
Request 1002559 accepted

- Update to 2.10.0
* Removed support for Python 2.7, Python 3.5, and MSVC 2015.
Support for MSVC 2017 is limited due to availability of CI
runners; we highly recommend MSVC 2019 or 2022 be used.
Initial support added for Python 3.11.
* New features:
+ py::anyset & py::frozenset were added, with copying (cast)
to std::set (similar to set). #3901
+ Support bytearray casting to string. #3707
+ type_caster was added. std::monostate is a
tag type that allows std::variant to act as an optional, or
allows default construction of a std::variant holding a
non-default constructible type. #3818
+ pybind11::capsule::set_name added to mutate the name of the
capsule instance. #3866
+ NumPy: dtype constructor from type number added, accessors
corresponding to Python API dtype.num, dtype.byteorder,
dtype.flags and dtype.alignment added. #3868
* Changes:
+ Python 3.6 is now the minimum supported version. #3688 #3719
+ The minimum version for MSVC is now 2017. #3722
+ Fix issues with CPython 3.11 betas and add to supported test
matrix. #3923
+ error_already_set is now safer and more performant,
especially for exceptions with long tracebacks, by delaying
computation. #1895
+ Improve exception handling in python str bindings. #3826
+ The bindings for capsules now have more consistent exception
handling. #3825
can now be used to define classes in namespaces other than
pybind11. #3797
+ Error printing code now uses
NDEBUG, allowing use with release builds if desired. #3913
+ Implicit conversion of the literal 0 to pybind11::handle is
now disabled. #4008
* Bug fixes:
+ Fix exception handling when pybind11::weakref() fails. #3739
+ module_::def_submodule was missing proper error handling.
This is fixed now. #3973
+ The behavior or error_already_set was made safer and the
highly opaque "Unknown internal error occurred" message was
replaced with a more helpful message. #3982
+ error_already_set::what() now handles non-normalized
exceptions correctly. #3971
+ Support older C++ compilers where filesystem is not yet part
of the standard library and is instead included in
std::experimental::filesystem. #3840
+ Fix -Wfree-nonheap-object warnings produced by GCC by
avoiding returning pointers to static objects with
return_value_policy::take_ownership. #3946
+ Fix cast from pytype rvalue to another pytype. #3949
+ Ensure proper behavior when garbage collecting classes with
dynamic attributes in Python >=3.9. #4051
+ A couple long-standing PYBIND11_NAMESPACE
__attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) inconsistencies are
now fixed (affects only unusual environments). #4043
+ pybind11::detail::get_internals() is now resilient to
in-flight Python exceptions. #3981
+ Arrays with a dimension of size 0 are now properly converted
to dynamic Eigen matrices (more common in NumPy 1.23). #4038
+ Avoid catching unrelated errors when importing NumPy. #3974
* Performance and style:
+ Added an accessor overload of (object &&key) to reference
steal the object when using python types as keys. This
prevents unnecessary reference count overhead for attr,
dictionary, tuple, and sequence look ups. Added additional
regression tests. Fixed a performance bug the caused
accessor assignments to potentially perform unnecessary
copies. #3970
+ Perfect forward all args of make_iterator. #3980
+ Avoid potential bug in pycapsule destructor by adding an
error_guard to one of the dtors. #3958
+ Optimize dictionary access in strip_padding for numpy. #3994
+ stl_bind.h bindings now take slice args as a const-ref.
+ Made slice constructor more consistent, and improve
performance of some casters by allowing reference stealing.
+ Change numpy dtype from_args method to use const ref. #3878
+ Follow rule of three to ensure PyErr_Restore is called only
once. #3872
+ Added missing perfect forwarding for make_iterator
functions. #3860
+ Optimize c++ to python function casting by using the rvalue
caster. #3966
+ Optimize Eigen sparse matrix casting by removing unnecessary
temporary. #4064
+ Avoid potential implicit copy/assignment constructors
causing double free in strdup_gaurd. #3905
+ Enable clang-tidy checks misc-definitions-in-headers,
modernize-loop-convert, and modernize-use-nullptr. #3881
* Build system improvements:
+ CMake: Fix file extension on Windows with cp36 and cp37
using FindPython. #3919
+ CMake: Support multiple Python targets (such as on vcpkg).
