
Request 982357 superseded

- Add redismod.conf and tox.ini as Sources to SPEC file.
- Update to version 4.3.3
* Fix Lock crash, and versioning 4.3.3 (#2210)
* Async cluster: improve docs (#2208)
- Release 4.3.2
* SHUTDOWN - add support for the new NOW, FORCE and ABORT modifiers (#2150)
* Adding pipeline support for async cluster (#2199)
* Support CF.MEXISTS + Clean bf/commands.py (#2184)
* Extending query_params for FT.PROFILE (#2198)
* Implementing ClusterPipeline Lock (#2190)
* Set default response_callbacks to redis.asyncio.cluster.ClusterNode (#2201)
* Add default None for maxlen at xtrim command (#2188)
* Async cluster: add/update typing (#2195)
* Changed list type to single element type (#2203)
* Made sync lock consistent and added types to it (#2137)
* Async cluster: optimisations (#2205)
* Fix typos in README (#2206)
* Fix modules links to https://redis.io/commands/ (#2185)
- Update to version 4.3.1
* Allow negative `retries` for `Retry` class to retry forever
* Add `items` parameter to `hset` signature
* Create codeql-analysis.yml (#1988). Thanks @chayim
* Add limited support for Lua scripting with RedisCluster
* Implement `.lock()` method on RedisCluster
* Fix cursor returned by SCAN for RedisCluster & change default
target to PRIMARIES
* Fix scan_iter for RedisCluster
* Remove verbose logging when initializing ClusterPubSub,
ClusterPipeline or RedisCluster
* Fix broken connection writer lock-up for asyncio (#2065)
* Fix auth bug when provided with no username (#2086)
- Release 4.1.3
* Fix flushdb and flushall (#1926)
* Add redis5 and redis4 dockers (#1871)
* Change json.clear test multi to be up to date with redisjson
* Fixing volume for unstable_cluster docker (#1914)
* Update changes file with changes since 4.0.0-beta2 (#1915)
- Release 4.1.2
* Invalid OCSP certificates should raise ConnectionError on
failed validation (#1907)
* Added retry mechanism on socket timeouts when connecting to
the server (#1895)
* LMOVE, BLMOVE return incorrect responses (#1906)
* Fixing AttributeError in UnixDomainSocketConnection (#1903)
* Fixing TypeError in GraphCommands.explain (#1901)
* For tests, increasing wait time for the cluster (#1908)
* Increased pubsub's wait_for_messages timeout to prevent flaky
tests (#1893)
* README code snippets formatted to highlight properly (#1888)
* Fix link in the main page (#1897)
* Documentation fixes: JSON Example, SSL Connection Examples,
RTD version (#1887)
* Direct link to readthedocs (#1885)
- Release 4.1.1
* Add retries to connections in Sentinel Pools (#1879)
* OCSP Stapling Support (#1873)
* Define incr/decr as aliases of incrby/decrby (#1874)
* Timeseries docs fix (#1877)
* get_connection: catch OSError too (#1832)
* Set keys var otherwise variable not created (#1853)
* Clusters should optionally require full slot coverage (#1845)
* Triple quote docstrings in client.py PEP 257 (#1876)
* syncing requirements (#1870)
* Typo and typing in GraphCommands documentation (#1855)
* Allowing poetry and redis-py to install together (#1854)
* setup.py: Add project_urls for PyPI (#1867)
* Support test with redis unstable docker (#1850)
* Connection examples (#1835)
* Documentation cleanup (#1841)
- Release 4.1.0
* OCSP stapling support (#1820)
* Support for SELECT (#1825)
* Support for specifying error types with retry (#1817)
* Support for RESET command since Redis 6.2.0 (#1824)
* Support CLIENT TRACKING (#1612)
* Support WRITE in CLIENT PAUSE (#1549)
* JSON set_file and set_path support (#1818)
* Allow ssl_ca_path with rediss:// urls (#1814)
* Support for password-encrypted SSL private keys (#1782)
* Support SYNC and PSYNC (#1741)
* Retry on error exception and timeout fixes (#1821)
* Fixing read race condition during pubsub (#1737)
* Fixing exception in listen (#1823)
* Fixed MovedError, and stopped iterating through startup nodes
when slots are fully covered (#1819)
* Socket not closing after server disconnect (#1797)
* Single sourcing the package version (#1791)
* Ensure redis_connect_func is set on uds connection (#1794)
