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Request 1172896 accepted

- Build from source not whl, using obs-service-node_modules to get the
javascript packages required to build the package.

Request History
Daniel Garcia's avatar

dgarcia created request

- Build from source not whl, using obs-service-node_modules to get the
javascript packages required to build the package.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

Source validator failed. Try "osc service runall source_validator"
/usr/lib/obs/service/source_validators/20-files-present-and-referenced: line 126: cpio: command not found
ERROR: @babel-code-frame-7.12.11.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @babel-helper-validator-identifier-7.24.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @babel-highlight-7.24.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @babel-runtime-7.24.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-autocomplete-6.16.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-commands-6.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-cpp-6.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-css-6.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-html-6.4.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-java-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-javascript-6.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-json-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-markdown-6.2.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-php-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-python-6.1.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-rust-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-sql-6.6.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-wast-6.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-xml-6.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-language-6.10.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-legacy-modes-6.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lint-6.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-search-6.5.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-state-6.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-view-6.26.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @csstools-selector-specificity-2.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @discoveryjs-json-ext-0.5.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @eslint-eslintrc-0.4.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @fortawesome-fontawesome-free-5.15.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @humanwhocodes-config-array-0.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @humanwhocodes-object-schema-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-gen-mapping-0.3.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-resolve-uri-3.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-set-array-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-source-map-0.3.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-sourcemap-codec-1.4.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-trace-mapping-0.3.25.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyter-react-components-0.15.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyter-web-components-0.15.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyter-ydoc-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-application-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-apputils-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-builder-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-codeeditor-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-codemirror-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-coreutils-6.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-docmanager-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-docregistry-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-documentsearch-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-filebrowser-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-fileeditor-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-launcher-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-lsp-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-mainmenu-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-nbformat-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-observables-5.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-rendermime-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-rendermime-interfaces-3.10.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-services-7.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-settingregistry-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-statedb-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-statusbar-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-toc-6.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-translation-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-ui-components-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-common-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-cpp-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-css-1.1.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-generator-1.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-highlight-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-html-1.3.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-java-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-javascript-1.4.16.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-json-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-lr-1.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-markdown-1.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-php-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-python-1.1.13.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-rust-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-xml-1.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-algorithm-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-application-2.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-collections-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-commands-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-coreutils-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-disposable-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-domutils-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-dragdrop-2.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-keyboard-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-messaging-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-polling-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-properties-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-signaling-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-signaling-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-virtualdom-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-widgets-2.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @microsoft-fast-colors-5.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @microsoft-fast-element-1.13.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @microsoft-fast-foundation-2.49.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @microsoft-fast-react-wrapper-0.3.24.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @microsoft-fast-web-utilities-5.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @nodelib-fs.scandir-2.1.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @nodelib-fs.stat-2.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @nodelib-fs.walk-1.2.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @rjsf-core-5.18.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @rjsf-utils-5.18.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @samverschueren-stream-to-observable-0.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-eslint-8.56.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-eslint-scope-3.7.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-estree-1.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-json-schema-7.0.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-minimist-1.2.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-node-20.12.11.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-normalize-package-data-2.4.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-parse-json-4.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-prop-types-15.7.12.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-react-18.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-react-dom-18.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-source-list-map-0.1.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-webpack-sources-0.1.12.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-eslint-plugin-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-experimental-utils-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-parser-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-scope-manager-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-types-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-typescript-estree-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-visitor-keys-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-ast-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-floating-point-hex-parser-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-helper-api-error-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-helper-buffer-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-helper-numbers-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-helper-wasm-bytecode-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-helper-wasm-section-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-ieee754-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-leb128-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-utf8-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-wasm-edit-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-wasm-gen-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-wasm-opt-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-wasm-parser-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-wast-printer-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webpack-cli-configtest-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webpack-cli-info-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webpack-cli-serve-2.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @xtuc-ieee754-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @xtuc-long-4.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: abab-2.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: acorn-7.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: acorn-8.11.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: acorn-import-assertions-1.9.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: acorn-jsx-5.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ajv-6.12.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ajv-8.13.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ajv-formats-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ajv-keywords-3.5.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ajv-keywords-5.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-colors-4.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-escapes-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-regex-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-regex-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-regex-5.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-styles-2.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-styles-3.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-styles-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: any-observable-0.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: argparse-1.0.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: arr-diff-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: arr-flatten-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: arr-union-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: array-buffer-byte-length-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: array-union-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: array-union-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: array-uniq-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: array-unique-0.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: arraybuffer.prototype.slice-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: arrify-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: assign-symbols-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: astral-regex-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: atob-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: available-typed-arrays-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: balanced-match-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: balanced-match-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: base-0.11.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: big.js-5.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: brace-expansion-1.1.11.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: brace-expansion-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: braces-2.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: braces-3.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: browserslist-4.23.