Bruno Friedmann
Involved Projects and Packages
FastCGI is a language independent, scalable, and open extension to CGI
that provides high performance without the limitations of server
specific APIs.
mod_fastcgi is a free open-source Apache HTTPD module.
FastCGI applications are very fast because they are persistent. There
is no per-request startup and initialization overhead.
This project collects the user applications of all the geosciences.
Topics are:
- GIS:
geoinformation system programs, data sets and everything related
enduser software for global navigation satellite systems
- Mapping:
software to handle maps, data display on maps and everything related to this
- everything else which fits
When installing on SLES, you need to have openSUSE:Backports/SUSE Package Hub repositories as well:
GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.
Commonly referred to as GRASS, this is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization.
A file format and library for storing and rapidly accessing point cloud data, in particular LIDAR data.
GeoHashTree organizes points into a tree structure for fast spatial access. The tree structure itself encodes the significant bits of at each node, so child nodes can omit them. The result is a smaller file than if all the points were stored with full precision. Each node includes statistical information about the children below (e.g. average/median Z value) permitting fast overview generation. Additional attributes are attached to the tree at parent nodes, below which all children share the attribute value. This reduces duplicate data storage further.
The advantage of a GeoHashTree file over a LAS file is fast access and filtering, since the tree encodes useful information at each node to speed searches over the full set of points in the file. LASZ zipped files can be smaller, but will be less efficient at overviews, searching and sub-setting. GHT is a good working format for applications that will be filtering and querying large sets of LIDAR data.
The RT Topology Library exposes an API to create and manage standard
(ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies using user-provided [data stores]
(doc/ and released under the GNU GPL license
(version 2 or later).
The code is derived from PostGIS liblwgeom library enhanced to provide
thread-safety, have less dependencies and be independent from PostGIS
release cycles.
The RT Topology Library was funded by “Regione Toscana - SITA”
(CIG: 6445512CC1), which also funded many improvements in the
originating liblwgeom.
Mapnik is a Free Toolkit for developing mapping applications. It's written in
C++ and there are Python bindings to facilitate fast-paced agile development.
It can comfortably be used for both desktop and web development.
Essentially a collection of geographic objects (map, layer, datasource,
feature, geometry), the library doesn't rely on "windowing systems" and
can be deployed in any server environment. It is intended to play fair in a
multi-threaded environment and is aimed primarily, but not exclusively, at
web-based development.
PDAL is a BSD licensed library for translating and manipulating point cloud data of various formats. It is a library that is analogous to the GDAL raster library. PDAL is focussed on reading, writing, and translating point cloud data from the ever-growing constellation of data formats that are being developed for working with multi-dimensional emitted-pulse scanning systems. While PDAL is not explicitly limited to working with LiDAR data formats, its initial rollout is focused in that area.
PDAL is not related to Point Cloud Library (PCL) except in the sense that both ostensibly work with point data. PDAL is for data format translation and data access, with some light filtering and processing algorithms to streamline those tasks. If you want a library that can do exploitation, visualization, and sophisticated processing of point cloud data, you want PCL at
Developers and Sponsorship
PDAL is developed by Howard Butler and Michael Gerlek.
PDAL is currently sponsored by the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Thanks to Aerial Services, Inc for the domain.
pgRouting extends the PostGIS / PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing functionality.
OGR is the vector half of the GDAL spatial data access library. It allows access to a large number of GIS data formats using a simple C API for data reading and writing. Since OGR exposes a simple table structure and PostgreSQL foreign data wrappers allow access to table structures, the fit seems pretty perfect.
pointcloud is an extension for storing point cloud data (LIDAR) into postgresql Activate the pointcloud extension: CREATE EXTENSION pointcloud
The pointcloud_postgis extension adds functions that allow you to use PostgreSQL Pointcloud with PostGIS, converting PcPoint and PcPatch to Geometry and doing spatial filtering on point cloud data. The pointcloud_postgis extension depends on both the postgis and pointcloud extensions, so they must be installed first:
CREATE EXTENSION pointcloud_postgis;
PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS "Simple Features Specification for SQL".
Common arguments and options for GeoJSON processing commands, using Click
geopy makes it easy for developers to locate the coordinates of addresses, cities,
countries, and landmarks across the globe using third-party geocoders and other data
sources, such as wikis.
geopy currently includes support for six geocoders: Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, Windows
Local Live (Virtual Earth),, GeoNames, MediaWiki pages (with the GIS
extension), and Semantic MediaWiki pages.
Brian Beck
MapProxy is an open source proxy for geospatial data. It caches, accelerates and transforms data from existing map services and serves any desktop or web GIS client.
MapProxy is a tile cache solution, but also offers many new and innovative features like full support for WMS clients.
PyOWM is a client Python wrapper library for the OpenWeatherMap web API.
It allows quick and easy consumption of OWM weather data from Python
applications via a simple object model and in a human-friendly fashion.
Performs cartographic transformations and geodetic computations.
The Proj class can convert from geographic (longitude,latitude) to native map
projection (x,y) coordinates and vice versa, or from one map projection
coordinate system directly to another.
The Geod class can perform forward and inverse geodetic, or Great Circle,
computations. The forward computation involves determining latitude, longitude
and back azimuth of a terminus point given the latitude and longitude of an
initial point, plus azimuth and distance. The inverse computation involves
determining the forward and back azimuths and distance given the latitudes and
longitudes of an initial and terminus point.
Input coordinates can be given as python arrays, lists/tuples, scalars or
numpy/Numeric/numarray arrays. Optimized for objects that support the Python
buffer protocol (regular python and numpy array objects).
This project has a git repository
where you may access the most up-to-date source.
QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous vector, raster, and database formats and functionalities.
This is the Long Time Release version of QGIS, maintained for at least 1 year.
This library support ISO 19107:2013, OGC Simple Features Access 1.2 for 3D operations.
It provides standard compliant geometry types and operations, that can
be accessed from its C or C++ APIs. PostGIS uses the C API, to expose some
SFCGAL's functions in spatial databases (cf. PostGIS manual).
Geometry coordinates have an exact rational number representation and can
be either 2D or 3D. Among supported geometry types are :
Supported operations include :
WKT reading and writing with exact rational number representation for coordinates
Intersection operations and predicates
Convex hull computation
Area and distance computation
Minkovski sums
Contour offsets
Straight skeleton generations
TinyOWS is a lightweight and fast implementation of the OGC WFS-T specification. Web Feature Service (WFS) allows to query and to retrieve features. The transactional profile (WFS-T) allows then to insert, update or delete such features.
From a technical point of view WFS-T is a Web Service API in front of a spatial database. TinyOWS is so deeply tighed to PostgreSQL/PostGIS.
TinyOWS implement strictly OGC standards and pass successfully all WFS OGC CITE tests (and even beta ones).
TinyOWS is part of MapServer Suite, but provided as a distinct module (i.e you could use it in conjonction with MapServer and MapCache, or as a standalone app) But both MapServer and TinyOWS could use the same configuration file, if you want to (or native TinyOWS XML config file).
aespipe program is AES encrypting or decrypting pipe. It reads from standard
input and writes to standard output. It can be used to create and restore
encrypted tar or cpio archives. It can be used to encrypt and decrypt loop-AES
compatible encrypted disk images.
NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.