* SRTALGO - Skip for redis versions greater than 7.0.0 (#1831)
* Documentation updates (#1822)
* Add CI action to install package from repository commit hash
(#1781) (#1790)
* Fix link in lmove docstring (#1793)
* Disabling JSON.DEBUG tests (#1787)
* Migrated targeted nodes to kwargs in Cluster Mode (#1762)
* Added support for MONITOR in clusters (#1756)
* Adding ROLE Command (#1610)
* Integrate RedisBloom support (#1683)
* Adding RedisGraph support (#1556)
* Allow overriding connection class via keyword arguments
* Aggregation LOAD * support for RediSearch (#1735)
* Adding cluster, bloom, and graph docs (#1779)
* Add packaging to setup_requires, and use >= to play nice to
setup.py (fixes #1625) (#1780)
* Fixing the license link in the readme (#1778)
* Removing distutils from tests (#1773)
* Fix cluster ACL tests (#1774)
* Improved RedisCluster's reinitialize_steps and documentation
* Added black and isort (#1734)
* Link Documents for all module commands (#1711)
* Pyupgrade + flynt + f-strings (#1759)
* Remove unused aggregation subclasses in RediSearch (#1754)
* Adding RedisCluster client to support Redis Cluster Mode
* Support RediSearch FT.PROFILE command (#1727)
* Adding support for non-decodable commands (#1731)
* COMMAND GETKEYS support (#1738)
* RedisJSON 2.0.4 behaviour support (#1747)
* Removing deprecating distutils (PEP 632) (#1730)
* Updating PR template (#1745)
* Removing duplication of Script class (#1751)
* Splitting documentation for read the docs (#1743)
* Improve code coverage for aggregation tests (#1713)
* Fixing COMMAND GETKEYS tests (#1750)
* GitHub release improvements (#1684)
- Release 4.0.2
* Restoring Sentinel commands to redis client (#1723)
* Better removal of hiredis warning (#1726)
* Adding links to redis documents in function calls (#1719)
- Release 4.0.1
* Removing command on initial connections (#1722)
* Removing hiredis warning when not installed (#1721)
- Release 4.0.0
* FT.EXPLAINCLI intentionally raising NotImplementedError
* Restoring ZRANGE desc for Redis < 6.2.0 (#1697)
* Response parsing occasionally fails to parse floats (#1692)
* Re-enabling read-the-docs (#1707)
* Call HSET after FT.CREATE to avoid keyspace scan (#1706)
* Unit tests fixes for compatibility (#1703)
* Improve documentation about Locks (#1701)
* Fixes to allow --redis-url to pass through all tests (#1700)
* Fix unit tests running against Redis 4.0.0 (#1699)
* Search alias test fix (#1695)
* Adding RediSearch/RedisJSON tests (#1691)
* Updating codecov rules (#1689)
* Tests to validate custom JSON decoders (#1681)
* Added breaking icon to release drafter (#1702)
* Removing dependency on six (#1676)
* Re-enable pipeline support for JSON and TimeSeries (#1674)
* Export Sentinel, and SSL like other classes (#1671)
* Restore zrange functionality for older versions of Redis
* Fixed garbage collection deadlock (#1578)
* Tests to validate built python packages (#1678)
* Sleep for flaky search test (#1680)
* Test function renames, to match standards (#1679)
* Docstring improvements for Redis class (#1675)
* Fix georadius tests (#1672)
* Improvements to JSON coverage (#1666)
* Add python_requires setuptools check for python > 3.6 (#1656)
* SMISMEMBER support (#1667)
* Exposing the module version in loaded_modules (#1648)
* RedisTimeSeries support (#1652)
* Support for json multipath ($) (#1663)
* Added boolean parsing to PEXPIRE and PEXPIREAT (#1665)
* Add python_requires setuptools check for python > 3.6 (#1656)
* Adding vulture for static analysis (#1655)
* Starting to clean the docs (#1657)
* Update README.md (#1654)
* Adding description format for package (#1651)
* Publish to pypi as releases are generated with the release
drafter (#1647)
* Restore actions to prs (#1653)
* Fixing the package to include commands (#1649)
* Re-enabling codecov as part of CI process (#1646)
* Adding support for redisearch (#1640) Thanks @chayim
* redisjson support (#1636) Thanks @chayim
* Sentinel: Add SentinelManagedSSLConnection (#1419) Thanks
* Enable floating parameters in SET (ex and px) (#1635) Thanks