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: buffer-from-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: builtin-modules-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cache-base-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: call-bind-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: caller-callsite-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: caller-path-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: callsites-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: callsites-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: camelcase-5.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: camelcase-keys-6.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: caniuse-lite-1.0.30001617.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: chalk-1.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: chalk-2.4.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: chalk-4.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: chrome-trace-event-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ci-info-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: class-utils-0.3.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cli-cursor-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cli-truncate-0.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: clone-deep-4.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: code-point-at-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: collection-visit-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: color-convert-1.9.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: color-convert-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: color-name-1.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: color-name-1.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: colord-2.9.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: colorette-2.0.20.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: commander-10.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: commander-2.20.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: commander-9.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: component-emitter-1.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: compute-gcd-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: compute-lcm-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: concat-map-0.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: copy-descriptor-0.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cosmiconfig-5.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cosmiconfig-7.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: crelt-1.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cross-spawn-6.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cross-spawn-7.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: css-functions-list-3.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: css-loader-6.11.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cssesc-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: csstype-3.0.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: csstype-3.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: data-urls-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: data-view-buffer-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: data-view-byte-length-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: data-view-byte-offset-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: date-fns-1.30.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: debug-2.6.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: debug-3.2.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: debug-4.3.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: decamelize-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: decamelize-keys-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: decode-uri-component-0.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: dedent-0.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: deep-is-0.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: deepmerge-4.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: define-data-property-1.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: define-properties-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: define-property-0.2.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: define-property-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: define-property-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: del-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: diff-4.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: dir-glob-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: doctrine-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: dom-serializer-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: domelementtype-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: domhandler-5.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: domutils-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: electron-to-chromium-1.4.761.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: elegant-spinner-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: emoji-regex-8.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: emojis-list-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: end-of-stream-1.4.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: enhanced-resolve-5.16.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: enquirer-2.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: entities-4.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: envinfo-7.13.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: error-ex-1.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-abstract-1.23.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-define-property-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-errors-1.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-module-lexer-1.5.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-object-atoms-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-set-tostringtag-2.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-to-primitive-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: escalade-3.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: escape-string-regexp-1.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: escape-string-regexp-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-7.32.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-config-prettier-6.15.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-plugin-prettier-2.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-plugin-prettier-3.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-scope-5.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-utils-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-utils-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-visitor-keys-1.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-visitor-keys-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: espree-7.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: esprima-4.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: esquery-1.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: esrecurse-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: estraverse-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: estraverse-5.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: esutils-2.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: events-3.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: execa-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: exenv-es6-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: expand-brackets-2.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: extend-shallow-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: extend-shallow-3.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: extglob-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fast-deep-equal-3.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fast-diff-1.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fast-glob-3.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fast-json-stable-stringify-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fast-levenshtein-2.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fastest-levenshtein-1.0.16.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fastq-1.17.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: figures-1.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: figures-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: file-entry-cache-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fill-range-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fill-range-7.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: find-root-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: find-up-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: find-up-4.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: flat-5.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: flat-cache-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: flatted-3.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fn-name-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: for-each-0.3.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: for-in-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fragment-cache-0.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: free-style-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fs-extra-10.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fs.realpath-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: function-bind-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: functional-red-black-tree-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: functions-have-names-1.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: g-status-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-intrinsic-1.2.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-own-enumerable-property-symbols-3.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-stdin-6.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-stdin-7.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-stream-4.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-symbol-description-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-value-2.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: glob-7.1.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: glob-9.3.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: glob-parent-5.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: glob-to-regexp-0.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: global-modules-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: global-prefix-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: globals-13.24.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: globalthis-1.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: globby-11.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: globby-6.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: globjoin-0.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: gopd-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: graceful-fs-4.2.11.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: hard-rejection-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-ansi-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-bigints-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-flag-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-flag-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-property-descriptors-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-proto-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-symbols-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-tostringtag-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-value-0.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-value-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-values-0.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-values-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: hasown-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: hosted-git-info-2.8.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: hosted-git-info-4.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: html-tags-3.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: htmlparser2-8.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: husky-2.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: iconv-lite-0.6.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: icss-utils-5.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ignore-4.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ignore-5.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: import-fresh-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: import-fresh-3.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: import-lazy-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: import-local-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: imurmurhash-0.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: indent-string-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: indent-string-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: inflight-1.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: inherits-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ini-1.3.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: internal-slot-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: interpret-3.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-accessor-descriptor-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-array-buffer-3.