
Request 1139607 accepted

- update to 4.9.0, highlights below, for details check
Highlights of this release:
* Core Module:
+ Added cv::broadcast
+ Fixed several rounding issues on ARM platform
+ Added detection & dispatching of some modern NEON
instructions (NEON_FP16, NEON_BF16)
+ Added optimization for LoongArch 128-bit vector,
detection & dispatching of LoongArch
* DNN module patches:
+ Experimental transformers support
+ ONNX Attention layer support
+ ONNX Einsum layer support
+ OpenVINO backend for INT8 models
+ ONNX Gather Elements layer
+ ONNX InstanceNorm layer
+ Better support of ONNX Expand layer with cv::broadcast
+ Improved DNN graph fusion with shared nodes and commutative
+ New fastGEMM implementation and several layers on top of it
+ Winograd fp16 optimizations on ARM
+ Tests and multiple fixes for Yolo family models support
+ New layers support and bug fixes in CUDA backend: GEMM,
Gelu, Add
+ CANN backend: bug fix, support HardSwish,
LayerNormalization and InstanceNormalization
+ LayerNormalization: support OpenVINO, OpenCL and
CUDA backend.
* G-API module:
+ Intel® OpenVINO™ DL inference backend:
- Introduced "inferenence only" ("benchmark") mode
in the OV2.0 backend.
- Fixed model layout setting issue in the OV2.0 backend.
- Fixed/relaxed various asserts in the OV2.0 backend.
+ Core and image processing functionality:
- Fluid kernels were rewritten to new universal intrinsics.
Thanks for this contribution!
+ Streaming and video functionality:
- Introduced a QueueSource: an alternative way to manually
push input frames to the G-API pipeline in the streaming
- Introduced VAS Object Tracker (OT) for the various video
analytics scenarios.
+ Python bindings:
- Exposed VAS OT in G-API Python bindings.
+ Other changes and fixes:
- Updated ADE (the G-API's graph library) to the latest
- Various code clean-ups and warning fixes.
* Objdetect module:
+ Implemented own QR code decoder as replacement for QUIRC
+ Bug fixes in QR code encoder version estimation
+ More accurate Aruco marker corner refinement with
dynamic window
+ Fixed contour filtering in ArUco
+ QR code detection sample for Android
+ Multiple local bug fixes and documentation update for
Aruco makers, Charuco boards and QR codes.
* Video:
+ Google Summer of Code: added a new object tracking API
TrackerVit for a vision transformer-based VitTrack.
This work is done by LIU Pengyu.
* VideoIO:
+ Videoio: Add raw encoded video stream encapsulation
to cv::VideoWriter with CAP_FFMPEG
+ Fix GStreamer backend with manual pipelines.
* Calibration module:
+ Multiple fixes and improvements chess board calibration
rig detector.
+ calibrateCamera throws exception, if calibration system
is underconstrained.
+ Fixed bug in findEssentialMat with USAC
+ Fixed out-of-image access in cv::cornerSubPix
+ Fixed crash in ap3p
+ Fixed stereoRectify image boundaries
+ Fixed "use after free" issue in essential_solver.cpp
* Python Bindings:
+ Added type stub generation for missed types and manually
wrapped types.
+ Added read-only flag handling for Numpy arrays.
+ Fixed exception handling and bindings for in module.
+ Improved error messages in Numpy array type handling.
+ Fixed constructors documentation in Python.
* Platforms and hardware Support:
+ Experimental CUDA support as first class language in CMake
+ Added experimental support for Apple VisionOS platform
+ Add support Orbbec Gemini2 and Gemini2 XL camera
+ Fix fullscreen behavior on macOS
* Other:
+ OpenCV Summer of Code: semi-automated refactoring across
multiple pull requests by HAN Liutong made our CPU-optimized
code compatible with SIMD with variable vector
length (RISC-V RVV)


Alessandro de Oliveira Faria's avatar

@StefanBruens : Thank you for your patience, I would never see these errors on my own. I will never make these mistakes again.

