Revisions of ampache

Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 864229 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 83)
- Update to 4.2.6
  * Changed
    - Ignore ALL tagged releases (e.g. 4.2.6-preview 4.2.6-beta)
    - Don't check the times in save_mediaplay plugins
    - Plugins should only have 1 category
    - Update Composer requirements
  * Removed
    - Some system preferences were added as user preferences
  * Fixed
    - Search original_year query
    - Replaygain was missing from the webplayer
    - Check albumartist in get_album_suite queries
    - Recently played queries check for privacy options
    - Headphones plugin fix for missing mbid's
    - Duplicate downloads recorded in play/index
    - Subsonic video HLS stream and json values
    - Block more password resets when using simple_user_mode
  * API 4.2.6
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 855364 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 82)
- Use apache-rpm-macros.
- Put apache configuration files in separate subpackage.
- Put language files in separate subpackage.
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 853047 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 81)
- Update to 4.2.5
  * Added
    - Use _add_urls when building a stream playlist
  * Changed
    - Removed the forced random from search
    - Put the browse header at the top above plugins
    - Make the webplayer class a bit faster at deciding what to transcode
  * Fixed
    - Ampache Debug, cron.lib.php missing from init
    - Slow playlist creation when inserting a large amount of items
    - Stream_URL properties were inconsistently applied
    - Fix streaming when play_type is Democratic
    - Save your limit and random settings when creating a smartlist
  * API 4.2.5
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 845601 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 80)
- Update to 4.2.4
  * Added
    - Random tickbox added to search pages
  * Changed
    - Fall back to year when using original year in search
  * Fixed
    - User was being created but you were told it isn't
    - The search pages remember your limit correctly
    - PHP exception when < 7.1
    - Correct Recently Added, Recently Updated searches
    - Check that song can be inserted before inserting the remaining rows
    - Logic in stat recording when skips occur
    - Don't query for null tag ids
  * API 4.2.4
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 840120 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 79)
- Add ampache-cron.service and amapache-cron.timer.
- Run spec-cleaner.
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 839843 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 78)
- Update to 4.2.3
  Minor release fixing some issues found over the last month.
  * Added
    - Subsonic: Generate errors for objects missing art
  * Changed
    - Don't mark short songs as skipped
    - Subsonic: Stop converting strings to ints in JSON responses
  * Fixed
    - User registrations
    - Workaround null values for new columns in search table
    - Check release_type length before inserting into the database
    - Ensure Album Artist is set correctly on songs
    - Subsonic: Fix callbacks for similarSongs2 and artistInfo2
    - Subsonic: getCoverArt fixes
  * API 4.2.3
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 831397 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 77)
- Update to 4.2.2
  DATABASE CHANGES You can now force a default collation and charset on your database.
  If you choose to use utf8mb4; Ampache will convert your table engine to InnoDB to handle the extra bytes.
  * Added
    - Numeric 'Played/Skipped ratio' added to search. (Set using (stream/skip)*100.)
      - > 0 & < 100: Skipped more than played
      - 100: Equal plays and skips
      - > 100: Played more than skipped
    - Add 'Original Year', 'Release Type' to Album searches
    - Allow setting custom database collation and charset without overwriting your changes
    - Video search added to random.php
    - 'samesite=strict' on JS cookies
    - Translation updates (August 2020)
    - Put 'Labels' into search, browse headers and sidebar when enabled
    - NEW config options (config_version 45)
      - database_charset: Set a default charset for your database
      - database_collation: Set a default collation for your database
      - simple_user_mode: Don't allow users to edit their account values (used for demo sites that allow login)
    - NEW files
      - bin/ Update your catalog when individual files are changed using
      - bin/ Update your database collation, charset and table engine from the cli
      - docs/examples/ script to use inotifywait and to update as file changes happen
      - docs/examples/inotifywait.service: systemd example service for
  * Changed
    - stats.php: Show total 'Item Count' on Statistics page instead of trying to shoehorn songs/videos/etc into different columns
    - ampache.sql updated after about 4 years... no more updates on install!
    - Searching by "Rating (average)" now ignores private/public and always returns the average.
    - Hide searches for '# Skipped' and 'Played/Skipped ratio' when 'Show # skipped' is Off
    - Search items rearranged to try to match each other
    - Sort 'Playlist' and 'Smart Playlist' browse pages by name
    - Display the blankuser avatar in now playing if missing
    - Swap 'Random' and 'Playlists' in the sidebar (CSS order numbers)
    - Don't hide artist art when you disable lastfm_api_key in the config
    - Hide 'Metadata' search when 'enable_custom_metadata' is disabled
  * Deprecated
    - Drop version number from the release string in develop. ('4.3.0-develop' => 'develop')
      - This should stop a bit of confusion when removing / adding requirements
    - The '-release' suffix in version number will be dropped for Ampache 5.0.0
  * Removed
    - Remove stat recording from channels
    - Don't reset the database charset and collation after each db update
  * Fixed
    - Fixed a few issues on the Statistics page
      - Report 'Catalog Size' correctly for podcasts
      - Report 'Item Count' correctly for podcasts and video catalogs
    - Searching albums for artist name
    - Mashup 'Newest' would incorrectly apply an offset missing the newest items
    - Search by 'Smart Playlist' rules fixed when added with other rules
    - Use LEFT JOIN instead of HAVING for search rules to allow more complicated lists
    - Logic searching 'My Rating' includes unrated (0 Stars) in a better way
    - Captcha was not generated for registration
    - Enforce lowercase codec for live streams
    - Parsing integer search rules was overwriting index values
    - Handle empty XML on similar artist requests to
  * Security
    - Fix CVE-2020-15153 - Unauthenticated SQL injection in Ampache
  * API 4.2.2
    - Minor bugfixes
  * Added
    - Api::advanced_search added parameter 'random' (0|1) to shuffle your searches
  * Changed
    - Remove spaces from advanced_search rule names. (Backwards compatible with old names)
      - 'has image' => 'has_image'
      - 'image height' => 'image_height'
      - 'image width' => 'image_width'
      - 'filename' => 'file' (Video search)
  * Deprecated
    - Search rules 'has image','image height', 'image width', 'filename'. (Removed in Ampache 5.0.0)
  * Fixed
    - Api::stream, Api::download Api::playlist_generate 'format' parameter was overwritten with 'xml' or 'json'
    - Produce valid XML for playlist_generate using the 'id' format in XML
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 828707 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 76)
- Update to 4.2.1
  * Added
    - Ajax refresh localplay "Now Playing" same as the index "Now Playing" section
    - Put strings ('1 Star', '2 Stars', etc) back into numeric searches for ratings
    - Numeric ('1 Star'-'5 Stars') searches now include '0 Stars' to show unrated objects
    - Add 'has not rated' to "Another User" searches
    - Add higher bitrates (640, 1280) to search to allow for lossless files
    - NEW files
      - Include API docs from the wiki. (,,,
    - 'Filters' added to each sidebar tab if enabled (previously only 'Home' and 'Admin')
  * Changed
    - Use binary (.mo) translation files to speed up translation processing
    - Don't show 'Generate new API key' if you don't have access
    - QR Code in account page is now just the API Key (redundant link removed too)
    - Require minimum version of Ampache 3.8.2 to upgrade database
    - Added an icon to webplayer to go to album. Clicking on song title now directs to song
  * Fixed
    - Waveform config option 'get_tmp_dir' was ignored if set
    - Rightbar: 'Add to New Playlist' not adding on new playlists
    - Translate preference subcategories and status
    - 'podcast_new_download' logic fix
    - Filters box would show up in the Admin tab if you disabled 'browse_filter'
    - Update album when 'release_type' changes
    - Parse 'Release Type' from tags in a less terrible way
  * API 4.2.1
    - No functional changes compared to 4.2.0.
