File README.SUSE.Gallery2 of Package gallery2
Gallery2 (G2) requires a database backend to function properly. Currently, G2
supports Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, and MS SQL Server databases; the
choice of which to use is completely up to you.
To run thorugh the setup, you must have an empty database available that you
plan to use with G2. The instructions below should help with getting the
database established and available to the application.
# mysql
mysql> create database gallery2;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
# su - postgres
-bash-3.1$ createdb gallery2
We don't include instructions for creating databases in other RDBMS's here.
That's it. You may wish to consult the upstream database documentation at for MySQL or for
PostgreSQL for specifics on setting up TCP/IP connections or more advanced
database tasks.
There are a few differences, mostly cosmetic between this package and the
upstream distribution. First, upstream normally puts the login.txt auth
token and config.php file in the install directory. This package moves
those files to /etc/gallery2 and creates symlinks to them in
/usr/share/gallery2. This is done to accomodate a read-only /usr environment.
During the actual installation process, the following differences between the
instructions displayed and the actual installation environment will have to be
Step 1 (Authentication): You will be asked to place the login.txt file in
the gallery2 directory on your web server. This file should be placed in
the /etc/gallery2/ directory instead.
Step 3 (Installation type): The "Standard installation" option will initally
refer to /usr/share/gallery2 as the destination for the new gallery. Please
check and go on.
Step 4 (Storage setup): The default selection for the image storage directory
in this package is /srv/www/g2data. You must chose a directory that the web
server can write to - if you have a read-only /usr directory tree, the
storage directory must be outside that tree.
Step 7 (Create config file): This step will tell you that the config file,
config.php, has been written to the gallery2 directory. It was actually
written to /etc/gallery2.
Step 9 (Module installation): you may have noticed already that the gallery
package is split into multiple sub packages. If you installed the so called
'gallery2-full' package, all modules should be available for installation
(some might need additional configuration afterward).
After installation
It's save to remove the following packages after the initial installation:
* gallery2-install
* gallery2-upgrade (might be needed during version upgrade again)
Gallery2 has a feature available in it's admin console whereby a user can
download and install new themes and modules from within the web interface.
Because that web applications be in /usr/share/<pkgname> and that /usr be able
to be read-only, this feature may not work in some environments. If you have a
read-only /usr, you will not be able to use this feature and you will have to
install new themes and modules by remounting /usr rw and using the zypper/rpm
commands to install the sub-packages. If this feature does work in your
environment, please be advised that using it will result in the modules and
themes you download not being present in the RPM database and not being managed
by the system.