+ CMake: Fix issue with NVCC on Windows. #3947
+ CMake: Drop the bitness check on cross compiles (like
targeting WebAssembly via Emscripten). #3959
+ Add MSVC builds in debug mode to CI. #3784
+ MSVC 2022 C++20 coverage was added to GitHub Actions,
including Eigen. #3732, #3741
* Backend and tidying up:
+ New theme for the documentation. #3109
+ Remove idioms in code comments. Use more inclusive language.
+ #include was removed from the pybind11/stl.h
header. Your project may break if it has a transitive
dependency on this include. The fix is to "Include What You
Use". #3928
+ Avoid setup.py usage in internal tests. #3734
- Fix header deduplication: pybind11.get_include still reports
the headers to be in the sitelib (SciPy meson build fail)
- Test in multibuild as some tests expect the system-wide
- update to 2.9.2:
* Enum now has an ``__index__`` method on Python <3.8 too.
* Local internals are now cleared after finalizing the interpreter.
* Better support for Python 3.11 alphas.
* ``PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER`` now uses fully qualified symbols, so it can be used
outside of ``pybind11::detail``.
* Some fixes for PyPy 3.9.
* Fixed a potential memleak in PyPy in ``get_type_override``.
* Uses ``sysconfig`` module to determine installation locations on Python >=
3.10, instead of ``distutils`` which has been deprecated.
* Support Catch 2.13.5+ (supporting GLIBC 2.34+).
* Fix test failures with numpy 1.22 by ignoring whitespace when comparing
``str()`` of dtypes.
- update to 2.9.1:
* If possible, attach Python exception with py::raise_from to TypeError when
casting from C++ to Python. This will give additional info if Python
exceptions occur in the caster.
* Add a mapping of C++11 nested exceptions to their Python exception
equivalent using py::raise_from. This attaches the nested exceptions in
Python using the __cause__ field.
* Propagate Python exception traceback using raise_from if a pybind11
function runs out of overloads.
* py::multiple_inheritance is now only needed when C++ bases are hidden from
* Allow py::args to be followed by other arguments; the remaining arguments
are implicitly keyword-only, as if a py::kw_only{} annotation had been
* Fix a rare warning about extra copy in an Eigen constructor.
* Fix caching of the C++ overrides.
* Add missing std::forward calls to some cpp_function overloads.
* Support PyPy 7.3.7 and the PyPy3.8 beta. Test python-3.11 on PRs with the python dev label.
* Replace usage of deprecated Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix with Eigen::Map> for Eigen 3.3+.
* Tweaks to support Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
- udpate to 2.8.1:
* The simple namespace creation shortcut added in 2.8.0 was deprecated due to
usage of CPython internal API, and will be removed soon.
* Add C++ Exception type to throw and catch ``AttributeError``.
* Fixed the potential for dangling references when using properties with
``std::optional`` types.
* Modernize usage of ``PyCodeObject`` on Python 3.9+ (moving toward support for
Python 3.11a1)
* A long-standing bug in ``eigen.h`` was fixed (originally PR #3343). The bug
was unmasked by newly added ``static_assert``'s in the Eigen 3.4.0 release.
* Support multiple raw inclusion of CMake helper files
* Fix harmless warning on upcoming CMake 3.22.
* Fix 2.8.0 regression with MSVC 2017 + C++17 mode + Python 3.
* Fix 2.8.0 regression that caused undefined behavior (typically
segfaults) in ``make_key_iterator``/``make_value_iterator`` if dereferencing
the iterator returned a temporary value instead of a reference.
- Use libalternatives instead of update-alternatives.
- Update to v2.8.0
* Added py::raise_from to enable chaining exceptions. #3215
* Allow exception translators to be optionally registered local
to a module instead of applying globally across all pybind11
modules. Use
translator) instead of
register_exception_translator(ExceptionTranslator&& translator)
to keep your exception remapping code local to the module.
* Add make_simple_namespace function for instantiating Python
SimpleNamespace objects. #2840
* pybind11::scoped_interpreter and initialize_interpreter have
new arguments to allow sys.argv initialization. #2341
* Allow Python builtins to be used as callbacks in CPython. #1413
* Added view to view arrays with a different datatype. #987
* Implemented reshape on arrays. #984
* Enable defining custom __new__ methods on classes by fixing bug
preventing overriding methods if they have non-pybind11
siblings. #3265
* Add make_value_iterator(), and fix make_key_iterator() to
return references instead of copies. #3293
* Improve the classes generated by bind_map: #3310
* Change .items from an iterator to a dictionary view.