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-arrayish-0.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-bigint-1.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-boolean-object-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-buffer-1.1.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-callable-1.2.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-ci-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-core-module-2.13.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-data-descriptor-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-data-view-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-date-object-1.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-descriptor-0.1.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-descriptor-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-directory-0.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-extendable-0.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-extendable-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-extglob-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-fullwidth-code-point-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-fullwidth-code-point-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-fullwidth-code-point-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-glob-4.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-negative-zero-2.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-number-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-number-7.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-number-object-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-obj-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-observable-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-path-cwd-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-path-in-cwd-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-path-inside-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-plain-obj-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-plain-object-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-plain-object-5.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-promise-2.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-regex-1.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-regexp-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-shared-array-buffer-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-stream-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-string-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-symbol-1.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-typed-array-1.1.13.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-weakref-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-windows-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isarray-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isarray-2.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isexe-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isobject-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isobject-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isomorphic.js-0.2.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: jest-docblock-21.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: jest-worker-27.5.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: js-tokens-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: js-yaml-3.14.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-buffer-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-parse-better-errors-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-parse-even-better-errors-2.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-schema-compare-0.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-schema-merge-allof-0.8.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-schema-traverse-0.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-schema-traverse-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json5-2.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: jsonfile-6.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: jsonpointer-5.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: keyv-4.5.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: kind-of-3.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: kind-of-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: kind-of-6.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: known-css-properties-0.26.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: levn-0.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lib0-0.2.93.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: license-webpack-plugin-2.3.21.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lines-and-columns-1.2.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lint-staged-8.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: listr-0.14.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: listr-silent-renderer-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: listr-update-renderer-0.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: listr-verbose-renderer-0.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: load-json-file-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: loader-runner-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: loader-utils-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: locate-path-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: locate-path-5.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash-4.17.21.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash-es-4.17.21.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash.escape-4.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash.merge-4.6.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash.mergewith-4.6.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash.truncate-4.4.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: log-symbols-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: log-symbols-2.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: log-update-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: loose-envify-1.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lru-cache-10.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lru-cache-6.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: map-cache-0.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: map-obj-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: map-obj-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: map-visit-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: markdown-to-jsx-7.4.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: matcher-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mathml-tag-names-2.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: memorystream-0.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: meow-9.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: merge-stream-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: merge2-1.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: micromatch-3.1.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: micromatch-4.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mime-db-1.52.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mime-types-2.1.35.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mimic-fn-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: min-indent-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mini-css-extract-plugin-2.9.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mini-svg-data-uri-1.4.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minimatch-3.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minimatch-8.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minimist-1.2.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minimist-options-4.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minipass-4.2.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minipass-7.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mixin-deep-1.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mkdirp-0.5.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mkdirp-1.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ms-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ms-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: nanoid-3.3.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: nanomatch-1.2.13.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: natural-compare-1.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: neo-async-2.6.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: nice-try-1.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: node-releases-2.0.14.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: normalize-package-data-2.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: normalize-package-data-3.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: normalize-path-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: npm-path-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: npm-run-all-4.1.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: npm-run-path-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: npm-which-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: number-is-nan-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object-assign-4.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object-copy-0.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object-inspect-1.13.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object-keys-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object-visit-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object.assign-4.1.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object.pick-1.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: once-1.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: onetime-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: optionator-0.9.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-finally-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-limit-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-locate-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-locate-4.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-map-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-map-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-try-2.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: parent-module-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: parse-json-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: parse-json-5.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: parse-srcset-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pascalcase-0.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-browserify-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-exists-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-exists-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-is-absolute-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-is-inside-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-key-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-key-3.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-parse-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-scurry-1.10.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-type-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-type-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pdfjs-dist-2.4.456.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: picocolors-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: picomatch-2.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pidtree-0.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pify-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pify-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pinkie-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pinkie-promise-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pkg-dir-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: please-upgrade-node-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: posix-character-classes-0.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: possible-typed-array-names-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-8.4.38.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-media-query-parser-0.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-modules-extract-imports-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-modules-local-by-default-4.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-modules-scope-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-modules-values-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-resolve-nested-selector-0.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-safe-parser-6.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-selector-parser-6.0.16.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-value-parser-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: prelude-ls-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: prettier-2.8.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: prettier-linter-helpers-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: process-0.11.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: progress-2.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: prop-types-15.8.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: property-expr-1.5.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pump-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: punycode-2.