
Edit Package bbswitch

bbswitch is a kernel module which automatically detects the required ACPI calls for two kinds of Optimus laptops.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-Update-proc_create_call-for-5.6-kernel.patch 0000001570 1.53 KB
bbswitch-fix-header-inclusion.patch 0000000551 551 Bytes
bbswitch.changes 0000004089 3.99 KB
bbswitch.spec 0000003600 3.52 KB
fix-deprecated-acpi_bus_get_device-in-5.18.patch 0000000533 533 Bytes
v0.8.tar.gz 0000015800 15.4 KB
Comments 3

Anonymous User's avatar

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Ákos Szőts's avatar

(subscribe for Tumbleweed)

Mischa Salle's avatar

Hi, could you rebuild the package, at least for Leap15? The bbswitch-kmp-default depends via kernel-uname-r = 4.12.14-lp150.11-default on an old kernel (current version in Leap15 is 4.12.14-lp150.12.13.1), which means e.g. that the purge-kernel.service fails.

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