* Add .keys and .values (both dictionary views).
* Allow __contains__ to take any object.
* pybind11::custom_type_setup was added, for customizing the
PyHeapTypeObject corresponding to a class, which may be useful
for enabling garbage collection support, among other things.
* Set __file__ constant when running eval_file in an embedded
interpreter. #3233
* Python objects and (C++17) std::optional now accepted in
py::slice constructor. #1101
* The pybind11 proxy types str, bytes, bytearray, tuple, list now
consistently support passing ssize_t values for sizes and
indexes. Previously, only size_t was accepted in several
interfaces. #3219
* Avoid evaluating PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE arguments more than
once. #3290
* Bug fix: enum value's __int__ returning non-int when underlying
type is bool or of char type. #1334
* Fixes bug in setting error state in Capsule's pointer methods.
* A long-standing memory leak in py::cpp_function::initialize was
fixed. #3229
* Fixes thread safety for some pybind11::type_caster which
require lifetime extension, such as for std::string_view. #3237
* Restore compatibility with gcc 4.8.4 as distributed by
ubuntu-trusty, linuxmint-17. #3270
* Fix regression in CMake Python package config: improper use of
absolute path. #3144
* Cached Python version information could become stale when CMake
was re-run with a different Python version. The build system
now detects this and updates this information. #3299
* Specified UTF8-encoding in setup.py calls of open(). #3137
* Fix a harmless warning from CMake 3.21 with the classic Python
discovery. #3220
* Eigen repo and version can now be specified as cmake options.
* Reduced thread-local storage required for keeping alive
temporary data for type conversion to one key per ABI version,
rather than one key per extension module. This makes the total
thread-local storage required by pybind11 2 keys per ABI
version. #3275
* Optimize NumPy array construction with additional moves. #3183
* Conversion to std::string and std::string_view now avoids
making an extra copy of the data on Python >= 3.3. #3257
* Remove const modifier from certain C++ methods on Python
collections (list, set, dict) such as (clear(), append(),
insert(), etc...) and annotated them with py-non-const.
* Enable readability clang-tidy-const-return and remove useless
consts. #3254 #3194
* The clang-tidy google-explicit-constructor option was enabled.
* Mark a pytype move constructor as noexcept (perf). #3236
* Enable clang-tidy check to guard against inheritance slicing.
* Legacy warning suppression pragma were removed from eigen.h. On
Unix platforms, please use -isystem for Eigen include
directories, to suppress compiler warnings originating from
Eigen headers. Note that CMake does this by default. No
adjustments are needed for Windows. #3198
* Format pybind11 with isort consistent ordering of imports #3195
* The warnings-suppression "pragma clamp" at the top/bottom of
pybind11 was removed, clearing the path to refactoring and IWYU
cleanup. #3186
* Enable most bugprone checks in clang-tidy and fix the found
potential bugs and poor coding styles. #3166
* Add clang-tidy-readability rules to make boolean casts explicit
improving code readability. Also enabled other misc and
readability clang-tidy checks. #3148
* Move object in .pop() for list. #3116
- Release 2.7.1
* Allow Python builtins to be used as callbacks in CPython. #1413
* Fix regression in CMake Python package config: improper use of
absolute path. #3144
* Fix Mingw64 and add to the CI testing matrix. #3132
* Specified UTF8-encoding in setup.py calls of open(). #3137
* Add clang-tidy-readability rules to make boolean casts explicit
improving code readability. Also enabled other misc and
readability clang-tidy checks. #3148
* Move object in .pop() for list. #3116
* Removed and fixed warning suppressions. #3127 #3129 #3135 #3141
#3142 #3150 #3152 #3160 #3161
- Release 2.7.0
* Enable py::implicitly_convertible for
py::class_-wrapped types. #3059
* Allow function pointer extraction from overloaded functions.
* NumPy: added .char_() to type which gives the NumPy public char
result, which also distinguishes types by bit length (unlike
.kind()). #2864
* Add pybind11::bytearray to manipulate bytearray similar to
bytes. #2799
* pybind11/stl/filesystem.h registers a type caster that, on
C++17/Python 3.6+, converts std::filesystem::path to
pathlib.Path and any os.PathLike to std::filesystem::path.
