File of Package coolercontrold
# This file should be run from the local checkout of the repo
# It will collect the necessary sources for the cargo and npm builds from online sources
# Which are not available at build time
# Just update the version in the _service file
# Update the changelog in the spec file
# Then run this
osc rm coolercontrol*.zst --force
#osc clean
#osc ca
#rm -rf coolercontrol*/
osc service ra
pushd ./coolercontrol/coolercontrol-ui/
npm ci
pushd ./coolercontrol/
tar -czf node_modules.tar.gz coolercontrol-ui/node_modules
mv node_modules.tar.gz ../
osc add coolercontrol*.zst
#osc clean
#osc ca
#rm -rf coolercontrol*/
# osc build -k ./packages --vm-type=kvm --vm-disk-size 20000 --vm-memory 12288 --clean openSUSE_Tumbleweed x86_64
# Commit and rebuild
echo ''
echo When you are ready to rebuild just
echo osc commit