Revisions of siril

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1141743 from Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) (revision 45)
baserev update by copy to link target
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 44)
- Update to 1.2.1:
  * Fixed Anscombe VST noise reduction option for mono images
  * Fixed HEIF import (#1198)
  * Fixed Noise Reduction Anscombe VST bug with mono images (#1200)
  * Fixed problems with Fourier Transform planning > Estimate (#1199)
  * Fixed data initialisation bugs in copyfits() and RGB compositing tool
  * Fixed exported x-column for lightcurves when Julian date is not selected (#1220)
  * Fixed sampling tolerance for astrometry which was incorrectly read (#1231)
  * Allowed for RA/DEC to be sorted in PSF windows (#1214)
  * Added SET-TEMP as valid FITS header to be saved (#1215)
  * Added configurable color for background extraction sample and standard annotations (#1230)
  * Fixed argument parsing error in makepsf (!593)
  * Fixed light_curve and csv export from plot when some images were unselected from the sequence (#1169)
  * Added undo/redo when platesolving with (#1233)
  * Fixed crash in findstar when detecting stars close to the border (#1237)
  * Fixed using wcs info when using light_curve command (#1195)
  * Allowed moving file into workdir to be picked up for livestacking (#1223)
  * Fixed the way we check if there is enough space to use quick photometry (#1238)
  * Fixed bit depth evaluation for 8-bit images (#1244)
  * Fixed division by 0 in PixelMath (#1249)
- Drop upstreamed fix-exiv2.patch
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1115801 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 43)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 1112672 from Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) (revision 42)
- Update to 1.2.0:
  * Fixed crash in background extraction samples removing (#1123)
  * Fixed crash in binning with ushort images (4d4d4878)
  * Fixed crash in findstar when a large saturated patch was close to border
  * Fixed memory leaks in deconvolution code (3e122ad7)
  * Fixed sorting in the rightmost columns in Dynamic PSF window (75586c04)
  * Added logging typed command in stdout (06f67292)
  * Improved path-checking and messages for local solver (Windows) (!524)
  * Prevent crash using recomposition tool eyedroppers without images loaded (!526)
  * Fixed HaOiii script failure if input image has odd dimensions (!533)
  * Fixed errors in GNUplot process handling (!538)
  * Fixed crash with seqextract_HaOIII command (!535)
  * Fixed crash when trying to export csv from empty plot (#1150)
  * Fixed deleting RA/Dec info when undoing an astrometry solve (#1119)
  * Improved error detection and messages for astrometry (!516)
  * Fixed sampling range specification for siril internal solver (!549)
  * Fixed all command descriptions (!546)
  * Fixed SER orientation after AVI conversion (#1120)
  * Fixed rescaling float images upon loading when not in [0,1] range (#1155)
  * Fixed initialization of guide image for clamping (#1114)
  * Fixed disabling weighting in the GUI when widget is not visible (#1158)
  * Fixed output_norm behavior for stacking to ignore border values (#1159)
  * Fixed the check for the no space left condition in the conversion (#1108)
  * Fixed DATE_OBS missing on seqapplyreg if interp was set to NONE (#1156)
  * Fixed photometry issue with 8-bit .ser file (#1160)
  * Fixed removing zero values in histogram calculations (#1164)
  * Fixed pixel sizes after HaOIII extrcation (#1175)
  * Fixed crash when passing only constants in pm expression (#1176)
  * Fixed incorrect channel when adding star from selection in RGB vport (#1180)
  * Allow to access to non-local disk (#1182)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1094905 from Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) (revision 41)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) accepted request 1094904 from Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) (revision 40)
- Add 0001-Fix-compilation-with-Exiv-0.28.patch
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1034535 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 39)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 1030105 from Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) (revision 38)
- Update to 1.0.6:
  * When an empty or malformed SER file was in the directory,
    previewing it would crash siril.
  * Saving an image as TIFF could crash siril.
  * Extracting the polynomial background gradient could crash
    siril when not enough samples were set.
  * The iif command of Pixel Math had a problem.
    Also, PixelMath mishandled some negative values.
  * Cropping a sequence with images of different sizes
    would crash if the selected area was not common to all
    the frames of the sequence.