* Add warning when hiredis not installed. Recommend
installation. (#1621) Thanks @adiamzn
* Raising NotImplementedError for SCRIPT DEBUG and DEBUG
SEGFAULT (#1624) Thanks @chayim
* CLIENT REDIR command support (#1623) Thanks @chayim
* REPLICAOF command implementation (#1622) Thanks @chayim
* Add support to NX XX and CH to GEOADD (#1605) Thanks
* Add support to ZRANGE and ZRANGESTORE parameters (#1603)
Thanks @AvitalFineRedis
* Pre 6.2 redis should default to None for script flush (#1641)
Thanks @chayim
* Add FULL option to XINFO SUMMARY (#1638) Thanks @agusdmb
* Geosearch test should use any=True (#1594) Thanks
* Removing packaging dependency (#1626) Thanks @chayim
* Fix client_kill_filter docs for skimpy (#1596) Thanks
* Normalize minid and maxlen docs (#1593) Thanks
* Update docs for multiple usernames for ACL DELUSER (#1595)
Thanks @Andrew-Chen-Wang
* Fix grammar of get param in set command (#1588) Thanks
* Fix docs for client_kill_filter (#1584) Thanks
* Convert README & CONTRIBUTING from rst to md (#1633) Thanks
* Test BYLEX param in zrangestore (#1634) Thanks
* Tox integrations with invoke and docker (#1632) Thanks
* Adding the release drafter to help simplify release notes
(#1618). Thanks @chayim
* BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Removed support for end of life
Python 2.7. #1318
* BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: All values within Redis URLs are
unquoted via urllib.parse.unquote. Prior versions of redis-py
supported this by specifying the ``decode_components`` flag
to the ``from_url`` functions. This is now done by default
and cannot be disabled. #589
* POTENTIALLY INCOMPATIBLE: Redis commands were moved into a
mixin (see commands.py). Anyone importing ``redis.client`` to
access commands directly should import ``redis.commands``.
#1534, #1550
* Removed technical debt on REDIS_6_VERSION placeholder. Thanks
@chayim #1582.
* Various docus fixes. Thanks @Andrew-Chen-Wang #1585, #1586.
* Support for LOLWUT command, available since Redis 5.0.0.
Thanks @brainix #1568.
* Added support for CLIENT REPLY, available in Redis 3.2.0.
Thanks @chayim #1581.
* Support for Auto-reconnect PubSub on get_message. Thanks
@luhn #1574.
* Fix RST syntax error in README/ Thanks @JanCBrammer #1451.
* IDLETIME and FREQ support for RESTORE. Thanks @chayim #1580.
* Supporting args with MODULE LOAD. Thanks @chayim #1579.
* Updating RedisLabs with Redis. Thanks @gkorland #1575.
* Added support for ASYNC to SCRIPT FLUSH available in Redis
6.2.0. Thanks @chayim. #1567
* Added CLIENT LIST fix to support multiple client ids
available in Redis 2.8.12. Thanks @chayim #1563.
* Added DISCARD support for pipelines available in Redis 2.0.0.
Thanks @chayim #1565.
* Added ACL DELUSER support for deleting lists of users
available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks @chayim. #1562
* Added CLIENT TRACKINFO support available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @chayim. #1560
* Added GEOSEARCH and GEOSEARCHSTORE support available in Redis
6.2.0. Thanks @AvitalFine Redis. #1526
* Added LPUSHX support for lists available in Redis 4.0.0.
Thanks @chayim. #1559
* Added support for QUIT available in Redis 1.0.0. Thanks
@chayim. #1558
* Added support for COMMAND COUNT available in Redis 2.8.13.
Thanks @chayim. #1554.
* Added CREATECONSUMER support for XGROUP available in Redis
6.2.0. Thanks @AvitalFineRedis. #1553
* Including slowly complexity in INFO if available. Thanks
@ian28223 #1489.
* Added support for STRALGO available in Redis 6.0.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1528
* Addes support for ZMSCORE available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@2014BDuck and @jiekun.zhu. #1437
* Support MINID and LIMIT on XADD available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @AvitalFineRedis. #1548
* Added sentinel commands FLUSHCONFIG, CKQUORUM, FAILOVER, and
RESET available in Redis 2.8.12. Thanks @otherpirate. #834
* Migrated Version instead of StrictVersion for Python 3.10.