Alessandro de Oliveira Faria's avatar

Attempt number 5

Alessandro de Oliveira Faria's avatar

@StefanBruens : Thank you for your patience, I would never see these errors on my own. I will never make these mistakes again.

Request History
Alessandro de Oliveira Faria's avatar

cabelo created request

- update to 4.9.0, highlights below, for details check
Highlights of this release:
* Core Module:
+ Added cv::broadcast
+ Fixed several rounding issues on ARM platform
+ Added detection & dispatching of some modern NEON
instructions (NEON_FP16, NEON_BF16)
+ Added optimization for LoongArch 128-bit vector,
detection & dispatching of LoongArch
* DNN module patches:
+ Experimental transformers support
+ ONNX Attention layer support
+ ONNX Einsum layer support
+ OpenVINO backend for INT8 models
+ ONNX Gather Elements layer
+ ONNX InstanceNorm layer
+ Better support of ONNX Expand layer with cv::broadcast
+ Improved DNN graph fusion with shared nodes and commutative
+ New fastGEMM implementation and several layers on top of it
+ Winograd fp16 optimizations on ARM
+ Tests and multiple fixes for Yolo family models support
+ New layers support and bug fixes in CUDA backend: GEMM,
Gelu, Add
+ CANN backend: bug fix, support HardSwish,
LayerNormalization and InstanceNormalization
+ LayerNormalization: support OpenVINO, OpenCL and
CUDA backend.
* G-API module:
+ Intel® OpenVINO™ DL inference backend:
- Introduced "inferenence only" ("benchmark") mode
in the OV2.0 backend.
- Fixed model layout setting issue in the OV2.0 backend.
- Fixed/relaxed various asserts in the OV2.0 backend.
+ Core and image processing functionality:
- Fluid kernels were rewritten to new universal intrinsics.
Thanks for this contribution!
+ Streaming and video functionality:
- Introduced a QueueSource: an alternative way to manually
push input frames to the G-API pipeline in the streaming
- Introduced VAS Object Tracker (OT) for the various video
analytics scenarios.
+ Python bindings:
- Exposed VAS OT in G-API Python bindings.
+ Other changes and fixes:
- Updated ADE (the G-API's graph library) to the latest
- Various code clean-ups and warning fixes.
* Objdetect module:
+ Implemented own QR code decoder as replacement for QUIRC
+ Bug fixes in QR code encoder version estimation
+ More accurate Aruco marker corner refinement with
dynamic window
+ Fixed contour filtering in ArUco
+ QR code detection sample for Android
+ Multiple local bug fixes and documentation update for
Aruco makers, Charuco boards and QR codes.
* Video:
+ Google Summer of Code: added a new object tracking API
TrackerVit for a vision transformer-based VitTrack.
This work is done by LIU Pengyu.
* VideoIO:
+ Videoio: Add raw encoded video stream encapsulation
to cv::VideoWriter with CAP_FFMPEG
+ Fix GStreamer backend with manual pipelines.
* Calibration module:
+ Multiple fixes and improvements chess board calibration
rig detector.
+ calibrateCamera throws exception, if calibration system
is underconstrained.
+ Fixed bug in findEssentialMat with USAC
+ Fixed out-of-image access in cv::cornerSubPix
+ Fixed crash in ap3p
+ Fixed stereoRectify image boundaries
+ Fixed "use after free" issue in essential_solver.cpp
* Python Bindings:
+ Added type stub generation for missed types and manually
wrapped types.
+ Added read-only flag handling for Numpy arrays.
+ Fixed exception handling and bindings for in module.
+ Improved error messages in Numpy array type handling.
+ Fixed constructors documentation in Python.
* Platforms and hardware Support:
+ Experimental CUDA support as first class language in CMake
+ Added experimental support for Apple VisionOS platform
+ Add support Orbbec Gemini2 and Gemini2 XL camera
+ Fix fullscreen behavior on macOS
* Other:
+ OpenCV Summer of Code: semi-automated refactoring across
multiple pull requests by HAN Liutong made our CPU-optimized
code compatible with SIMD with variable vector
length (RISC-V RVV)

Stefan Brüns's avatar

StefanBruens accepted request


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