File my_current.patch of Package texmacs

diff --git a/TeXmacs/doc/devel/scheme/api/ b/TeXmacs/doc/devel/scheme/api/
index 1095fcd9e..c51d4b891 100644
--- a/TeXmacs/doc/devel/scheme/api/
+++ b/TeXmacs/doc/devel/scheme/api/
@@ -1290,6 +1290,14 @@ source code.
+  <\explain>
+    <scm|(cpp-gspdf2eps <scm-arg|url> <scm-arg|url>)>
+<explain-synopsis|no synopsis>
+  <|explain>
+    Calls the <c++> function <cpp|gs_to_eps> which returns
+    <scm|void>.
+  </explain>
     <scm|(tree-\<gtr\>stree <scm-arg|tree>)>
 <explain-synopsis|no synopsis>
diff --git a/TeXmacs/misc/pixmaps/modern/32x32/settings/tm_plugins_prefs.xpm b/TeXmacs/misc/pixmaps/modern/32x32/settings/tm_plugins_prefs.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..747661dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TeXmacs/misc/pixmaps/modern/32x32/settings/tm_plugins_prefs.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *plugins_prefs[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"32 32 52 1 ",
+"  c gray50",
+". c #808080",
+"X c #818181",
+"o c gray51",
+"O c #838383",
+"+ c #848484",
+"@ c gray52",
+"# c #868686",
+"$ c gray53",
+"% c #888888",
+"& c gray54",
+"* c gray55",
+"= c #8D8D8D",
+"- c #8E8E8E",
+"; c gray56",
+": c gray57",
+"> c #929292",
+", c #939393",
+"< c #959595",
+"1 c #979797",
+"2 c #989898",
+"3 c gray60",
+"4 c #9A9A9A",
+"5 c #9B9B9B",
+"6 c #9D9D9D",
+"7 c gray64",
+"8 c #A4A4A4",
+"9 c #A5A5A5",
+"0 c gray65",
+"q c #A7A7A7",
+"w c #A9A9A9",
+"e c #AAAAAA",
+"r c gray67",
+"t c #ACACAC",
+"y c gray68",
+"u c #AEAEAE",
+"i c #AFAFAF",
+"p c gray69",
+"a c #B2B2B2",
+"s c #B4B4B4",
+"d c gray71",
+"f c #B6B6B6",
+"g c #B7B7B7",
+"h c gray72",
+"j c #B9B9B9",
+"k c #BBBBBB",
+"l c #BCBCBC",
+"z c gray74",
+"x c gray",
+"c c gray75",
+"v c #C0C0C0",
+"b c None",
+/* pixels */
+"b...:v*....6v.  .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb",
+"b.#hvvvvvvvvvvi.bbbbbb....     b",
+"bbbb..%6ch4%..bbbbb.4vh4# ......",
+"bbbbbb..hi  bbbbbb.%ch%..bbbbbbb",
+"bbbbbbb.*ce .bbb.#ch# bbbbbbbbbb",
diff --git a/TeXmacs/misc/pixmaps/modern/32x32/settings/tm_prefs_plugins.svg b/TeXmacs/misc/pixmaps/modern/32x32/settings/tm_prefs_plugins.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07302ffd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TeXmacs/misc/pixmaps/modern/32x32/settings/tm_prefs_plugins.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+   xmlns:dc=""
+   xmlns:cc=""
+   xmlns:rdf=""
+   xmlns:svg=""
+   xmlns=""
+   width="32px"
+   height="32px"
+   id="svg5078"
+   version="1.1">
+  <metadata
+     id="metadata856">
+    <rdf:RDF>
+      <cc:Work
+         rdf:about="">
+        <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>
+        <dc:type
+           rdf:resource="" />
+        <dc:title></dc:title>
+      </cc:Work>
+    </rdf:RDF>
+  </metadata>
+  <defs
+     id="defs5080" />
+  <g
+     id="g4"
+     style="fill:#c0c0c0;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#808080;stroke-width:24.1333;stroke-opacity:1"
+     transform="matrix(0.0621549,0,0,0.0621549,1.0331262,0.69944239)">
+    <path
+       d="m 489.8,280.92 c 0,-13.9 -11.3,-25.2 -25.2,-25.2 h -74.1 c -62.1,0 -112.4,50.2 -112.7,112.2 -0.1,32.3 -23,61 -55,65 -38.4,4.8 -71.2,-25.2 -71.2,-62.6 v -56.4 c 57.6,-11.7 101,-62.6 101,-123.7 v -64 c 0,-9.1 -7.3,-16.4 -16.4,-16.4 h -31.3 v -79.1 c 0,-12.4 -9,-23.4 -21.3,-24.6 -14.1,-1.4 -26,9.7 -26,23.6 v 80.1 H 95.2 v -79.1 c 0,-12.4 -9,-23.4 -21.4,-24.6 -14.1,-1.3 -26,9.7 -26,23.6 v 80.1 H 16.4 c -9.1,0 -16.4,7.3 -16.4,16.4 v 64 c 0,61.1 43.4,112 101,123.7 v 53.5 c 0,61.5 47.7,114 109.2,116.3 64.6,2.4 118,-49.4 118,-113.5 v -0.9 c 0,-34.9 28.3,-63.1 63.1,-63.1 h 73.2 c 14,-0.1 25.3,-11.4 25.3,-25.3 z"
+       id="path2"
+       style="fill:#c0c0c0;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#808080;stroke-width:24.1333;stroke-opacity:1" />
+  </g>
diff --git a/TeXmacs/progs/convert/images/init-images.scm b/TeXmacs/progs/convert/images/init-images.scm
index 8115eebc4..9ecfb7bc9 100644
--- a/TeXmacs/progs/convert/images/init-images.scm
+++ b/TeXmacs/progs/convert/images/init-images.scm
@@ -17,24 +17,84 @@
 ;; Helper functions for testing available converters
+(define inkscape-check -1)
+(define gs-check -1)
+(define rsvg-check -1)
+(define (imagemagick-binary)
+  (if (os-mingw?) "magick" ;; avoid collision with Windows native command (imagemagick v>=7.0)
+       "convert"))
 (tm-define (has-convert?)
-  (and (not (os-mingw?)) ;; avoid name collision wrt Windows native command
-       (url-exists-in-path? "convert")))
+  (url-exists-in-path? (imagemagick-binary)))
 (tm-define (has-pdftocairo?)
   (url-exists-in-path? "pdftocairo"))
-(tm-define (gs-binary)
-  (let* ((n1 "$TEXMACS_PATH\\bin\\gs.exe;c:\\Program F*\\gs\\gs*\\gswin*c.exe")
+(tm-define (has-inkscape?)
+  (if (== inkscape-check -1)
+          (with ans (and (url-exists-in-path? "inkscape")
+                     (test-version-num "inkscape -V" "Inkscape " 0 92))
+             (set! inkscape-check (if ans 1 0))
+             ans)
+        (> inkscape-check 0)))
+(tm-define (has-rsvg-convert?)
+  (if (== rsvg-check -1)
+          (with ans (and (url-exists-in-path? "rsvg-convert")
+                    (test-version-num "rsvg-convert -v" "version " 2 40))
+             (set! rsvg-check (if ans 1 0))
+             ans)
+        (> rsvg-check 0)))
+(define (gs-url)
+   (let* ((n1 "$TEXMACS_PATH\\bin\\gs.exe;c:\\Program F*\\gs\\gs*\\gswin*c.exe")
          (n2 "$TEXMACS_PATH/bin/gs:gs")
          (name (if (os-mingw?) n1 n2)))
-    (url->system (url-resolve-in-path name))))
+         (url->system (url-resolve-in-path name))))
+(define (gs-binary)
+    (escape-shell (gs-url)))
 (tm-define (has-gs?)
-  (url-exists? (gs-binary)))
+  (if (== gs-check -1)
+        (with ans (and (url-exists? (gs-url))
+                  (test-version-num (string-append (gs-binary) " --version") "" 9 26))
+; because of bug #61991, but maybe a good idea to require even more recent gs (9.50?)