Thanks @tirkarthi. #1552
* Added retry mechanism with backoff. Thanks @nbraun-amazon.
* Migrated commands to a mixin. Thanks @chayim. #1534
* Added support for ZUNION, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1522
* Added support for CLIENT LIST with ID, available in Redis
6.2.0. Thanks @chayim. #1505
* Added support for MINID and LIMIT with xtrim, available in
Reds 6.2.0. Thanks @chayim. #1508
* Implemented LMOVE and BLMOVE commands, available in Redis
6.2.0. Thanks @chayim. #1504
* Added GET argument to SET command, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @2014BDuck. #1412
* Documentation fixes. Thanks @enjoy-binbin @jonher937. #1496
* Added support for XAUTOCLAIM, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @AvitalFineRedis. #1529
* Added IDLE support for XPENDING, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @AvitalFineRedis. #1523
* Add a count parameter to lpop/rpop, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @wavenator. #1487
* Added a (pypy) trove classifier for Python 3.9. Thanks @D3X.
* Added ZINTER support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1520
* Added ZINTER support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1520
* Added ZDIFF and ZDIFFSTORE support, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @AvitalFineRedis. #1518
* Added ZRANGESTORE support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1521
* Added LT and GT support for ZADD, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @chayim. #1509
* Added ZRANDMEMBER support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1519
* Added GETDEL support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1514
* Added CLIENT KILL laddr filter, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @chayim. #1506
* Added CLIENT UNPAUSE, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@chayim. #1512
* Added NOMKSTREAM support for XADD, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @chayim. #1507
* Added HRANDFIELD support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1513
* Added CLIENT INFO support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1517
* Added GETEX support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1515
* Added support for COPY command, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @malinaa96. #1492
* Provide a development and testing environment via docker.
Thanks @abrookins. #1365
* Added support for the LPOS command available in Redis 6.0.6.
Thanks @aparcar #1353/#1354
* Added support for the ACL LOG command available in Redis 6.
Thanks @2014BDuck. #1307
* Added support for ABSTTL option of the RESTORE command
available in Redis 5.0. Thanks @charettes. #1423
- Drop account-defaults-redis.patch merged upstream

Request History
Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl created request

- Add redismod.conf and tox.ini as Sources to SPEC file.
- Update to version 4.3.3
* Fix Lock crash, and versioning 4.3.3 (#2210)
* Async cluster: improve docs (#2208)
- Release 4.3.2
* SHUTDOWN - add support for the new NOW, FORCE and ABORT modifiers (#2150)
* Adding pipeline support for async cluster (#2199)
* Support CF.MEXISTS + Clean bf/commands.py (#2184)
* Extending query_params for FT.PROFILE (#2198)
* Implementing ClusterPipeline Lock (#2190)
* Set default response_callbacks to redis.asyncio.cluster.ClusterNode (#2201)
* Add default None for maxlen at xtrim command (#2188)
* Async cluster: add/update typing (#2195)
* Changed list type to single element type (#2203)
* Made sync lock consistent and added types to it (#2137)
* Async cluster: optimisations (#2205)
* Fix typos in README (#2206)
* Fix modules links to https://redis.io/commands/ (#2185)
- Update to version 4.3.1
* Allow negative `retries` for `Retry` class to retry forever
* Add `items` parameter to `hset` signature
* Create codeql-analysis.yml (#1988). Thanks @chayim
* Add limited support for Lua scripting with RedisCluster
* Implement `.lock()` method on RedisCluster
* Fix cursor returned by SCAN for RedisCluster & change default
target to PRIMARIES
* Fix scan_iter for RedisCluster
* Remove verbose logging when initializing ClusterPubSub,
ClusterPipeline or RedisCluster
* Fix broken connection writer lock-up for asyncio (#2065)
* Fix auth bug when provided with no username (#2086)