  * Fixed
    - Filter in "playlist" and "playlist_songs" fixed
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 824715 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 75)
- Update to 4.2.0
  A big visual change in the interface is that Ampache now defaults to US time for dates. ('Month/Day/Year')
  For everyone who isn't American you have control over date formats using custom_datetime.
  Admin => Server Config => Interface => Custom datetime
  e.g. Y/m/d H:i will convert to 2020/04/14 10:42
  Check the php manual for help making your desired string. ([])
  The API changelog for this version has been separated into a new sub-heading below to make it easier to follow.
  * Added
    - Added Spotify art searches for both album and artist images.
    - Updated component installer and php-cs-fixer package.
    - Translation updates (April 2020, May 2020, July 2020)
    - Added declare(strict_types=0); to lib/* and lib/class/* (requires more work before it can be enabled)
    - Add 250 for search form limits in the web UI. (Jump from 100 to 500 is pretty big)
    - Add Recently updated/added to search rules
    - Add regex searching to text fields. ([])
      - Refer to the wiki for information about search rules. (
    - When labels are enabled, automatically generate and associate artists with their publisher/label tag values.
    - Enforced stat recording for videos. (podcasts and episodes to be added later)
    - Add tags (Genres) to Anywhere text searches.
    - 10 second redirect on Access Denied to the default web_path
    - Allow Update from tags for multi-disk album and artist pages
    - show and hide the rightbar (playlist) using the minimize button in the header
    - Tag->f_name (New property on tag that was being set hackily)
    - Add Album to Find Duplicates in admin/duplicates.php.
    - Local Image added to Artist & Album search. Find out whether you have art stored in Ampache
    - PHP_CodeSniffer checks and settings added to Scrutinizer. (phpcs --standard=.phpcs.xml lib/class)
    - NEW database options
      - cron_cache: Speed up the interface by allowing background caching of data
      - show_skipped_times: Add # skipped to the UI. (disabled by default)
      - custom_datetime: Allow you to format your date strings your way.
      - unique_playlist: Force unique playlists by ignoring existing songs
    - NEW config options
      - skip_timer: Add Skip Timer Threshold to the config
      - artist_art_folder: Specify a local folder to search for artist images using name/title
      - rating_file_tag_user: Set ratings to this user ID when importing ratings from file tags
      - spotify_client_id: Allows Spotify art search
      - spotify_client_secret: Allows Spotify art search
    - NEW files
      - server/json.server.php & lib\class\json_data.class.php: JSON API!
      - bin/ Cache object_count data to speed up access
      - bin/ Perform garbage_collection functions outside of main functions (includes
    - NEW examples
      - docs/examples/ampache_cron.service
      - docs/examples/ampache_cron.timer
  * Changed
    - Change license string from AGPLv3 to AGPL-3.0-or-later
    - Update Composer requirements
    - Allow searching play times without requiring UI option
    - Stop showing the average rating in the web interface as stars. (show an average when available as text separately)
    - When you don't have a config file redirect to installer
    - Change to numeric searches: Renamed 'is' => 'equals' and 'is not' => 'does not equal'
    - Allow negative track numbers; reducing the maximum track number to 32767.
    - Localplay volume control moved to the playlist (rightbar)
    - Podcast_Episode::check_play_history Podcast_Episode::set_played (match song.class versions for stat recording)
    - Video::check_play_history Video::set_played (match song.class versions for stat recording)
    - php_cs rules for line endings
    - Simplify play history checks and code a bit more
    - Tag (Genre) searches compare each item (e.g Pop) rather than the whole string (Pop,Rock,etc)
    - Replace Browse Library buttons with a search header allowing faster browsing of other types
    - Share secrets are generated by generate_password instead of a separate function
    - inet_ntop may not convert some binary IP addresses (like ::1) these now show up as Invalid in the ip history.
    - Searches using numeric rules must use an integer. ('1 Star' => 1, '2 Stars' => 2, etc)
    - bin/ require -x to execute. (previously you needed to edit the file)
  * Deprecated
    - Horde_Browser::getIPAddress(). Use Core::get_user_ip() instead.