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: querystringify-2.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: queue-microtask-1.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: quick-lru-4.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: randombytes-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: react-18.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: react-dom-18.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: react-is-16.13.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: react-is-18.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: read-pkg-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: read-pkg-5.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: read-pkg-up-7.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: rechoir-0.8.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: redent-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regenerator-runtime-0.14.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regex-not-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regexp-match-indices-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regexp-tree-0.1.27.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regexp.prototype.flags-1.5.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regexpp-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: repeat-element-1.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: repeat-string-1.6.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: require-from-string-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: requires-port-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-1.22.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-cwd-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-from-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-from-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-from-5.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-url-0.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: restore-cursor-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ret-0.1.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: reusify-1.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: rimraf-2.7.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: rimraf-3.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: rimraf-4.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: run-node-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: run-parallel-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: rxjs-6.6.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: safe-array-concat-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: safe-buffer-5.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: safe-regex-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: safe-regex-test-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: safer-buffer-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: sanitize-html-2.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: scheduler-0.23.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: schema-utils-2.7.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: schema-utils-3.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: schema-utils-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: semver-5.7.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: semver-7.6.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: semver-compare-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: serialize-javascript-6.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: set-function-length-1.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: set-function-name-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: set-value-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shallow-clone-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shebang-command-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shebang-command-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shebang-regex-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shebang-regex-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shell-quote-1.8.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: side-channel-1.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: signal-exit-3.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: simple-git-1.132.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: slash-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: slice-ansi-0.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: slice-ansi-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: snapdragon-0.8.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: snapdragon-node-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: snapdragon-util-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-list-map-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-0.5.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-0.6.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-js-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-loader-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-loader-1.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-resolve-0.5.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-support-0.5.21.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-url-0.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: spdx-correct-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: spdx-exceptions-2.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: spdx-expression-parse-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: spdx-license-ids-3.0.17.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: split-string-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: sprintf-js-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: staged-git-files-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: static-extend-0.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string-argv-0.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string-width-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string-width-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string-width-4.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string.prototype.padend-3.1.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string.prototype.trim-1.2.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string.prototype.trimend-1.0.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string.prototype.trimstart-1.0.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stringify-object-3.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-ansi-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-ansi-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-ansi-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-bom-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-eof-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-indent-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-json-comments-3.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: style-loader-3.3.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: style-mod-4.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: style-search-0.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stylelint-14.16.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stylelint-config-prettier-9.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stylelint-config-recommended-8.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stylelint-config-standard-26.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stylelint-prettier-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-color-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-color-5.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-color-7.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-color-8.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-hyperlinks-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-preserve-symlinks-flag-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: svg-tags-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: symbol-observable-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: synchronous-promise-2.0.17.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tabbable-5.3.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: table-6.8.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tapable-2.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: terser-5.31.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: terser-webpack-plugin-5.3.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: text-table-0.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: to-object-path-0.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: to-regex-3.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: to-regex-range-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: to-regex-range-5.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: toposort-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tr46-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: trim-newlines-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tslib-1.14.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tslint-5.20.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tslint-config-prettier-1.18.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tslint-plugin-prettier-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tsutils-2.29.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tsutils-3.21.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: type-check-0.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: type-fest-0.18.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: type-fest-0.20.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: type-fest-0.6.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: type-fest-0.8.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typed-array-buffer-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typed-array-byte-length-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typed-array-byte-offset-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typed-array-length-1.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typescript-5.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typestyle-2.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: unbox-primitive-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: undici-types-5.26.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: union-value-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: universalify-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: unset-value-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: update-browserslist-db-1.0.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: uri-js-4.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: urix-0.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: url-parse-1.5.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: use-3.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: util-deprecate-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: v8-compile-cache-2.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: validate-npm-package-license-3.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: vscode-jsonrpc-6.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: vscode-jsonrpc-8.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: vscode-languageserver-protocol-3.17.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: vscode-languageserver-types-3.17.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: vscode-ws-jsonrpc-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: w3c-keyname-2.2.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: watchpack-2.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webidl-conversions-6.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webpack-5.91.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webpack-cli-5.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webpack-merge-5.10.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webpack-sources-1.4.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webpack-sources-3.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: whatwg-mimetype-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: whatwg-url-8.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: which-1.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: which-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: which-boxed-primitive-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: which-typed-array-1.1.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: wildcard-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: word-wrap-1.2.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: worker-loader-3.0.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: wrap-ansi-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: wrappy-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: write-file-atomic-4.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ws-8.17.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: y-protocols-1.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: yallist-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: yaml-1.10.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: yargs-parser-20.2.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: yjs-13.6.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: yup-0.27.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
- package has jupyter-jupyterlab-latex-rpmlintrc: (unchanged)

