Revisions of minikube

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1124810 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 112)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 111)
- update to 1.32.0:
  * rootless: support `--container-runtime=docker` #17520
  * Install NVIDIA container toolkit during image build (offline
  * Fix no-limit option for config validation #17530
  * NVIDIA GPU support with new `--gpus=nvidia` flag for docker
    driver #15927 #17314 #17488
  * New `kubeflow` addon #17114
  * New `local-path-provisioner` addon #15062
  * Kicbase: Add `no-limit` option to `--cpus` & `--memory` flags
  * Hyper-V: Add memory validation for odd numbers #17325
  * QEMU: Improve cpu type and IP detection #17217
  * Mask http(s)_proxy password from startup output #17116
  * `--delete-on-faliure` also recreates cluster for kubeadm
    failures #16890
  * Addon auto-pause: Configure intervals using `--auto-pause-
    interval` #17070
  * `--kubernetes-version` checks GitHub for version validation
    and improved error output for invalid versions #16865
  * Bugs:
  * QEMU: Fix addons failing to enable #17402
  * Fix downloading the wrong kubeadm images for k8s versions
    after minikube release #17373
  * Fix enabling & disabling addons with non-existing cluster
  * Fix delete if container-runtime doesn't exist #17347
  * Fix network not found not being detected on new Docker
    versions #17323
  * Fix addon registry doesn't follow Minikube DNS domain name
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1118281 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 110)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 109)
- update to 1.31.2:
  * docker-env Regression:
  * Create `~/.ssh` directory if missing #16934
  * Fix adding guest to `~/.ssh/known_hosts` when not needed
  * Verify containerd storage separately from docker #16972
  * cni: Fix regression in auto selection #16912
  * Infer HyperKit HostIP as Gateway rather than hardcode to
* see
- BuildRequires python3 rather than python.
- build against go1.18 to fix arm64 build
  * configure container runtimes for clusters without Kubernetes too #13442
  * Update newest supported Kubernetes version to v1.22.0-alpha.1 #11287
  * fix "profile list" timing out when cluster stopped.
  * Fix parallels driver initialization
  * Ingress addon: fix the controller name
  * Update minimum memory constants to use MiB instead of MB #9180
  * Fix for a few typos in polish translations #8950
  * Upgrade go version to 1.14.4 #8660
  * mount: Allow names to be passed in for gid/uid
- Update to 0.34.1
  * Change restart policy on gvisor pod
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1099341 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 108)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 107)
- update to 1.31.0:
  * Add back VMware driver support #16796
  * `docker-env` supports the containerd runtime (experimental)
    #15452 #16761
  * Automatically renew expired kubeadm certs #16249
  * New addon inspektor-gadget #15869
  * Major Improvements:
  * VM drivers: Fix all images getting removed on stop/start (40%
    start speedup) #16655
  * Addon registry: Add support for all architectures #16577
  * QEMU: Fix failing to interact with cluster after upgrading
    QEMU version #16853
  * macOS/QEMU: Auto unblock bootpd from firewall if blocking
    socket_vmnet network #16714 #16789
  * `minikube cp` supports providing directory as a target #15519
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1077453 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 106)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 105)
- update to 1.30.1:
  * Docker driver: Fix incorrectly stating `Image was not built
    for the current minikube` #16226
  * Mark VMware driver as unsupported  #16233
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1077183 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 104)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 103)
- update to 1.30.0:
  * Ensure only one minikube tunnel instance runs at a time
  * Infer HyperKit HostIP as Gateway rather than hardcode to 
  * multi-node: Add support for volumes using CSI addon
  * QEMU: Rename user network to builtin and update documentation
  * none driver: Look for cri-dockerd instead of hardcoding
  * Replace instances of with
  * Handle CRI config of NetworkPlugin and PauseImage
  * Remove deprecated container-runtime flag from Kubernetes v1.24+
  * none driver: Require crictl to be installed for Kubernetes v1.24+
  * Add cri-dockerd logs to minikube logs output
  * Add ingress logs to minikube logs output
  * Add default cni logs to minikbue logs output
  * Add JSON output option to miniikube service list
  * Add kicbase download process to JSON output
  * Implement --docs for minikube addons list -o json
  * Implement --skip-audit flag and skip adding profile commands to audit log
  * Implement --last-start-only flag to minikube logs to only show last start log
* see
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1062044 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 102)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 101)