* A PYBIND11_VERSION_HEX define was added, similar to
* py::str changed to exclusively hold PyUnicodeObject. Previously
py::str could also hold bytes, which is probably surprising,
was never documented, and can mask bugs (e.g. accidental use of
py::str instead of py::bytes). #2409
* Add a safety guard to ensure that the Python GIL is held when
C++ calls back into Python via object_api<>::operator() (e.g.
py::function __call__). (This feature is available for Python
3.6+ only.) #2919
* Catch a missing self argument in calls to __init__(). #2914
* Use std::string_view if available to avoid a copy when passing
an object to a std::ostream. #3042
* An important warning about thread safety was added to the
iostream.h documentation; attempts to make
py::scoped_ostream_redirect thread safe have been removed, as
it was only partially effective. #2995
* Performance: avoid unnecessary strlen calls. #3058
* Fix auto-generated documentation string when using const T in
pyarray_t. #3020
* Unify error messages thrown by
simple_collector/unpacking_collector. #3013
* pybind11::builtin_exception is now explicitly exported, which
means the types included/defined in different modules are
identical, and exceptions raised in different modules can be
caught correctly. The documentation was updated to explain that
custom exceptions that are used across module boundaries need
to be explicitly exported as well. #2999
* Fixed exception when printing UTF-8 to a
scoped_ostream_redirect. #2982
* Pickle support enhancement: setstate implementation will
attempt to setattr __dict__ only if the unpickled dict object
is not empty, to not force use of py::dynamic_attr()
unnecessarily. #2972
* Allow negative timedelta values to roundtrip. #2870
* Fix unchecked errors could potentially swallow signals/other
exceptions. #2863
* Add null pointer check with std::localtime. #2846
* Fix the weakref constructor from py::object to create a new
weakref on conversion. #2832
* Avoid relying on exceptions in C++17 when getting a shared_ptr
holder from a shared_from_this class. #2819
* Allow the codec's exception to be raised instead of
RuntimeError when casting from py::str to std::string. #2903
* In setup_helpers.py, test for platforms that have some
multiprocessing features but lack semaphores, which
ParallelCompile requires. #3043
absolute. #3005
* Fix bug not respecting WITH_SOABI or WITHOUT_SOABI to CMake.
* Fix the default Pybind11Extension compilation flags with a
Mingw64 python. #2921
* Clang on Windows: do not pass /MP (ignored flag). #2824
* pybind11.setup_helpers.intree_extensions can be used to
generate Pybind11Extension instances from cpp files placed in
the Python package source tree. #2831
* Enable clang-tidy performance, readability, and modernization
checks throughout the codebase to enforce best coding
practices. #3046, #3049, #3051, #3052, #3080, and #3094
* Checks for common misspellings were added to the pre-commit
hooks. #3076
* Changed Werror to stricter Werror-all for Intel compiler and
fixed minor issues. #2948
* Fixed compilation with GCC < 5 when the user defines
* Added nox support for easier local testing and linting of
contributions. #3101 and #3121
* Avoid RTD style issue with docutils 0.17+. #3119
* Support pipx run, such as pipx run pybind11 --include for a
quick compile. #3117
- Drop unicode.patch merged upstream
- Add upstream patch unicode.patch to fix random python crash
- Dont test with python36-numpy. Tumbleweed's NumPy >= 1.20 dropped
support for Python 3.6
- Add docs/changelog.rst to package contents
- Update to v2.6.2
* See changelog for changes since 2.5.0
- Also expand generation of test binaries for Python 2 and 3,
fixes Leap 15.x builds where Python 2 is still built.
- updated to version 2.5.0 and running the internal unit tests now
- On devel files you need the pybind too to compile anything
- Fix build without python2
- Fix mixup of expanded/unexpaned python versions in devel package,
the devel package always required python(2)-devel and
python2-pybind. Move the data to a -common-devel subpackage,
pulled in by versioned python{2,3}-pybind-devel packages.
- Add package version to extra devel packages added via Provides
- Update to version 2.4.3
* Adapt pybind11 to a C API convention change in Python 3.8.
- updated to 2.4.2
* made devel package python version independent
* added cmake run to install cmake include files
- Replace description by something more substantial.
