
Edit Package rpm-repos-openSUSE
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Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
opensuse-leap-non-oss.repo 0000001230 1.2 KB
opensuse-leap-oss-ports.repo.in 0000002157 2.11 KB
opensuse-leap-oss.repo 0000002333 2.28 KB
opensuse-leap-sle-backports-update.repo 0000000781 781 Bytes
opensuse-leap-sle-update.repo 0000000725 725 Bytes
opensuse-tumbleweed-non-oss.repo 0000000643 643 Bytes
opensuse-tumbleweed-oss-ports.repo.in 0000001062 1.04 KB
opensuse-tumbleweed-oss.repo 0000000898 898 Bytes
opensuse-tumbleweed-update-ports.repo.in 0000000361 361 Bytes
opensuse-tumbleweed-update.repo 0000000311 311 Bytes
rpm-repos-openSUSE.changes 0000003680 3.59 KB
rpm-repos-openSUSE.spec 0000007707 7.53 KB
Comments 8

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

Are there plans to integrate this with https://github.com/yast/skelcd-control-openSUSE/blob/master/control/control.openSUSE.xml and https://github.com/yast/skelcd-control-MicroOS/blob/master/control/control.MicroOS.xsl and https://github.com/openSUSE/download.o.o/tree/master/YaST/Repos so we have only one canonical source of repo lists?

Neal Gompa's avatar

Ideally those things would rely on this package for the repo lists instead of having their own. But I am not able to make people do anything. :)

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

the result is yum specific though. So the package needs some rework to be more universal. Not sure how to manage zypp repos going forward. control.xml is not optimal but for the time being it can easily consume other xml files during build for example. XSL code exist to do that in skelcd-control-MicroOS. live-add-yast-repos has code to produce textual output.

Neal Gompa's avatar

Aside from the directory path, it's actually not. Both YUM/DNF and Zypper use the same repo file format from YUM. I'm just installing in /etc/yum.repos.d since neither DNF nor Zypper own that directory, and DNF already looks there if it exists. Configuring Zypper/YaST to look there should be straightforward.

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

famous last words :-) Did you file feature requests for that? In any case aside from the misleading name it's not a smart location, as we want an empty /etc. Something in /usr would be better. Worst case could be copied from there to /etc by means of systemd tmpfiles as long as zypp can't handle a location in /usr itself.

Neal Gompa's avatar

I have not yet, because I'm working on trying to move the configs to /usr first. I've been talking to @dmach for a while now about this.

I don't particularly want to do file copies from /usr to /etc if I don't have to, because then I need to design a config merging system for when the files in /usr are updated...

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

Obviously. zypp only reading /etc is not sustainable. Copying would be only an interim solution. Slight improvement over the current method actually. Right now there is no way to restore /etc/zypp/repos.d as yast writes it on initial installation. With tmpfiles one could rm -r /etc/zypp/repos.d to restore repos on next boot.

Neal Gompa's avatar

I guess I could do something like that. I'll look into it.

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