+; see
+          (set! gs-check (if ans 1 0))
+          (if ans #t
+           (begin
+              (debug-message "debug-convert" "No Ghostscript for Scheme converters\n")
+            #f)))
+      (> gs-check 0)))
+(define (test-version-num cmd key major minor)
+;tests if program reports version >=  major.minor
+  (with a (eval-system cmd)
+    (if (string-null? a)
+      #f
+      (with st (if (string-null? key)
+               0 (string-search-forwards key 0 a))
+        (if (== st -1)
+          #f
+          (let*
+            ((a (substring a (+ st (string-length key))))
+             (a (car (string-split a #\space)))
+             (a (string-split a #\.))
+             (v1 (string->number (first a)))
+             (v2 (string->number (second a))))
+            (if (or (> v1 major) (and (== v1 major) (>= v2 minor)))
+              #t
+              (begin
+                (debug-message "debug-convert" (string-append cmd " reports version " (first a) "." (second a)
+                 ";\nTeXmacs will not use it as a converter.\n
+                 (minimun required version is " (number->string major) "." (number->string minor) ")\n"))
+                #f))))))))
-;; Helper functions for conversions
+;; Helpers and function-with-option(s) for converters
@@ -49,61 +109,145 @@
       (escape-shell (url-concretize (url-resolve-in-path cmd)))))
 (tm-define (rsvg-convert x opts)
-  (let* ((dest (assoc-ref opts 'dest))
-         (fm (url-format (url-concretize dest)))
+  ;(display* "scm rsvg-convert " x opts "\n")
+  (let* ((last? (assoc-ref opts 'last?))
+         (fm (format-default-suffix (assoc-ref opts 'to-format)))
+         (fm (if (== fm "ps") "eps" fm))
+         (dest (if last? (assoc-ref opts 'dest)
+               (url-glue (url-temp) (string-append "." fm))))
          (res (get-raster-resolution opts))
-	 (cmd (get-shell-command "rsvg-convert")))
-    (system-2 (string-append cmd " -f " fm " -d " res " -o ") dest x)
+         (w (assoc-ref opts 'width)) ; width for export
+         (wstr (if w (string-append " -w "  w) ""))
+         (h (assoc-ref opts 'height))
+         (hstr (if h (string-append " -h "  h) ""))
+         (dstr (if (or (in? fm '("eps" "pdf")) h w) "" (string-append " -d " res)))
+         (cmd (string-append (get-shell-command "rsvg-convert")
+               " -f " fm wstr hstr dstr " -o ")))
+    ;(display* cmd dest " " x "\n")
+    (system-2 cmd dest x)
+    (if (url-exists? dest) dest #f)))
+(tm-define (inkscape-convert x opts)
+  ;(display* "scm inkscape-convert " x opts "\n")
+  (let* ((last? (assoc-ref opts 'last?))
+         (fm (format-default-suffix (assoc-ref opts 'to-format)))
+         (fm (if (== fm "ps") "eps" fm))
+         (dest (if last? (assoc-ref opts 'dest)
+               (url-glue (url-temp) (string-append "." fm))))
+         (fullname (url-concretize dest))
+         (res (get-raster-resolution opts))
+         (w (assoc-ref opts 'width)) ; width in pixels for raster export
+         (wstr (if w (string-append " -w "  w) ""))
+         (h (assoc-ref opts 'height))
+         (hstr (if h (string-append " -h "  h) ""))
+         (dstr (if (or h w) "" (string-append " -d " res)))
+         (cmd (string-append (get-shell-command "inkscape")
+               " --export-overwrite --pdf-poppler -l --export-type=" fm
+               hstr wstr dstr " -o ")))
+    ;(display* cmd dest " " x "\n")
+    (system-2 cmd dest x)
     (if (url-exists? dest) dest #f)))
 (tm-define (pdf-file->pdftocairo-raster x opts)
-  (let* ((dest (assoc-ref opts 'dest))
+  ;(display* "scm pdf-file->pdftocairo-raster " x opts "\n")
+  (let* ((last? (assoc-ref opts 'last?))
+         (fm (format-default-suffix (assoc-ref opts 'to-format)))
+         (fm (if (== fm "ps") "eps" fm))
+         (dest (if last? (assoc-ref opts 'dest)
+               (url-glue (url-temp) (string-append "." fm))))
          (fullname (url-concretize dest))
-         (fm (url-format fullname))
-         (transp (if (== fm "png") "-transp " ""))
          (suffix (url-suffix fullname))
          (name (string-drop-right fullname (+ 1 (string-length suffix))))
+         (transp (if (== fm "png") "-transp " ""))
+         (w (assoc-ref opts 'width)) ; width in pixels for raster export
+         (wstr (if w (string-append " -scale-to-x "  w) ""))
+         (h (assoc-ref opts 'height))
+         (hstr (if h (string-append " -scale-to-y "  h) ""))
          (res (get-raster-resolution opts))
-	 (cmd (get-shell-command "pdftocairo")))
-    ;;(display (string-append cmd " -singlefile " transp "-" fm " -r " res " " x " "  name))
-    (system-2 (string-append cmd " -singlefile " transp "-" fm " -r " res)
-	      x name)
+         (dstr (if (or h w) "" (string-append " -r " res)))
+         (cmd (string-append (get-shell-command "pdftocairo")" -singlefile " transp "-" fm
+               hstr wstr dstr)))
+    ;(display cmd " " x " "  name)
+    (system-2 cmd x name)
     (if (url-exists? dest) dest #f)))
-(tm-define (pdf-file->imagemagick-raster x opts)
-  (let* ((dest (assoc-ref opts 'dest))
+(tm-define (imagemagick-any->raster x opts)
+   ;(display* "scm imagemagick-any->raster " x opts "\n")
+  (let* ((last? (assoc-ref opts 'last?))
+         (fm (format-default-suffix (assoc-ref opts 'to-format)))
+         (dest (if last? (assoc-ref opts 'dest)
+               (url-glue (url-temp) (string-append "." fm))))
+         (orig (url-concretize x))
+         (w (assoc-ref opts 'width)) ; width in pixels
+         (h (assoc-ref opts 'height))
+         (geom (if (or w h) (string-append " -resize "  w "x" h "!") ""))
          (res (get-raster-resolution opts)))
-    ;;(display (string-append "convert -density " res " " x " "  dest))
-    (system-2 (string-append "convert -density " res) x dest)
-    ;; NOTE: changing the resolution to 300 (the default) causes a problem
-    ;; when converting TeXmacs documents to Html with formulas as images:
-    ;; the formulas appear way too large...
-    ;;(system-2 (string-append "convert ") x dest)
+    ;(display (string-append (get-shell-command (imagemagick-binary)) " -density " res " " orig " " geom " "  dest "\n"))
+    (system-1 (string-append (get-shell-command (imagemagick-binary)) " -density " res " " orig " " geom) dest)
     (if (url-exists? dest) dest #f)))
-(tm-define (gs-convert x opts)
-  ;; many options for pdf->ps/eps see
-  ;; this one does a better rendering than pdf2ps (also based on gs):
-  (let* ((dest (assoc-ref opts 'dest))
-	 (gs (gs-binary)))
-    (system-2 (string-append gs " -q -dNOCACHE -dUseCropBox -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=eps2write -sOutputFile=") dest x))
-  ;; problem: 
-  ;; eps2write available starting with gs  9.14 (2014-03-26)
-  ;; epswrite removed in gs 9.16 (2015-03-30)
+(tm-define (gs-pdf2eps x opts)
+  ;(display* "scm gs-pdf2eps " x opts "\n")
+  (let* ((last? (assoc-ref opts 'last?))
+         (dest (if last? (assoc-ref opts 'dest)
+               (url-glue (url-temp) (string-append ".eps")))))
+        (cpp-gspdf2eps x dest)
+  ;; the converter in c++ properly keeps the bounding box, unlike the previous code
+    (if (url-exists? dest) dest #f))
+  )
+(tm-define (gs-ps2pdf x opts)
+  (display* "scm gs-ps2pdf " x opts "\n")
+  (let* ((last? (assoc-ref opts 'last?))
