File ghc-QuickCheck.changes of Package ghc-QuickCheck

Wed May 31 15:38:24 UTC 2023 - Peter Simons <>

- Update QuickCheck to version 2.14.3.
  QuickCheck 2.14.3 (released 2023-05-31)
  	* Add shrinkBoundedEnum (thanks to Jonathan Knowles)
  	* Add discardAfter for discarding tests on timeout (thanks to Justus Sagemüller)
  	* Add assertWith for monadic testing (thanks to KtorZ)
  	* Add functionElements to Test.QuickCheck.Function (thanks to Oleg Grenrus)
  	* Add Arbitrary instance for Newline (thanks to Daniel Bramucci)
  	* Improve Arbitrary instances for Float and Double (thanks to Oleg Grenrus)
  	* Improve arbitrarySizedFractional (thanks to Bodigrim)
  	* Fix shrinkRealFrac and shrinkDecimal, which were broken
  	* Speed up printing of progress messages (thanks to Bodigrim)
  	* Add COMPLETE pragmas for Fn and family (thanks to ilkecan)
  	* Make templateHaskell flag manual (thanks to Oleg Grenrus)

Thu Mar 30 17:08:00 UTC 2023 - Peter Simons <>

- Updated spec file to conform with ghc-rpm-macros-2.5.2.

Thu Dec 17 12:20:00 UTC 2020 - Ondřej Súkup <>
- disable %{ix86} build
Sun Nov 15 12:26:19 UTC 2020 -

- Update QuickCheck to version 2.14.2.
  Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in
  a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry
  at the top. You can review the file at:

Tue Aug 18 10:43:50 UTC 2020 - Peter Simons <>

- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro.

Mon Jul  6 13:51:01 UTC 2020 -

- Update QuickCheck to version 2.14.1.
  Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in
  a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry
  at the top. You can review the file at:

Tue Jun  9 09:10:57 UTC 2020 -

- Update QuickCheck to version 2.14.
  QuickCheck 2.14 (release 2020-03-28)
  	* QuickCheck is now much faster at generating test data!
  	  As a result, many properties can now be tested a lot faster;
  	  the examples distributed with QuickCheck run about twice as
  	  fast as before, for example. Of course, your mileage may vary.

  	  The reason for this is that there are now specialised versions
  	  of the 'choose' combinator for various types. These are:
  	  chooseInt, chooseInteger, chooseBoundedIntegral, and chooseEnum.
  	  These combinators are identical to 'choose' but much faster.
  	  All QuickCheck combinators, with the exception of 'choose'
  	  itself, use the new combinators behind the scenes.

  	  You should see a speedup without doing anything, but to get a
  	  further speedup, consider replacing any uses of 'choose' in your
  	  own generators with the new combinators.

  	  We are hoping that future releases of the 'random' library may
  	  speed up 'choose', in which case these combinators may no longer
  	  be needed.

  	  Thanks to Oleg Grenrus for suggesting to bypass 'choose' for
  	  random number generation, and providing the appropriate
  	  primitive in his 'splitmix' random number library.

  	* Smaller changes and bugfixes:
  		- RecursivelyShrink and GSubterms are exported from
  		  Test.QuickCheck.Test (thanks to Tom Mortiboy).
  		- Don't generate invalid unicode characters
  		  (thanks to Boris Stepanov).
  		- When a call to 'within' fails, include the duration of the
  		  timeout in the failure report (thanks to William Rusnack).
  		- In Gen, avoid splitting the seed in the implementation of
  		  >>, *> and <- (thanks to David Feuer).
  		- Fix a couple of bugs with shrinking of floating-point
  		- Export functionMapWith, functionEitherWith and
  		  functionPairWith from Test.QuickCheck.Function
  		  (thanks to Oleg Grenrus).
  		- Remove redundant RealFloat constraint from
  		  Arbitrary/CoArbitrary instances for Complex
  		  (thanks to Bodigrim).

Fri Nov  8 16:14:29 UTC 2019 - Peter Simons <>

- Drop obsolete group attributes.

Mon Jul  1 02:02:25 UTC 2019 -

- Update QuickCheck to version 2.13.2.
  Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in
  a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry
  at the top. You can review the file at:

Tue Jun 11 14:29:07 UTC 2019 - Peter Simons <>

- Update Cabal file for more accurate build dependencies.