- Initial packaging of pybind11 2.3.0 for openSUSE

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to 2.10.0
* Removed support for Python 2.7, Python 3.5, and MSVC 2015.
Support for MSVC 2017 is limited due to availability of CI
runners; we highly recommend MSVC 2019 or 2022 be used.
Initial support added for Python 3.11.
* New features:
+ py::anyset & py::frozenset were added, with copying (cast)
to std::set (similar to set). #3901
+ Support bytearray casting to string. #3707
+ type_caster was added. std::monostate is a
tag type that allows std::variant to act as an optional, or
allows default construction of a std::variant holding a
non-default constructible type. #3818
+ pybind11::capsule::set_name added to mutate the name of the
capsule instance. #3866
+ NumPy: dtype constructor from type number added, accessors
corresponding to Python API dtype.num, dtype.byteorder,
dtype.flags and dtype.alignment added. #3868
* Changes:
+ Python 3.6 is now the minimum supported version. #3688 #3719
+ The minimum version for MSVC is now 2017. #3722
+ Fix issues with CPython 3.11 betas and add to supported test
matrix. #3923
+ error_already_set is now safer and more performant,
especially for exceptions with long tracebacks, by delaying
computation. #1895
+ Improve exception handling in python str bindings. #3826
+ The bindings for capsules now have more consistent exception
handling. #3825
can now be used to define classes in namespaces other than
pybind11. #3797
+ Error printing code now uses
NDEBUG, allowing use with release builds if desired. #3913
+ Implicit conversion of the literal 0 to pybind11::handle is
now disabled. #4008
* Bug fixes:
+ Fix exception handling when pybind11::weakref() fails. #3739
+ module_::def_submodule was missing proper error handling.
This is fixed now. #3973
+ The behavior or error_already_set was made safer and the
highly opaque "Unknown internal error occurred" message was
replaced with a more helpful message. #3982
+ error_already_set::what() now handles non-normalized
exceptions correctly. #3971
+ Support older C++ compilers where filesystem is not yet part
of the standard library and is instead included in
std::experimental::filesystem. #3840
+ Fix -Wfree-nonheap-object warnings produced by GCC by
avoiding returning pointers to static objects with
return_value_policy::take_ownership. #3946
+ Fix cast from pytype rvalue to another pytype. #3949
+ Ensure proper behavior when garbage collecting classes with
dynamic attributes in Python >=3.9. #4051
+ A couple long-standing PYBIND11_NAMESPACE
__attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) inconsistencies are
now fixed (affects only unusual environments). #4043
+ pybind11::detail::get_internals() is now resilient to
in-flight Python exceptions. #3981
+ Arrays with a dimension of size 0 are now properly converted
to dynamic Eigen matrices (more common in NumPy 1.23). #4038
+ Avoid catching unrelated errors when importing NumPy. #3974
* Performance and style:
+ Added an accessor overload of (object &&key) to reference
steal the object when using python types as keys. This
prevents unnecessary reference count overhead for attr,
dictionary, tuple, and sequence look ups. Added additional
regression tests. Fixed a performance bug the caused
accessor assignments to potentially perform unnecessary
copies. #3970
+ Perfect forward all args of make_iterator. #3980
+ Avoid potential bug in pycapsule destructor by adding an
error_guard to one of the dtors. #3958
+ Optimize dictionary access in strip_padding for numpy. #3994
+ stl_bind.h bindings now take slice args as a const-ref.
+ Made slice constructor more consistent, and improve
performance of some casters by allowing reference stealing.
+ Change numpy dtype from_args method to use const ref. #3878
+ Follow rule of three to ensure PyErr_Restore is called only
once. #3872
+ Added missing perfect forwarding for make_iterator
functions. #3860
+ Optimize c++ to python function casting by using the rvalue
caster. #3966
+ Optimize Eigen sparse matrix casting by removing unnecessary
temporary. #4064
+ Avoid potential implicit copy/assignment constructors
causing double free in strdup_gaurd. #3905
+ Enable clang-tidy checks misc-definitions-in-headers,
modernize-loop-convert, and modernize-use-nullptr. #3881
* Build system improvements:
+ CMake: Fix file extension on Windows with cp36 and cp37
using FindPython. #3919
+ CMake: Support multiple Python targets (such as on vcpkg).
