Ralf Habacker's avatar

Ralf Habacker


Involved Projects and Packages

Run Windows(tm) executables out of the box.


VulkanSceneGraph (VSG), is a modern, cross platform, high performance scene graph library built upon Vulkan graphics/compute API. The software is written in C++17, and follows the CppCoreGuidlines and FOSS Best Practices. The source code is published under the MIT License.

Maintainer Bugowner

A simple wrapper that does winetricks things for Proton enabled games.


Pure python module for (de)serialization to and from VDF that works just like json.


This project was created for package qgis via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package wine via attribute OBS:Maintained

vulkan support for windows

It uses osg and gdal related libraries from obs project home:rhabacker:branches:windows:mingw:win32:Geo

vulkan support for windows

It uses osg and gdal related libraries from obs project home:rhabacker:branches:windows:mingw:win64:Geo


This project was created for package protontricks via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package kf6-extra-cmake-modules via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package samba via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package gcc13 via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package qt-creator via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package nagios-core-plugins via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project provides some tools that can be used when cross-compiling on linux for windows with MinGW compiler.

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