Sat Mar 30 19:21:39 UTC 2019 -

- Update QuickCheck to version 2.13.1.
  QuickCheck 2.13.1 (release 2019-03-29)
  	* A couple of bug fixes

  QuickCheck 2.13 (released 2019-03-26)
  	* Properties with multiple arguments now shrink better.
  	  Previously, the first argument was shrunk, then the second, and
  	  so on. Now, the arguments are shrunk as a whole, so shrink steps
  	  for different arguments can be interleaved.

  	* New features:
  		- New modifiers Negative and NonPositive
  		- A Testable instance for Maybe prop (where Nothing means 'discard
  		  the test case')
  	* Dependencies on C code removed:
  		- Use splitmix instead of tf-random for random number generation
  		- Remove dependency on 'erf' package
  	* Small changes:
  		- Say 'Falsified' instead of 'Falsifiable' when a property fails
  	* Compatibility improvements:
  		- Explicitly derive instance Typeable Args
  		- Lower bound on deepseq
  		- A script for building Hugs packages

Wed Oct 10 19:24:03 UTC 2018 -

- Update QuickCheck to version
  QuickCheck 2.12.6 (released 2018-10-02)
  	* Make arbitrarySizedBoundedIntegral handle huge sizes correctly.
  	* Add changelog for QuickCheck 2.12.5 :)

  QuickCheck 2.12.5 (released 2018-09-30)
  	* Export isSuccess from Test.QuickCheck.
  	* Export CoArbitrary even when generics are disabled (bugfix).
  	* Fix bug in shrinkDecimal.
  	* Include Test.QuickCheck.Gen in exposed modules for Haddock.

  QuickCheck 2.12.3, 2.12.4 (released 2018-09-12)
  	* Shrinking for Float and Decimal now works by reducing the number
  	  of digits in the number. The new function shrinkDecimal
  	  implements this shrinking behaviour.
  	* Shrinking for Rational now tries to make the numerator and
  	  denominator of the number smaller. Previously it tried to reduce
  	  the magnitude of the number.

  QuickCheck 2.12.2 (released 2018-09-10)
  	* Fix infinite shrinking loop for fractional types.
  	* Add SortedList modifier.

  QuickCheck 2.12.1 (released 2018-09-06)
  	* Fix bug in 'classify'.

  QuickCheck 2.12 (released 2018-09-03)
  	* Silently breaking changes!
  		- The Arbitrary instance for Word now generates only small
  		  values, the same as Int
  		- cover no longer causes a property failure if coverage is
  		  insufficient. It just prints a warning. (But see next item!)

  	* Overhaul of label/cover family of combinators:
  		- New property combinator checkCoverage, which checks coverage
  		  requirements in a statistically sound way, and *does* fail if
  		  they are not met.
  		- Order of arguments to cover swapped, to make it easier to
  		  switch between classify and cover
  		- New combinators tabulate and coverTable, for reporting test
  		  case distribution more flexibly than label.
  		- When label is called multiple times in a property, each call
  		  produces a separate table of frequencies.

  	* New functions:
  		- (=/=): like (/=), but prints a counterexample
  		  (thanks to tom-bop)
  		- forAllShow/forAllShrinkShow: quantification using an
  		  explicit show function (thanks to Stevan Andjelkovic)
  		- forAllBlind/forAllShrinkBlind: quantification without
  		  printing anything
  		- verboseShrinking: see how a counterexample is shrunk
  		- labelledExamples: given a property which uses label,
  		  generate an example test case for each label
  		- idempotentIOProperty: a variant of ioProperty which shrinks
  		  better but only works for idempotent I/O actions

  	* Other improvements:
  		- MonadFix Gen instance (thanks to Jon Fowler)
  		- Rational numbers shrink using continued fractions
  		  (thanks to Justus Sagemüller)
  		- Function instances for Const, Identity, and the types in
  		  Data.Monoid; instance Functor Fun (thanks to Erik Schnetter
  		  and Xia Li-yao)
  		- More of Test.QuickCheck.Function is exported from
  		- Semantics of .||. changed to improve short-circuiting:
  		  if the left argument's precondition is false, the right
  		  argument is not evaluated and the whole disjunction is
  		  considered to have a false precondition
  		- Bug fix: suchThatMaybe always increased size to at least 1

  	* Miscellaneous API changes:
  		- Result type has changed a bit:
  			- InsufficientCovered constructor is gone
  			- Type of labels has changed
  			- New fields classes, tables

Wed Jul 18 14:26:10 UTC 2018 -

- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space,
  and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner.