+ CMake: Fix issue with NVCC on Windows. #3947
+ CMake: Drop the bitness check on cross compiles (like
targeting WebAssembly via Emscripten). #3959
+ Add MSVC builds in debug mode to CI. #3784
+ MSVC 2022 C++20 coverage was added to GitHub Actions,
including Eigen. #3732, #3741
* Backend and tidying up:
+ New theme for the documentation. #3109
+ Remove idioms in code comments. Use more inclusive language.
+ #include was removed from the pybind11/stl.h
header. Your project may break if it has a transitive
dependency on this include. The fix is to "Include What You
Use". #3928
+ Avoid setup.py usage in internal tests. #3734
- Fix header deduplication: pybind11.get_include still reports
the headers to be in the sitelib (SciPy meson build fail)
- Test in multibuild as some tests expect the system-wide
- update to 2.9.2:
* Enum now has an ``__index__`` method on Python <3.8 too.
* Local internals are now cleared after finalizing the interpreter.
* Better support for Python 3.11 alphas.
* ``PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER`` now uses fully qualified symbols, so it can be used
outside of ``pybind11::detail``.
* Some fixes for PyPy 3.9.
* Fixed a potential memleak in PyPy in ``get_type_override``.
* Uses ``sysconfig`` module to determine installation locations on Python >=
3.10, instead of ``distutils`` which has been deprecated.
* Support Catch 2.13.5+ (supporting GLIBC 2.34+).
* Fix test failures with numpy 1.22 by ignoring whitespace when comparing
``str()`` of dtypes.
- update to 2.9.1:
* If possible, attach Python exception with py::raise_from to TypeError when
casting from C++ to Python. This will give additional info if Python
exceptions occur in the caster.
* Add a mapping of C++11 nested exceptions to their Python exception
equivalent using py::raise_from. This attaches the nested exceptions in
Python using the __cause__ field.
* Propagate Python exception traceback using raise_from if a pybind11
function runs out of overloads.
* py::multiple_inheritance is now only needed when C++ bases are hidden from
* Allow py::args to be followed by other arguments; the remaining arguments
are implicitly keyword-only, as if a py::kw_only{} annotation had been
* Fix a rare warning about extra copy in an Eigen constructor.
* Fix caching of the C++ overrides.
* Add missing std::forward calls to some cpp_function overloads.
* Support PyPy 7.3.7 and the PyPy3.8 beta. Test python-3.11 on PRs with the python dev label.
* Replace usage of deprecated Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix with Eigen::Map> for Eigen 3.3+.
* Tweaks to support Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
- udpate to 2.8.1:
* The simple namespace creation shortcut added in 2.8.0 was deprecated due to
usage of CPython internal API, and will be removed soon.
* Add C++ Exception type to throw and catch ``AttributeError``.
* Fixed the potential for dangling references when using properties with
``std::optional`` types.
* Modernize usage of ``PyCodeObject`` on Python 3.9+ (moving toward support for
Python 3.11a1)
* A long-standing bug in ``eigen.h`` was fixed (originally PR #3343). The bug
was unmasked by newly added ``static_assert``'s in the Eigen 3.4.0 release.
* Support multiple raw inclusion of CMake helper files
* Fix harmless warning on upcoming CMake 3.22.
* Fix 2.8.0 regression with MSVC 2017 + C++17 mode + Python 3.
* Fix 2.8.0 regression that caused undefined behavior (typically
segfaults) in ``make_key_iterator``/``make_value_iterator`` if dereferencing
the iterator returned a temporary value instead of a reference.
- Use libalternatives instead of update-alternatives.
- Update to v2.8.0
* Added py::raise_from to enable chaining exceptions. #3215
* Allow exception translators to be optionally registered local
to a module instead of applying globally across all pybind11
modules. Use
translator) instead of
register_exception_translator(ExceptionTranslator&& translator)
to keep your exception remapping code local to the module.
* Add make_simple_namespace function for instantiating Python
SimpleNamespace objects. #2840
* pybind11::scoped_interpreter and initialize_interpreter have
new arguments to allow sys.argv initialization. #2341
* Allow Python builtins to be used as callbacks in CPython. #1413
* Added view to view arrays with a different datatype. #987
* Implemented reshape on arrays. #984
* Enable defining custom __new__ methods on classes by fixing bug
preventing overriding methods if they have non-pybind11
siblings. #3265
* Add make_value_iterator(), and fix make_key_iterator() to
return references instead of copies. #3293
* Improve the classes generated by bind_map: #3310
* Change .items from an iterator to a dictionary view.
