Fix-build-against-Qt-5.14.patch

Tue Oct 29 20:48:53 UTC 2019 - Stefan BrĂ¼ns <>

- Wrap VTK BuildRequires with bcond, only used for an experimental,
  optional plugin. As only VTK 7.1 (TW and Leap 15.x have 8.2/8.1)
  is supported the plugin was already disabled during configure.
- Remove graphviz-devel BuildRequires, not needed.

Wed Jul 10 09:19:54 UTC 2019 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Disable LTO.

Sat Jul  6 11:36:25 UTC 2019 - Wolfgang Bauer <>

- Update to 2.11.0:
  * Drop support for Qt 4 and Qt <= 5.4.
  * Drop support for MSVC 2010 and MSVC 2012, as well as GCC < 4.8.
  * Add support for more QtNetwork properties.
  * Add new network operations monitoring tool.
  * Fix inspection of QJson types.
  * Add thread affinity check to the problem reporter.
  * Add new event monitoring tool.
  * Initial forward compatibility with Qt6 build system.
  * Improved performance of the Qt Quick 2 inspector and the signal
- Drop patches merged upstream:
  * fix-build-with-qt-5.13.patch
  * 0001-Make-sure-the-defined-variables-are-relative-before-.patch
  * Adapt-to-Qt-5.13-changes-for-attached-property-handling.patch
  * Adapt-to-attached-property-changes-in-Qt-5.12.4.patch
- Cleanup specfile: remove conditionals for no longer supported

Mon Jun 17 20:05:15 UTC 2019 - Wolfgang Bauer <>

- Add upstream patches to fix build with Qt 5.12.4 and 5.13:
  * Adapt-to-Qt-5.13-changes-for-attached-property-handling.patch
  * Adapt-to-attached-property-changes-in-Qt-5.12.4.patch

Tue May 14 11:52:44 UTC 2019 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Add 0001-Make-sure-the-defined-variables-are-relative-before-.patch
  to fix runtime issues.

Wed Apr 10 18:04:06 UTC 2019 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Add fix-build-with-qt-5.13.patch

Tue Apr  2 13:26:04 UTC 2019 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Remove the vtk-tcl dependency.

Thu Feb 28 21:01:00 UTC 2019 -

- Update to 2.10.0:
  * Increase CMake requirement to version 3.1 on all platforms.
  * Add object navigation to the paint analyzer.
  * Reduce network load by moving more property model features to
    the client side.
  * Port object hierarchy visualizer plugin to Qt 5.
  * Add new system information plugin, which supersedes the
    standard paths plugin.
  * Use application palette rather than style palette in the style
  * Improve gdb injector performance.
  * Reduce performance impact of the widget paint analyzer in
    Windows debug builds.
  * Improve Qt Quick item picking in case of zero-sized parent
  * Provide access to QAbstractItemModel role name mapping.
  * Add QtPositioning plugin allowing to monitor and simulate geo
  * Add NMEA geo localization playback.
  * Add support for generic functor property accessors.
  * Add property access for mime data and clipboard types.
  * Add infrastructure to override generic property access, such as
    Qt Quick anchor properties.
  * Add custom property access for Qt Quick anchors properties to
    no longer trigger their on-demand creation.
  * Add generic problem reporter infrastructure, and port some
    existing checks to it.
- Drop patches merged upstream:
  * fix-build-qt-5.12.patch
  * fix-build-qt-5.12-again.patch

Wed Nov 14 10:37:36 UTC 2018 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Remove unneeded build dependencies.

Fri Oct  5 08:01:34 UTC 2018 -

- Add patches to fix build against Qt 5.12:
  * fix-build-qt-5.12.patch
  * fix-build-qt-5.12-again.patch

Thu Oct  4 12:19:52 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 2.9.1:
  * Fix crash in in-process mode with networking disabled.
  * Fix compilation with Qt 5.12.
  * Update Android toolchain file.
  * Allow to disable QtScript dependency.
  * Fix crash on zero-sized paint operations.
  * Fix plugin deployment on Android.
  * Fix crash in Qt Quick inspector when encountering invalid bounding rects.
  * Fix activating the Qt3D plugin when attaching to a Qt3D application at runtime.
  * Fix out-of-bounds framebuffer read in Qt Quick remote view for some non-integer scaling factors.
- Use %license

