Revisions of perl-Perl-Tidy

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 884921 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 65)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) accepted request 883241 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 64)
- updated to 20210402
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
  ## 2021 04 02
      - This release fixes several non-critical bugs which have been found since the last
      release.  An effort has been made to keep existing formatting unchanged.
      - Fixed issue git #57 regarding uninitialized warning flag.
      - Added experimental flag -lpxl=s requested in issue git #56 to provide some
      control over which containers get -lp indentation.
      - Fixed issue git #55 regarding lack of coordination of the --break-before-xxx
      flags and the --line-up-parens flag.
      - Fixed issue git #54 regarding irregular application of the --break-before-paren
      and similar --break-before-xxx flags, in which lists without commas were not
      being formatted according to these flags.
      - Fixed issue git #53. A flag was added to turn off alignment of spaced function
      parens.  If the --space-function-paren, -sfp flag is set, a side-effect is that the
      spaced function parens may get vertically aligned.  This can be undesirable,
      so a new parameter '--function-paren-vertical-alignment', or '-fpva', has been
      added to turn this vertical alignment off. The default is '-fpva', so that
      existing formatting is not changed.  Use '-nfpva' to turn off unwanted
      vertical alignment.  To illustrate the possibilities:
          # perltidy [default]
          myfun( $aaa, $b, $cc );
          mylongfun( $a, $b, $c );
          # perltidy -sfp
          myfun     ( $aaa, $b, $cc );
          mylongfun ( $a, $b, $c );
          # perltidy -sfp -nfpva
          myfun ( $aaa, $b, $cc );
          mylongfun ( $a, $b, $c );
      - Fixed issue git #51, a closing qw bare paren was not being outdented when
      the -nodelete-old-newlines flag was set.
      - Fixed numerous edge cases involving unusual parameter combinations which
        could cause alternating output states.  Most scripts will not be
        changed by these fixes.
      - A more complete list of updates is at
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 862615 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 63)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 862581 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 62)
- updated to 20210111
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
  ## 2021 01 11
      - Fixed issue git #49, -se breaks warnings exit status behavior.
      The exit status flag was not always being set when the -se flag was set.
      - Some improvements have been made in the method for aligning side comments.
      One of the problems that was fixed is that there was a tendency for side comment
      placement to drift to the right in long scripts.  Programs with side comments
      may have a few changes.
      - Some improvements have been made in formatting qw quoted lists.  This
      fixes issue git #51, in which closing qw pattern delimiters not always
      following the settings specified by the --closing-token-indentation=n settings.
      Now qw closing delimiters ')', '}' and ']' follow these flags, and the
      delimiter '>' follows the flag for ')'.  Other qw pattern delimiters remain
      indented as the are now.  This change will cause some small formatting changes
      in some existing programs.
      - Another change involving qw lists is that they get full indentation,
      rather than just continuation indentation, if
           (1) the closing delimiter is one of } ) ] > and is on a separate line,
           (2) the opening delimiter  (i.e. 'qw{' ) is also on a separate line, and
           (3) the -xci flag (--extended-continuation-indentation) is set.
      This improves formatting when qw lists are contained in other lists. For example,
              # OLD: perltidy
              foreach $color (
                  AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4
                  SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 DeepSkyBlue3
                  LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2
                  SeaGreen1 Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 Tan4
              # NEW, perltidy -xci
              foreach $color (
                      AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4
                      SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 DeepSkyBlue3
                      LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2
                      SeaGreen1 Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 Tan4
      - Some minor improvements have been made to the rules for formatting
      some edge vertical alignment cases, usually involving two dissimilar lines.
      - A more complete list of updates is at
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 854825 from Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) (revision 61)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) accepted request 854516 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 60)
- updated to 20201207
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 852877 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 59)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 852875 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 58)
- updated to 20201202
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
  ## 2020 12 02
      - This release is being made primarily to make available a several new formatting
        parameters, in particular -xci, -kbb=s, -kba=s, and -wnxl=s. No significant
        bugs have been found since the previous release, but numerous minor issues have
        been found and fixed as listed below.
      - This version is about 20% faster than the previous version due to optimizations
        made with the help of Devel::NYTProf.