  * Removed
    - bin/ (This was used to migrate the config file from php4 to php5)
    - EchoNest api/song previews
    - User::update_user_stats (used in play index only and useless)
    - Share::generate_secret; use generate_password instead
    - Song::get_cache_count (unused)
    - Ampache Debug check for 'safe_mode'
  * Fixed
    - Fixed a lot of incorrectly typed function calls and code documentation
    - Gravatar Plugin: Make sure https is used when force_ssl is configured
    - Truncate strings to match database limits when strings go over
    - Add User php warnings
    - Channel authentication
    - IP checks when sending null proxy values
    - Gather art page layout
    - Read vorbis rating correctly
    - Search rules in UI failing to load with custom_metadata
    - Warn correctly when inserting art fails
    - Insert missing user preferences on login
    - When you had beautiful_urls enabled tracks would not parse in localplay making them all Unknown
    - Podcast durations aren't always correct format, prep the time before trying to insert it
    - Subsonic playlist add/remove removing incorrect songs
    - Search/Smartlists need to have results to be used in lists
    - Auth issues with stats for recording and localplay
    - Stream_urls were generated with a typo when downloading
    - Respect album grouping using of the moment plugin
    - Filter album title with grouping enabled. (seriously deadmau5, stop with the <> everywhere)
    - Share playback without a UID would fail to start
    - Set a default popular_threshold if unauthenticated or unset
    - play/index would record democratic streams as a download
    - Make sure the default preferences table has all the preferences in them
    - Beets catalog bug; date_diff expecting a datetime but given a string
    - Searches using user data like ratings has been split in the SQL correctly
    - Flagged playlists never had their flag deleted
    - offset and limit were incorrectly used for top/recent searches
  * Security
    - Fix: CVE-2020-13625 in phpmailer
  * API 4.2.0
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 773465 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 74)
- Update to 4.1.1
  Ampache 4.1.1 is a minor release that contains a new API build as well as some bugfixes caught along the way.
  - Bump API version to 400004 (4.0.0 build 004)
  - Api - Fix parameters using 0
  - Api - Get the correct total_count in xml when you set a limit
  - Api - Fix many XML formatting issues
  - Api - Add Api::check_access to warn when you can't access a function
  - Remove non-free lib/composer.* files.
    - You can enable c-pchart with (composer require 'szymach/c-pchart')
  - Hide localplay in the sidebar when you disable all the plugins
  - Extend Shouts to 2000 characters; Labels to 250
  - Remove shoutcast table and preferences. (Dead code)
  - Add a status icon to the channel list pointing to the channel/ID/status.xsl
  - Fix Musicbrainz Art search
  - Fix tmp_playlist bug removing items
  - Fix Dropbox catalog errors when using a small library
  - Fix some bugs getting invalid time/date when reading tags
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 761838 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 73)
Update to 4.1.0
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 752997 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 72)
Fix something
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 752827 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 71)
Update to 4.0.4
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 751693 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 70)
Update to 4.0.3
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 751003 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 69)
Update to 4.0.2
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 750740 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 68)
Update to 4.0.1
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 750631 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 67)
Update to 4.0.0
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 670098 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 66)
- Fix connection eror. (boo#1120428)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 646044 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 65)
- update to 3.9.0
  - Video details now correctly displayed for personal video.
  - XML API now fully accepts user's API key. Session will be 
    extended if it exists; Otherwise it's replaced.
  - Artist name added to Lastfm track.getsimilar query.
  - now includes switches for catalog name and 
    catalog type.
  - Added Beets catalog to Composer autoload.
  - Performance improved with playlist display and search.
  - General translation Updates.
  - Documented php module requirement for FreeBSD.
- update to 3.8.9
  - 3.8.9
    - Fixed uploading of avatar.
    - DSub now writes the correct extension when the ampache config 
      switch encode_player_api_target is enabled.
    - Artist info now properly displayed.
    - Fixed login bug with PHP-7.2 installed.
  - 3.8.8
    - Subsonic API now removes illegal characters before returning 
    - Removed hardcoded access level to allow guests to stream 
    - Guest accounts can now access songs and public playlists.
    - Fixed bug in subsonic API which caused DSub not to create 
      folders or add file extensions when caching.
- update to 3.8.7
  - Better able to clean up image extensions when gathering art 
    from remote sites.
  - Check for B.O.M. (\xff\xfe) only in mp3 composer tag and
  - Added .ogv encoding target for more efficient streaming of 
    mkv files.
  - Top menu appearance more reader friendly for translations.
  - Additional fixes to update_remote_catalog function.
  - Enabled similar songs when clicking on radio icon in DSub.
  - Repaired problem with removing "empty" albums.
  - Can now access XML-API when default ACL(s) are removed.
  - 'Find Duplicates' tool now works.
  - Cleaning now checks for mounted path before removing empty 
    albums/missing files.
  - Starring album and artist now work via Subsonic client.
  - Modified "Gather Art" debug message to remove confusion from 
    "Image less than 5 chars...".
- rebase ampache-playlist-bug.patch
- edit ampache-confpath.patch
- fix missing album art in webplayer
- update to 3.8.6
  - Updated Subsonic Remote Catalog Module to version 2.
  - Subsonic Catalog now grabs artwork directly from the 
    subsonic server.
  - Various fixes to Subsonic Catalog and Subsonic API.
  - Release package now downloads from release update alert.
  - Develop package downloads from develop update alert.
  - Fixed album Search.
- update to 3.8.5
  - Added search capability for user's own ratings option for Song,
    Artist, Album search.
  - Clean process now removes empty albums.
  - Further translation updates and fixes.
  - Updated Subsonic API to increase compliance with Subsonic json 
    API specs.
  - Added starred date to album list and song and formatted per 
    Subsonic spec.
  - Now compatible with latest Ultrasonic client (json transfer).
  - Fixed ability to edit/save smartplaylist name without setting 
  - Search/smart playlist now includes favorite artists and albums.
  - Modified SQL statement to not offend default SQL_MODE of 
    ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY on server versions after 5.7.6.
  - Set redirect to false for streaming types.
- update to 3.8.4
  - Subsonic catalog now displays album art and artist bio.
  - Subsonic API now ignores case when determining methods.
  - Artist info now displays in Ampache's installed language.
  - Updated translations.
  - Composer tag changes now saved to database.
  - Seafile catalog module added.
  - Dropbox catalog updated to V2 API.
  - ip6 addresses now added to user history.
  - Updated api.class.php
  - fix for web_path auto configuration for subdirectory 
  - Composer tag changes now written to database
  - Fixed catch null reference
  - Changes to make translation easier
- change spec to use it with php7 also.