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

Source validator failed. Try "osc service runall source_validator"
/usr/lib/obs/service/source_validators/20-files-present-and-referenced: line 126: cpio: command not found
ERROR: @babel-code-frame-7.12.11.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @babel-helper-validator-identifier-7.24.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @babel-highlight-7.24.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @babel-runtime-7.24.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-autocomplete-6.16.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-commands-6.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-cpp-6.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-css-6.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-html-6.4.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-java-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-javascript-6.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-json-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-markdown-6.2.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-php-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-python-6.1.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-rust-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-sql-6.6.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-wast-6.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lang-xml-6.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-language-6.10.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-legacy-modes-6.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-lint-6.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-search-6.5.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-state-6.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @codemirror-view-6.26.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @csstools-selector-specificity-2.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @discoveryjs-json-ext-0.5.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @eslint-eslintrc-0.4.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @fortawesome-fontawesome-free-5.15.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @humanwhocodes-config-array-0.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @humanwhocodes-object-schema-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-gen-mapping-0.3.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-resolve-uri-3.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-set-array-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-source-map-0.3.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-sourcemap-codec-1.4.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jridgewell-trace-mapping-0.3.25.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyter-react-components-0.15.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyter-web-components-0.15.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyter-ydoc-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-application-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-apputils-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-builder-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-codeeditor-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-codemirror-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-coreutils-6.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-docmanager-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-docregistry-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-documentsearch-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-filebrowser-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-fileeditor-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-launcher-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-lsp-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-mainmenu-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-nbformat-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-observables-5.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-rendermime-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-rendermime-interfaces-3.10.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-services-7.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-settingregistry-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-statedb-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-statusbar-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-toc-6.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-translation-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @jupyterlab-ui-components-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-common-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-cpp-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-css-1.1.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-generator-1.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-highlight-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-html-1.3.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-java-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-javascript-1.4.16.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-json-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-lr-1.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-markdown-1.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-php-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-python-1.1.13.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-rust-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lezer-xml-1.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-algorithm-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-application-2.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-collections-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-commands-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-coreutils-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-disposable-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-domutils-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-dragdrop-2.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-keyboard-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-messaging-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-polling-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-properties-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-signaling-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-signaling-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-virtualdom-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @lumino-widgets-2.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @microsoft-fast-colors-5.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @microsoft-fast-element-1.13.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @microsoft-fast-foundation-2.49.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @microsoft-fast-react-wrapper-0.3.24.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @microsoft-fast-web-utilities-5.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @nodelib-fs.scandir-2.1.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @nodelib-fs.stat-2.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @nodelib-fs.walk-1.2.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @rjsf-core-5.18.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @rjsf-utils-5.18.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @samverschueren-stream-to-observable-0.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-eslint-8.56.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-eslint-scope-3.7.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-estree-1.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-json-schema-7.0.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-minimist-1.2.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-node-20.12.11.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-normalize-package-data-2.4.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-parse-json-4.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-prop-types-15.7.12.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-react-18.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-react-dom-18.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-source-list-map-0.1.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @types-webpack-sources-0.1.12.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-eslint-plugin-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-experimental-utils-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-parser-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-scope-manager-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-types-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-typescript-estree-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @typescript-eslint-visitor-keys-4.33.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-ast-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-floating-point-hex-parser-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-helper-api-error-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-helper-buffer-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-helper-numbers-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-helper-wasm-bytecode-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-helper-wasm-section-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-ieee754-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-leb128-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-utf8-1.11.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-wasm-edit-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-wasm-gen-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-wasm-opt-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-wasm-parser-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webassemblyjs-wast-printer-1.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webpack-cli-configtest-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webpack-cli-info-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @webpack-cli-serve-2.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @xtuc-ieee754-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: @xtuc-long-4.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: abab-2.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: acorn-7.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: acorn-8.11.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: acorn-import-assertions-1.9.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: acorn-jsx-5.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ajv-6.12.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ajv-8.13.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ajv-formats-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ajv-keywords-3.5.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ajv-keywords-5.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-colors-4.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-escapes-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-regex-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-regex-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-regex-5.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-styles-2.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-styles-3.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ansi-styles-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: any-observable-0.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: argparse-1.0.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: arr-diff-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: arr-flatten-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: arr-union-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: array-buffer-byte-length-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: array-union-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: array-union-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: array-uniq-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: array-unique-0.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: arraybuffer.prototype.slice-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: arrify-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: assign-symbols-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: astral-regex-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: atob-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: available-typed-arrays-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: balanced-match-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: balanced-match-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: base-0.11.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: big.js-5.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: brace-expansion-1.1.11.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: brace-expansion-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: braces-2.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: braces-3.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: browserslist-4.23.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: buffer-from-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: builtin-modules-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cache-base-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: call-bind-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: caller-callsite-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: caller-path-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: callsites-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: callsites-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: camelcase-5.