Roman Drahtmueller's avatar

Roman Drahtmueller


Involved Projects and Packages
Maintainer Bugowner Reviewer Reader

This project aims to provide a set of packages providing the traditional sysv init semantics that act as a drop-in replacement for systemd for those who appreciate the modularity, transparency, clarity and cleanliness of sysv init.

If you wish to use sysvinit, please install the package "sysv-transition" (FIXME: not there yet) for the preparation of the transition from systemd to sysvinit, while systemd is still present in the system.

The installation of the package "meta-install-sysvinit" (FIXME: not there yet!) using zypper will offer you the choice to deinstall systemd and dependent packages and install sysvinit plus additionals, as it has RPM tags defined that conflict with systemd (and depending packages).

This project is VERY open to contributions of all kind!

Please know that this is NOT a contra-systemd project. It is a PRO sysvinit project, and the use of its packages is encouraged for those who want the architecture of a System V init based startup subsystem in their operating system of choice.
For the time being, this project will be concentrating on the openSUSE-13.1 codebase, but older distributions may function with these packages just fine.
The initial aim is to make a system bootable with what it needs for basic functionality. Further glue will need to include cryptsetup, udev, dbus and everything else of what is needed for a desktop system, but this will come as it's ready. See the READINESS section!
As usual: Your mileage may vary, use at your own risk!


project started, not ready. Base package grid present, sysvinit package builds.

* package completeness (gettys, initrd material, network setup)
* collect and implement needed items for script from package sysv-transition that shall run while systemd is still there.
* also: coordinate how packages are going to be handled that have no sysvinit script any longer, build dependent or init script removed.
* Obsoletes, Requires, Recommends tags in package meta-install-sysvinit
* initrd (check?)
* cryptsetup (check?)
* network setup, ifup for the time being.

Leap 15.1 compatibility project

Maintainer Bugowner

This subproject contains packages that aim to be FIPS140-2 compliant.

The packages do not come with any compliance claim - not FIPS140-* compliance, nor compliance with regards to support status for the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, all versions.

Maintainer Bugowner

fips support for SLES11-SP2
The openssl package is self-contained, eg it doesn't need an openssl-fips-objectmodule package.

Maintainer Bugowner

parking lot for packages that shall not be removed (yet)

Maintainer Bugowner

OpenVPN is a full-featured SSL VPN solution which can accommodate a wide
range of configurations, including remote access, site-to-site VPNs,
WiFi security, and enterprise-scale remote access solutions with load
balancing, failover, and fine-grained access-controls.

OpenVPN implements OSI layer 2 or 3 secure network extension using the
industry standard SSL/TLS protocol, supports flexible client
authentication methods based on certificates, smart cards, and/or
2-factor authentication, and allows user or group-specific access
control policies using firewall rules applied to the VPN virtual

OpenVPN runs on: Linux, Windows 2000/XP and higher, OpenBSD, FreeBSD,
NetBSD, Mac OS X, and Solaris.

OpenVPN is not a web application proxy and does not operate through a
web browser.

James Yonan


Apache 2, the successor to Apache 1.

Apache is the most used Web server software worldwide.

Some new features in Apache 2: - hybrid multiprocess, multithreaded
mode for improved scalability

- multiprotocol support

- stream filtering

- IPv6 support

- new module API

New modules include: - mod_auth_db

- mod_auth_digest

- mod_charset_lite

- mod_dav

- mod_file_cache

Mod_ssl is no longer a separate package, but is now included in the
Apache distribution.

See /usr/share/doc/packages/apache2/,, and

mod_macro is a third-party module for the Apache HTTP Server. It is
distributed with a BSD-style license similar to Apache. It allows the
definition and use of macros within Apache runtime configuration files.

To load the module into Apache, run the command "a2enmod macro" as

To learn about the configuration, refer to

mod_python allows embedding Python within the Apache HTTP server for a
considerable boost in performance and added flexibility in designing
Web-based applications.

Apache processes requests in stages (for example: read the request,
parse headers, check access, and so on). These stages can be
implemented by functions called handlers. Traditionally, handlers are
written in C and compiled into Apache modules. mod_python provides a
way to extend Apache functionality by writing Apache handlers in
Python. For a detailed description of the Apache request processing
process, see the Apache API notes.

For most programmers, the request and the authentication handlers
provide everything required. To ease migration from CGI and Httpdapy,
two handlers are provided that simulate these environments, allowing a
user to run scripts under mod_python with (for the most part) no
changes to the code.

mod_python originated from a project called Httpdapy. For a long time,
Httpdapy was not called mod_python because Httpdapy was not meant to be
Apache-specific. Httpdapy was designed to be cross-platform and was
initially written for the Netscape server.