Fri Feb  9 12:04:59 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 2.9.0:
  * Improve Qt Quick Controls 2 tracer coloring.
  * Fix issues with QSG diagnostic render modes in combination with QQuickWidget.
  * Improve input validation in the connect dialog.
  * Fix Qt Quick remote view on targets without GL_BGRA support.
  * Add texture and texture atlas inspection for QSGMaterial using objects.
  * Only read and send the actually visible screen content in the Qt Quick remote view.
  * Support dynamic shaders in the QSGMaterial shader view.
  * Show vertex and fragment uniforms for shader effects in the QSGMaterial tab.
  * Fix crashes during changing/restoring QSG diagnostic render modes.
  * Batch row/column count requests for better remote model performance.
  * Drop support for CMake 2.8, at least 3.0 is required now.
  * Improved performance in the Qt Quick inspector.
  * Add support for QSGRenderNode.
  * Consider compiler version as part of the probe ABI on Windows.
  * Fix multithreading issues in the timer inspector.
  * Add search line to timer inspector.
  * Add screenshot support in Qt Quick inspector.
  * Improve item picking support in Qt Quick inspector.
  * Add texture waste indicator to texture inspection tab.
  * Add color picker for remote views.
  * Add object navigation and source navigation to the timer inspector.
  * Add support for cross-architecture injection on Windows.
  * Add support for editing enum/flag properties not registered with the Qt meta object system.
  * Add network configuration view.
  * Improved indication that a target process is being inspected by GammaRay.
  * Add widget tab focus chain visualization.
  * Fix re-attaching to a target application on Windows.
  * Add QML binding inspector (requires Qt 5.10 or newer).
  * Add support for QtWebEngine to the web inspector tool.
  * Improved argument inspection in the QPainter analyzer.
  * Support paint analysis with the Qt Quick software renderer (requires Qt 5.9.3 or newer).
  * Improved Qt Quick anchor property display.
  * Fix property editing of gadget value types.
  * Fix interaction issues in string type property editor.
  * Add action to slow down Qt Quick animation timers.
  * Add support for visualizing clip areas in the Qt Quick software renderer.
  * Clear Qt Quick target overlay on GammaRay client disconnect.
  * Add automatic down-cast support to GammaRay metatype system.
  * Add QObject creation stack trace view.
  * Add source code navigation to the message browser stack trace view.
  * Add stack trace view for painter operations in the paint analyzer view.
  * Fix rpath support in probe ABI detection on macOS.
  * Fix user manual access on macOS.
  * Add profiling support to the paint analyzer.
  * Use relative RPATHs on Linux, to make installations fully relocatable.
  * Add mouse wheel zoom in the Qt 3D geometry inspector.
  * Improve performance of the Qt Quick scene graph model.
  * Improve editing of boolean properties.
  * Add diagnostic shading modes to the Qt 3D geometry inspector.
  * Support vertex picking in the Qt 3D geometry inspector.
  * Support Qt 3D painted textures in the paint analyzer.
  * Fix Qt 3D buffer decoding for tightly packed attributes.
  * Fix server-side decoration state going out-of-sync in the Qt Quick inspector.
  * Fix crash when validating dynamic meta objects.
  * Fix support of namespaced and semi-qualified enums/flags.

- Update to 2.8.2:
  * Fix high-dpi icon installation.
  * Fix documentation build with spaces in the path.
  * Fix build of the QtIvi inspector with Qt 5.10.
  * Fix detection of libdl.
  * Fix incomplete installation of multi-probe builds on second make install run.
  * Fix build issues in some Windows and cross-compilation setups.
  * Fix widget export action plugin loading on Windows.

- Rebase Fix_icons_installation.patch

Wed Nov  1 18:47:50 UTC 2017 -

- Update to 2.8.1:

  * Fix compilation with interestingly packaged qmllint on Ubuntu.
  * Fix error handling in LLDB injector when LLDB scripting support is not available.
  * Fix tree view corruption when searching.
  * Fix linking with backward-cpp in BFD mode using a static libbdf.
  * Fix assert when launching a Windows target using a Qt debug build.
  * Fix crash during attaching on Windows.
  * Fix build with MSVC2010 and Qt4.8.
  * Fix attach dialog not seeing 32bit processes on 64bit Windows systems.
  * Add support for Qt 5.9.2.
- Add Fix_icons_installation.patch.