- update to 3.8.3
  - Fixed upload problem
  - Fixed charting problem
  - Updated composer dependencies
  - Fixed ipv6 issue
  - Improved Opus transcoding
  - Fixed localization chart
  - Improved Subsonic API
  - Improved ID3v2.3 and v2.4 to better handle multivalued lists
  - Added sort by disc numbers
  - Song comments are now editable
  - Fixed composer column in iTunes
  - Many typos fixed
  - Fixed field types in modules and localplay
  - Fixed timeline function
  - Activated jplayer "preload" option
  - Fixed missing submit button on options page
  - Increased info on DSub failing via Subsonic API
  - Fixed Group actions in private message page causing JavaScript 
  - Fixed some info lievel issues in Codacy
  - Apply trim on dropbox parameters
  - Added Prompt for user to change secret_key during install
  - Enabled use of cache in PHPCs
  - All files now use UTF8 without BOM
  - Now require Exact catalog name match on catalog update
  - Port 443 removed from play url
  - Now test all images found to select the one with the good 
  - Rewrote LDAP class
  - Song count in handshake now matches the number returned from 
  - Blocking of webplayer when transcoding fixed
  - Cover art is added to live stream
  - Added browse filter and light sidebar options
  - Updated gettext, zipstream, react and sabre dependencies
  - Fixed Subsonic scrobble submission check
- rebase patch ampache-confpath.patch because of unchanged 
  ampache.cfg locations.
- add patch ampache-config.patch for only changes in 
- update to 3.8.2
  - Fixed potential security vulnerability on smartplaylist search 
    rule and catalog management actions
  - Fixed song comparison issue on arrays (genre ...) when updating 
    from tag
  - Fixed song insertion issue if track year is out of range
  - Fixed unexpected artist summary autoupdate
  - Improved generated playlist filename
  - Fixed user avatar upload
  - Fixed waveform temporary file deletion issue if GD library is 
  - Fixed max number of items returned from Subsonic 
  - Fixed video update from tags
  - Reverted PHP 5.5.9 dependency to PHP 5.4
  - Added video playlist support
  - Added preference subcategory
  - Added prompt for new playlist name
  - Fixed page refresh when canceling album art change
  - Added /play htaccess rewrite rule to avoid default max limit 
  - Fixed Subsonic artist/album/song name JSON parsing if the name
    is numeric only
  - Added ignored articles and cover art to Subsonic 
    getArtists.view function
  - Fixed MySQL requests to support ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode
  - Fixed Ajax art refresh after changing it
  - Fixed playlist creation from smartplaylist
  - Added SQL unique constraint on tag map
  - Fixed Subsonic genres with JSON format
  - Added Bookmarks feature on Subsonic API
  - Fixed thumb art regeneration if entry found in database without 
  - Added Podcast feature
  - Added large view / grid view option on artist and albums 
  - Moved from php-gettext to oscarotero/Gettext
  - Added Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header on Subsonic 
    images & streams
  - Fixed Subsonic item identifier parsing
  - Added logic for external plugin directories (ampache-*)
  - Added Discogs metadata plugin
- update to 3.8.1
  - Fixed PHP7 Error class conflict (thanks trampi)
  - Fixed user password with special characters at install time
    (thanks jagerman)
  - Moved Ampache project license from GPLv2 to AGPLv3
  - Add Ampache specific information on Subsonic API getAlbum 
    using a new `ampache` parameter (thanks nicklan)
  - Added 'album tag' option in song search (thanks DanielMaly)
  - Added Message of the Day plugin to display MOTD at home page
  - Moved AmpacheApi class to a separate ampacheapi-php git 
  - Added timeline / friends timeline feature
  - Fixed disabled song display to regular users (thanks shangril)
  - Fixed random albums art size (thanks Bidules079)
  - Moved tag cloud to artist browsing by default
  - Fixed utf8 BOM empty string on song comparison
  - Improved recently played and user stats queries performance 
    (thanks thinca)
  - Renamed SAMPLE_RATE to TRANSCODE_BITRATE on transcoding
  - Fixed tag deletion sql error (thanks stebe)
  - Moved to PNG default blank image instead of JPG 
    (thanks Psy-Virus)
  - Fixed temporary playlist initial position when scrolling down 
    (thanks RobertoCarlo)
  - Added Radio stations to UPnP backend
  - Fixed Subsonic API art to use album art if song doesn't have 
    a custom art (thanks hypfvieh)
  - Fixed Subsonic API search when object count parameter is 0 
    (thanks hypfvieh)
  - Fixed UPnP UUID to be based on host information
  - Moved to Composer for dependencies management
  - Fixed catalog action when not using Ajax page loading 
    (thanks Razrael)
  - Fixed unrated song default value (thanks Combustible)
  - Added custom metadata support from files (thanks Razrael)
  - Improved Subsonic API getArtists performance (thanks nicklan)
  - Fixed theme color setting behavior
  - Moved audioscrobbler API to v2
  - Added m3u8 playlist import
  - Fixed utf8 id3v2 comments support
  - Added write_playlists script to export playlists to file
  - Fixed Tvdb and Tmdb plugins (thanks wagnered)
  - Improved Video filename parsing (thanks wagnered)
  - Fixed non scalar settings value printing on debug page
  - Improved Subsonic API getAlbumList error handling
  - Fixed user login with browser used during the installation
  - Fixed iTunes 12 browsing when using DAAP (thanks Chattaway83)
  - Moved http_port user preference to ampache.cfg.php
  - Upgraded and scrobbling to latest API version 
    (thanks nioc)
  - Added missing space between track and album in localplay 
    playlist (thanks arnaudbey)
  - Added check fo mbstring.func_overload support before using id3 
    write functionality (thanks anonymous2ch)
  - Fixed file size calculation when using id3v2 tag 
    (thanks hypfvieh)
  - Added rating from id3 tag (thanks nioc)
  - Added track number on streaming playlist (thanks Fondor1)
  - Fixed catalog export (thanks shellshocker)
  - Fixed file change detection
  - Improved XML API with more information and new functions 
    (advanced_search, toggle_follow, last_shouts, rate, timeline, 