  * Command seqstat could crash on large sequences when some
    images were not selected.
  * Siril could crash when a large star was close to border
    during star detection.
  * Asinh tool had bad behaviour with the black point for
    monochrome and 32bits images.
  * Searching for a sky object in SIMBAD containing a ‘+’ character
    in its named failed.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1006633 from Marcus Meissner's avatar Marcus Meissner (msmeissn) (revision 37)
baserev update by copy to link target
Marcus Meissner's avatar Marcus Meissner (msmeissn) accepted request 1005565 from Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) (revision 36)
- Update to 1.0.5:
  * Fix critical bug that causes a shift of 1 pixel in x and y after
    a registration of images on which there was a meridian flip.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1001762 from Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) (revision 35)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) accepted request 1001651 from Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) (revision 34)
- Update to 1.0.4:
  * Fix crash.
  * Updates to the histogram transformation tool.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 987163 from Marcus Meissner's avatar Marcus Meissner (msmeissn) (revision 33)
baserev update by copy to link target
Marcus Meissner's avatar Marcus Meissner (msmeissn) accepted request 985706 from Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) (revision 32)
- Update to 1.0.3:
  * Added generalized hyperbolic transformation tool
  * Fixed some bugs
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 978752 from Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) (revision 31)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) accepted request 978751 from Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) (revision 30)
- Update to 1.0.2:
  * Added new RBF interpolation method in the background extraction
  * Removed file name length limit in conversion
  * Fixed crash in preprocess command if a quote was not closed in
    -bias= option
  * Fixed crash when star detection box was expanded past a border
  * Fixed crash in plot when X axis data contained negative values
  * Fixed numerous bugs in the background extraction tool
  * Fixed bug in PixelMath where only one char parameter where
  * Fixed bug in FITS partial reader
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 972938 from Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) (revision 29)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) accepted request 972936 from Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) (revision 28)
- Use tarball from gitlab, to fix broken builds due to wrong
  line endings in all files.
- Update to 1.0.1:
  * various bugs fixed
  * pixel math improvements
- Update to 1.0.0:
  * Added ASTRO-TIFF standard
  * Fixed memory consumption for all sequence operations
  * Fixed settings for sequence export as webm film with VP9 codec
  * Removed use of lo/hi cursors and fixed normalization for export
  * Fixed load and close commands for scripts in GUI
  * Fixed Bayer pattern in SER after extraction
  * Fixed registration crash for small images
  * Improved main panel separator positioning and keeping it in memory
  * Improved speed of FITSEQ detection when scanning sequences
  * Reintroduced compatibility with OpenCV 4.2 with disabled features
- Update to 1.0.0~rc2:
  * Fixes many crashes
  * Minor improvements in plot feature
- Update to 1.0.0-rc1:
  * This new version makes it possible to attempt an astrometric
    resolution on only part of the image.
    Still for wide field images (FOV > 5°), the astrometric
    resolution is now done by default on the central part
    of the image only.
  * Keeping WCS information in geometric operations
  * Keeping WCS information in Undo/Redo
  * Better annotation
  * Add of GAIA EDR3 catalogue
  * Improve star detection in image registration
  * For global registration, it is now possible to choose the number
    of degrees of freedom of the transformation that sends the image
    to be registered to the reference image. By default, the
    transformation is a homography, which admits a certain number
    of distortions between the 2 images.
  * New tool: Evaluate sensor tilt
  * New button for quick photometry
  * Pixel Math : implementation of a first version
  * Refactoring of command help
- For more details, see
- Fix incorrect/missing licenses
- Run spec-cleaner
- Use OpenCV 4 on TW again, instead of the old OpenCV 3.