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: camelcase-keys-6.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: caniuse-lite-1.0.30001617.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: chalk-1.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: chalk-2.4.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: chalk-4.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: chrome-trace-event-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ci-info-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: class-utils-0.3.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cli-cursor-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cli-truncate-0.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: clone-deep-4.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: code-point-at-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: collection-visit-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: color-convert-1.9.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: color-convert-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: color-name-1.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: color-name-1.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: colord-2.9.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: colorette-2.0.20.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: commander-10.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: commander-2.20.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: commander-9.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: component-emitter-1.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: compute-gcd-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: compute-lcm-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: concat-map-0.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: copy-descriptor-0.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cosmiconfig-5.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cosmiconfig-7.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: crelt-1.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cross-spawn-6.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cross-spawn-7.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: css-functions-list-3.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: css-loader-6.11.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: cssesc-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: csstype-3.0.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: csstype-3.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: data-urls-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: data-view-buffer-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: data-view-byte-length-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: data-view-byte-offset-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: date-fns-1.30.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: debug-2.6.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: debug-3.2.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: debug-4.3.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: decamelize-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: decamelize-keys-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: decode-uri-component-0.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: dedent-0.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: deep-is-0.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: deepmerge-4.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: define-data-property-1.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: define-properties-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: define-property-0.2.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: define-property-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: define-property-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: del-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: diff-4.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: dir-glob-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: doctrine-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: dom-serializer-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: domelementtype-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: domhandler-5.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: domutils-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: electron-to-chromium-1.4.761.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: elegant-spinner-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: emoji-regex-8.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: emojis-list-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: end-of-stream-1.4.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: enhanced-resolve-5.16.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: enquirer-2.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: entities-4.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: envinfo-7.13.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: error-ex-1.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-abstract-1.23.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-define-property-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-errors-1.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-module-lexer-1.5.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-object-atoms-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-set-tostringtag-2.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: es-to-primitive-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: escalade-3.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: escape-string-regexp-1.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: escape-string-regexp-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-7.32.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-config-prettier-6.15.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-plugin-prettier-2.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-plugin-prettier-3.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-scope-5.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-utils-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-utils-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-visitor-keys-1.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: eslint-visitor-keys-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: espree-7.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: esprima-4.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: esquery-1.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: esrecurse-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: estraverse-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: estraverse-5.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: esutils-2.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: events-3.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: execa-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: exenv-es6-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: expand-brackets-2.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: extend-shallow-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: extend-shallow-3.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: extglob-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fast-deep-equal-3.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fast-diff-1.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fast-glob-3.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fast-json-stable-stringify-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fast-levenshtein-2.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fastest-levenshtein-1.0.16.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fastq-1.17.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: figures-1.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: figures-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: file-entry-cache-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fill-range-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fill-range-7.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: find-root-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: find-up-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: find-up-4.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: flat-5.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: flat-cache-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: flatted-3.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fn-name-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: for-each-0.3.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: for-in-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fragment-cache-0.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: free-style-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fs-extra-10.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: fs.realpath-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: function-bind-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: functional-red-black-tree-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: functions-have-names-1.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: g-status-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-intrinsic-1.2.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-own-enumerable-property-symbols-3.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-stdin-6.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-stdin-7.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-stream-4.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-symbol-description-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: get-value-2.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: glob-7.1.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: glob-9.3.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: glob-parent-5.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: glob-to-regexp-0.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: global-modules-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: global-prefix-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: globals-13.24.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: globalthis-1.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: globby-11.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: globby-6.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: globjoin-0.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: gopd-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: graceful-fs-4.2.11.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: hard-rejection-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-ansi-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-bigints-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-flag-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-flag-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-property-descriptors-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-proto-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-symbols-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-tostringtag-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-value-0.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-value-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-values-0.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: has-values-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: hasown-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: hosted-git-info-2.8.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: hosted-git-info-4.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: html-tags-3.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: htmlparser2-8.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: husky-2.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: iconv-lite-0.6.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: icss-utils-5.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ignore-4.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ignore-5.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: import-fresh-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: import-fresh-3.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: import-lazy-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: import-local-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: imurmurhash-0.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: indent-string-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: indent-string-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: inflight-1.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: inherits-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ini-1.3.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: internal-slot-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: interpret-3.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-accessor-descriptor-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-array-buffer-3.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-arrayish-0.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-bigint-1.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-boolean-object-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-buffer-1.1.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-callable-1.2.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-ci-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-core-module-2.13.