- Release 4.1.3
* Fix flushdb and flushall (#1926)
* Add redis5 and redis4 dockers (#1871)
* Change json.clear test multi to be up to date with redisjson
* Fixing volume for unstable_cluster docker (#1914)
* Update changes file with changes since 4.0.0-beta2 (#1915)
- Release 4.1.2
* Invalid OCSP certificates should raise ConnectionError on
failed validation (#1907)
* Added retry mechanism on socket timeouts when connecting to
the server (#1895)
* LMOVE, BLMOVE return incorrect responses (#1906)
* Fixing AttributeError in UnixDomainSocketConnection (#1903)
* Fixing TypeError in GraphCommands.explain (#1901)
* For tests, increasing wait time for the cluster (#1908)
* Increased pubsub's wait_for_messages timeout to prevent flaky
tests (#1893)
* README code snippets formatted to highlight properly (#1888)
* Fix link in the main page (#1897)
* Documentation fixes: JSON Example, SSL Connection Examples,
RTD version (#1887)
* Direct link to readthedocs (#1885)
- Release 4.1.1
* Add retries to connections in Sentinel Pools (#1879)
* OCSP Stapling Support (#1873)
* Define incr/decr as aliases of incrby/decrby (#1874)
* Timeseries docs fix (#1877)
* get_connection: catch OSError too (#1832)
* Set keys var otherwise variable not created (#1853)
* Clusters should optionally require full slot coverage (#1845)
* Triple quote docstrings in client.py PEP 257 (#1876)
* syncing requirements (#1870)
* Typo and typing in GraphCommands documentation (#1855)
* Allowing poetry and redis-py to install together (#1854)
* setup.py: Add project_urls for PyPI (#1867)
* Support test with redis unstable docker (#1850)
* Connection examples (#1835)
* Documentation cleanup (#1841)
- Release 4.1.0
* OCSP stapling support (#1820)
* Support for SELECT (#1825)
* Support for specifying error types with retry (#1817)
* Support for RESET command since Redis 6.2.0 (#1824)
* Support CLIENT TRACKING (#1612)
* Support WRITE in CLIENT PAUSE (#1549)
* JSON set_file and set_path support (#1818)
* Allow ssl_ca_path with rediss:// urls (#1814)
* Support for password-encrypted SSL private keys (#1782)
* Support SYNC and PSYNC (#1741)
* Retry on error exception and timeout fixes (#1821)
* Fixing read race condition during pubsub (#1737)
* Fixing exception in listen (#1823)
* Fixed MovedError, and stopped iterating through startup nodes
when slots are fully covered (#1819)
* Socket not closing after server disconnect (#1797)
* Single sourcing the package version (#1791)
* Ensure redis_connect_func is set on uds connection (#1794)
* SRTALGO - Skip for redis versions greater than 7.0.0 (#1831)
* Documentation updates (#1822)
* Add CI action to install package from repository commit hash
(#1781) (#1790)
* Fix link in lmove docstring (#1793)
* Disabling JSON.DEBUG tests (#1787)
* Migrated targeted nodes to kwargs in Cluster Mode (#1762)
* Added support for MONITOR in clusters (#1756)
* Adding ROLE Command (#1610)
* Integrate RedisBloom support (#1683)
* Adding RedisGraph support (#1556)
* Allow overriding connection class via keyword arguments
* Aggregation LOAD * support for RediSearch (#1735)
* Adding cluster, bloom, and graph docs (#1779)
* Add packaging to setup_requires, and use >= to play nice to
setup.py (fixes #1625) (#1780)
* Fixing the license link in the readme (#1778)
* Removing distutils from tests (#1773)
* Fix cluster ACL tests (#1774)
* Improved RedisCluster's reinitialize_steps and documentation
* Added black and isort (#1734)
* Link Documents for all module commands (#1711)
* Pyupgrade + flynt + f-strings (#1759)
* Remove unused aggregation subclasses in RediSearch (#1754)
* Adding RedisCluster client to support Redis Cluster Mode
* Support RediSearch FT.PROFILE command (#1727)
* Adding support for non-decodable commands (#1731)
* COMMAND GETKEYS support (#1738)
* RedisJSON 2.0.4 behaviour support (#1747)
* Removing deprecating distutils (PEP 632) (#1730)
* Updating PR template (#1745)
* Removing duplication of Script class (#1751)
* Splitting documentation for read the docs (#1743)
* Improve code coverage for aggregation tests (#1713)
* Fixing COMMAND GETKEYS tests (#1750)
* GitHub release improvements (#1684)
- Release 4.0.2
* Restoring Sentinel commands to redis client (#1723)
* Better removal of hiredis warning (#1726)
* Adding links to redis documents in function calls (#1719)