+         (dest (if last? (assoc-ref opts 'dest)
+               (url-glue (url-temp) (string-append ".pdf"))))
+         (pdfv (get-preference "texmacs->pdf:version"))
+         (pdfv (if (== pdfv "default") "1.4" pdfv))
+         (cmd (string-append (gs-binary) " -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite "
+                " -dUseCropBox -dFitPage -dAutoRotatePages=/None "
+                " -dCompatibilityLevel=" pdfv
+                " -sOutputFile=" (url-sys-concretize dest)
+                " -f " (url-sys-concretize x))))
+    (display* cmd "\n")
+    (display* (eval-system cmd) "\n")
+    (if (url-exists? dest) dest #f))
 (tm-define (pdf-file->gs-raster x opts)
-  (let* ((dest (assoc-ref opts 'dest))
+  ;(display* "scm pdf-file->gs-raster " x opts "\n")
+  (let* ((last? (assoc-ref opts 'last?))
+         (fm (format-default-suffix (assoc-ref opts 'to-format)))
+         (dev (cond ((== fm "jpg") "jpeg")
+                    ((== fm "tif") "tiff24nc")
+                    (else "pngalpha")))
+         (dest (if last? (assoc-ref opts 'dest)
+               (url-glue (url-temp) (string-append "." fm))))
          (res (get-raster-resolution opts))
-	 (gs (gs-binary)))
-    (evaluate-system (list gs "-dBATCH" "-dNOPAUSE" "-dQUIET" "-dSAFER"
-                           "-dNOPROMPT" "-sDEVICE=pngalpha"
-                           (string-append "-r" res)
-                           (string-append "-sOutputFile="
-                                          (url-concretize dest))
-                           (url-concretize x)) '() '() '(1 2))
-    (if (url-exists? dest) dest #f)))
+         (w (assoc-ref opts 'width)) ; width in pixels
+         (h (assoc-ref opts 'height))
+         (gs (gs-binary))
+         (cl (list gs " -dBATCH" " -dNOPAUSE" " -dSAFER"
+                           " -dNOPROMPT" (string-append " -sDEVICE=" dev) " -dUseCropBox"))
+         (cl (if (and w h) (append cl `(" -dPDFFitPage" ,(string-append " -g" w "x" h)) )
+                           (rcons cl (string-append " -r" res))  ))
+         (cl (append cl `(,(string-append " -sOutputFile=" (url-sys-concretize dest))
+                           ,(string-append " " (url-sys-concretize x)))))
+         (cmd (apply string-append cl)))
+    ;(display* cl "\n")
+    ;(evaluate-system cl '() '() '(1 2)) ;for some reason this gives non-zero return code in Windows
+    (with ans (eval-system cmd)
+      (if (url-exists? dest) dest
+        (begin (debug-message "debug-convert" (string-append "pdf-file->gs-raster failed\n"
+                 "command: " cmd "\n"
+                 "produced output: " ans "\n"))
+           #f)))))
+;; Formats and converters
+;; Note : Multiple converters can be defined for a given conversion
+;; (e.g. pdftocairo and pdf2svg for pdf -> svg). In that case,
+;; TeXmacs will use the latest defined converter that is available on the system
+;; => converters defined in my-init-texmacs.scm override similar ones defined here.
 ;; Graphical document and geometric image formats
@@ -116,89 +260,82 @@
   (:name "Pdf")
   (:suffix "pdf"))
-;;(converter pdf-file postscript-file
-;;  (:require (url-exists-in-path? "pdf2ps"))
-;;  (:shell "pdf2ps" from to))
 (converter pdf-file postscript-file
-  (:require (or (os-mingw?) (url-exists-in-path? "gs")))
-  (:function-with-options gs-convert))
+  (:require (has-gs?))
+  (:function-with-options gs-pdf2eps))
 (converter postscript-file pdf-file
-  (:require (url-exists-in-path? "ps2pdf"))
-  (:shell "ps2pdf" from to))
+  (:require (has-gs?))
+  (:function-with-options gs-ps2pdf))
 (define-format xfig
   (:name "Xfig")
   (:suffix "fig"))
-(converter xfig-file postscript-file
-  (:shell "fig2ps" from to))
+;(converter xfig-file postscript-file
+;  (:shell "fig2ps" from to))
+(converter xfig-file pdf-file
+  (:require (url-exists-in-path? "fig2pdf"))
+  (:shell "fig2pdf" from to))
-(define-format xmgrace
-  (:name "Xmgrace")
-  (:suffix "agr" "xmgr"))
+; as of 2023 grace is still available in linux distros but it seems a dead project
+; there are now several other OSS Wysiwyg graphers
+;(define-format xmgrace
+;  (:name "Xmgrace")
+;  (:suffix "agr" "xmgr"))
-(converter xmgrace-file postscript-file
-  (:require (url-exists-in-path? "xmgrace"))
-  (:shell "xmgrace" "-noask -hardcopy -hdevice EPS -printfile" to from))
+;(converter xmgrace-file postscript-file
+;  (:require (url-exists-in-path? "xmgrace"))
+;  (:shell "xmgrace" "-noask -hardcopy -hdevice EPS -printfile" to from))
 (define-format svg
    (:name "Svg")
    (:suffix "svg"))
-(converter svg-file postscript-file
-  (:require (url-exists-in-path? "inkscape"))
-  (:shell "inkscape" "-z" "-f" from "-P" to))
 (converter svg-file pdf-file
-  (:require (url-exists-in-path? "inkscape"))
-  (:shell "inkscape" "-z" "-f" from "-A" to))
+  (:require (has-rsvg-convert?))
+  (:function-with-options rsvg-convert))
-(converter svg-file png-file
-  (:require (url-exists-in-path? "inkscape"))
-  (:shell "inkscape" "-z" "-d" "600" from "--export-png" to))
+;(converter svg-file postscript-file
+;  (:require (has-rsvg-convert?))
+;  (:function-with-options rsvg-convert))
-(converter svg-file png-file
-  (:require (and (url-exists-in-path? "rsvg-convert")
-                 (not (url-exists-in-path? "inkscape"))))
-    (:function-with-options rsvg-convert))
+;(converter svg-file postscript-file
+;  (:require (has-inkscape?))
+;  (:function-with-options inkscape-convert))
+(converter svg-file pdf-file
+  (:require (has-inkscape?))
+  (:function-with-options inkscape-convert))
 (define-format geogebra
   (:name "Geogebra")
   (:suffix "ggb"))
-(converter geogebra-file postscript-file
+(converter geogebra-file pdf-file
   (:require (url-exists-in-path? "geogebra"))
-  (:shell "geogebra" "--export=" to "--dpi=600" from))
+  (:shell "geogebra" "--export=" to from))
-(converter geogebra-file svg-file
+(converter geogebra-file png-file
   (:require (url-exists-in-path? "geogebra"))
   (:shell "geogebra" "--export=" to "--dpi=600" from))
-;;(converter pdf-file postscript-document
-;;  (:require (has-pdftocairo?))
-;;  (:shell "pdftocairo" "-eps" from to))
-;;(converter pdf-file postscript-file
-;;  (:require (has-pdftocairo?))
-;;  (:shell "pdftocairo" "-eps" from to))
 (converter pdf-file svg-file
-  (:require (has-pdftocairo?))
-  (:shell "pdftocairo" "-origpagesizes -nocrop -nocenter -svg" from to))
+  (:require (has-inkscape?))
+  (:function-with-options inkscape-convert))
 (converter pdf-file svg-file
   (:require (url-exists-in-path? "pdf2svg"))
   (:shell "pdf2svg" from to))
-(converter svg-file postscript-document
-  (:require (qt5-or-later-gui?))
-  (:function image->psdoc))
+(converter pdf-file svg-file
+  (:require (has-pdftocairo?))
+  (:shell "pdftocairo" "-origpagesizes -nocrop -nocenter -svg" from to))
 ;; Bitmap image formats
 (define-format xpm
   (:name "Xpm")
@@ -223,12 +360,16 @@
   (:name "Tif")
   (:suffix "tif" "tiff"))
-(converter tif-file postscript-document
-  (:function image->psdoc))
+;(converter tif-file postscript-document
+;  (:function image->psdoc))
 (converter tif-file png-file
   (:require (has-convert?))