Sat Jun 17 10:30:15 UTC 2017 -

- Update to 2.8.0:
  * Fix possible deadlock in WinDLL injector.
  * Add code navigation for C++-created objects (Linux-only, requires a debug build).
  * Add legend for the QtQuick inspector overlay.
  * Add QtQuickControls2 layout support in the QtQuick inspector.
  * Add layouting grid overlay to the QtQuick inspector.
  * Add support for non-QtIviProperty properties in QtIvi modules.
  * Improved QtQuick2 remote view performance.
  * Basic support for the QtQuick2 software renderer.
  * Add QtQuick Control 2 tracing support.
  * ... and much more than can fit here. See the changelog for details:

Fri Feb 17 16:09:45 UTC 2017 -

- Update to 2.7.0:
  * Improved enum and flag editor in the property view.
  * Add style hint view to style inspector.
  * Fix runtime QSG visualization mode switching for newer Qt versions.
  * Initial support for statically compiling GammaRay into a target.
  * Support for QtWayland 5.8.
  * Add object navigation for the translation inspector.
  * Automatically re-scan meta types to captures types registered later.
  * Improved Wayland log and timeline view.
  * Add object navigation for Wayland clients.
  * Show alive object statistics in the meta object browser.
  * Add Qt3D geometry inspector (requires Qt >= 5.7 and Qt3D)
  * Allow to hide inactive tools.
  * Fix handling of partially out-of-view QQuickItems in the QQ2 inspector.
  * Improve error handling in the GDB injector.
  * Fix QML support not being activated when attaching to a QtQuick application at runtime.
  * Fix widget layout overlay for nested QLayouts.
  * Fix crash on client disconnect.
  * Syntax highlighting and code folding for textual content (requires KF5::SyntaxHighlighting)
  * Add 3D widget layout visualization.
  * Allow to hide non-visible elements in the full-depth picking dialog.
  * Add QtIvi inspection tool (requires Qt5IviCore)
  * Fix QSG geometry inspector not showing geometry correctly on first selection.
  * Build both release and debug probes by default when using MSVC.
  * Add more editor defaults for code navigation on Linux.
  * Add QtSCXML support to the state machine debugger (requires Qt >= 5.8).
  * Show QtQuick overlays also in the target application.
  * Avoid leaking GammaRay translated strings into the translation inspector.
  * Fix launching targets on macOS >= 10.9.
- When building for at least Leap 42.2, BuildRequire glslang-devel
  which is an optional package
- When building for Factory, BuildRequire cmake(KF5yntaxHighlighting)
  which is an optional package
Sun Jan 29 19:21:49 UTC 2017 -

- Directly call ldconfig as scriptlet

Thu Oct 27 14:40:21 UTC 2016 -

- Update to 2.6.0:
  * Reworked tool view handling, enabling deeper IDE integration of individual tools.
  * Merged model and selection model inspector.
  * Fixed crash when quickly changing selection in model inspector.
  * Add QMetaObject validation, identifying common problems with signal/slot declarations.
  * Support object navigation to and from the model and text document inspectors as well as the signal plotter.
  * Visualize model selections.
  * Allow to inspect model content also for disabled cells.
  * Show model cell flags in model inspector.
  * Fix sorting in object method view.
  * Fix handling of source model changes for proxy and selection models.
  * Add in-app picking for selection models and actions.
  * Extended the user manual with example problems diagnosed with GammaRay.
  * Allow to rescan the meta type database.
  * Add object navigation from the meta type view to the meta object browser.
  * Show registered comparison and stream operators in the meta type browser.
  * Add object navigation support to the action and timer inspectors.
  * Visualize enabled state in the action inspector too.
  * Support editing of nested properties of value types.
  * Fix various enum/flag display issues in the property view.
  * Fix AArch64 detection on ELF platforms.
  * Support ABI detection on systems without ldd.
  * Add Wayland compositor inspector.
  * Add advanced element picking mode for widget and Qt Quick inspectors.
  * Fix crash when encountering an empty translation context.
  * Extend user manual content.
  * Fix a number of memory leaks.
  * Fix crash when selecting a dangling top-level layout in the widget inspector.
  * Fix missing standard icon types in style inspector for some Qt versions.
  * Fix table layout in style inspector.
  * Fix invalid memory access in palette model.
  * Fix selecting entries in the resource browser.

