
Request 640142 accepted

* Update to go1.11.1 (released 2018/10/01)
- includes fixes to the compiler, documentation, go command, runtime,
and the crypto/x509, encoding/json, go/types, net, net/http and reflect
* cmd/compile:
- bad walkinrange rewrites on constant above 2**63
- function compiled without bounds checking and -1 index access
- missing bounds checks in 1.11
- panic in cmd/compile/internal/gc.typecheck1
- race detector detects race with close(chan) and len(chan)
* cmd/go:
- 'go test -gcflags=all=-l' appears not to disable inlining
- GOMIPS environment variable does not affect caching of mipsle code
- TestScript/mod_install_versioned consistently failing on macOS High Sierra
- build fails when setting linker to lld using ldflags
- go list -json -compiled -test -e upspin.io/test fails with non-zero exit status
* doc:
- GOFLAGS environment variable not in 1.11 release notes
- downloads page claims that Go 1.11 supports unsupported operating systems Documentation
* encoding/json:
- empty fields in json.UnmarshalTypeError
* go/types:
- assertion failure setting up composite literal with incomplete element type
- some facts are missing after an error
* net/http:
- WASM Roundtripper crash when using "no-cors" mode
* net:
- LookupTXT bug
- empty DNS answers should fail fast
- testSpliceReaderAtEOF closed connection: got err = splice: invalid argument
* reflect:
- MethodByName().Interface() leads to fatal error: sweep increased allocation count
* runtime:
- invalid pointer found on stack
- timeouts in os/signal tests


Ismail Dönmez's avatar

@jfkw This needs an update on go package too.

Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar
author source maintainer

Thanks, request https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/640330 submitted to update metapackage go to 1.11.1.

Request History
Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw created request

* Update to go1.11.1 (released 2018/10/01)
- includes fixes to the compiler, documentation, go command, runtime,
and the crypto/x509, encoding/json, go/types, net, net/http and reflect
* cmd/compile:
- bad walkinrange rewrites on constant above 2**63
- function compiled without bounds checking and -1 index access
- missing bounds checks in 1.11
- panic in cmd/compile/internal/gc.typecheck1
- race detector detects race with close(chan) and len(chan)
* cmd/go:
- 'go test -gcflags=all=-l' appears not to disable inlining
- GOMIPS environment variable does not affect caching of mipsle code
- TestScript/mod_install_versioned consistently failing on macOS High Sierra
- build fails when setting linker to lld using ldflags
- go list -json -compiled -test -e upspin.io/test fails with non-zero exit status
* doc:
- GOFLAGS environment variable not in 1.11 release notes
- downloads page claims that Go 1.11 supports unsupported operating systems Documentation
* encoding/json:
- empty fields in json.UnmarshalTypeError
* go/types:
- assertion failure setting up composite literal with incomplete element type
- some facts are missing after an error
* net/http:
- WASM Roundtripper crash when using "no-cors" mode
* net:
- LookupTXT bug
- empty DNS answers should fail fast
- testSpliceReaderAtEOF closed connection: got err = splice: invalid argument
* reflect:
- MethodByName().Interface() leads to fatal error: sweep increased allocation count
* runtime:
- invalid pointer found on stack
- timeouts in os/signal tests

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