   (:shell "convert" from to))
+(converter tif-file pdf-file
+  (:require (has-convert?))
+  (:shell "convert" from to))
 (define-format ppm
   (:name "Ppm")
@@ -253,12 +394,12 @@
   (:name "Png")
   (:suffix "png"))
-(converter png-file postscript-document
-  (:function image->psdoc))
+;(converter png-file postscript-document
+;  (:function image->psdoc))
-(converter png-file pnm-file
-  (:require (has-convert?))
-  (:shell "convert" from to))
+;(converter png-file pnm-file
+;  (:require (has-convert?))
+;  (:shell "convert" from to))
 (converter geogebra-file png-file
   (:require (url-exists-in-path? "geogebra"))
@@ -268,8 +409,28 @@
   (:name "Pnm")
   (:suffix "pnm"))
-(converter pnm-file postscript-document
-  (:function image->psdoc))
+;(converter pnm-file postscript-document
+;  (:function image->psdoc))
+(converter pnm-file png-file
+  (:require (has-convert?))
+  (:shell "convert" from to))
+(converter pnm-file png-file
+  (:require (has-convert?))
+  (:shell "convert" from to))
+(define-format webp
+  (:name "Webp")
+  (:suffix "webp"))
+(converter webp-file png-file
+  (:require (url-exists-in-path? "dwebp"))
+  (:shell "dwebp" from "-o" to))
+(converter png-file webp-file
+  (:require (url-exists-in-path? "cwebp"))
+  (:shell "cwebp" from "-o" to))
 ;; From vector graphics to bitmaps
@@ -277,22 +438,12 @@
 (converter pdf-file png-file
   (:require (has-convert?))
-  (:function-with-options pdf-file->imagemagick-raster)
-  ;;(:option "texmacs->image:raster-resolution" "300")
-  )
+  (:function-with-options imagemagick-any->raster))
 (converter pdf-file jpeg-file
   (:require (has-convert?))
-  (:function-with-options pdf-file->imagemagick-raster)
-  ;;(:option "texmacs->image:raster-resolution" "300")
-  )
+  (:function-with-options imagemagick-any->raster))
-(converter pdf-file tif-file
-  (:require (has-convert?))
-  (:function-with-options pdf-file->imagemagick-raster)
-  ;;(:option "texmacs->image:raster-resolution" "300")
-  )
 (converter pdf-file png-file
   (:require (has-pdftocairo?))
   (:function-with-options pdf-file->pdftocairo-raster)
@@ -302,9 +453,7 @@
 (converter pdf-file jpeg-file
   (:require (has-pdftocairo?))
-  (:function-with-options pdf-file->pdftocairo-raster)
-  ;;(:option "texmacs->image:raster-resolution" "300")
-  )
+  (:function-with-options pdf-file->pdftocairo-raster))
 (converter pdf-file png-file
   (:require (has-gs?))
@@ -314,6 +463,10 @@
   (:require (has-gs?))
   (:function-with-options pdf-file->gs-raster))
-(converter pdf-file tif-file
-  (:require (has-gs?))
-  (:function-with-options pdf-file->gs-raster))
+(converter svg-file png-file
+  (:require (has-rsvg-convert?))
+  (:function-with-options rsvg-convert))
+(converter svg-file png-file
+  (:require (has-inkscape?))
+  (:function-with-options inkscape-convert))
diff --git a/TeXmacs/progs/kernel/texmacs/tm-convert.scm b/TeXmacs/progs/kernel/texmacs/tm-convert.scm
index 8849326e8..d671e14ea 100644
--- a/TeXmacs/progs/kernel/texmacs/tm-convert.scm
+++ b/TeXmacs/progs/kernel/texmacs/tm-convert.scm
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@
         (if fun
             (let* ((last? (null? (cdr path)))
                    (opts1 (acons 'last? last? options))
+                   (opts1 (acons 'to-format (car path) opts1))
                    (opts2 (std-converter-options from (car path)))
                    (what* (fun what (append opts1 opts2)))
                    (result (convert-via what* (car path) (cdr path) options)))
@@ -461,7 +462,7 @@
          '("ps" "eps" "bmp" "gif" "ico" "tga" "pcx" "wbmp" "wmf" "jpg"
            "jpeg" "png" "tif" "jbig" "ras" "pnm" "jp2" "jpc" "pgx"
            "cut" "iff" "lbm" "jng" "koa" "mng" "pbm" "pcd" "pcx"
-           "pgm" "ppm" "psd" "tga" "tiff" "xbm" "xpm"))
+           "pgm" "ppm" "psd" "svg" "tga" "tiff" "xbm" "xpm"))
         ((== fm "image") (format-image-suffixes))
         ((== fm "sound")
          '("au" "cdr" "cvs" "dat" "gsm" "ogg" "snd" "voc" "wav"))
diff --git a/TeXmacs/progs/kernel/texmacs/tm-plugins.scm b/TeXmacs/progs/kernel/texmacs/tm-plugins.scm
index af0f36e19..b6774b759 100644
--- a/TeXmacs/progs/kernel/texmacs/tm-plugins.scm
+++ b/TeXmacs/progs/kernel/texmacs/tm-plugins.scm
@@ -530,6 +530,8 @@
   (with l (ahash-table->list plugin-initialize-todo)
     (not (list-or (map cdr l)))))
+(tm-define plugins-with-pref-widget '())
 (define-public (plugin-initialize name*)
   "Initialize plugin with name @name*"
@@ -547,6 +549,8 @@
               ;;  (display* name " -> " (- (texmacs-time) start) " ms\n"))
               (load fname)
+        (if (defined? (string->symbol (string-append name "-preferences-widget")))
+          (set! plugins-with-pref-widget (rcons plugins-with-pref-widget name) ))
         (if (plugin-all-initialized?) (plugin-save-setup)))))
 (define-public (lazy-plugin-initialize name)
diff --git a/TeXmacs/progs/prog/glue-symbols.scm b/TeXmacs/progs/prog/glue-symbols.scm
index cc0a508a8..d3e7abc20 100644
--- a/TeXmacs/progs/prog/glue-symbols.scm
+++ b/TeXmacs/progs/prog/glue-symbols.scm
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
diff --git a/TeXmacs/progs/texmacs/menus/preferences-widgets.scm b/TeXmacs/progs/texmacs/menus/preferences-widgets.scm
index 070c14ed1..093a0289c 100644
--- a/TeXmacs/progs/texmacs/menus/preferences-widgets.scm
+++ b/TeXmacs/progs/texmacs/menus/preferences-widgets.scm
@@ -598,35 +598,28 @@
    (eval `(define-preference-names "texmacs->image:format" ,@valid-image-format-list))
    (cadr (apply map list valid-image-format-list))))
-(define (supports-inkscape?) (url-exists-in-path? "inkscape"))
 (tm-widget (image-preferences-widget)
   (bold (text "TeXmacs -> Image"))
-  (aligned
-    (item (text "Bitmap export resolution (dpi):")
-      (enum (set-preference "texmacs->image:raster-resolution" answer)
-            '("1200" "600" "300" "150" "")
-            (get-preference "texmacs->image:raster-resolution")
-            "8em"))
-    (item (text "Clipboard image format:")
-      (enum (set-pretty-preference "texmacs->image:format" answer)
-            (pretty-format-list)
-            (get-pretty-preference "texmacs->image:format")
-            "8em")))
-  ====== ======
-  (bold (text "Image -> TeXmacs"))
-  ===
-  (aligned
-    (meti
-      (when (supports-inkscape?)
-        (hlist // (text "Use Inkscape for conversion from SVG")))
-      (when (supports-inkscape?)