Mon May 14 17:02:11 UTC 2018 -

- Update QuickCheck to version 2.11.3.
  * New features:
          - InfiniteList modifier generates infinite lists and shows
            only the relevant part.
          - applyArbitrary2/3/4 for applying a function to random
          - Template Haskell function allProperties returns all
            properties in a module.
  * Applicative Gen instances do less splitting.
  * Property now has a Typeable instance.
  * (===) now prints correct output when the property is true.
  * Test.QuickCheck now exports Fun constructor.
  * verboseCheck output is now slightly less confusing.
  * Arbitrary instances for Foreign.C.Types are available in more
    GHC versions.
  * Fixed a bug where withMaxSuccess didn't adjust the allowed
    number of discarded tests.
  * Remove quadratic behaviour in terminal output.
  * New combinators:
          - withMaxSuccess sets the maximum number of test cases for a property.
          - shrinkMap/shrinkMapBy are helpers for defining shrink functions.
          - total checks that a value is non-crashing.
          - suchThatMap is similar to 'suchThat'
            but takes a Maybe-returning function instead of a predicate.
          - getSize returns the current test case size.
  * Random strings and characters now include Unicode characters by
    default. To generate only ASCII characters, use the new
    ASCIIString modifier or arbitraryASCIIChar generator.
    The following modifiers and generators also control the
    kind of strings generated: UnicodeString, PrintableString,
    arbitraryUnicodeChar, arbitraryPrintableChar.
  * QuickCheck no longer catches asynchronous exceptions, which
    means that pressing ctrl-C will now cancel testing without
    printing a counterexample. If you are debugging an infinite loop,
    please use the 'within' combinator or 'verboseCheck' instead.
    ('within' is better as it allows the counterexample to be
  * Much of Test.QuickCheck.Function (showable random functions)
    is now exported from Test.QuickCheck.
          - Test.QuickCheck.Function now defines functions and
            pattern synonyms which simplify testing functions of
            more than one argument: apply2, apply3, Fn2, Fn3.
  * New typeclasses Arbitrary1 and Arbitrary2 which lift Arbitrary
    to unary/binary type constructors, like in Data.Functor.Classes.
  * Some Arbitrary instances have been removed: NonEmpty, Natural.
    This is because they resulted in a lot of extra dependencies.
    You can now find them in the quickcheck-instances package.
    Alternatively, use the NonEmptyList and NonNegative modifiers.
  * New Arbitrary instances for the following types: Proxy, ExitCode,
    WrappedMonad, WrappedArrow, QCGen, and the types in
    Foreign.C.Types and Data.Functor.{Product,Compose}.
    Also a Function instance for Word.
  * The functions in Test.QuickCheck.Monadic which take an argument
    of type PropertyM m a now expect that 'a' to be Testable, and test it.
    To reduce breakage from this, () is now an instance of Testable which
    always succeeds.
          - PropertyM now has a MonadFail instance on recent GHCs.
            Furthermore, the constraints on some instances were loosened.
  * Miscellaneous API changes:
          - Result now returns the counterexample as a list of strings.
            See the "failingTestCase" field.
          - Args now has a `maxShrinks` argument, the maximum number of
            shrinks to try before giving up shrinking.
          - The 'labels' field of Result now encodes frequencies as Doubles
            rather than Ints.
  * Bugfixes:
          - 'Test.QuickCheck.Function', 'Test.QuickCheck.Poly', and
            'Test.QuickCheck.Monadic' are now Safe modules.
          - Result.theException and Result.reason were taken from
            the pre-shrunk counterexample, not the shrunk one.
          - The Testable Property instance improperly used 'again'.
          - Gen.>>= is strict in the result of split, fixing a space leak.
          - within now gives a better error message on timeout
  * Some more examples and links have been added to the documentation.

Sun Feb 12 14:13:28 UTC 2017 -

- Update to version 2.9.2 with cabal2obs.

Sun Jul 10 17:17:25 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version 2.8.2 revision 0 with cabal2obs.