  - Fixed 'Next' button when browsing start offset is aligned to 
    offset limit (thanks wagnered)
  - Fixed stream kill OS detection (thanks nan4k7)
  - Fixed calculate_art_size script to support storage on disk 
    (thanks nan4k7)
  - Fixed sql script semicolon typo (thanks jack)
  - Added support for .opus files (thanks mrpi)
  - Fixed podcast owner xml information
  - Fixed ldap filter parameter check (thanks ChrGeiss)
  - Fixed 'Add to existing playlist' link for regular users 
    (thanks Niols)
- update apache.conf
- drop obsolete patch ampache-sql because it's fixed in source
- update to 3.8.0
  - Added Portuguese (Brasil) language (thanks Ione Souza Junior)
  - Updated PHPMailer version to 5.2.10
  - Fixed user stats clear
  - Added user, followers and last shouts XML API functions
  - Fixed transcoded process end on some systems (thanks nan4k7)
  - Added ogg channel streaming support (thanks Deathcow)
  - Fixed sql connection close before stream (thanks fufroma)
  - Added support for several ldap filters (thanks T-Rock)
  - Fixed 'Add to existing playlist' button on web player 
    (thanks RyanCopley)
  - Added 'add to existing playlist' link on album page 
    (thanks RyanCopley)
  - Added option to hide user fullname from other users
  - Added playlist track information in Apache XML API 
    (thanks RyanCopley)
  - Fixed playlist remove song in Apache XML API (thanks RyanCopley)
  - Fixed SubSonic API ifModifiedSince information
  - Added Podcast links to albums / artists
  - Added Piwik and Google Analytics plugins
  - Added Apache 2.4 access control declaration in htaccess files
  - Fixed performance issues on user preferences
  - Added artist search by year and place
  - Fixed search by comment (thanks malkavi)
  - Added Paypal and Flattr plugins
  - Added .maintenance page
  - Fixed captcha
  - Added private messages between users
  - Fixed SubSonic API rating information on albums and songs
  - Added latest artists and shouts RSS feeds
  - Fixed tag cloud ordering
  - Added Label entities associated to artists / users
  - Added WebDAV backend
  - Fixed SubSonic API requests with musicFolderId parameter 
    (thanks dhsc19)
  - Added footer text edition setting
  - Added uploaded artist list on user page
  - Added custom Ampache login logo and favicon support
  - Added edition support on shared objects (thanks dhsc19)
  - Fixed share feature on videos (thanks RobertoCarlo)
  - Removed album year display from album name if unset
  - Fixed Subsonic API Album/Artist song's link 
    (thanks dhsc19 and daneren2005)
  - Added mysql database socket authentication support on web setup 
    (thanks AsavarTzeth)
  - Fixed artist art url for mobile use (thanks dhsc19)
  - Added Shoutbox home plugin
  - Added catalog favorites home plugin
  - Fixed search by rating (thanks iamnumbersix)
  - Added UPnP localplay (thanks SeregaPru)
  - Changed preferences to return the global value if preference is
    missing for the searched user
  - Fixed special chars in songs names and tags (thanks SeregaPru)
  - Fixed Subsonic API playlist edition/delation (thanks dhsc19)
  - Fixed integer default value in Apache XML API
  - Fixed image thumb on webplayer and search preview 
    (thanks RobertoCarlo and eephyne)
  - Fixed proxy setting on all external http requests 
    (thanks brendankearney)
  - Added QRCode view of user API key
  - Fixed http status code on Subsonic API streams when using curl 
    (thanks nicklan)
  - Added Server-Sent Events on catalog actions
  - Added option to enable/disable channel and live stream features
  - Removed official PHP 5.3 support
  - Added option to show/hide footer statistics (thanks brownl)
  - Added delete from disk option on user uploaded files
  - Added installation type and players helper at installation 
  - Added tv_episode tag on quicktime files (thanks wagnered)
  - Added new option to disable deferred extended metadata, 
    e.g. artist details
  - Added Subsonic API getAvatar function
  - Fixed unsynced lyrics tags
  - Fixed ldap_filter setting deactivation on ampache.cfg.php 
    update (thanks Rouzax)
  - Added Subsonic API similar artists & songs functions
  - Added Subsonic API getLyrics function
  - Fixed disk number and album artist metadata on quicktime files 
    (thanks JoeDat)
  - Fixed Ampache API playlist_add_song function
  - Added ability to store images on disk
  - Added new setting to define album art min and max width/height
  - Fixed Subsonic API getAlbum returned artist id on songs
  - Fixed Subsonic API cover art when PHP-GD unavailable
  - Fixed localplay playlist refresh on volume changes
    (thanks essagl)
  - Fixed web player equalizer option if visualizer is not enabled
    (thanks brownl)
  - Fixed asx file mime type (thanks thinca)
  - Added song genre parsing options (thanks Razrael and lotan)
  - Added sort on languages list (thanks brownl)
  - Added placeholder text to search box (thanks brownl)
  - Added web player Play Next feature (thanks tan-ce)
  - Fixed Plex backend administration page uri (thanks a9k)
  - Fixed expired shared objects clean (thanks eephyne)
  - Added missing artist search results (thanks bliptec)
  - Fixed song genre id parsing (thanks lotan)
  - Added Scrobble method to Subsonic API
  - Added an option to add tags to child without overwriting
  - Added image dimension info to image tables (thanks tsquare66)
  - Replaced ArchiveLib by StreamZip-PHP to avoid temporary zip 
  - Added Year field in song details and edition
  - Added Subsonic API create/delete user, jukebox control and 
    search auto suggestion
  - Added few optional install tests
  - Improved Share features with modal dialog choices
  - Added new action on playlists to remove duplicates
  - Fixed playlist addition to another playlist (thanks kszulc)
  - Fixed Various Artist link on album page (thanks Jucgshu)
  - Added session_destroy call when a session should be destroyed
  - Added HTML5 ReplayGain track feature
  - Added display and mandatory user registration fields settings
  - Added .htaccess IfModule mod_access.c directives
  - Fixed SmartPlayer results per user (thanks nakinigit)
  - Fixed XSS vulnerability CVE-2014-8620 (thanks g0blin)
  - Fixed playlist import setting on catalog update to be disabled 
    by default (thanks DaPike)