-        (toggle (set-boolean-preference
-                 "image->texmacs:svg-prefer-inkscape" answer)
-                (get-boolean-preference
-                 "image->texmacs:svg-prefer-inkscape"))))))
+    (aligned
+        (item (text "Clipboard image format:  ")
+          (enum (set-pretty-preference "texmacs->image:format" answer)
+              (pretty-format-list)
+              (get-pretty-preference "texmacs->image:format")
+           "8em"))
+        ;(item (text "Selection export scale:  ")
+        ;  (enum (set-pretty-preference "texmacs->image:scale" answer)
+        ;    '("1" "1.5" "2" "")
+        ;    (get-pretty-preference "texmacs->image:scale")
+        ;    "8em"))
+        (item (text "Bitmap export resolution (dpi):  ")
+          (enum (set-preference "texmacs->image:raster-resolution" answer)
+              '("1200" "600" "300" "150" "")
+              (get-preference "texmacs->image:raster-resolution")
+              "8em")))
 ;; All converters ----------
@@ -878,6 +871,21 @@
     (dynamic (experimental-preferences-widget))))
+;; Tabs for plugins that define a preference widget
+;; (such widget must be called pluginname-preferences-widget and defined
+;; in pluginname.scm or init-pluginname.scm inside the pluginname/prog subdir)
+(tm-widget (plugins-preferences-widget)
+  (assuming (list>0? plugins-with-pref-widget)
+  ===
+  (padded
+    (tabs (loop (plug plugins-with-pref-widget)
+              (tab (text (upcase-first plug))
+                    (centered (dynamic (eval `(,(string->symbol (string-append plug "-preferences-widget"))))))))))
+  ===))
 ;; Preferences widget
@@ -891,18 +899,19 @@
       (icon-tab "tm_prefs_keyboard.xpm" (text "Keyboard")
           (dynamic (keyboard-preferences-widget))))
-      ;; TODO: please implement nice icon tabs first before
-      ;; adding new tabs in the preferences widget
-      ;; The tabs currently take too much horizontal space
-      ;;(icon-tab "tm_prefs_other.xpm" (text "Mathematics") ; TODO: icon
-      ;;  (centered
-      ;;    (dynamic (math-preferences-widget))))
+      (icon-tab "tm_math_preferences.xpm" (text "Mathematics")
+        (centered
+          (dynamic (math-preferences-widget))))
       (icon-tab "tm_prefs_convert.xpm" (text "Convert")
         (dynamic (conversion-preferences-widget)))
       (assuming (== (get-preference "experimental encryption") "on")
         (icon-tab "tm_prefs_security.xpm" (text "Security")
             (dynamic (security-preferences-widget)))))
+     (assuming (list>0? plugins-with-pref-widget)
+       (icon-tab "tm_plugins_prefs.xpm" (text "Plugins")
+         (centered
+           (dynamic (plugins-preferences-widget)))))
       (icon-tab "tm_prefs_other.xpm" (text "Other")
           (dynamic (other-preferences-widget)))))))
diff --git a/src/Edit/Editor/edit_main.cpp b/src/Edit/Editor/edit_main.cpp
index f2ed1c88d..a770b520a 100644
--- a/src/Edit/Editor/edit_main.cpp
+++ b/src/Edit/Editor/edit_main.cpp
@@ -402,7 +402,11 @@ edit_main_rep::print_snippet (url name, tree t, bool conserve_preamble) {
   env->update ();
   if (b->x4 - b->x3 >= 5*PIXEL && b->y4 - b->y3 >= 5*PIXEL) {
-    if (bitmap) make_raster_image (name, b, 5.0);
+    if (bitmap) {
+      int out_dpi = as_int(get_preference ("texmacs->image:raster-resolution"));
+      double zoomf= (double) 5.0*out_dpi/dpi ; //5 hard coded in make_raster_image
+      make_raster_image (name, b, zoomf);
+    }
     else if (ps) make_eps (name, b, dpi);
     else {
       url temp= url_temp (use_pdf ()? ".pdf": ".eps");
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Ghostscript/gs_utilities.cpp b/src/Plugins/Ghostscript/gs_utilities.cpp
index c07b1f1e9..9770e1b16 100644
--- a/src/Plugins/Ghostscript/gs_utilities.cpp
+++ b/src/Plugins/Ghostscript/gs_utilities.cpp
@@ -83,16 +83,8 @@ string
 eps_device () {
   static string dev; // no need to resolve each time
   if (dev == "") {
-    string cmd= gs_prefix ()*" --version";
-    string buf= var_eval_system (cmd);
-    double ver;
-    int pos=0;
-    if (read_double (buf, pos, ver)) {
-      if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "gs version :"<<buf<<LF;
-      if (ver >= 9.14) dev="eps2write";
+      if (gs_version () >= 9.14) dev="eps2write";
       else dev="epswrite";
-    }
-    else  convert_error << "Cannot determine gs version"<<LF;
   return copy(dev);
@@ -323,29 +315,27 @@ gs_to_png (url image, url png, int w, int h) { //Achtung! w,h in pixels
   int bbw, bbh;
   int rw, rh;
   int bx1, by1, bx2, by2;
-  if (suffix (image) == "pdf") 
+  if (suffix (image) == "pdf") {
     image_size (image, bbw, bbh);
     //don't call gs_PDFimage_size 
     //in order to benefit from caching
+    cmd << "-dUseCropBox -dPDFFitPage "; // old gs versions (<9.0 ?) fail if CropBox not explicitly defined
+    cmd << sys_concretize (image);
+  }
   else {
     ps_bounding_box (image, bx1, by1, bx2, by2); //same comment
-  }
-  rw=(w*72)/bbw;
-  rh=(h*72)/bbh;
-  cmd << "-r" << as_string (rw) << "x" << as_string (rh) << " ";  
+/*    rw=(w*72)/bbw;
+    rh=(h*72)/bbh;
+    cmd << "-r" << as_string (rw) << "x" << as_string (rh) << " ";
-  if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "w="<<w<<" h="<<h<<LF
+    if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "w="<<w<<" h="<<h<<LF
       << "bbw="<<bbw<<" bbh="<<bbh<<LF
       <<" res ="<<rw<<" * "<<rh <<LF;
-  if (suffix(image) == "pdf") {
-    cmd << "-dUseCropBox "; // old gs versions (<9.0 ?) fail if CropBox not explicitly defined
-    cmd << sys_concretize (image);
-  }
-  else {
-    //don't use -dEPSCrop which works incorrectly if (bx1 != 0 || by1 != 0)
+   cmd << "-dEPSFitPage ";
+   //don't use -dEPSCrop which works incorrectly if (bx1 != 0 || by1 != 0)
     cmd << "-c \" "<< as_string (-bx1) << " "<< as_string (-by1) <<" translate gsave \"  -f "
             << sys_concretize (image) << " -c \" grestore \"";    
@@ -368,6 +358,7 @@ gs_to_eps (url image, url eps) { //this should be used mostly for pdf->eps conve
   cmd << "-dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER ";
   cmd << "-sDEVICE=" << eps_device ();
   cmd << " -sOutputFile=" << sys_concretize (eps) << " ";
+  if (suffix (eps) == "eps") cmd << "-sPageList=1 ";
   if (suffix (image) == "pdf") {
     image_size (image, bx2, by2);
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Qt/QTMMenuHelper.cpp b/src/Plugins/Qt/QTMMenuHelper.cpp
index 1fba9b2d2..8c75958f2 100644
--- a/src/Plugins/Qt/QTMMenuHelper.cpp
+++ b/src/Plugins/Qt/QTMMenuHelper.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
 #include <QCompleter>
 #include <QKeyEvent>
 #include <QApplication>
+#include <QStylePainter>
+#include <QIcon>
+#include <QStyleOptionTab>
  * QTMCommand
@@ -761,6 +764,8 @@ QTMLineEdit::focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent* ev)
 QTMTabWidget::QTMTabWidget (QWidget *p) : QTabWidget(p) {
   QObject::connect (this, SIGNAL (currentChanged (int)), this, SLOT (resizeOthers (int)));
+  QTMTabBar* tabbar = new QTMTabBar(this);
+  setTabBar(tabbar);
 /*! Resizes the widget to the size of the tab given by the index.
