New curses Libraries

Edit Package ncurses

As soon as a text application needs to directly control its output to
the screen (if it wants to place the cursor at location (x,y) then
write text), ncurses is used. The panel and the forms libraries are
included in this package. These new libraries support color, special
characters, and panels.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
FORTIFY_SOURCE_3-fix.patch 0000000452 452 Bytes
README.devel 0000001810 1.77 KB
baselibs.conf 0000000405 405 Bytes 0000000989 989 Bytes
cursescheck 0000008795 8.59 KB
edit.sed 0000000490 490 Bytes 0000000856 856 Bytes
handle.linux 0000002278 2.22 KB
ncurses-5.7-tack.dif 0000001550 1.51 KB
ncurses-5.9-ibm327x.dif 0000000418 418 Bytes
ncurses-6.4.dif 0000027947 27.3 KB
ncurses-6.5-ghostty.dif 0000000719 719 Bytes
ncurses-6.5-patches.tar.bz2 0002806032 2.68 MB
ncurses-6.5.tar.gz 0003688489 3.52 MB
ncurses-6.5.tar.gz.asc 0000000729 729 Bytes
ncurses-rpmlintrc 0000000169 169 Bytes
ncurses.changes 0000414978 405 KB
ncurses.keyring 0000006266 6.12 KB
ncurses.spec 0000036769 35.9 KB
ncursesnt 0000000352 352 Bytes
tack-1.10-20240501.tgz 0000258959 253 KB
tack-1.10-20240501.tgz.asc 0000000729 729 Bytes
Comments 3

Xu Zhao's avatar

Runtime cyclic dependency of terminfo-base and libncurses6:

$ rpm -q --requires terminfo-base | grep ncurses
ncurses >= 6.5.20240713

$ rpm -q --requires libncurses6|grep terminfo

Are these packages really depend on each other, and if yes, can we repackage and merge them?

Dr. Werner Fink's avatar

This makes no sense ... the basic terminal description data base has nothing to do with a shared library ... also in libncrurses or better libtinfo there is a minimal set of compiled in database for the default terminals used at boot (like the linux terminal or on s390 the ibm327x terminal)

We could change the Requires to a Recommend ... simply because you can install terminfo-base without library but you can not use it without libncurses6

Xu Zhao's avatar

Thanks for the fix!

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