
Request 1045728 accepted

- update to 4.7.0, highlights below, for details check
Highlights of this release:
* DNN:
+ New ONNX layers: Scatter and ScatterND, Tile, ReduceL1,
ReduceMin and more.
+ Signinficant performance optimization for convolutions.
Winograd algoritm implementation.
+ Element-wise operation (add, sub, mul, div, ...):
+ OpenVino 2022.1 support.
+ CANN backend support.
* Algorithms:
+ ArUco markers and April tags support including ChAruco and
diamond boards detection and calibration.
+ QR code detection and decoding quality imrovement. Alignment
markers support. Benchmark for QR codes: link
+ Nanotrack v2 tracker based on neural networks.
+ Stackblur algoruthm implementation.
* Multimedia:
+ FFmpeg 5.x support.
+ CUDA 12.0 support. Hardware accelerated video codecs support
on NVIDIA platforms with modern Video Codec SDK (NVCUVID and
+ CV_16UC1 read/write video support with FFmpeg.
+ Orientation meta support on Mac with native media API.
+ New iterator-based API for multi-page image formats.
+ libSPNG support for PNG format.
+ SIMD acceleration for self-built libJPEG-Turbo
+ H264/H265 support on Android. Multiple fixes for video
decoder, endcoder and camera memory layout.
+ Exposed all core APIs to Python, including stateful kernels.
* Optimization:
+ New universal intrinsics backend for scalable vector
instructions. The first scalable implementation for
+ DNN module patches:
- Improved layers / supported more models:
* Scatter and ScatterND #22529, Tile #22809
* Fixes in Slice (support negative step #22898)
* Support some reduce layers of ONNX #21601
- Added CANN backend support #22634. Link to the manual:
- Added bacthed NMS for multi-class object detection #22857
- Accelerating convolution, especially for ARM CPU.
- Winograd's convolution optimization
+ And many other contributions:
+ Added n-dimensional flip to core #22898
+ Add StackBlur for imgproc #20379
- Removed upstream opencv-ffmpeg5.patch

Request History
Stefan Brüns's avatar

StefanBruens created request

- update to 4.7.0, highlights below, for details check
Highlights of this release:
* DNN:
+ New ONNX layers: Scatter and ScatterND, Tile, ReduceL1,
ReduceMin and more.
+ Signinficant performance optimization for convolutions.
Winograd algoritm implementation.
+ Element-wise operation (add, sub, mul, div, ...):
+ OpenVino 2022.1 support.
+ CANN backend support.
* Algorithms:
+ ArUco markers and April tags support including ChAruco and
diamond boards detection and calibration.
+ QR code detection and decoding quality imrovement. Alignment
markers support. Benchmark for QR codes: link
+ Nanotrack v2 tracker based on neural networks.
+ Stackblur algoruthm implementation.
* Multimedia:
+ FFmpeg 5.x support.
+ CUDA 12.0 support. Hardware accelerated video codecs support
on NVIDIA platforms with modern Video Codec SDK (NVCUVID and
+ CV_16UC1 read/write video support with FFmpeg.
+ Orientation meta support on Mac with native media API.
+ New iterator-based API for multi-page image formats.
+ libSPNG support for PNG format.
+ SIMD acceleration for self-built libJPEG-Turbo
+ H264/H265 support on Android. Multiple fixes for video
decoder, endcoder and camera memory layout.
+ Exposed all core APIs to Python, including stateful kernels.
* Optimization:
+ New universal intrinsics backend for scalable vector
instructions. The first scalable implementation for
+ DNN module patches:
- Improved layers / supported more models:
* Scatter and ScatterND #22529, Tile #22809
* Fixes in Slice (support negative step #22898)
* Support some reduce layers of ONNX #21601
- Added CANN backend support #22634. Link to the manual:
- Added bacthed NMS for multi-class object detection #22857
- Accelerating convolution, especially for ARM CPU.
- Winograd's convolution optimization
+ And many other contributions:
+ Added n-dimensional flip to core #22898
+ Add StackBlur for imgproc #20379
- Removed upstream opencv-ffmpeg5.patch

Stefan Brüns's avatar

StefanBruens accepted request

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