@@ -794,6 +799,49 @@ BEGIN_SLOT
+ * QTMTabBar
+ ******************************************************************************/
+// Overloads QTabBar so that tabs with icons appear with icon and text vertically stacked 
+QTMTabBar::QTMTabBar (QWidget *p) : QTabBar(p) {}
+QSize QTMTabBar::tabSizeHint(int index) const {
+  QIcon icon = tabIcon (index);
+  if (icon.isNull() ) return QTabBar::tabSizeHint(index);
+  else {
+    // Hack. Source Qt code cannot be easily adapted 
+    // because it uses private classes & functions 
+    QSize osize = QTabBar::tabSizeHint(index);
+    QSize isize = iconSize();
+    return QSize(qMax(osize.width() - isize.width() -20, 3*isize.width()/2 + 8), osize.height() + 3*isize.height()/2);
+  }
+QTMTabBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) {
+  if (count()>0) {//needed?
+    QIcon icon = tabIcon (0);
+    if (icon.isNull())
+      //if no icons draw as usual
+      QTabBar::paintEvent(event);
+    else {
+      QStylePainter painter(this);
+      for(int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) {
+        QStyleOptionTab tab;
+        initStyleOption(&tab, i);
+        QRect tabrect = tabRect(i); //uses tabSizeHint under the hood
+        tabrect.adjust(0, 6, 0, -3);//small vertical padding
+        icon = tab.icon;
+        QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap(3*iconSize()/2); //looks better with icon larger than when all inline
+        painter.drawControl(QStyle::CE_TabBarTabShape, tab);
+        painter.drawItemPixmap(tabrect, Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignHCenter, pixmap);
+        painter.drawItemText(tabrect, Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignHCenter, palette(), 1, tab.text);
+      }
+    }
+  }
  * QTMRefreshWidget
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Qt/QTMMenuHelper.hpp b/src/Plugins/Qt/QTMMenuHelper.hpp
index 6d505ac8c..b01c1dbfb 100644
--- a/src/Plugins/Qt/QTMMenuHelper.hpp
+++ b/src/Plugins/Qt/QTMMenuHelper.hpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include <QScrollArea>
 #include <QTabWidget>
 #include <QToolButton>
+#include <QTabBar>
 /*! Handles TeXmacs commands in the QT way.
@@ -318,6 +319,17 @@ public slots:
   void resizeOthers(int index);
+/*! A QTabBar where tabs' icon and text are stacked. */
+class QTMTabBar : public QTabBar {
+  QTMTabBar (QWidget* p = NULL);
+  QSize tabSizeHint(int index) const;
+  void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event);
 /*! A container widget which redraws the widgets it owns. */
 class QTMRefreshWidget : public QWidget {
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_picture.cpp b/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_picture.cpp
index 8e7d8443e..ed357a27a 100644
--- a/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_picture.cpp
+++ b/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_picture.cpp
@@ -235,13 +235,30 @@ may_transform (url file_name, const QImage& pm) {
 get_image_for_real (url u, int w, int h, tree eff, SI pixel) {
   QImage *pm = NULL;
+  if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "qt loading image " << concretize (u) <<LF;
   if (suffix (u) == "svg") {
-    QSvgRenderer renderer (utf8_to_qstring (concretize (u)));
-    pm= new QImage (w, h, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
-    pm->fill (Qt::transparent);
-    QPainter painter (pm);
-    renderer.render (&painter);
+    //if we have a good scm-defined converter for SVG (Inkscape or rsvg-convert)
+    //always use it as it can handle properly svg full spec, whereas QSvg handles only SVG tiny
+    url temp= url_temp (".png");
+    if (call_scm_converter(u, temp, w, h)) {
+      pm= new QImage (utf8_to_qstring (as_string (temp)));
+      remove (temp);
+    }
+    else {
+      if (! svg_is_tiny(u)) {
+        convert_warning << "The image '" << concretize (u) << "' is not declared as Tiny SVG;"<< LF
+         << "Texmacs' Qt-based svg image backend may render it incorrectly."<< LF
+         << "In that case, consider converting the image to pdf."<< LF
+         << "As an alternative, you may install Inkscape or rsvg-convert;"<< LF
+         << "TeXmacs will then use it automatically in place of Qt for handling svg."<< LF;
+      }
+      if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "using native qt" <<LF;
+      QSvgRenderer renderer (utf8_to_qstring (concretize (u)));
+      pm= new QImage (w, h, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
+      pm->fill (Qt::transparent);
+      QPainter painter (pm);
+      renderer.render (&painter);
+    }
   } else if (qt_supports (u)) {
     pm= new QImage (utf8_to_qstring (concretize (u)));
   } else {
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_utilities.cpp b/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_utilities.cpp
index 479d541ab..e006a79c9 100644
--- a/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_utilities.cpp
+++ b/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_utilities.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include <QPrintDialog>
 #include <QImageReader>
 #include <QApplication>
+#include <QSvgRenderer>
 #include "colors.hpp"
@@ -479,61 +480,79 @@ qt_convert_image (url image, url dest, int w, int h) {// w, h in pixels
 qt_image_to_pdf (url image, url outfile, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
-// use a QPrinter to output raster images to eps or pdf
+// use a QPrinter to output images to eps or pdf
 // dpi is the maximum dpi : the image will either be dowsampled to that dpi
 // or the actual dpi will be lower  
   if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "qt_image_to_eps_or_pdf " << image << " -> "<<outfile<<LF;
-  QPrinter printer;
+  QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution);
-  if (suffix(outfile)=="eps") {
-#if (QT_VERSION >= 0x050000)
-    //note that PostScriptFormat is gone in Qt5. a substitute?:
-    cout << "TeXmacs] warning: PostScript format no longer supported in Qt5\n";
-    printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat);
+#if (QT_VERSION < 0x050000)
+//PostScriptFormat is gone in Qt5.
+  if (suffix(outfile)=="eps")
+  else
-  }
-  else printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat);
+    printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat);
   if (!dpi) dpi=96; 
   printer.setOutputFileName(utf8_to_qstring (concretize (outfile)));
-  QImage im (utf8_to_qstring (concretize (image)));
-  if (im.isNull ()) {
-    convert_error << "Cannot read image file '" << image << "'"
-    << " in qt_image_to_pdf" << LF;
-  // load the "?" image?
+  printer.setPaperSize(QSizeF(w_pt, h_pt), QPrinter::Point); // in points
+  if (suffix (image) == "svg") {
+    QSvgRenderer renderer (utf8_to_qstring (concretize (image)));
+    if (renderer.isValid()) {
+      if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "qt printing svg to pdf " << image <<LF;
+      QPainter p;
+      p.begin(&printer);
+      renderer.render (&p);
+      p.end();
+      }
+    else {
+      convert_error << "Cannot load svg image file '" << image << "'"
+      << " in qt_image_to_pdf" << LF;
+      }
   else {
+    QImage im (utf8_to_qstring (concretize (image)));
+    if (im.isNull ()) {
+      convert_error << "Cannot read image file '" << image << "'"
+      << " in qt_image_to_pdf" << LF;
+      // load the "?" image?
+    }
+    else {
 /*  if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "size asked " << w_pt << "x"<<h_pt
   << " at " << maximum dpi <<" dpi"<<LF
   << "dpi set: " << printer.resolution() <<LF;
-    if (dpi > 0 && w_pt > 0 && h_pt > 0) {
-	    printer.setPaperSize(QSizeF(w_pt, h_pt), QPrinter::Point); // in points
-      // w_pt and h_pt are dimensions in points (and there are 72 points per inch)
-      int ww = w_pt * dpi / 72;
-      int hh = h_pt * dpi / 72;
-      if ((ww < im.width ()) ||( hh < im.height ())) //downsample if possible to reduce file size
+      if (dpi > 0 && w_pt > 0 && h_pt > 0) {
+        // w_pt and h_pt are dimensions in points (and there are 72 points per inch)
+        int ww = w_pt * dpi / 72; //pixel number needed @ dpi
+        int hh = h_pt * dpi / 72;
+        if ((ww < im.width ()) ||( hh < im.height ())) //downsample if possible to reduce file size
 	      im= im.scaled (ww, hh, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
-  	  else // image was too small, reduce dpi accordingly to fill page
-        printer.setResolution((int) (dpi*im.width())/(double)ww);
-      if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "dpi asked: "<< dpi <<" ; actual dpi set: " << printer.resolution() <<LF;
+          else // image was too small, reduce dpi accordingly to fill page
+          printer.setResolution((int) (dpi*im.width())/(double)ww);
+        if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "dpi asked: "<< dpi <<" ; actual dpi set: " << printer.resolution() <<LF;
 	  else printer.setPaperSize(QSizeF(im.width (), im.height ()), QPrinter::DevicePixel);
-    QPainter p;
-    p.begin(&printer);
-    p.drawImage(0, 0, im);
-    p.end();
+      QPainter p;
+      p.begin(&printer);
+      p.drawImage(0, 0, im);
+      p.end();
+  }
+#if (QT_VERSION < 0x050000)
 void qt_image_to_eps(url image, url outfile, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
   qt_image_to_pdf(image, outfile, w_pt, h_pt, dpi);};
-/* not in use anymore : now use a Qt printer that outputs ps.