- Release 4.0.1
* Removing command on initial connections (#1722)
* Removing hiredis warning when not installed (#1721)
- Release 4.0.0
* FT.EXPLAINCLI intentionally raising NotImplementedError
* Restoring ZRANGE desc for Redis < 6.2.0 (#1697)
* Response parsing occasionally fails to parse floats (#1692)
* Re-enabling read-the-docs (#1707)
* Call HSET after FT.CREATE to avoid keyspace scan (#1706)
* Unit tests fixes for compatibility (#1703)
* Improve documentation about Locks (#1701)
* Fixes to allow --redis-url to pass through all tests (#1700)
* Fix unit tests running against Redis 4.0.0 (#1699)
* Search alias test fix (#1695)
* Adding RediSearch/RedisJSON tests (#1691)
* Updating codecov rules (#1689)
* Tests to validate custom JSON decoders (#1681)
* Added breaking icon to release drafter (#1702)
* Removing dependency on six (#1676)
* Re-enable pipeline support for JSON and TimeSeries (#1674)
* Export Sentinel, and SSL like other classes (#1671)
* Restore zrange functionality for older versions of Redis
* Fixed garbage collection deadlock (#1578)
* Tests to validate built python packages (#1678)
* Sleep for flaky search test (#1680)
* Test function renames, to match standards (#1679)
* Docstring improvements for Redis class (#1675)
* Fix georadius tests (#1672)
* Improvements to JSON coverage (#1666)
* Add python_requires setuptools check for python > 3.6 (#1656)
* SMISMEMBER support (#1667)
* Exposing the module version in loaded_modules (#1648)
* RedisTimeSeries support (#1652)
* Support for json multipath ($) (#1663)
* Added boolean parsing to PEXPIRE and PEXPIREAT (#1665)
* Add python_requires setuptools check for python > 3.6 (#1656)
* Adding vulture for static analysis (#1655)
* Starting to clean the docs (#1657)
* Update README.md (#1654)
* Adding description format for package (#1651)
* Publish to pypi as releases are generated with the release
drafter (#1647)
* Restore actions to prs (#1653)
* Fixing the package to include commands (#1649)
* Re-enabling codecov as part of CI process (#1646)
* Adding support for redisearch (#1640) Thanks @chayim
* redisjson support (#1636) Thanks @chayim
* Sentinel: Add SentinelManagedSSLConnection (#1419) Thanks
* Enable floating parameters in SET (ex and px) (#1635) Thanks
* Add warning when hiredis not installed. Recommend
installation. (#1621) Thanks @adiamzn
* Raising NotImplementedError for SCRIPT DEBUG and DEBUG
SEGFAULT (#1624) Thanks @chayim
* CLIENT REDIR command support (#1623) Thanks @chayim
* REPLICAOF command implementation (#1622) Thanks @chayim
* Add support to NX XX and CH to GEOADD (#1605) Thanks
* Add support to ZRANGE and ZRANGESTORE parameters (#1603)
Thanks @AvitalFineRedis
* Pre 6.2 redis should default to None for script flush (#1641)
Thanks @chayim
* Add FULL option to XINFO SUMMARY (#1638) Thanks @agusdmb
* Geosearch test should use any=True (#1594) Thanks
* Removing packaging dependency (#1626) Thanks @chayim
* Fix client_kill_filter docs for skimpy (#1596) Thanks
* Normalize minid and maxlen docs (#1593) Thanks
* Update docs for multiple usernames for ACL DELUSER (#1595)
Thanks @Andrew-Chen-Wang
* Fix grammar of get param in set command (#1588) Thanks
* Fix docs for client_kill_filter (#1584) Thanks
* Convert README & CONTRIBUTING from rst to md (#1633) Thanks
* Test BYLEX param in zrangestore (#1634) Thanks
* Tox integrations with invoke and docker (#1632) Thanks
* Adding the release drafter to help simplify release notes
(#1618). Thanks @chayim
* BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Removed support for end of life
Python 2.7. #1318
* BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: All values within Redis URLs are
unquoted via urllib.parse.unquote. Prior versions of redis-py
supported this by specifying the ``decode_components`` flag
to the ``from_url`` functions. This is now done by default
and cannot be disabled. #589
* POTENTIALLY INCOMPATIBLE: Redis commands were moved into a
mixin (see commands.py). Anyone importing ``redis.client`` to
access commands directly should import ``redis.commands``.
#1534, #1550
* Removed technical debt on REDIS_6_VERSION placeholder. Thanks
@chayim #1582.
* Various docus fixes. Thanks @Andrew-Chen-Wang #1585, #1586.
* Support for LOLWUT command, available since Redis 5.0.0.