Sat Oct 22 13:04:21 UTC 2016 -

- Bump Qt BuildRequires to 5.2.0

Fri Jul  1 16:51:56 UTC 2016 -

- Make Group tag consistent with other packages.

Sat Jul 11 16:39:36 UTC 2015 -

- Update to 2.3.0:
  * Add QtBluetooth support.
  * Support local sockets next to TCP for connecting to the probe.
  * Change probe plugin loading to be compatible with Android .apk
  * Don't generate backtraces for GammaRay-caused qWarnings.
  * Also show properties defined in a meta object in the meta
    object browser.
  * Add non-QObject meta object found via QMetaType to the meta
    object browser (finds Q_GADGETs with Qt 5.5).
  * Performance improvements in object tracking, remote model,
    property view, signal spy and several other places.
  * Ongoing refactoring work to enable embedding the
    GammaRay client and launcher components into other
    host applications.
  * Add copy backtrace feature in the message browser.
  * Improved UI-less build option for embedded targets.
  * Fix various crashes, including when interacting with
    QOpenGLContext, QDBusAdapter, QML ListModels or Qt containers
    containing types that cannot be serialized.
  * Make paint analyzing also work with Qt 5.5 despite the necessary
    functionality being removed in Qt.
  * Add support for static properties in the property view.
  * Qt 5.5 compatibility.
  * Initial support for QNX 6.6.
  * Improved QtQuick2 in-app item picking.
  * Fixed/improved tracking of object reparenting in the
    object tree model.
  * Fix widget layout overlay widget leaking into
    object/widget tree.
  * Optional compression support for the client/server communication,
    speeds up debugging over slow USB connections.
  * Fix initial selection in the model browser having no effect.

Thu Apr  9 01:30:16 UTC 2015 -

- Update to 2.2.1:
  * Fix spawning a large number of threads in the process list.
  * Add GAMMARAY_BUILD_UI build option to only build the non-UI
    parts, useful for embedded targets.
  * Add workaround for QSortFilterProxyModel regression introduced
    in qtbase commit bec1854cc0.
  * Follow kdstatemachineeditor KDSME API changes.
  * Use the preload injector by default on Mac for Qt >= 5.4.
  * Fix probe ABI detection on Mac bundles.
  * Fix asserts caused by icon loading in
    QCoreApplication-only targets.
  * Fix crash when target deletes a signal sender in a slot.
 - Changes since 2.2.0:
  * New translation inspector plug-in.
  * New signal monitor and object lifetime plotter plug-in.
  * Support displaying of QQmlListProperty contents.
  * Expose signal/slot spy callback API to plug-ins.
  * Improved state machine visualization using KDSME.
  * Support for QQmlTimer in the timertop plug-in.
  * Support exporting of QResource data.
  * Improved QSGMaterial viewer.
  * Various performance improvements for the QtQuick2
    remote preview.
  * Improved Qt 5.4 compatibility.
  * Fix handling of large images in the resource browser.
  * Support for manually emitting signals, and improved
    method display.
 - Changes since 2.1.2:
  * Fix crash when selecting the scene graph root node.
  * Fix two asserts in Qt 5.4 when dealing with connections
    to slot objects.
  * Fix build with Vivante OpenGL ES2 stack.
  * Build fixes for Android.
  * Fix build issues with Qt5.4 and Clang.
  * Fix minor compiler warnings and Coverity Scan issues.
 - Changes since 2.1.1:
  * Fix invoking non-slot methods with arguments.
  * Fix QtQuick2 preview not showing any content with
    Qt 5.2 or older.
  * Fix crash when encountering tooltips in Qt5 targets.
  * Fix deadlock in object list model.
  * Fix QGraphicsView scene selection in in-process mode.
  * Fix debug message handler for Qt5.
  * A missing relocatable startup hook is
    no longer fatal with Qt 5.4.
  * Fix Qt 5.4 compatibility of the QtQuick2 preview.
 - Changes since 2.1.0:
  * Aggregated property view combining static, dynamic and
    non-QObject property views.
  * Qt5Qml/Qt5Quick support
  * Probe ABI auto-detection on Linux, Mac and Windows.
  * Support to navigate to objects that are property values.
  * Plug-ins can now add specialized tabs to the property view.
  * Support adding and deleting dynamic QObject properties.
  * Support for "hidden" plug-ins, i.e. plug-ins that only
    provide type support but no own tool view.
  * Support KF5 in the KJob tracker plug-in.
  * Support for Qt 5.4 object creation/destruction callbacks.
  * Improved connection view, and support for viewing
    connections in Qt5 applications.
 - Changes since 2.0.2:
  * Restore compatibility with Qt4.7
  * Avoid leaking shared-memory in case of crashes of gammaray-client
  * Fix various crashes
  * Fix various crashes with heavily multithreaded debuggees
  * Fix unnecessary value limits in property editor for
    QPointF, QSizeF, etc
  * Improve property editor value loading performance
 - Changes since 2.0.1:
  * LLDB injector (enables Mac OSX 10.9 support)
  * Fix various cases where client and server states get out of sync
 - Changes since 2.0.0:
  * Out-of-process UI
  * Remote Debugging
  * Multi-probe support
  * Probe usable on targets without QtWidget available
  * Fix preload check on MIPS/MIPSel (issue #63)
  * Support for displaying arguments of monitored signals
- Drop libQtWebKit-devel and libkde4-devel BuildRequires
- Added pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent), pkgconfig(Qt5Core),
  pkgconfig(Qt5Designer), pkgconfig(Qt5Gui), pkgconfig(Qt5Network),
  pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport), pkgconfig(Qt5Qml) >= 5.1.0,
  pkgconfig(Qt5Quick), pkgconfig(Qt5Script),
  pgconfig(Qt5ScriptTools), pkgconfig(Qt5Svg), pkgconfig(Qt5Test),
  pkgconfig(Qt5WebKitWidgets), pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets),
  libQt5Core-private-headers-devel, libQt5Gui-private-headers-devel,
  libQt5Network-private-headers-devel and
  libqt5-qtdeclarative-private-headers-devel BuildRequires
- Enable devel subpackage