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 100)
- update to 1.29.0:
  * Bump QEMU driver priority from experimental to default
  * Ability to set static-ip for Docker driver
  * GCP-Auth Addon: automatically attach credentials to newly created
  * Allow forcing 1 CPU on Linux with docker and none driver
  * Major Improvements:
  * Large improvements to cgroup detection and CNI and CRI configurations
  * Prevent redownloading kicbase when already downloaded
  * Warn when using an old ISO/Kicbase image
  * Check brew install paths for socket_vmnet
  * Include gcp-auth logs in 'minikube logs' output
  * Use absolute path when calling crictl version
  * Add additional memory overhead for VirtualBox when `--memory=max`
  * Update Windows installer to create system-wide shortcut
  * Add `--subnet` validation
  * Add groups check to SSH driver
  * Update references to deprecated
  * Fix possible race condition when enabling multiple addons #15706
  * Fix cpus config field not supporting max value #15479
  * Fix subnet checking failing if IPv6 network found #15394
  * Fix Docker tunnel failing if too many SSH keys #15560
  * Fix kubelet localStorageCapacityIsolation option #15336
  * Fix setting snapshotter to unimplemented fuse-overlayfs #15272
  * Remove progress bar for kic download with JSON output #15482
  * Version Upgrades:
  * Bump default Kubernetes version from 1.25.3 to 1.26.1 #15683
  * Addons: Update auto-pause from 0.0.2 to 0.0.3 #15331
  * Addons: Update cloud-spanner from 1.4.6 to 1.5.0 #15440 #15667 #15707
  * Addons: Update headlamp from 0.13.0 to 0.14.1 #15401 #15515
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1039891 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 99)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 98)
- update to v1.28.0:
  * SECURITY WARNING: Log4j CVEs were detected in an image the efk addon uses,
  * if you don't use the efk addon no action is required. If you use the addon
  * we recommend running minikube addons disable efk to terminate the
  * vulnerable pods.  See #15280 for more details.
  * Prevent enabling efk addon due to containing Log4j CVE #15281
  * Auto select network on QEMU #15266
  * Implement mounting on QEMU with socket_vmnet #15108
  * Added cloud-spanner emulator addon #15160
  * Add minikube license command #15158
  * Allow port forwarding on Linux with Docker Desktop #15126
  * Add back service to mount VirtualBox host directory into the guest. #14784
  * ISO: Add FANOTIFY_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS to kernel configs #15232
  * When enabling addon warn if addon has no associated Github username #15081
  * Fix detecting preload cache of size 0 as valid #15256
  * Fix always writing to daemon by trimming from image name #14956
  * Fix minikube tunnel repeated printout of status #14933
  * Upgrade Portainer addon to 2.15.1 & HTTPS access enabled #15172
  * Upgrade Headlamp addon to 0.13.0 #15186
  * ISO: Upgrade Docker from 20.10.18 to 20.10.20 #15159
  * KIC: Upgrade base image from ubuntu:focal-20220826 to ubuntu:focal-20220922 #15075
  * KCI: Upgrade base image from ubuntu:focal-20220922 to ubuntu:focal-20221019 #15219
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1009792 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 97)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1009644 from Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) (revision 96)
- BuildRequires python3 rather than python.
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 95)
- update to 1.27.1:
  * QEMU Driver: Add support for dedicated network on macOS (socket_vmnet) #14989
  * QEMU Driver: Add support minikube service and tunnel on macOS #14989
  * Check if context is invalid during update-context command #15032
  * Use SSH tunnel if user specifies bindAddress #14951
  * Warn QEMU users if DNS issue detected #15073
  * Fix status command taking a long time on docker driver while paused #15077
  * Fix not allowing passing only an exposed port to --ports #15085
  * Fix minikube dashboard failing on macOS #15037
  * Fix incorrect command in powershell command tip #15012
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1004055 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 94)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 93)
- update to 1.27.0:
  * Bump default Kubernetes version to v1.25.0 and resolve /etc/resolv.conf regression #14848
  * Skip metallb PodSecurityPolicy object for kubernetes 1.25+ #14903
  * The DefaultKubernetesRepo changed for 1.25.0 #14768
  * Fix QEMU delete errors #14950
  * Fix containerd configuration issue with insecure registries #14482
  * Fix registry when custom images provided #14690
  * ISO: Update Docker from 20.10.17 to 20.10.18 #14935
  * Update kicbase base image to Ubuntu:focal-20220826 #14904
  * Update registry addon image from 2.7.1 to 2.8.1 #14886
  * Update gcp-auth-webhook addon from v0.0.10 to v0.0.11 #14847
  * Update Headlamp addon image from v0.9.0 to v0.11.1 #14802
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 112
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