      - Added flag -wnxl=s, --weld-nested-exclusion-list=s, to provide control which containers
        are welded with the --weld-nested-containers parameter.  This is related to issue git #45.
      - Merged pull request git #46 which fixes the docs regarding the -fse flag.
      - Fixed issue git #45, -vtc=n flag was ignored when -wn was set.
      - implement request RT #133649, delete-old-newlines selectively. Two parameters,
        -kbb=s or --keep-old-breakpoints-before=s, and
        -kba=s or --keep-old-breakpoints-after=s
        were added to request that old breakpoints be kept before or after
        selected token types.  For example, -kbb='=>' means that newlines before
        fat commas should be kept.
      - Fix git #44, fix exit status for assert-tidy/untidy.  The exit status was
        always 0 for --assert-tidy if the user had turned off all error messages with
        the -quiet flag.  This has been fixed.
      - Add flag -maxfs=n, --maximum-file-size-mb=n.  This parameter is provided to
        avoid causing system problems by accidentally attempting to format an
        extremely large data file. The default is n=10.  The command to increase
        the limit to 20 MB for example would be  -mfs=20.  This only applies to
        files specified by filename on the command line.
      - Skip formatting if there are too many indentation level errors.  This is
        controlled with -maxle=n, --maximum-level-errors=n.  This means that if
        the ending indentation differs from the starting indentation by more than
        n levels, the file will be output verbatim. The default is n=1.
        To skip this check, set n=-1 or set n to a large number.
      - A related new flag, --maximum-unexpected-errors=n, or -maxue=n, is available
        but is off by default.
      - Add flag -xci, --extended-continuation-indentation, regarding issue git #28
        This flag causes continuation indentation to "extend" deeper into structures.
        Since this is a fairly new flag, the default is -nxci to avoid disturbing
        existing formatting.  BUT you will probably see some improved formatting
        in complex data structures by setting this flag if you currently use -ci=n
        and -i=n with the same value of 'n' (as is the case if you use -pbp,
        --perl-best-practices, where n=4).
      - Fix issue git #42, clarify how --break-at-old-logical-breakpoints works.
        The man page was updated to note that it does not cause all logical breakpoints
        to be replicated in the output file.
      - Fix issue git #41, typo in manual regarding -fsb.
      - Fix issue git #40: when using the -bli option, a closing brace followed by
        a semicolon was not being indented.  This applies to braces which require
        semicolons, such as a 'do' block.
      - Added 'state' as a keyword.
      - A better test for convergence has been added. When iterations are requested,
        the new test will stop after the first pass if no changes in line break
        locations are made.  Previously, file checksums were used and required at least two
        passes to verify convergence unless no formatting changes were made.  With the new test,
        only a single pass is needed when formatting changes are limited to adjustments of
        indentation and whitespace on the lines of code.  Extensive testing has been made to
        verify the correctness of the new convergence test.
      - Line breaks are now automatically placed after 'use overload' to
        improve formatting when there are numerous overloaded operators.  For
          use overload
            '+' => sub {
      - A number of minor problems with parsing signatures and prototypes have
        been corrected, particularly multi-line signatures. Some signatures
        had previously been parsed as if they were prototypes, which meant the
        normal spacing rules were not applied.  For example
          sub echo ($message= 'Hello World!' ) {
          sub echo ( $message = 'Hello World!' ) {
      - Numerous minor issues that the average user would not encounter were found
        and fixed. They can be seen in the more complete list of updates at
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 839036 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 57)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 838727 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 56)
- updated to 20201001
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
  ## 2020 10 01
      - Robustness of perltidy has been significantly improved.  Updating is recommended. Continual
        automated testing runs began about 1 Sep 2020 and numerous issues have been found and fixed.
        Many involve references to uninitialized variables when perltidy is fed random text and random
        control parameters. A complete list is given in the file
      - Added the token '->' to the list of alignment tokens, as suggested in git
        #39, so that it can be vertically aligned if a space is placed before them with -wls='->'.
