
Request 602819 accepted

Include the NoCloud datasource in the cloud-init config.

Having this is convenient because it allows the cloud-localds[1] command to be used to pass userdata (via an emulated CD-ROM) to e.g. KVM virtual machines.

[1]: https://manpages.debian.org/testing/cloud-image-utils/cloud-localds.1.en.html

Tuomas Tynkkynen's avatar

Oh, and additionally delete the first 'sed' line of /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg - it appears to have no effect.

Request History
Tuomas Tynkkynen's avatar

dezgeg created request

Include the NoCloud datasource in the cloud-init config.

Having this is convenient because it allows the cloud-localds[1] command to be used to pass userdata (via an emulated CD-ROM) to e.g. KVM virtual machines.

[1]: https://manpages.debian.org/testing/cloud-image-utils/cloud-localds.1.en.html

Robert Schweikert's avatar

rjschwei accepted request

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