
Request 732638 accepted

Do sequential build for reproducible .go files (boo#1102408)
Upstream details at https://issues.guix.gnu.org/issue/20272

Build time can worsen 1240 -> 3196 s ; but I also had sequential builds of 1131s

At least results become fully reproducible,
so OBS build-tree-pruning works better.

Request History
Bernhard Wiedemann's avatar

bmwiedemann created request

Do sequential build for reproducible .go files (boo#1102408)
Upstream details at https://issues.guix.gnu.org/issue/20272

Build time can worsen 1240 -> 3196 s ; but I also had sequential builds of 1131s

At least results become fully reproducible,
so OBS build-tree-pruning works better.

Jonathan Brielmaier's avatar

jbrielmaier accepted request

I'm not super happy with the increased build time... Thanks for this nice, little SR :)

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