* Add .keys and .values (both dictionary views).
* Allow __contains__ to take any object.
* pybind11::custom_type_setup was added, for customizing the
PyHeapTypeObject corresponding to a class, which may be useful
for enabling garbage collection support, among other things.
* Set __file__ constant when running eval_file in an embedded
interpreter. #3233
* Python objects and (C++17) std::optional now accepted in
py::slice constructor. #1101
* The pybind11 proxy types str, bytes, bytearray, tuple, list now
consistently support passing ssize_t values for sizes and
indexes. Previously, only size_t was accepted in several
interfaces. #3219
* Avoid evaluating PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE arguments more than
once. #3290
* Bug fix: enum value's __int__ returning non-int when underlying
type is bool or of char type. #1334
* Fixes bug in setting error state in Capsule's pointer methods.
* A long-standing memory leak in py::cpp_function::initialize was
fixed. #3229
* Fixes thread safety for some pybind11::type_caster which
require lifetime extension, such as for std::string_view. #3237
* Restore compatibility with gcc 4.8.4 as distributed by
ubuntu-trusty, linuxmint-17. #3270
* Fix regression in CMake Python package config: improper use of
absolute path. #3144
* Cached Python version information could become stale when CMake
was re-run with a different Python version. The build system
now detects this and updates this information. #3299
* Specified UTF8-encoding in setup.py calls of open(). #3137
* Fix a harmless warning from CMake 3.21 with the classic Python
discovery. #3220
* Eigen repo and version can now be specified as cmake options.
* Reduced thread-local storage required for keeping alive
temporary data for type conversion to one key per ABI version,
rather than one key per extension module. This makes the total
thread-local storage required by pybind11 2 keys per ABI
version. #3275
* Optimize NumPy array construction with additional moves. #3183
* Conversion to std::string and std::string_view now avoids
making an extra copy of the data on Python >= 3.3. #3257
* Remove const modifier from certain C++ methods on Python
collections (list, set, dict) such as (clear(), append(),
insert(), etc...) and annotated them with py-non-const.
* Enable readability clang-tidy-const-return and remove useless
consts. #3254 #3194
* The clang-tidy google-explicit-constructor option was enabled.
* Mark a pytype move constructor as noexcept (perf). #3236
* Enable clang-tidy check to guard against inheritance slicing.
* Legacy warning suppression pragma were removed from eigen.h. On
Unix platforms, please use -isystem for Eigen include
directories, to suppress compiler warnings originating from
Eigen headers. Note that CMake does this by default. No
adjustments are needed for Windows. #3198
* Format pybind11 with isort consistent ordering of imports #3195
* The warnings-suppression "pragma clamp" at the top/bottom of
pybind11 was removed, clearing the path to refactoring and IWYU
cleanup. #3186
* Enable most bugprone checks in clang-tidy and fix the found
potential bugs and poor coding styles. #3166
* Add clang-tidy-readability rules to make boolean casts explicit
improving code readability. Also enabled other misc and
readability clang-tidy checks. #3148
* Move object in .pop() for list. #3116
- Release 2.7.1
* Allow Python builtins to be used as callbacks in CPython. #1413
* Fix regression in CMake Python package config: improper use of
absolute path. #3144
* Fix Mingw64 and add to the CI testing matrix. #3132
* Specified UTF8-encoding in setup.py calls of open(). #3137
* Add clang-tidy-readability rules to make boolean casts explicit
improving code readability. Also enabled other misc and
readability clang-tidy checks. #3148
* Move object in .pop() for list. #3116
* Removed and fixed warning suppressions. #3127 #3129 #3135 #3141
#3142 #3150 #3152 #3160 #3161
- Release 2.7.0
* Enable py::implicitly_convertible for
py::class_-wrapped types. #3059
* Allow function pointer extraction from overloaded functions.
* NumPy: added .char_() to type which gives the NumPy public char
result, which also distinguishes types by bit length (unlike
.kind()). #2864
* Add pybind11::bytearray to manipulate bytearray similar to
bytes. #2799
* pybind11/stl/filesystem.h registers a type caster that, on
C++17/Python 3.6+, converts std::filesystem::path to
pathlib.Path and any os.PathLike to std::filesystem::path.