  - Added ability to browse my tags other library items than songs
  - Added Stream Control plugins
  - Added transcode settings per player type
  - Added ability to write directly the new configuration file when
    it version changed
  - Added quick play url to have permanent authenticated stream 
    link without session
  - Fixed unresponsive website on batch download (thanks Rouzax)
  - Added batch download item granularity
  - Fixed 'guest' user site rendering
  - Added Aurora.js support in webplayer
  - Added Google Maps geolocation analyze plugin
  - Added statistical graphs
  - Added user geolocation
  - Added 'Missing Artist' search
  - Fixed Ampache installation with FastCGI
  - Added a new RSS Feed plugin
  - Added a new 'display home' plugin type
  - Added Favorite and Rating features to playlists
  - Added user feedback near mouse cursor on democratic votes
  - Changed header page position to be fixed
  - Added external links on song page details
  - Fixed Subsonic API getAlbumList2 byGenre and byYear order 
    (thanks rrjk)
  - Added html5 desktop notification
  - Added album group order setting
  - Fixed unwanted album merge when one of the album doesn't have 
  - Changed video player to go outside the footer
  - Added ip address in authentication failure for fail2ban scripts 
    (thanks popindavibe)
  - Added parameter to hide directplay button if number of items is 
    above a limit
  - Added Tag split (thanks jcwmoore)
  - Fixed album/artist arts and stats migration on rename 
    (thanks jcwmoore)
  - Fixed get lyrics from files (thanks apastuszak)
  - Fixed verify local catalog (thanks JoeDat)
  - Removed Twitter code
  - Added optional cookie disclaimer for the EU Cookie Law
  - Replaced catalog action links to action dropdown list 
    (thanks Psy-Virus)
  - Fixed remember me feature (thanks ainola)
  - Added email when registered user must be enabled by 
  - Fixed local catalog clean on Windows (thanks Rouzax)
  - Added Subsonic API maxBitRate parameter support 
    (thanks philipl)
  - Fixed SubSonic API special characters encode (thanks nan4k7)
  - Added Beets local and remote catalog support (thanks Razrael)
  - Fixed XML error code returned with invalid Ampache API 
    handshake (thanks funkygaddafi)
  - Replaced iframe to Ajax dynamic page loading
  - Changed Albums of the moment to not necessarily have a cover
  - Added Plex backend items edition support
  - Added hls stream support
  - Added X-Content-Duration header support on streams
  - Removed Toogle Art from artist page
  - Fixed track numbers when removing a song from playlist 
    (thanks stonie08)
  - Added Plex backend playlist support
  - Added gather art from video files (thanks wagnered)
  - Added Plex backend movie / tvshow support
  - Added release group on albums
  - Added Smart Playlist songs list
  - Added zlib test
  - Removed old Ampache themes
  - Fixed SubSonic API lastModified element (thanks bikkuri10)
  - Disabled beautiful url on XML-API for retro-compatibility
  - Fixed image resource allocation (thanks greengeek1)
  - Added setting to write id3 metadata to files (thanks tsquare66)
  - Added check for large files manipulation
  - Added video subtitle support
  - Fixed Google arts to use real arts and not the small size 
  - Added Tmdb metadata plugin
  - Added Omdb metadata plugin
  - Added Music Clips, Movies and TV Shows support
  - Added media type information on catalog
  - Fixed get SmartPlaylist in XML-API (thanks opencrf)
  - Added beautiful url on arts
  - Improved browse list header (thanks Psy-Virus)
  - Fixed user online/offline information on Reborn theme 
    (thanks thorsforge)
  - Added UPnP backend (thanks SeregaPru)
  - Added DAAP backend
  - Added sort options on playlists (thanks Shdwdrgn)
  - Fixed XML-API tag information (thanks jcwmoore)
  - Fixed multiple broadcast play (thanks uk3gaus)
  - Added SmartPlaylists to Subsonic API
  - Added limit option on SmartPlaylists
  - Added random option on SmartPlaylists
  - Added 'item count' on browse
  - Added direct typed links on items tags
  - Fixed SubSonic API compatibility with few players requesting 
    information on library -1
  - Added license information on songs
  - Added upload feature on web interface
  - Added albumartist information on songs (thanks tsquare66)
  - Fixed errors on sql table exists check
  - Fixed play/pause on broadcasts (thanks uk3gaus)
  - Added donation button
  - Added democratic page automatic refresh
  - Fixed distinct random albums
  - Added collapsing menu (thanks Kaivo)
  - Added 'save to playlist' feature on web player (thanks Kaivo)
  - Added tag merge feature
  - Fixed democratic vote with automatic logins (thanks M4DM4NZ)
  - Added git pull update from web interface for development 
  - Fixed http-rang requests on streaming (thanks thejk)
  - Improved installation process
  - Improved French translation (thanks arnaudbey)
  - Improved German translation (thanks Psy-Virus and meandor)
- changes from 3.7.0
  - Added Scrutinizer analyze
  - Fixed playlist play with disabled songs (reported by stebe)
  - Improved user auto-registration to optionally avoid email 
  - Fixed date.timezone php warnings breaking Ampache API 
    (reported by redcap1)
  - Fixed playlist browse with items > 1000 (reported by Tetram67)
  - Fixed Amazon API Image support (thanks jbrain)
  - Fixed id3v2 multiples genres (reported by Rouzax)
  - Improved democratic playlist view to select the first one by 
  - Improved German translation (thanks Psy-Virus)
  - Fixed playlist view of all users for administrator accounts 
    (reported by stonie08)
  - Added option to regroup album disks to one album view
  - Changed Ampache logo
  - Fixed email validation on user registration 
    (reported by redcap1)
  - Added local charset setting
  - Improved installation steps and design (thanks changi67)
  - Improved Recently Played to not filter songs to one display 
  - Fixed Subsonic transcoding support
  - Fixed Subsonic offline storage file path (reported by Tetram76)
  - Added optional top dock menu
  - Added html5 web audio api visualizer and equalizer
  - Added Play List to localplay mode
  - Fixed encoding issue in batch download
  - Added pagination to democratic playlists
  - Added an option to group albums discs to an unique album