      - Added parameters -bbhb=n (--break-before-hash-brace=n), -bbsb=n (--break-before-square-bracket=n),
        and -bbp=n (--break-before-paren=n) suggested in git #38.  These provide control over the
        opening container token of a multiple-line list.  Related new parameters -bbhbi=n, -bbsbi=n, -bbpi=n
        control indentation of these tokens.
      - Added keyword 'isa'.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 832731 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 55)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 832723 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 54)
- updated to 20200907
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
  ## 2020 09 07
      - Fixed bug git #37, an error when the combination -scbb -csc was used.
        It occurs in perltidy versions 20200110, 20200619, and 20200822.  What happens is
        that when two consecutive lines with isolated closing braces had new side
        comments generated by the -csc parameter, a separating newline was missing.
        The resulting script will not then run, but worse, if it is reformatted with
        the same parameters then closing side comments could be overwritten and data
        This problem was found during automated random testing.  The parameter
        -scbb is rarely used, which is probably why this has not been reported.  Please
        upgrade your version.
      - Added parameter --non-indenting-braces, or -nib, which prevents
        code from indenting one level if it follows an opening brace marked
        with a special side comment, '#<<<'.  For example,
                      { #<<<   a closure to contain lexical vars
                      my $var;  # this line does not indent
                      # this line cannot 'see' $var;
        This is on by default.  If your code happens to have some
        opening braces followed by '#<<<', and you
        don't want this, you can use -nnib to deactivate it.
      - Side comment locations reset at a line ending in a level 0 open
        block, such as when a new multi-line sub begins.  This is intended to
        help keep side comments from drifting to far to the right.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 828996 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 53)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 828901 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 52)
- updated to 20200822
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
  ## 2020 08 22
      - Fix RT #133166, encoding not set for -st.  Also reported as RT #133171
        and git #35.
        This is a significant bug in version 20200616 which can corrupt data if
        perltidy is run as a filter on encoded text.
  **Please upgrade**
      - Fix issue RT #133161, perltidy -html was not working on pod
      - Fix issue git #33, allow control of space after '->'
      - Vertical alignment has been improved. Numerous minor issues have
        been fixed.
      - Formatting with the -lp option is improved.
      - Fixed issue git #32, misparse of bare 'ref' in ternary
      - When --assert-tidy is used and triggers an error, the first difference
        between input and output files is shown in the error output. This is
        a partial response to issue git #30.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 818082 from Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) (revision 51)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) accepted request 816296 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 50)
- updated to 20200619
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
  ## 2020 06 19
      - Added support for Switch::Plain syntax, issue git #31.
      - Fixed minor problem where trailing 'unless' clauses were not
        getting vertically aligned.
      - Added a parameter --logical-padding or -lop to allow logical padding
        to be turned off.  Requested by git #29. This flag is on by default.
        The man pages have examples.
      - Added a parameter -kpit=n to control spaces inside of parens following
        certain keywords, requested in git#26. This flag is off by default.
      - Added fix for git#25, improve vertical alignment for long lists with
        varying numbers of items per line.
      - calls to the module Perl::Tidy can now capture any output produced
        by a debug flag or one of the 'tee' flags through the new 'debugfile' and
        'teefile' call parameters.  These output streams are rarely used but
        they are now treated the same as any 'logfile' stream.
      - add option --break-at-old-semicolon-breakpoints', -bos, requested
        in RT#131644.  This flag will keep lines beginning with a semicolon.
      - Added --use-unicode-gcstring to control use of Unicode::GCString for
        evaluating character widths of encoded data.  The default is
        not to use this (--nouse-unicode-gcstring). If this flag is set,
        perltidy will look for Unicode::GCString and, if found, will use it
        to evaluate character display widths.  This can improve displayed
        vertical alignment for files with wide characters.  It is a nice
        feature but it is off by default to avoid conflicting formatting
        when there are multiple developers.  Perltidy installation does not
        require Unicode::GCString, so users wanting to use this feature need
        set this flag and also to install Unicode::GCString separately.
      - Added --character-encoding=guess or -guess to have perltidy guess
        if a file (or other input stream) is encoded as -utf8 or some
        other single-byte encoding. This is useful when processing a mixture
        of file types, such as utf8 and latin-1.