* A PYBIND11_VERSION_HEX define was added, similar to
* py::str changed to exclusively hold PyUnicodeObject. Previously
py::str could also hold bytes, which is probably surprising,
was never documented, and can mask bugs (e.g. accidental use of
py::str instead of py::bytes). #2409
* Add a safety guard to ensure that the Python GIL is held when
C++ calls back into Python via object_api<>::operator() (e.g.
py::function __call__). (This feature is available for Python
3.6+ only.) #2919
* Catch a missing self argument in calls to __init__(). #2914
* Use std::string_view if available to avoid a copy when passing
an object to a std::ostream. #3042
* An important warning about thread safety was added to the
iostream.h documentation; attempts to make
py::scoped_ostream_redirect thread safe have been removed, as
it was only partially effective. #2995
* Performance: avoid unnecessary strlen calls. #3058
* Fix auto-generated documentation string when using const T in
pyarray_t. #3020
* Unify error messages thrown by
simple_collector/unpacking_collector. #3013
* pybind11::builtin_exception is now explicitly exported, which
means the types included/defined in different modules are
identical, and exceptions raised in different modules can be
caught correctly. The documentation was updated to explain that
custom exceptions that are used across module boundaries need
to be explicitly exported as well. #2999
* Fixed exception when printing UTF-8 to a
scoped_ostream_redirect. #2982
* Pickle support enhancement: setstate implementation will
attempt to setattr __dict__ only if the unpickled dict object
is not empty, to not force use of py::dynamic_attr()
unnecessarily. #2972
* Allow negative timedelta values to roundtrip. #2870
* Fix unchecked errors could potentially swallow signals/other
exceptions. #2863
* Add null pointer check with std::localtime. #2846
* Fix the weakref constructor from py::object to create a new
weakref on conversion. #2832
* Avoid relying on exceptions in C++17 when getting a shared_ptr
holder from a shared_from_this class. #2819
* Allow the codec's exception to be raised instead of
RuntimeError when casting from py::str to std::string. #2903
* In setup_helpers.py, test for platforms that have some
multiprocessing features but lack semaphores, which
ParallelCompile requires. #3043
absolute. #3005
* Fix bug not respecting WITH_SOABI or WITHOUT_SOABI to CMake.
* Fix the default Pybind11Extension compilation flags with a
Mingw64 python. #2921
* Clang on Windows: do not pass /MP (ignored flag). #2824
* pybind11.setup_helpers.intree_extensions can be used to
generate Pybind11Extension instances from cpp files placed in
the Python package source tree. #2831
* Enable clang-tidy performance, readability, and modernization
checks throughout the codebase to enforce best coding
practices. #3046, #3049, #3051, #3052, #3080, and #3094
* Checks for common misspellings were added to the pre-commit
hooks. #3076
* Changed Werror to stricter Werror-all for Intel compiler and
fixed minor issues. #2948
* Fixed compilation with GCC < 5 when the user defines
* Added nox support for easier local testing and linting of
contributions. #3101 and #3121
* Avoid RTD style issue with docutils 0.17+. #3119
* Support pipx run, such as pipx run pybind11 --include for a
quick compile. #3117
- Drop unicode.patch merged upstream
- Add upstream patch unicode.patch to fix random python crash
- Dont test with python36-numpy. Tumbleweed's NumPy >= 1.20 dropped
support for Python 3.6
- Add docs/changelog.rst to package contents
- Update to v2.6.2
* See changelog for changes since 2.5.0
- Also expand generation of test binaries for Python 2 and 3,
fixes Leap 15.x builds where Python 2 is still built.
- updated to version 2.5.0 and running the internal unit tests now
- On devel files you need the pybind too to compile anything
- Fix build without python2
- Fix mixup of expanded/unexpaned python versions in devel package,
the devel package always required python(2)-devel and
python2-pybind. Move the data to a -common-devel subpackage,
pulled in by versioned python{2,3}-pybind-devel packages.
- Add package version to extra devel packages added via Provides
- Update to version 2.4.3
* Adapt pybind11 to a C API convention change in Python 3.8.
- updated to 2.4.2
* made devel package python version independent
* added cmake run to install cmake include files
- Replace description by something more substantial.
- Initial packaging of pybind11 2.3.0 for openSUSE

Markéta Machová's avatar

mcalabkova accepted request


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