  - Added alphabeticalByName and alphabeticalByArtist browse view 
    in Subsonic API
  - Fixed album art on xspf generated playlist
  - Added stats, playlist and new authentication method to 
    Ampache XML API
  - Added responsive tables to automatically hide optional
    information on small screen
  - Added song action buttons (user favorite, rating, ...) to the 
    web player
  - Added sortable capability to the web player playlist
  - Added Growl notification/scrobbler plugin
  - Added artist slideshow photos plugin from Flickr
  - Added setting to change Ampache log file name
  - Added playlists to Quick and Advanced search
  - Added pls, asx and xspf playlist file format import
  - Fixed playlist import with song file absolute path 
    (reported by ricksorensen)
  - Fixed playlist import with same song file names 
    (reported by captainark)
  - Added shoutcast notification at specific time when playing 
    a song with a waveform
  - Added Tag edit/delete capability
  - Added several search engine links
  - Added myPlex support on Plex API
  - Added cache on LastFM data
  - Added custom buttons play actions
  - Added artist pictures slideshow for current playing artist
  - Added Broadcast feature
  - Added Channel feature with Icecast compatibility
  - Replaced Muses Radio Player by jPlayer to keep one web player 
    for all
  - Added missing artists in similar artists for Wanted feature
  - Added concerts information from LastFM
  - Added tabs on artist information
  - Added 'add to playlist' direct button on browse items
  - Added avatar on users and Gravatar/Libravatar plugins
  - Fixed playlist visibility (reported by stonie08)
  - Added OpenID authentication
  - Fixed m3u import to playlist on catalog creation 
    (reported by jaydoes)
  - Improved missing/wanted albums with the capability to browse 
    missing artists
  - Added share feature
  - Updated French translation
  - Added options per browse view (alphabetic, infinite scroll, 
    number of items per page...)
  - Fixed several Subsonic players (SubHub, Jamstash...)
  - Added option to get beautiful stream url with url rewriting
  - Added check to use a new thread for scrobbling if available
  - Added confirmation option when closing the currently playing 
    web player
  - Added auto-pause web player option between several browse tabs
  - Fixed similar artists list with disabled catalogs 
    (reported by stebe)
  - Improved Shoutbox (css fix, real time notifications...)
  - Fixed iframe basket play action reload
  - Fixed wanted album auto-remove
  - Fixed MusicBrainz get album art from releases
  - Added Waveform feature on songs
  - Added AutoUpdate Ampache version check
  - Added auto-completion in global Ampache search
  - Added option to 'lock' header/sidebars UI
  - Fixed catalog export when 'All' selected
  - Fixed XBMC Local Play (reported by nakinigit)
  - Fixed artist search
  - Fixed Random Advanced (reported by stebe)
  - Changed song preview directplay icons
  - Added Headphones Automatic Music Downloader support as a 
    'Wanted Process' plugin
  - Updated PHPMailer to version 5.2.7
  - Updated getID3 to version 1.9.7
  - Added 'Song Preview' feature on missing albums tracks, with 
    EchoNest api
  - Added 'Missing Albums' / 'Wanted List' feature
  - Upgraded to MusicBrainz api v2
  - Replaced Snoopy project with Requests project
  - Added user-agent on recently played
  - Added option to show/hide recently played, time and user-agent 
    per user
  - Updated French language
  - Added option for iframe or popup web player mode
  - Improved Song/Video web player with jPlayer, Radio player with 
    Muse Radio Player
  - Added 'add media' to the currently played playlist on web 
  - Added dedicated 'Recently Played' page
  - Added enable/disable feature on catalogs
  - Fixed Config class conflict with PEAR
  - Improved recommended artists/songs loading using ajax
  - Added a new modern 'Reborn' theme
  - Improved Subsonic api backend support (json, ...)
  - Added Plex api backend support
  - Added artist art/summary when using LastFM api
  - Added 'all' link when browsing
  - Added option to enable/disable web player technology 
    (flash / html5)
  - Fixed artist/song edition
  - Improved tag edition
  - Added song re-order on album / playlists
  - Replaced Prototype with jQuery
  - Added 'Favorite' feature on songs/albums/artists
  - Added 'Direct Play' feature to play songs without using 
    a playlist
  - Added Lyrics plugins (ChartLyrics and LyricWiki)
  - Fixed ShoutBox enable/disable (reported by cipriant)
  - Added SoundCloud, Dropbox, Subsonic and Google Music catalog 
  - Improved Catalogs using plug-ins
  - Added browse paging to all information pages
  - Fixed LDAP authentication with password containing '&' 
    (reported by bruth2)
  - Added directories to zip archives
  - Improved project code style and added Travis builds
  - Added albums default sort preference
  - Added number of times an artist/album/song was played
  - Fixed installation process without database creation
  - Removed administrative flags
- changes from 3.6-Future
  - Fixed issue with long session IDs that affected OS X Mavericks 
    and possibly other newer PHP installations (reported by yebo29)
  - Fixed some sort issues (patch by Afterster)
  - Fixed Fresh theme display on large screens (patch by Afterster)
  - Fixed bug that allowed guests to add radio stations
  - Added support for aacp transcoding
  - Improved storage efficiency for large browse results
  - Fixed unnecessary growth of the tmp_browse table from API usage 
    (reported by Ondalf)
  - Removed external module 'validateEmail'
  - Updated PHPMailer to 5.2.6
- clean spec
- added patch for playlist-error and generation tables
- update apache.conf
- update README-SUSE
- fix many, many rpmlint errors and warnings
- update to git head 3.6-alpha6+FUTURE
- drop obsolete patch
- merge configfile patch
- update Apache config to 2.4 syntax (with 2.2 syntax commented)
- make build on SLES 10 SP 2 (conditional fdupes)
- recreated patch to apply cleanly
- use %fdupes
- gzip man page to please rpmlint
- added ampache-3.5.4-PHP-segfault-session_start-bnc568667.patch
  as workaround for bnc#568667 - segfault in PHP session_start().