Thanks @brainix #1568.
* Added support for CLIENT REPLY, available in Redis 3.2.0.
Thanks @chayim #1581.
* Support for Auto-reconnect PubSub on get_message. Thanks
@luhn #1574.
* Fix RST syntax error in README/ Thanks @JanCBrammer #1451.
* IDLETIME and FREQ support for RESTORE. Thanks @chayim #1580.
* Supporting args with MODULE LOAD. Thanks @chayim #1579.
* Updating RedisLabs with Redis. Thanks @gkorland #1575.
* Added support for ASYNC to SCRIPT FLUSH available in Redis
6.2.0. Thanks @chayim. #1567
* Added CLIENT LIST fix to support multiple client ids
available in Redis 2.8.12. Thanks @chayim #1563.
* Added DISCARD support for pipelines available in Redis 2.0.0.
Thanks @chayim #1565.
* Added ACL DELUSER support for deleting lists of users
available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks @chayim. #1562
* Added CLIENT TRACKINFO support available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @chayim. #1560
* Added GEOSEARCH and GEOSEARCHSTORE support available in Redis
6.2.0. Thanks @AvitalFine Redis. #1526
* Added LPUSHX support for lists available in Redis 4.0.0.
Thanks @chayim. #1559
* Added support for QUIT available in Redis 1.0.0. Thanks
@chayim. #1558
* Added support for COMMAND COUNT available in Redis 2.8.13.
Thanks @chayim. #1554.
* Added CREATECONSUMER support for XGROUP available in Redis
6.2.0. Thanks @AvitalFineRedis. #1553
* Including slowly complexity in INFO if available. Thanks
@ian28223 #1489.
* Added support for STRALGO available in Redis 6.0.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1528
* Addes support for ZMSCORE available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@2014BDuck and @jiekun.zhu. #1437
* Support MINID and LIMIT on XADD available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @AvitalFineRedis. #1548
* Added sentinel commands FLUSHCONFIG, CKQUORUM, FAILOVER, and
RESET available in Redis 2.8.12. Thanks @otherpirate. #834
* Migrated Version instead of StrictVersion for Python 3.10.
Thanks @tirkarthi. #1552
* Added retry mechanism with backoff. Thanks @nbraun-amazon.
* Migrated commands to a mixin. Thanks @chayim. #1534
* Added support for ZUNION, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1522
* Added support for CLIENT LIST with ID, available in Redis
6.2.0. Thanks @chayim. #1505
* Added support for MINID and LIMIT with xtrim, available in
Reds 6.2.0. Thanks @chayim. #1508
* Implemented LMOVE and BLMOVE commands, available in Redis
6.2.0. Thanks @chayim. #1504
* Added GET argument to SET command, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @2014BDuck. #1412
* Documentation fixes. Thanks @enjoy-binbin @jonher937. #1496
* Added support for XAUTOCLAIM, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @AvitalFineRedis. #1529
* Added IDLE support for XPENDING, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @AvitalFineRedis. #1523
* Add a count parameter to lpop/rpop, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @wavenator. #1487
* Added a (pypy) trove classifier for Python 3.9. Thanks @D3X.
* Added ZINTER support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1520
* Added ZINTER support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1520
* Added ZDIFF and ZDIFFSTORE support, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @AvitalFineRedis. #1518
* Added ZRANGESTORE support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1521
* Added LT and GT support for ZADD, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @chayim. #1509
* Added ZRANDMEMBER support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1519
* Added GETDEL support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1514
* Added CLIENT KILL laddr filter, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @chayim. #1506
* Added CLIENT UNPAUSE, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@chayim. #1512
* Added NOMKSTREAM support for XADD, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @chayim. #1507
* Added HRANDFIELD support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1513
* Added CLIENT INFO support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1517
* Added GETEX support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks
@AvitalFineRedis. #1515
* Added support for COPY command, available in Redis 6.2.0.
Thanks @malinaa96. #1492
* Provide a development and testing environment via docker.
Thanks @abrookins. #1365
* Added support for the LPOS command available in Redis 6.0.6.
Thanks @aparcar #1353/#1354
* Added support for the ACL LOG command available in Redis 6.
Thanks @2014BDuck. #1307
* Added support for ABSTTL option of the RESTORE command
available in Redis 5.0. Thanks @charettes. #1423
- Drop account-defaults-redis.patch merged upstream

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