Lars Vogdt's avatar

Lars Vogdt


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Involved Projects and Packages

Subversion and related tools

Maintainer Bugowner

This Project contains several packages which might be interesting for educational use.

Maintainer Bugowner

This is NOT a real package. This directory just contains
specifications for Software Patterns and Image Builds.

This Project contains several packages which might be interesting for educational use.


A tool to create and edit atomic coordinates. These packages represent builds of the very latest source tree.


ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind. Administrators can install or update ATutor in minutes, develop custom themes to give ATutor a new look, and easily extend its functionality with feature modules. Educators can quickly assemble, package, and redistribute Web-based instructional content, easily import prepackaged content, and conduct their courses online. Students learn in an adaptive learning environment. Try the demo to experience ATutor's adaptability, and its flexibility for course designers. Download ATutor to get a copy of your own.


This package is based on the package 'bc' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.

bc is an interpreter that supports numbers of arbitrary precision and
the interactive execution of statements. The syntax has some
similarities to the C programming language. A standard math library is
available through command line options. When used, the math library is
read in before any other input files. bc then reads in all other files
from the command line, evaluating their contents. Then bc reads from
standard input (usually the keyboard).

The dc program is also included. dc is a calculator that supports
reverse-polish notation and allows unlimited precision arithmetic.
Macros can also be defined. Normally, dc reads from standard input but
can also read in files specified on the command line. A calculator with
reverse-polish notation saves numbers to a stack. Arguments to
mathematical operations (operands) are "pushed" onto the stack until
the next operator is read in, which "pops" its arguments off the stack
and "pushes" its results back onto the stack.


BibleTime is a Bible study application for Linux. It is based on the K Desktop Environment and uses the Sword programming library to work with Bible texts, commentaries, dictionaries and books provided by the Crosswire Bible Society .


The BioRuby library follows the KISS principle in order to maximize its usability and efficiency for biologists as a daily tool.


Bluefish is a HTML editor designed for the experienced Web designer. It
is based on Gtk+.


Bluefish: The Definitive Guide

Bluefish is a HTML editor designed for the experienced Web designer. It
is based on Gtk+.


BlueJ is an integrated Java environment specifically designed for introductory teaching.

Maintainer Bugowner

BlueJ offers an extension API that allows third parties to develop extensions
to the environment. Extensions offer additional functionality not included in
the core system.


Brain Workshop is a free open-source Python version of the Dual N-Back mental
exercise. A recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
found that a particular memory task, called Dual N-Back, may actually improve
short term memory and fluid intelligence (IQ), previously thought to be
unchangeable. The game involves remembering a sequence of spoken letters and a
sequence of positions of a square at the same time. Brain Workshop includes an
optional Triple N-Back mode that introduces differently colored squares as a
third stimulus.

Maintainer Bugowner

This package contains the file /etc/SuSE-brand, and its name is used as
a trigger for installation of look and feel and branding of packages as
it was defined by openSUSE-Education developers.

WARNING: If you decide to install this package instead of the default
branding package, you will lose vendor customization of your


The Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) and a significant subset of the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC (X3.113-1987) in C.

Maintainer Bugowner

Canorus is a free music score editor. It supports note writing, scripting
support, import/export of various file formats, MIDI input and output and more!

Note that Canorus is still in early stage of development and not nearly all the
features are implemented yet!


Chemtool is a program for drawing organic molecules easily and storing
them as an X bitmap, Xfig, or EPS file. It runs under the X Window
System using the GTK widget set.


Childsplay is a suite of educational games for young children, like gcompris, but without the overkill of c/c++ and the gnome environ.

Also the use of the SDL libraries makes smooth animation and the playing of sound very easy.

Childsplay uses a plugin system for the games, so you might want to check the Childsplay plugins page. (There are two built-in games: memory and a typing game.)

These are localized soundfiles used by the childsplay project.

* Numbers: Put the correct operator between two numbers.

* SoundNpic: A toy for young children with pictures and sounds.

* Packid: A pac-man game, try to catch the letters.

* Soundmemory: The classic memory game, with sounds.

* Fallingletters: Type them before they reach the ground.

* Findsound: Listen to a sound and find the image to which it belongs.

* Findsound2: The same as findsound, now with numbers and letters.

* Pong: The classic game, play alone,against the computer or against
another child.

* Billiard: Try to put the balls in the hole.

* MultiTables: Learn the multiplication tables.

* Puzzle: Recreate the image.

* LetterFlashcard: Learn the alphabeth by listening to the words and

letterFlashscard plug-in for childsplay.


Chrpath allows you to modify the dynamic library load path (rpath) of
compiled programs. Currently, only removing and modifying the rpath is
supported. It cannot extend or add an rpath.


ClaSS stands for ClaSS Student System, a complete student
tracking, reporting, and information management system for schools.

ClaSS is a working, useable version of what is to be a complete
classroom information assistant.

You are referred to the ClaSS home-page for
more information and documentation. Please email with
questions, requests for support, installation help etc. You can also
use the integrated suppoprt forms in the AboutBook to post queries
to the development team from inside ClaSS.

Look at the README in the subdiretory class/install for instructions
to guide you through the installation procedure.

If you already have an install of ClaSS runnning then you'll need to
migrate your database across by applying the appropriate sql-patch
scripts in the install directory (if any are more recent than your
current install).

Please do let know if you find this software useful (or
not useful!). All feedback is valued and will help speed the
development of ClaSS.


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