  Make sure that session_set_save_handler() is run. It is supposed to be run
  from _auto_init(), but that's not called for some reason.
- update to 3.5.4
  This release fixes some bugs introduced in the last release as well as some
  significant improvements / fixes for the localplay methods. Catalog size
  calculation was also corrected for larger catalogs. It should now work for up
  to 4TB catalogs. New installations of 3.5.4 will include an additional two
  default ACLs for API use.
- update to 3.5.3
  - Correct potential security issues due to misuse of REQUEST for write
    operations rather then POST
- see for full changelog
  between 3.4.4 and 3.5.3
- add requirement on php5-hash package
- update to 3.4.4
    * Fixed so that it correctly runs verify without errors
    * Fixed democratic play url so that it respects force http play
    * Make error messages during installation more helpful
    * Backported fix to update language based on that selected during installation
    * Fixed potential fread() of 0 bytes if you seek to the very end of a file
- update to 3.4.3:
  + many bugfixes
  + added ability to specify new Genre when adding a Radio Station
  + added Ratings links to Browse Albums and Artists
  + added single genre and playlist XML methods
  + added /bin/ for correcting filenames with 
    invalid chars
  + added iconv check
  + DB Update, fixes the playlist create issue with full strict on 
    MySQL 5.x
  + ... (see /usr/share/doc/packages/ampache/CHANGELOG)
- removed ampache-
- updated ampache-confpath.patch
- use fdupes
- fix some rpmlint errors
- fix build
- use rpm macros 
- update to
  + Fixed Create A Catalog link if no catalog found
  + Fixed a problem with the installer created with db changes
  + Fixed a problem with recently played calc thinking there are
    60 hours in a day, and 60 days in a week :S
  + Fixed a bug in the duplicate display where the song_id's for the
    play link were always the same
  + Fixed bad sort link on show albums
  + Fixed missing Offset Limit
  + Altered making it VARCHAR(64) to account for longer
    session id's generated by PHP
  + Added LastFM album art searching
  + Fixed Show All on Song Title and Genre Browse
  + Tweaked Preferred Album Art filename to allow % in filename to
    indicate wildcards (a preg .*)
  + Fixed plugin preferences not being built correctly
  + Fixed the logic with MPD Global/Local with an ugly hack
  + Fixed the dump album art script for real this time
  + Added a missing icon for the add user
  + Fixed a potential infinite loop on the random album display
  + Fixed the /bin/ scripts so that you don't have to be in their
    dir to execute them
- rename ampache- and ampache- to 
  follow the openSUSE packaging guidelines
- also package README.SUSE file
- added /var/log/ampache as directory
- update to
- cleanup buildroot
- fix path to config file in test.php (which is run when
  configuration errors are encountered)
- don't set register_globals, it is no longer needed
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
- update to
- dropped ampache- (included upstream)
- fix dependencies for php5
- fixed security bug in snoopy php module (bundled HTTP client
  library), which allowed an authenticated user to remotely execute
  code on the server.  [#136704], CVE-2005-3330
- update to
- now that php4-iconv exists on all architectures, we can require
- remove requirement on php4-iconv again, because it does not exist
  on certain architectures (see php4.spec). (Wrapping in %ifnarch
  doesn't help because the package is noarch.)
- add php4-session php4-mysql to Requires
- update to 3.2.2
- the default name of the database for a new installation is now
  changed from "ampache3_1" to "ampache"
- make the package require php4-iconv
- in /etc/apache2/conf.d/ampache.conf, refer to the Timeout that is
  set globally from /etc/sysconfig/apache2
- remove apache1 traces
- update to 3.2-Alpha2.1 (fixing bug of 3.2-Alpha2 that reset user
- update to 3.2-Alpha2
- upstream config file moved to config/
- cleaning of buildroot is done by %prep
- update to 3.2-Alpha1
- the patch to make $action global is included
- wrap configuration into <IfModule sapi_apache2.c>, so apache
  won't refuse to start if mod_php4 is not loaded
- bzip2 sources
- drop the requires on the perl modules that are needed only for
  migration from old database versions. Instead, put it in the
- update the README and put the instructions for new installations
  at the top, so it is less confusing
- fix wrong directory permissions of docdir [#36431]
- update to cvs version
- reenable register_globals for now, since not all features work
  without it
- added option # norootforbuild in specfile
- update to 3.1.02
- drop ampache-3.0-sorting.dif (included upstream)
- drop ampache-3.0-session-expire.dif, obsolete
- adjust to new file layout
- add Requires: perl-DBI perl-Msql-Mysql-modules perl-Data-ShowTable
  for the migration scripts
- rename README.SUSE file and add notes about migration
- add patch that prevents certain login failures due to cookies
  from the year 1935
- set a default character set
- add a hint on configuration without a virtual host
- apache configuration:
  - fix trailing slash in Alias
  - add Directory configuration (needed for apache2, where not
    everything is allowed by default) [#29729]
  - install the configuration file also for apache2
  - add Requires: http_daemon mod_php
- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28815]
- fix permissions of /etc/ to be readable by the
  webserver but not writable, [#21782]
- add patch to improve sorting
- don't package CVS directories
- remove executable flag from most files
- use %defattr instead of chmod&chown
- modules/config.php doesn't need to be protected
- add sysconfig metadata [#22591]
- verify the instructions in README.SuSE and improve them
- improve the apache configuration, and add explaining comments
- fix apache ServerRoot
- use PreReq
- new package (version v3.0)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 627514 from Mathias Homann's avatar Mathias Homann (lemmy04) (revision 64)
- update to 3.8.9
  - 3.8.9
    - Fixed uploading of avatar.
    - DSub now writes the correct extension when the ampache config switch encode_player_api_target is enabled.
    - Artist info now properly displayed.
    - Fixed login bug with PHP-7.2 installed.
  - 3.8.8
    - Subsonic API now removes illegal characters before returning text.
    - Removed hardcoded access level to allow guests to stream audio.
    - Guest accounts can now access songs and public playlists.
    - Fixed bug in subsonic API which caused DSub not to create folders or add file extensions when caching.
Displaying revisions 41 - 60 of 123
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