Pavol Rusnak's avatar

Pavol Rusnak


Involved Projects and Packages

SDLmm aims to stay as close as possible to the C API while taking
advantage of native C++ features like object oriented programming. It
also aims to be as platform independent as possible. In other words, it
tries to support every platform that SDL supports.


SOX is intended to be the Swiss Army knife of sound processing tools.
It does many things, it just does not do them all well. Sooner or later
it will come in very handy. SOX is really only usable day-to-day if you
hide the wacky options with one-line shell scripts.


This package contains a small daemon program that can monitor and
filter incoming requests for finger, ftp, telnet, rlogin, rsh, exec,
tftp, talk, and other network services.


Terminal is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for the Xfce
desktop environment. Its major features include a simple configuration
interface, the ability to use multiple tabs with terminals within a single
window, the possibility to have a pseudo-transparent terminal background, and a
compact mode where both the menubar and the window decorations are hidden which
helps to save space on the desktop.


Thunar a file manager for the Xfce desktop environment which has been designed
from the ground up to be fast and easy to use. It provides a clean, intuitive,
and fully accessible user interface and does not include any confusing or
useless options by default. Thunar is fast and responsive with good startup and
folder load times.

The Thunar Volume Manager is an extension for the Thunar file manager,
which enables automatic management of removable drives and media. For
example, if thunar-volman is installed and configured properly, and you
plug in your digital camera, it will automatically launch your
preferred photo application and import the new pictures from the camera
into your photo collection.


Tumbler is a D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails for various
URI schemes and MIME types. It is an implementation of the thumbnail management
D-Bus specification described on and
extensible through a plugin interface or via specialized thumbnailer services
implemented in accordance to the thumbnail management D-Bus specification.

Unclutterer removes the cursor image from the screen so that it does
not obstruct the area you are looking at after it has not moved for a
given period of time.


This is vlock, the Linux Virtual Console locking program. It allows you
to lock one or all of the sessions of your Linux console display.


It works with any phone that Gammu supports, including many models from
Nokia, Siemens, and Alcatel. It has complete support (read, edit,
delete, copy) for contacts, todo, and calendar. It can read, save, and
send SMS. It includes an SMS composer for multi-part SMS messages, and
it can display SMS messages that include pictures. Currently, only text
and predefined bitmaps or sounds can be edited in the SMS composer. It
can export messages to an IMAP4 server (or other email storage).

This program does not support browsing files in phone, use gMobileMedia


Whaaw Media Player is a minimalistic media player based on GTK an GStreamer.


Xalan is an XSL processor for transforming XML documents into HTML,
text, or other XML document types. Xalan-C++ represents an almost
complete and robust C++ reference implementation of the W3C
Recommendations for XSL Transformations (XSLT) and the XML Path
Language (XPath).


Xerces-C is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of
C++. Xerces-C makes it easy to give your application the ability to
read and write XML data. A shared library is provided for parsing,
generating, manipulating, and validating XML documents. Xerces-C is
faithful to the XML 1.0 recommendation and associated standards ( DOM
1.0, DOM 2.0. SAX 1.0, SAX 2.0, Namespaces).


Xfburn is a simple CD/DVD burning tool based on libburnia libraries.
It can blank CD-RWs, burn and create iso images, as well as burn
personal compositions of data to either CD or DVD.

xfce4-appfinder is an application finder for the Xfce desktop environment. It
is a useful program that allows you to find applications on the system and
launch them. It provides easy keyboard navigation and can be used as a
replacement for xfrun4.

This package provides the openSUSE look and feel for the Xfce desktop environment.

The Xfce development tools are a collection of tools and macros for
Xfce developers and people that want to build unreleased development
versions of Xfce.

xfce4-dict allows you to search different kinds of dictionary services for
words or phrases and shows you the result. Currently you can query a Dict
server(RFC 2229), any online dictionary service by opening a web browser or
search for words using the aspell/ispell program.

This package contains the default icon theme for Xfce desktop environment.

xfce4-mixer is a volume control application for the Xfce desktop

Xfce4-notifyd is a simple, visually-appealing notification daemon for
Xfce that implements the Desktop Notifications

xfce4-panel is the panel for the Xfce desktop environment.

xfce4-power-manager is a tool for the Xfce desktop environment for managing
profiles of policies which affect power consumption, such as the display
brightness level, display sleep times, or CPU frequency scaling. It can also
trigger actions on certain events such as closing the lid or reaching low
battery levels and provides a set of interfaces to inform other applications
about current power level so that they can adjust their power consumption.
Furthermore, it provides a standardized inhibit interface which allows
applications to prevent automatic sleep actions via the power manager.

xfce4-session is the session manager for the Xfce desktop environment.

This package provides an number of tools for managing settings in the Xfce
desktop enviornment. xfce4-settings-manager provides a graphical frontend for
customizing the desktop environment and configuring certain hardware features.
xfce4-settings-helper is a daemon which provides features such as keyboard
shortcuts, AccessX notification and updates of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
xfce4-settings-editor is an editor for raw xfconf properties and xfsettingsd is
a daemon which exports XSettings to applications.

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