Sat Dec  7 13:25:08 UTC 2013 -

- Update to 1.3.2:
 * Support more Qt5-specific data types
 * Fix crash on some QtQuick2 applicaitons
 * Support VTK6
 * Fix crash in selection model inspector
 * Fix probe re-injections

Mon Aug  5 17:35:43 UTC 2013 -

- enable CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH option so RPATH is ommited from 
  install tree

Sun Jul 21 19:10:32 UTC 2013 -

- Update to 1.3.1:
- Changes since 1.3.0:
 * Fix state machine viewer on Windows
 * Fix crash in model cell viewer
 * Fix crash in meta object browser caused by deleted dynamic 
   meta objects
 * Improve performance of the mime type browser
 * Improvements in the state machine viewer image export
 * Compile fixes for some Qt5 configurations
- Changes since 1.2.0:
 * New KJob tracker plugin (requires KDE4)
 * Qt5 support
 * New Meta Object Browser tool
 * New QStandardPaths and QMimeTypeDatabase browsers (Qt5 only)
- Changes since 1.1.1:
 * Published API for writing your own plugin
 * New QStyle inspector
 * New QAction inspector with shortcut conflict finder
 * New QPalette editor
 * QWidget paint operation introspection using QPaintBuffer 
   (requires private headers)
- Dropped gammaray-gcc47.patch, not needed
- Added libkde4-devel, python-devel, graphviz-devel and libxml2-devel
- Added qvtk.diff, so variable is used, instead of hardcoded QVTK
- Adjust license format

Tue Nov 20 17:23:54 UTC 2012 -

- Fix the SLES build (%make_install is not expanded on SLES)

Tue May 15 09:31:35 UTC 2012 -

- Fix compilation with gcc 4.7 

Mon Mar 19 12:05:14 UTC 2012 -

- Update to version 1.1.0
- Added vtk dependencies for viewing source structure
- Cleaned up spec file formatting

Thu Nov  3 09:03:32 UTC 2011 -

- Fix build on openSUSE 11.4 and lower 

Sun Oct 30 21:25:49 UTC 2011 -

- Initial version 1.0.50

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