OpenCPN-4.x.x Weather Routing Plugin

Edit Package OpenCPN-weather_routing_pi

Weather Routing PlugIn for OpenCPN 4.x.x
Weather routing plugin creates optimized weather routes using isochrone method and predictive grib data or averaged gridded Climate data based upon constraint settings, start and finish information, and boat performance calculated using boat specs or polar data.

Use the Grib Plugin and recently downloaded grib files for completing grib predictive routing (1-8 days).
Use the Climatology Plugin to find cruising routes, (most useful in prevailing winds areas)
Use both grib and climatology data, allowing the grib's route to be extended past time/range, or to use current data if the grib does not contain it, or to use climatology to avoid areas of cyclones.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
OpenCPN-weather_routing_pi-rpmlintrc 0000000050 50 Bytes
OpenCPN-weather_routing_pi.spec 0000002628 2.57 KB
_service 0000000452 452 Bytes
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