OpenStreetMap to GARMIN converter

Edit Package mkgmap

This program converts OpenStreetMap data into a map that can be loaded onto a Garmin GPS device. It does the conversion in one step without depending on any other program.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000057 57 Bytes
fastutil-6.5.2-mkg.1.jar 0000324394 317 KB
mkgmap 0000000063 63 Bytes
mkgmap.changes 0000002699 2.64 KB
mkgmap.spec 0000002905 2.84 KB
no_ivy_download.diff 0000000880 880 Bytes
osmpbf-1.1.1-754a33af.jar 0000192484 188 KB
tilesplitter 0000000065 65 Bytes
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