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-data-descriptor-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-data-view-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-date-object-1.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-descriptor-0.1.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-descriptor-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-directory-0.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-extendable-0.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-extendable-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-extglob-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-fullwidth-code-point-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-fullwidth-code-point-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-fullwidth-code-point-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-glob-4.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-negative-zero-2.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-number-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-number-7.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-number-object-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-obj-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-observable-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-path-cwd-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-path-in-cwd-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-path-inside-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-plain-obj-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-plain-object-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-plain-object-5.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-promise-2.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-regex-1.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-regexp-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-shared-array-buffer-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-stream-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-string-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-symbol-1.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-typed-array-1.1.13.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-weakref-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: is-windows-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isarray-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isarray-2.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isexe-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isobject-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isobject-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: isomorphic.js-0.2.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: jest-docblock-21.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: jest-worker-27.5.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: js-tokens-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: js-yaml-3.14.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-buffer-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-parse-better-errors-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-parse-even-better-errors-2.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-schema-compare-0.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-schema-merge-allof-0.8.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-schema-traverse-0.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-schema-traverse-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: json5-2.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: jsonfile-6.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: jsonpointer-5.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: keyv-4.5.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: kind-of-3.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: kind-of-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: kind-of-6.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: known-css-properties-0.26.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: levn-0.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lib0-0.2.93.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: license-webpack-plugin-2.3.21.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lines-and-columns-1.2.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lint-staged-8.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: listr-0.14.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: listr-silent-renderer-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: listr-update-renderer-0.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: listr-verbose-renderer-0.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: load-json-file-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: loader-runner-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: loader-utils-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: locate-path-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: locate-path-5.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash-4.17.21.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash-es-4.17.21.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash.escape-4.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash.merge-4.6.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash.mergewith-4.6.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lodash.truncate-4.4.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: log-symbols-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: log-symbols-2.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: log-update-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: loose-envify-1.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lru-cache-10.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: lru-cache-6.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: map-cache-0.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: map-obj-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: map-obj-4.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: map-visit-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: markdown-to-jsx-7.4.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: matcher-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mathml-tag-names-2.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: memorystream-0.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: meow-9.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: merge-stream-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: merge2-1.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: micromatch-3.1.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: micromatch-4.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mime-db-1.52.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mime-types-2.1.35.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mimic-fn-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: min-indent-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mini-css-extract-plugin-2.9.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mini-svg-data-uri-1.4.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minimatch-3.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minimatch-8.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minimist-1.2.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minimist-options-4.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minipass-4.2.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: minipass-7.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mixin-deep-1.3.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mkdirp-0.5.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mkdirp-1.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ms-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ms-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: nanoid-3.3.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: nanomatch-1.2.13.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: natural-compare-1.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: neo-async-2.6.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: nice-try-1.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: node-releases-2.0.14.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: normalize-package-data-2.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: normalize-package-data-3.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: normalize-path-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: npm-path-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: npm-run-all-4.1.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: npm-run-path-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: npm-which-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: number-is-nan-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object-assign-4.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object-copy-0.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object-inspect-1.13.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object-keys-1.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object-visit-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object.assign-4.1.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: object.pick-1.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: once-1.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: onetime-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: optionator-0.9.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-finally-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-limit-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-locate-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-locate-4.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-map-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-map-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: p-try-2.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: parent-module-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: parse-json-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: parse-json-5.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: parse-srcset-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pascalcase-0.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-browserify-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-exists-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-exists-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-is-absolute-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-is-inside-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-key-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-key-3.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-parse-1.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-scurry-1.10.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-type-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: path-type-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pdfjs-dist-2.4.456.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: picocolors-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: picomatch-2.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pidtree-0.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pify-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pify-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pinkie-2.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pinkie-promise-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pkg-dir-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: please-upgrade-node-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: posix-character-classes-0.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: possible-typed-array-names-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-8.4.38.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-media-query-parser-0.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-modules-extract-imports-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-modules-local-by-default-4.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-modules-scope-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-modules-values-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-resolve-nested-selector-0.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-safe-parser-6.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-selector-parser-6.0.16.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: postcss-value-parser-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: prelude-ls-1.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: prettier-2.8.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: prettier-linter-helpers-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: process-0.11.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: progress-2.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: prop-types-15.8.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: property-expr-1.5.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: pump-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: punycode-2.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: querystringify-2.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: queue-microtask-1.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: quick-lru-4.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: randombytes-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: react-18.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: react-dom-18.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: react-is-16.13.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: react-is-18.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: read-pkg-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: read-pkg-5.