Dan Čermák's avatar

Dan Čermák


Member of the group
Involved Projects and Packages
Maintainer Bugowner

Make sure to check the subprojects, which are per service-pack / distributions


Base Container Images for the Basalt project (based on the Adaptable Linux Platform)

Development project for SUSE Linux Container Collection - Development Stream

Development project for SUSE Linux Container Collection - dynamic developer Stream


Development project for SUSE Linux Container Collection - free Stream


Development project for SUSE Linux Container Collection - paid Stream

Development project for SUSE Linux Container Collection - Production Stream


This project contains the necessary packages to build an up to date development stack based on the ALP code stream

Handle with care. No warranties. This
software is provided as is and no fitness for a particular purpose is
claimed. No money back guarantee. 20% discount except for bits and bytes.

This project was created for package vagrant-libvirt via attribute OBS:Maintained

Maintainer Bugowner Reviewer

This is a C extension module for Python which
implements extended attributes manipulation. It is a wrapper on top
of the attr C library - see attr(5).

This project provides popular ruby extensions packaged for openSUSE and SLE.

Want to discuss issues? Hop into #opensuse-ruby on Freenode.

Addressable is an alternative implementation to the URI implementation that is
part of Ruby's standard library. It is flexible, offers heuristic parsing, and
additionally provides extensive support for IRIs and URI templates.

AST is a library for manipulating abstract syntax trees.

It embraces immutability; each AST node is inherently frozen at creation, and updating a child node requires recreating that node and its every parent, recursively.

This is a design choice. It does create some pressure on garbage collector, but completely eliminates all concurrency and aliasing problems.

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