The readline library

Edit Package readline8

The readline library is used by the Bourne Again Shell (bash, the standard command interpreter) for easy editing of command lines. This includes history and search functionality.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000333 333 Bytes
readline-5.2-conf.patch 0000004242 4.14 KB
readline-6.2-metamode.patch 0000000385 385 Bytes
readline-6.2-xmalloc.dif 0000001122 1.1 KB
readline-6.3-destdir.patch 0000007411 7.24 KB
readline-6.3-input.dif 0000001511 1.48 KB
readline-6.3-rltrace.patch 0000000987 987 Bytes
readline-7.0-screen.patch 0000001799 1.76 KB
readline-8.0.dif 0000005564 5.43 KB
readline-8.0.tar.gz 0002975937 2.84 MB
readline-8.0.tar.gz.sig 0000000095 95 Bytes
readline.changes 0000118466 116 KB
readline.keyring 0000001321 1.29 KB
readline.spec 0000007883 7.7 KB
readline80-001 0000000927 927 Bytes
readline80-001.sig 0000000095 95 Bytes
readline80-002 0000001401 1.37 KB
readline80-002.sig 0000000095 95 Bytes
readline80-003 0000002158 2.11 KB
readline80-003.sig 0000000095 95 Bytes
readline80-004 0000001275 1.25 KB
readline80-004.sig 0000000095 95 Bytes
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