+/* for QT5+ we could revert to this code used before r10013 (2016)
+// otherwise imagemagick is used.
+// And maybe we should deprecate printing to PS altogether.
 qt_image_to_eps (url image, url eps, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_utilities.hpp b/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_utilities.hpp
index 755183961..02a4940d7 100644
--- a/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_utilities.hpp
+++ b/src/Plugins/Qt/qt_utilities.hpp
@@ -96,8 +96,9 @@ bool qt_native_image_size (url image, int& w, int& h);
 void qt_pretty_image_size (int ww, int hh, string& w, string& h);
 bool qt_pretty_image_size (url image, string& w, string& h);
 void qt_convert_image (url image, url dest, int w =0, int h =0);
+#if (QT_VERSION < 0x050000)
 void qt_image_to_eps (url image, url eps, int w_pt =0, int h_pt =0, int dpi= 0);
-string qt_image_to_eps (url image, int w_pt =0, int h_pt =0, int dpi= 0);
 void qt_image_to_pdf (url image, url pdf, int w_pt =0, int h_pt =0, int dpi =0);
 string qt_application_directory ();
diff --git a/src/Scheme/Glue/build-glue-basic.scm b/src/Scheme/Glue/build-glue-basic.scm
index b35410fba..8e9d1bb65 100644
--- a/src/Scheme/Glue/build-glue-basic.scm
+++ b/src/Scheme/Glue/build-glue-basic.scm
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
   ;; routines for images and animations
   (image->psdoc image_to_psdoc (string url))
   (anim-control-times get_control_times (array_double content))
+  (cpp-gspdf2eps gs_to_eps (void url url))
   ;; routines for trees
   (tree->stree tree_to_scheme_tree (scheme_tree tree))
diff --git a/src/Scheme/Glue/glue_basic.cpp b/src/Scheme/Glue/glue_basic.cpp
index ce6b89d23..35a198de7 100644
--- a/src/Scheme/Glue/glue_basic.cpp
+++ b/src/Scheme/Glue/glue_basic.cpp
@@ -1936,6 +1936,21 @@ tmg_anim_control_times (tmscm arg1) {
   return array_double_to_tmscm (out);
+tmg_cpp_gspdf2eps (tmscm arg1, tmscm arg2) {
+  TMSCM_ASSERT_URL (arg1, TMSCM_ARG1, "cpp-gspdf2eps");
+  TMSCM_ASSERT_URL (arg2, TMSCM_ARG2, "cpp-gspdf2eps");
+  url in1= tmscm_to_url (arg1);
+  url in2= tmscm_to_url (arg2);
+  gs_to_eps (in1, in2);
 tmg_tree_2stree (tmscm arg1) {
   TMSCM_ASSERT_TREE (arg1, TMSCM_ARG1, "tree->stree");
@@ -10321,6 +10336,7 @@ initialize_glue_basic () {
   tmscm_install_procedure ("font-family-main",  tmg_font_family_main, 1, 0, 0);
   tmscm_install_procedure ("image->psdoc",  tmg_image_2psdoc, 1, 0, 0);
   tmscm_install_procedure ("anim-control-times",  tmg_anim_control_times, 1, 0, 0);
+  tmscm_install_procedure ("cpp-gspdf2eps",  tmg_cpp_gspdf2eps, 2, 0, 0);
   tmscm_install_procedure ("tree->stree",  tmg_tree_2stree, 1, 0, 0);
   tmscm_install_procedure ("stree->tree",  tmg_stree_2tree, 1, 0, 0);
   tmscm_install_procedure ("tree->string",  tmg_tree_2string, 1, 0, 0);
diff --git a/src/Scheme/Scheme/glue.cpp b/src/Scheme/Scheme/glue.cpp
index 6df9ab2ed..19a70734a 100644
--- a/src/Scheme/Scheme/glue.cpp
+++ b/src/Scheme/Scheme/glue.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "Database/database.hpp"
 #include "Sqlite3/sqlite3.hpp"
 #include "Updater/tm_updater.hpp"
+#include "Ghostscript/gs_utilities.hpp"
 blackboxP (tmscm t) {
diff --git a/src/System/Files/image_files.cpp b/src/System/Files/image_files.cpp
index 6798e52cf..f977363b4 100644
--- a/src/System/Files/image_files.cpp
+++ b/src/System/Files/image_files.cpp
@@ -379,17 +379,55 @@ pdf_image_size (url image, int& w, int& h) {
 svg_image_size (url image, int& w, int& h) {
   string content;
-  bool err= load_string (image, content, false);
-  if (!err) {
+  bool ok = ! load_string (image, content, false);
+  if (ok) {
     tree t= parse_xml (content);
     tree result= find_first_element_by_name (t, "svg");
     string width= get_attr_from_element (result, "width", "");
     string height= get_attr_from_element (result, "height", "");
     int try_width= parse_xml_length (width);
     int try_height= parse_xml_length (height);
-    if (try_width > 0) w= try_width;
-    if (try_height > 0) h= try_height;
+    if ((try_width > 0) && (try_height > 0)) {
+       w= try_width;
+       h= try_height;
+    }
+    else {
+      string viewBox= get_attr_from_element (result, "viewBox", "");
+      int pos = 0;
+      double X1, Y1, W, H;
+      skip_spaces (viewBox, pos);
+      ok= read_double (viewBox, pos, X1);
+      skip_spaces (viewBox, pos);
+      ok= ok && read_double (viewBox, pos, Y1);
+      skip_spaces (viewBox, pos);
+      ok= ok && read_double (viewBox, pos, W);
+      skip_spaces (viewBox, pos);
+      ok= ok && read_double (viewBox, pos, H);
+      if (ok) {
+        w = tm_round(W);
+        h = tm_round(H);
+      }
+    }
+      if (ok) debug_convert<< "svg_image_size : " << w << " x " << h << " for " << image <<"\n";
+      else debug_convert<< "svg_image_size could not determine size of " << image << "\n";
+  }
+svg_is_tiny (url image) {
+  string content;
+  bool err= load_string (image, content, false);
+  if (!err) {
+    tree t= parse_xml (content);
+    tree result= find_first_element_by_name (t, "svg");
+    string version= get_attr_from_element (result, "version", "");
+    string baseProfile= get_attr_from_element (result, "baseProfile", "");
+    if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "svg version '" << version<<"' ; baseprofile:'"<< baseProfile<<"'"<< LF;
+    bool tiny =  ((N(version) > 0) && (version[0] == '1') && (baseProfile == "tiny"));
+    return tiny;
+  else return false;
@@ -397,15 +435,6 @@ svg_image_size (url image, int& w, int& h) {
 * displaying and printing : png, eps, pdf
-wrap_qt_supports (url image) {
-  return qt_supports (image);
-  (void) image; return false;
 image_to_eps (url image, url eps, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
   if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "image_to_eps ...";
@@ -416,12 +445,9 @@ image_to_eps (url image, url eps, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
   string s= suffix (image);
   // First try to preserve "vectorialness"
-  // Note: since inkscape would most likely be the prog called to
-  // translate svg we could at no additional cost allow other
-  // vector formats supported by inkscape : ai, svgz, cdr, wmf ...
-  if ((s == "svg") && !wrap_qt_supports (image) &&
-      (call_scm_converter (image, eps))) return;
+  if ((s == "svg") && (call_scm_converter (image, eps))) return;
+  // see comment in image_to_pdf
 #ifdef USE_GS
   if (gs_supports (image)) {
     if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << " using gs" << LF;
@@ -430,7 +456,8 @@ image_to_eps (url image, url eps, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
   //converters below will yield only raster images.