        Please Note: The default encoding has been set to be 'guess'
        instead of 'none'. This seems like the best default, since
        it allows perltidy work properly with both
        utf8 files and older latin-1 files.  The guess mode uses Encode::Guess,
        which is included in standard perl distributions, and only tries to
        guess if a file is utf8 or not, never any other encoding.  If the guess is
        utf8, and if the file successfully decodes as utf8, then it the encoding
        is assumed to be utf8.  Otherwise, no encoding is assumed.
        If you do not want to use this new default guess mode, or have a
        problem with it, you can set --character-encoding=none (the previous
        default) or --character-encoding=utf8 (if you deal with utf8 files).
      - Specific encodings of input files other than utf8 may now be given, for
        example --character-encoding=euc-jp.
      - Fix for git#22, Preserve function signature on a single line. An
        unwanted line break was being introduced when a closing signature paren
        followed a closing do brace.
      - Fix RT#132059, the -dac parameter was not working and caused an error exit
      - When -utf8 is used, any error output is encoded as utf8
      - Fix for git#19, adjust line break around an 'xor'
      - Fix for git#18, added warning for missing comma before unknown bare word.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 763692 from Lars Vogdt's avatar Lars Vogdt (lrupp) (revision 49)
baserev update by copy to link target
Lars Vogdt's avatar Lars Vogdt (lrupp) accepted request 762631 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 48)
- updated to 20200110
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
  ## 2020 01 10
      - This release adds a flag to control the feature RT#130394 (allow short nested blocks)
        introduced in the previous release.  Unfortunately that feature breaks 
        RPerl installations, so a control flag has been introduced and that feature is now
        off by default.  The flag is:
        --one-line-block-nesting=n, or -olbn=n, where n is an integer as follows: 
        -olbn=0 break nested one-line blocks into multiple lines [new DEFAULT]
        -olbn=1 stable; keep existing nested-one line blocks intact [previous DEFAULT]
        For example, consider this input line:
          foreach (@list) { if ($_ eq $asked_for) { last } ++$found }
        The new default behavior (-olbn=0), and behavior prior to version 20191203, is to break it into multiple lines:
          foreach (@list) {
              if ( $_ eq $asked_for ) { last }
        To keep nested one-line blocks such as this on a single line you can add the parameter -olbn=1.
      - Fixed issue RT#131288: parse error for un-prototyped constant function without parenthesized
        call parameters followed by ternary.
      - Fixed issue RT#131360, installation documentation.  Added a note that the binary 
        'perltidy' comes with the Perl::Tidy module. They can both normally be installed with 
        'cpanm Perl::Tidy'
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 754060 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 47)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 753928 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 46)
- updated to 20191203
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
  ## 2019 12 03
      - Fixed issue RT#131115: -bli option not working correctly.
        Closing braces were not indented in some cases due to a glitch
        introduced in version 20181120.
      - Fixed issue RT#130394: Allow short nested blocks.  Given the following
          $factorial = sub { reduce { $a * $b } 1 .. 11 };
        Previous versions would always break the sub block because it
        contains another block (the reduce block).  The fix keeps
        short one-line blocks such as this intact.
      - Implement issue RT#130640: Allow different subroutine keywords.
        Added a flag --sub-alias-list=s or -sal=s, where s is a string with
        one or more aliases for 'sub', separated by spaces or commas.
        For example,
          perltidy -sal='method fun' 
        will cause the perltidy to treat the words 'method' and 'fun' to be
        treated the same as if they were 'sub'.
      - Added flag --space-prototype-paren=i, or -spp=i, to control spacing 
        before the opening paren of a prototype, where i=0, 1, or 2:
        i=0 no space
        i=1 follow input [current and default]
        i=2 always space
        Previously, perltidy always followed the input.
        For example, given the following input 
           sub usage();
        The result will be:
          sub usage();    # i=0 [no space]
          sub usage();    # i=1 [default; follows input]
          sub usage ();   # i=2 [space]
      - Fixed issue git#16, minor vertical alignment issue.
      - Fixed issue git#10, minor conflict of -wn and -ce
      - Improved some vertical alignments involving two lines.
Displaying revisions 21 - 40 of 85
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