Thu May 26 06:22:16 UTC 2016 -

- update to 2.8.2
* GHC 8 support
* Add Arbitrary and CoArbitrary instances for types in containers package
* Improve speed of shuffle combinator
* Only print to stderr if it's a terminal.
* Small changes: slightly improve documentation, remove redundant constraints
    from some functions' types, small improvements to Test.QuickCheck.All.

Tue May 12 14:26:30 UTC 2015 -

- update to 2.8.1
* Fix bug where exceptions thrown printing counterexamples weren't
    being caught when terminal output was disabled
* Don't export Test.QuickCheck.Property.result
* Support for GHC 7.10
* Arbitrary instance for Natural
* New generators shuffle and sublistOf
* Support for generic coarbitrary
* When using the cover combinator, insufficient coverage now
    causes the property to fail
* Test.QuickCheck.Function: new pattern synonym Fn
* genericShrink no longer requires Typeable
* Result has a new constructor InsufficientCoverage
* resize throws an error if the size is negative
* Fix memory leaks
* Exceptions thrown by callbacks now cause the test to fail
* Fixed a bug where the cover combinator wouldn't give a
    warning if coverage was 0%

Fri Apr 10 13:41:57 UTC 2015 -

- update to 2.7.6
* Add annotations for Safe Haskell.
* Fix bug in cabal file which broke cabal test
* Fixed bug - the Small modifier didn't work on unsigned types
* Changed arbitrarySizedIntegral to have an Integral constraint
  instead of just Num
        * New genericShrink function provides generic shrinking with GHC.
        * New combinator x === y: fails if x /= y, but also prints their values
        * New function generate :: Gen a -> IO a for running a generator.
        * New combinators infiniteList and infiniteListOf for generating infinite lists.
        * Several combinators added to the main Test.QuickCheck module which
          were previously languishing in other modules. Of particular interest:
          quickCheckAll, ioProperty.
        * New combinators delay and capture which can be used (unsafely!)
          to reuse the random number seed. Useful for generating
          polymorphic (rank-2) values.
        * A new Discard data type and a Testable instance for discarding test cases.
        * All modifiers now have Functor instances and accessor functions.
        * Pressing ctrl-C during shrinking now shows the last failed
          test case, rather than the current shrinking candidate.
        * Experimental support for UHC. You will need the latest version of Cabal from git.
* Better distribution of test data:
        * The Int generator now only generates fairly small numbers.
        * The new Small and Large modifiers control the distribution of integers
          (Small generates small numbers, Large from the whole range).
        * Floating-point numbers shrink better.
* Improved random number generation:
        * QuickCheck now uses TFGen rather than StdGen on newer versions
          of GHC, because StdGen's random numbers aren't always random.
        * 'variant' now uses a prefix code. This should prevent some
          potential bananaskins with coarbitrary.
* API changes:
        * The Gen monad now uses an abstract type QCGen rather than StdGen.
        * The Result type now returns the thrown exception and number
          of failed shrink attempts.
        * Property is now a newtype rather than Gen Prop as it was before.
        * promote is moved into the new module Test.QuickCheck.Gen.Unsafe.
        * 'printTestCase' is deprecated - its new name is 'counterexample'
        * 'morallyDubiousIOProperty' is deprecated - its new name is
          'ioProperty', no moral judgement involved :)

Tue Sep  2 08:30:25 UTC 2014 -

- regenerate spec file

Sat Aug 23 00:00:20 UTC 2014 -

- enable PowerPC builds

Mon May  6 11:31:28 UTC 2013 -

- update to 2.6 from upstream
* convenience instances for up to 7-tupels
* stderr unbuffered
* flag to say whether test case was interrupted
- BR ghc-extensible-exceptions-devel no longer required
- more transparent packaging (fewer macros)

Mon Jan  7 09:07:46 UTC 2013 -

- expand macro in name tag to help source validator

Sat Nov 17 14:15:15 UTC 2012 -

- make service localonly for Factory submission

Tue Oct  2 15:59:59 UTC 2012 -

- update to from upstream (no changelog)
- required by Haskell Platform 2012.4.0.0

Sun Jun  3 17:36:02 UTC 2012 -

- update to 2.4.2 from upstream (no changelog)
- required by Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0

Thu Feb 23 13:58:27 UTC 2012 -

- Added BuildRoot for sle11-sp1

Thu Dec 29 11:52:59 UTC 2011 -

- Enable hscolour
- Add rpmlinrc

Mon Dec  5 15:15:52 UTC 2011 -

- Initial packaging.
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