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: read-pkg-up-7.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: rechoir-0.8.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: redent-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regenerator-runtime-0.14.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regex-not-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regexp-match-indices-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regexp-tree-0.1.27.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regexp.prototype.flags-1.5.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: regexpp-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: repeat-element-1.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: repeat-string-1.6.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: require-from-string-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: requires-port-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-1.22.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-cwd-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-from-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-from-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-from-5.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: resolve-url-0.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: restore-cursor-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ret-0.1.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: reusify-1.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: rimraf-2.7.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: rimraf-3.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: rimraf-4.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: run-node-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: run-parallel-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: rxjs-6.6.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: safe-array-concat-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: safe-buffer-5.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: safe-regex-1.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: safe-regex-test-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: safer-buffer-2.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: sanitize-html-2.12.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: scheduler-0.23.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: schema-utils-2.7.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: schema-utils-3.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: schema-utils-4.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: semver-5.7.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: semver-7.6.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: semver-compare-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: serialize-javascript-6.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: set-function-length-1.2.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: set-function-name-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: set-value-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shallow-clone-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shebang-command-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shebang-command-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shebang-regex-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shebang-regex-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: shell-quote-1.8.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: side-channel-1.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: signal-exit-3.0.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: simple-git-1.132.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: slash-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: slice-ansi-0.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: slice-ansi-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: snapdragon-0.8.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: snapdragon-node-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: snapdragon-util-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-list-map-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-0.5.7.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-0.6.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-js-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-loader-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-loader-1.1.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-resolve-0.5.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-support-0.5.21.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: source-map-url-0.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: spdx-correct-3.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: spdx-exceptions-2.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: spdx-expression-parse-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: spdx-license-ids-3.0.17.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: split-string-3.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: sprintf-js-1.0.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: staged-git-files-1.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: static-extend-0.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string-argv-0.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string-width-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string-width-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string-width-4.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string.prototype.padend-3.1.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string.prototype.trim-1.2.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string.prototype.trimend-1.0.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: string.prototype.trimstart-1.0.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stringify-object-3.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-ansi-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-ansi-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-ansi-6.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-bom-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-eof-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-indent-3.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: strip-json-comments-3.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: style-loader-3.3.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: style-mod-4.1.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: style-search-0.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stylelint-14.16.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stylelint-config-prettier-9.0.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stylelint-config-recommended-8.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stylelint-config-standard-26.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: stylelint-prettier-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-color-2.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-color-5.5.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-color-7.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-color-8.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-hyperlinks-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: supports-preserve-symlinks-flag-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: svg-tags-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: symbol-observable-1.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: synchronous-promise-2.0.17.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tabbable-5.3.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: table-6.8.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tapable-2.2.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: terser-5.31.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: terser-webpack-plugin-5.3.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: text-table-0.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: to-object-path-0.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: to-regex-3.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: to-regex-range-2.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: to-regex-range-5.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: toposort-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tr46-2.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: trim-newlines-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tslib-1.14.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tslint-5.20.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tslint-config-prettier-1.18.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tslint-plugin-prettier-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tsutils-2.29.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: tsutils-3.21.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: type-check-0.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: type-fest-0.18.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: type-fest-0.20.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: type-fest-0.6.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: type-fest-0.8.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typed-array-buffer-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typed-array-byte-length-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typed-array-byte-offset-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typed-array-length-1.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typescript-5.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: typestyle-2.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: unbox-primitive-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: undici-types-5.26.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: union-value-1.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: universalify-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: unset-value-1.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: update-browserslist-db-1.0.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: uri-js-4.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: urix-0.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: url-parse-1.5.10.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: use-3.1.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: util-deprecate-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: v8-compile-cache-2.4.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: validate-npm-package-license-3.0.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: vscode-jsonrpc-6.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: vscode-jsonrpc-8.2.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: vscode-languageserver-protocol-3.17.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: vscode-languageserver-types-3.17.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: vscode-ws-jsonrpc-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: w3c-keyname-2.2.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: watchpack-2.4.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webidl-conversions-6.1.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webpack-5.91.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webpack-cli-5.1.4.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webpack-merge-5.10.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webpack-sources-1.4.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: webpack-sources-3.2.3.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: whatwg-mimetype-2.3.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: whatwg-url-8.7.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: which-1.3.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: which-2.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: which-boxed-primitive-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: which-typed-array-1.1.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: wildcard-2.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: word-wrap-1.2.5.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: worker-loader-3.0.8.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: wrap-ansi-3.0.1.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: wrappy-1.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: write-file-atomic-4.0.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: ws-8.17.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: y-protocols-1.0.6.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: yallist-4.0.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: yaml-1.10.2.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: yargs-parser-20.2.9.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: yjs-13.6.15.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
ERROR: yup-0.27.0.tgz mentioned in spec file does not exist.
- package has jupyter-jupyterlab-latex-rpmlintrc: (unchanged)

Daniel Garcia's avatar

dgarcia reopened request

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:4 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:4"

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:4"

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

The legal review is accepted preliminary. The package may require actions later on.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:4 got accepted.

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:4 got accepted.

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:4 got accepted.

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