-#ifdef QTTEXMACS 
+#if (defined(QTTEXMACS)) && (QT_VERSION < 0x050000)
+// PS support is gone in Qt5
   if (qt_supports (image)) {
     if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << " using qt" << LF;
     qt_image_to_eps (image, eps, w_pt, h_pt, dpi);
@@ -462,8 +489,10 @@ image_to_pdf (url image, url pdf, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
   if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "image_to_pdf ... ";
   string s= suffix (image);
   // First try to preserve "vectorialness"
-  if ((s == "svg") && !wrap_qt_supports (image) &&
-      call_scm_converter (image, pdf)) return;
+  if ((s == "svg") && call_scm_converter (image, pdf)) return;
+  //for svg, at this point (2022), if available, Inkscape or rsvg-convert are
+  //preferred over Qt because they handle svg full; try using them via scm
+  //additional priorities/preferences regarding svg converters must be handled in scheme (init-images.scm)
 #ifdef USE_GS
   if (gs_supports (image)) {
     if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << " using gs "<<LF;
@@ -471,7 +500,7 @@ image_to_pdf (url image, url pdf, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
-  //converters below will yield only raster images.
+  //converters below will yield only raster images (except qt for svg).
   if (qt_supports (image)) {
     if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << " using qt "<<LF;
@@ -485,12 +514,15 @@ image_to_pdf (url image, url pdf, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
 image_to_png (url image, url png, int w, int h) {// IN PIXEL UNITS!
-  string source_suffix= suffix (image);
+  string s= suffix (image);
   if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "image_to_png ... ";
   /* if (suffix (png) != "png") {
      std_warning << concretize (png) << " has no .png suffix\n";
+  if ((s == "svg") &&  (call_scm_converter (image, png, w, h))) return;
+      //see comment in image_to_pdf
+      //When available, also use scm converter for on-creen display, for consistency with printing.
   //cout << "mac convert " << image << ", " << png << "\n";
   if (mac_supports (image)) {
@@ -512,7 +544,7 @@ image_to_png (url image, url png, int w, int h) {// IN PIXEL UNITS!
     if (gs_to_png (image, png, w, h)) return;
-  if (call_scm_converter(image, png)) return;
+  if ((s != "svg") && call_scm_converter(image, png, w, h)) return;
   call_imagemagick_convert (image, png, w, h);
   if (! exists(png)) {
     convert_error << image << " could not be converted to png" <<LF;
@@ -521,18 +553,28 @@ image_to_png (url image, url png, int w, int h) {// IN PIXEL UNITS!
-call_scm_converter(url image, url dest) {
-  if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << " using scm" <<LF;
+call_scm_converter(url image, url dest, int w, int h) {
+  //for raster target, pass target w and h in pixels to the scm converter
+  // (otherwise the dpi preference (texmacs->image:raster-resolution) & default image size are used)
+  //for vector target, no need to specify w and h (defaulting to zero)
+  if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "trying scm..." <<LF;
   if (as_bool (call ("file-converter-exists?",
                      "x." * suffix (image),
                      "x." * suffix (dest)))) {
-    call ("file-convert", object (image), object (dest));
+    if ((w == 0) && (h == 0)) // w,h not specified : vector format
+      call ("file-convert", object (image), object (dest));
+    else { // w,h pixel numbers of the target raster image
+      call ("file-convert", object (image), object (dest),
+        eval("(cons 'width \"" * as_string(w) * "\")"),
+        eval("(cons 'height \""*as_string(h)*"\")"));
+    }
     bool success= exists (dest);
     if (success && DEBUG_CONVERT)
       debug_convert << "scm file-convert " << concretize (image)
                     << " -> " << concretize (dest) << LF;
     return success;
+  if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "no scm converter found, or conversion failed" <<LF;
   return false;
@@ -544,8 +586,7 @@ call_scm_converter(url image, url dest) {
 has_image_magick (){
 #ifdef OS_MINGW
-	// Qt is used for converion on Windows
-  static bool has_imagemagick = false;
+  static bool has_imagemagick= exists_in_path ("magick");
   static bool has_imagemagick= exists_in_path ("convert");
@@ -557,9 +598,12 @@ imagemagick_cmd () {
   if (has_image_magick()) {
 #ifdef OS_MINGW
     static string image_magick_cmd=
-      sys_concretize (resolve_in_path ("convert"));
+      sys_concretize (resolve_in_path ("magick"));
+      // IM v>=7.0 only
+      // this avoids conflict with OS utility
     static string image_magick_cmd= "convert";
+    // compatible with IM <7 and >= 7
     return copy (image_magick_cmd);
@@ -569,6 +613,7 @@ imagemagick_cmd () {
 call_imagemagick_convert (url image, url dest, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
   if (has_image_magick ()) { 
+    if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "trying imagemagick..." <<LF;
     string cmd= imagemagick_cmd ();
     string s= suffix (image);
     if (s != "pdf" && s != "ps" && s != "eps" &&
@@ -589,10 +634,14 @@ call_imagemagick_convert (url image, url dest, int w_pt, int h_pt, int dpi) {
 imagemagick_image_size(url image, int& w, int& h, bool pt_units) {
   if (!has_image_magick()) return false;
-  else {		
-    string cmd= "identify"; //ImageMagick utility
+  else {
 #ifdef OS_MINGW
-    cmd = sys_concretize(resolve_in_path(cmd));
+    string cmd= imagemagick_cmd ();
+    cmd << " identify";
+    // IM >= 7
+    string cmd= "identify"; //ImageMagick utility
+    // compatible with IM <7 and >= 7
     cmd << " -ping -format \"%w %h %x %U\\n%y\"";
     string sz= eval_system (cmd, image);
@@ -617,11 +666,11 @@ imagemagick_image_size(url image, int& w, int& h, bool pt_units) {
           ok= ok && read_line (sz, pos, unit);    
           // according to the IM doc, units should be in [PixelsPerCentimeter,PixelsPerInch,Undefined]
           // When "Undefined" IM gives the nonsensical default value of 72 "dots per Undefined"
-          // svg is SCALABLE and hence logically gives "Undefined"; in that case we assume 90 dpi
-          // so that the physical image size matches that of svg created with inkscape
+          // svg is SCALABLE and hence logically gives "Undefined"; in that case we assume 96 dpi
+          // so that the physical image size matches that of svg created with recent inkscape
           if (unit == "PixelsPerCentimeter") ptperpix = 72/(2.54*densityx);
           else if (unit == "PixelsPerInch") ptperpix = 72/densityx;
-          else if (unit == "Undefined") ptperpix = 90/densityx; 
+          else if (unit == "Undefined") ptperpix = 96/densityx;
           w= (int) w_px * ptperpix;
           h= (int) h_px * ptperpix;
           ok= ok && read_double (sz, pos, densityy);
diff --git a/src/System/Files/image_files.hpp b/src/System/Files/image_files.hpp
index 67214a0bc..8c7059ca4 100644
--- a/src/System/Files/image_files.hpp
+++ b/src/System/Files/image_files.hpp
@@ -26,11 +26,12 @@ string 	      ps_load (url image, bool conv=true);
 void          image_size (url image, int& w, int& h);
 void          pdf_image_size (url image, int& w, int& h);
 void          svg_image_size (url image, int& w, int& h);
+bool          svg_is_tiny (url image);
 void          image_to_eps (url image, url eps, int w_pt= 0, int h_pt= 0, int dpi= 0);
 void          image_to_pdf (url image, url eps, int w_pt= 0, int h_pt= 0, int dpi= 0);
 string        image_to_psdoc (url image);
 void          image_to_png (url image, url png, int w= 0, int h= 0);
-bool          call_scm_converter(url image, url dest);
+bool          call_scm_converter(url image, url dest, int w= 0, int h= 0);
 void          call_imagemagick_convert(url image, url dest, int w_pt=0, int h_pt=0, int dpi=72);
 bool          imagemagick_image_size(url image, int& w, int& h, bool pt_units=true);
 bool          has_image_magick();
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