Usage Hints:

To load mod_python into Apache, add it to APACHE_MODULES in
/etc/sysconfig/apache2. The configuration is described in

mod_tidy is a module for Apache that works as a filter that hooks
itself to HTML output. mod_tidy feeds the HTML output to TidyLib
(, which validates the HTML output. If
TidyLib finds an error, the client receives a HTML page with a list of
all found errors. If TidyLib does not complain, you get your HTML data
as without mod_tidy.

To load the module into Apache, run the command "a2enmod tidy" as root.

To learn about the configuration, refer to


Arpwatch keeps track of Ethernet and IP address pairings. It logs
activity to syslog and reports certain changes via e-mail.

OUI and company ID data as fetched from prepared for arpwatch.

A companion library to APR, the Apache Portable Runtime.


The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to create
and maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and
consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations.
The primary goal is to provide an API to which software developers may
code and be assured of predictable if not identical behaviour
regardless of the platform on which their software is built, relieving
them of the need to code special-case conditions to work around or take
advantage of platform-specific deficiencies or features.

The APR is used by both Open Source and Commercial projects, prominent
examples being the Apache HTTP server.


Apache 2, the successor to Apache 1.

Apache is the most used Web server software worldwide.

Some new features in Apache 2: - hybrid multiprocess, multithreaded
mode for improved scalability

- multiprotocol support

- stream filtering

- IPv6 support

- new module API

New modules include: - mod_auth_db

- mod_auth_digest

- mod_charset_lite

- mod_dav

- mod_file_cache

Mod_ssl is no longer a separate package, but is now included in the
Apache distribution.

See /usr/share/doc/packages/apache2/,, and

mod_macro is a third-party module for the Apache HTTP Server. It is
distributed with a BSD-style license similar to Apache. It allows the
definition and use of macros within Apache runtime configuration files.

To load the module into Apache, run the command "a2enmod macro" as

To learn about the configuration, refer to

mod_python allows embedding Python within the Apache HTTP server for a
considerable boost in performance and added flexibility in designing
Web-based applications.

Apache processes requests in stages (for example: read the request,
parse headers, check access, and so on). These stages can be
implemented by functions called handlers. Traditionally, handlers are
written in C and compiled into Apache modules. mod_python provides a
way to extend Apache functionality by writing Apache handlers in
Python. For a detailed description of the Apache request processing
process, see the Apache API notes.

For most programmers, the request and the authentication handlers
provide everything required. To ease migration from CGI and Httpdapy,
two handlers are provided that simulate these environments, allowing a
user to run scripts under mod_python with (for the most part) no
changes to the code.

mod_python originated from a project called Httpdapy. For a long time,
Httpdapy was not called mod_python because Httpdapy was not meant to be
Apache-specific. Httpdapy was designed to be cross-platform and was
initially written for the Netscape server.

Usage Hints:

To load mod_python into Apache, add it to APACHE_MODULES in
/etc/sysconfig/apache2. The configuration is described in

ModSecurity(TM) is an open source intrusion detection and prevention
engine for web applications (or a web application firewall). Operating
as an Apache Web server module or standalone, the purpose of
ModSecurity is to increase web application security, protecting web
applications from known and unknown attacks.

mod_tidy is a module for Apache that works as a filter that hooks
itself to HTML output. mod_tidy feeds the HTML output to TidyLib
(, which validates the HTML output. If
TidyLib finds an error, the client receives a HTML page with a list of
all found errors. If TidyLib does not complain, you get your HTML data
as without mod_tidy.

To load the module into Apache, run the command "a2enmod tidy" as root.

To learn about the configuration, refer to


Arpwatch keeps track of Ethernet and IP address pairings. It logs
activity to syslog and reports certain changes via e-mail.

OUI and company ID data as fetched from prepared for arpwatch.

A companion library to APR, the Apache Portable Runtime.


The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to create
and maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and
consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations.
The primary goal is to provide an API to which software developers may
code and be assured of predictable if not identical behaviour
regardless of the platform on which their software is built, relieving
them of the need to code special-case conditions to work around or take
advantage of platform-specific deficiencies or features.

The APR is used by both Open Source and Commercial projects, prominent
examples being the Apache HTTP server.


Apache 2, the successor to Apache 1.

Apache is the most used Web server software worldwide.

Some new features in Apache 2: - hybrid multiprocess, multithreaded
mode for improved scalability

- multiprotocol support

- stream filtering

- IPv6 support

- new module API

New modules include: - mod_auth_db

- mod_auth_digest

- mod_charset_lite

- mod_dav

- mod_file_cache

Mod_ssl is no longer a separate package, but is now included in the
Apache distribution.

See /usr/share/doc/packages/apache2/,, and

mod_macro is a third-party module for the Apache HTTP Server. It is
distributed with a BSD-style license similar to Apache. It allows the
definition and use of macros within Apache runtime configuration files.

To load the module into Apache, run the command "a2enmod macro" as

To learn about the configuration, refer to

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