- Use system wcslib
- Cleanup previous changes:
  * cmake is just an extraneous build dependency
  * deduplicate SVG icons and other files
- Move icon to correct place, fixes bsc#1192563
- Update to
  * Fixed star detection with resolution < 1.0
  * Fixed interpolation issue in global registration
  * Fixed timestamp issue with glib < 2.66
  * New MAD clipping algorithm
- Update to 0.99.10:
  * New alignment algo on 2 or 3 stars
  * New pixel rejection algo: Generalized Extreme Studentized Deviate Test
  * Added weighting of images according to noise
  * Normalization refactoring
  * Remove black borders of stacked image
  * Possibility of processing with synthetic bias
  * Extraction of the green channel 
  * Update sampling after channel extraction and/or Drizzle
  * Keep WCS info in stacked image 
  * Added drag and drop to open an image, or a sequence
  * Improve overall performance
- Drop fix_glib_2_68_error.patch
- Fix glib 2.68 compilation error
- Add fix_glib_2_68_error.patch
- Update to
  * Fixed crash because of wcslib function
  * New ability to remove sequence frames from the "Plot" tab
  * New merge command
  * New astrometry annotation ability
  * New snapshot function
  * New conversion internal algorithm, can convert any sequence to
    any other sequence type too now
  * Handle datetime in TIFF file
  * Improved color saturation tool with a background factor
    to adjust the strength
  * Reduced memory used by global registration
  * Improving films (AVI and others) support: notifying the user,
    suggesting conversion, fixing parallel operations
  * Fixed memory leak in minmax algorithms
  * Fixed a bug in FITS from DSLR debayer when image height is odd
  * Fixed out-of-memory conditions on global registration and
    median or mean stacking
  * Fixed SER stacking with 32 bits output
  * Fixed bitrate value issue in mp4 export
  * Fixed normalization issue with SER files
- Clean up specfile:
  * Remove no longer required autoconf, automake and intltool build deps
  * Remove irrelevant cmake build dep
  * Remove duplicated libjpeg/exiv2 devel build deps
  * Add comment for overriding meson_build directory
- update to 0.99.6
  * same changelog as 0.99.4. Just some bug fixes added.
- update to 0.99.4
  * New UI with a single window
  * New demosaicing algorithms, RCD is now the default one
  * New algorithm to fix the AF square with XTRANS sensor
  * New support for FITS decompression and compression with
    Rice/Gzip and HCompress methods
  * New support for quantization and HCompress scale factor settings
    for FITS compression 
  * New functions to extract Ha and Ha/OII from RGB images
  * New linear match function
  * New link command to create symbolic links
  * New convert command to convert all files (and link FITS)
  * New preference entries for FITS compression settings
  * New native image format: 32-bit floating point image
  * New native sequence format: FITS sequence in a single image
  * New UI for sequence image list
  * New zoom handing: ctrl+scroll (up and down) is the new way
    to zoom in and out
  * New preview in open dialog
  * New language selector in preferences
  * New image importer: HEIF format
  * New stacking filtering criterion (weighted FWHM).
    It can exclude more spurious images
  * New RL deconvolution tool
  * New keyword CTYPE3 for RGB FITS in order to be used by Aladin
  * New binary siril-cli to start siril without X server
  * New preference entries with darks/biases/flat libraries
  * New preliminary Meson support (Florian Benedetti)
  * New ROWORDER FITS keyword that should be used by
    several programm now
  * X(Y)BAYEROFF can now be configured in preferences
  * Parallelizing conversion and some other functions
  * CI file was totally rewritten (Florian Benedetti)
  * Config file was moved to more standard path
  * Optimization of several algorithms (Ingo Weyrich)
  * Background extraction is now available for sequence
  * Midtone Transfer Function is now available for sequence
  * Fixed code for Big Endian machine (Flössie)
  * Fixed bug in SER joining operation when Bayer information was lost
  * Fixed a bug of inaccessible directories in MacOS Catalina
  * Fixed crash on some OpenCV operation with monochrome images
  * Fixed annoying error boxes about missing disk drives on Windows
- Add -fcommon to allow building against GCC10 
- update to 0.9.12
- add debian files
- add buildrequires for some missing features
  - video support: libavformat libavutil >= 55.20 libavcodec
    libswscale libswresample
  - websupport: libcurl
  - ffms2
- update to 0.9.11
- also package mime info file
- install appdata and desktop file
- update to 0.9.10
- update to 0.9.9
- update to
- update to 0.9.7
- update to 0.9.5
- initial OBS version
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 27)
- Update to 1.0.1:
  * various bugs fixed
  * pixel math improvements
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 960491 from Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) (revision 26)
baserev update by copy to link target
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 45
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